Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. BOARD WORK SESSION - 5:00-6:00 p.m.
2.A. Board Goals 2021-2022
3. BOARD REGULAR SESSION - Begins at 6:00 p.m.
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Approval of October 13, 2021 Board Agenda (ACTION)
6. Say Something Positive
7. Superintendent's Report
8. Consent Agenda (ACTION)
8.A. Routine Personnel Items - October 2021
8.A.1. Coaches - October 2021
8.B. Draft Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
8.B.1. July 28, 2021 - Special & Regular Session
8.B.2. September 15, 2021 - Regular Session
8.C. Out of State Travel Request(s)
8.C.1. North Valley HS Athletic Director Tim Sam requests to attend the National Athletic Directors Conference in Denver, Colorado December 9-15, 2021. All travel expenses will be paid by the Oregon Athletic Directors Association. There is no expense to TRSD.
8.C.2. North Valley HS Principal Erik Lathen requests approval to participate in the Navy educator workshop November 29-December 3, 2021 in San Diego, California. There is no cost to the district as the Navy pays for the trip in full.
8.D. Resolution 7 Revision - 2020-2021
9. Community Comments
10. Reports - No Action
10.A. Domestic Violence Hotline Sticker Project
10.B. Division 22 Standards for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools - 2020-2021 Assurances Report to the Community
10.C. TRSD Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)
10.D. Restraint and Seclusion Report
10.E. COVID Report
10.F. Board Policies - First Reading
11. ACTION Items
11.A. Interdistrict Transfer Slots
11.B. Resolution (#02) to Transfer Appropriations from Contingency and Authorize Purchase of Fruitdale Property
11.C. Budget Calendar
11.D. OSEA (Classified) Memorandum of Understanding - 2021-2022 Food Service Hours
12. Communication to the Board (No Action - Read Only)
12.A. Enrollment Reports
12.B. Financial Reports
12.C. Food Service FY21 Final Ending Fund Balance
12.D. Energy Use Comparisons
12.E. Payables
12.F. Site Council Minutes
12.F.1. North Valley High School
12.F.2. Evergreen Elementary
12.F.3. Fleming Middle School
12.F.4. Hidden Valley High School
12.G. School Newsletters
12.G.1. Williams Elementary
12.G.2. Applegate School
12.G.3. Illinois Valley High School
12.G.4. Fleming Middle School
12.G.5. Hidden Valley High School (online - click on link)
13. Suggested Future Agenda Items
14. Future Meeting Dates:
15. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 13, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Session | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Presenter: |
Jennifer Johnstun, Board Chair
Subject: |
2. BOARD WORK SESSION - 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Subject: |
2.A. Board Goals 2021-2022
Subject: |
3. BOARD REGULAR SESSION - Begins at 6:00 p.m.
Subject: |
4. Pledge of Allegiance
Presenter: |
Jennifer Johnstun, Board Chair
Subject: |
5. Approval of October 13, 2021 Board Agenda (ACTION)
Presenter: |
Jennifer Johnstun, Board Chair
Subject: |
6. Say Something Positive
Presenter: |
Jennifer Johnstun, Board Chair
Subject: |
7. Superintendent's Report
Presenter: |
Dave Valenzuela, Superintendent
Subject: |
8. Consent Agenda (ACTION)
Items in the Consent Agenda will be approved by a single motion unless a member of the Board or Superintendent requests that an item or items be removed and voted upon separately.
Subject: |
8.A. Routine Personnel Items - October 2021
Subject: |
8.A.1. Coaches - October 2021
Subject: |
8.B. Draft Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
Subject: |
8.B.1. July 28, 2021 - Special & Regular Session
Subject: |
8.B.2. September 15, 2021 - Regular Session
Subject: |
8.C. Out of State Travel Request(s)
Subject: |
8.C.1. North Valley HS Athletic Director Tim Sam requests to attend the National Athletic Directors Conference in Denver, Colorado December 9-15, 2021. All travel expenses will be paid by the Oregon Athletic Directors Association. There is no expense to TRSD.
Subject: |
8.C.2. North Valley HS Principal Erik Lathen requests approval to participate in the Navy educator workshop November 29-December 3, 2021 in San Diego, California. There is no cost to the district as the Navy pays for the trip in full.
Subject: |
8.D. Resolution 7 Revision - 2020-2021
Subject: |
9. Community Comments
All public comment needs to be emailed to: prior to 12:00 p.m. on the day of the board meeting.
Subject: |
10. Reports - No Action
Subject: |
10.A. Domestic Violence Hotline Sticker Project
Presenter: |
Jessica Durrant, Director & Misty Morningstar
Subject: |
10.B. Division 22 Standards for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools - 2020-2021 Assurances Report to the Community
Presenter: |
Dave Valenzuela, Superintendent
Subject: |
10.C. TRSD Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)
Presenter: |
Jessica Durrant, Director
Subject: |
10.D. Restraint and Seclusion Report
Presenter: |
Stephanie Allen-Hart, Director
Subject: |
10.E. COVID Report
Presenter: |
Stephanie Allen-Hart, Director
Subject: |
10.F. Board Policies - First Reading
Presenter: |
Casey Alderson, Deputy Superintendent
Subject: |
11. ACTION Items
Subject: |
11.A. Interdistrict Transfer Slots
Presenter: |
Stephanie Allen-Hart, Director
Subject: |
11.B. Resolution (#02) to Transfer Appropriations from Contingency and Authorize Purchase of Fruitdale Property
Presenter: |
Lisa Cross, District Accountant
Subject: |
11.C. Budget Calendar
Presenter: |
Lisa Cross, District Accountant
Subject: |
11.D. OSEA (Classified) Memorandum of Understanding - 2021-2022 Food Service Hours
Presenter: |
Casey Alderson, Deputy Superintendent
Subject: |
12. Communication to the Board (No Action - Read Only)
Subject: |
12.A. Enrollment Reports
Subject: |
12.B. Financial Reports
Subject: |
12.C. Food Service FY21 Final Ending Fund Balance
Subject: |
12.D. Energy Use Comparisons
Subject: |
12.E. Payables
Subject: |
12.F. Site Council Minutes
Subject: |
12.F.1. North Valley High School
Subject: |
12.F.2. Evergreen Elementary
Subject: |
12.F.3. Fleming Middle School
Subject: |
12.F.4. Hidden Valley High School
Subject: |
12.G. School Newsletters
Subject: |
12.G.1. Williams Elementary
Subject: |
12.G.2. Applegate School
Subject: |
12.G.3. Illinois Valley High School
Subject: |
12.G.4. Fleming Middle School
Subject: |
12.G.5. Hidden Valley High School (online - click on link)
Subject: |
13. Suggested Future Agenda Items
Presenter: |
Jennifer Johnstun, Board Chair
Subject: |
14. Future Meeting Dates:
Subject: |
15. Adjournment
Presenter: |
Jennifer Johnstun, Board Chair