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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order/ Establish a Quorum is Present
2. May 2024 School Board Trustee Election Results & Related Tasks
2.A. Canvass the Election: Present the Election Reconciliation - Official Results Report.
2.B. Issue Certificates of Election.
2.C. Swear-in new School Board Trustees
2.C.1. Oath of Office
2.C.2. Statement of Officer
3. Reorganization of the Board of Trustees of the Leakey Independent School District.
3.A. Make nominations for each officer position: President, Vice-President, and Secretary. Hold discussion on the nominations before proceeding to vote. Conduct a vote and announce the results. 
4. Pledge of Allegiance 
5. Opening Prayer
6. Welcome Visitors/Public Comment
7. Recognitions
8. Information
8.A. Board training requirements for new members.
8.B. Schedule the June meeting to hold the required Public Hearing on Proposed Budget and to Adopt the Fiscal Year 2025 General, Cafe, and Debt Service Budgets. Proposed Date: Monday June 24, 2024. A public notice will be published as required for the agreed-upon date.
9. Consent Agenda
9.A. Consider and Approve Payment of the Bills and Invoices for the period April 22, 2024 through May 16, 2024.
9.B. Consider for Approval the Minutes of the April 22, 2024 Regular Board Meeting.
10. Discussion and Business Action Items
10.A. Consider and approve granting the superintendent final hiring authority through Oct 1, 2024. 
10.B. Consider and Approve the District's current Teacher Incentive Allotment Spending Plan as required. 
10.C. Consider and Approve renewal of all TASB insurance policies covering Leakey ISD. This includes property, liability, auto, professional/HR, privacy & security, violence, workers' comp, and unemployment. Both the District’s appraised property values have increased, and the District's loss rate assigned by TASB (from $.22/100 to $.29/100), resulting in an overall increase of aprox. 32% in premiums. TASB’s rates were released to the District on Monday, May 13th.  School districts, as well as businesses and property owners alike, are seeing similar increases in insurance costs. Some districts saw increases of as much as 40-60%. Due to the timing of the release of the premium notice and budget adoption timeline restraints, it is recommended that the District proceed with renewal of TASB for fiscal year 25; however, the district will release a Request for Proposal (RFP) document this year in order to solicit competitive bids in order to ensure the most suitable insurance coverage at the best value for the District.
10.D. Consider and Approve a Resolution to Update Signers on First State Bank of Uvalde bank accounts. 
10.E. Consider and Approve delegating final authority to the Superintendent to exercise the option to cancel/opt-out of the Texas Schools Health Benefit Program for the 2024-2025 plan year and/or to enroll the District in an alternative plan, as applicable. The deadline to non-renew with TSHBP is June 15, 2024; plan renewal options and pricing were just received on Wednesday May 15, 2024. An independent insurance broker will be meeting with administrators in the first week of June to provide additional insurance options to review. 
10.F. Consider and Approve a recommendation to renew catastrophic coverage only student insurance with The Brokerage Store. Claims history shows very little utilization of the comprehensive program. For individuals who are already carrying health insurance, this policy acts as a secondary policy with limited benefits. For those without traditional health insurance plans, many are covered by Medicaid. And for those not in either of the aforementioned categories, there is a voluntary option that is very affordable. See documents provided.
11. Closed Session
12. Open Session- Action Items from Closed Session
13. Campus and Department Reports
13.A. Maintenance Report
13.B. Transportation Report
13.C. Leakey ISD Police Department Report
13.D. Athletic Director Report
13.E. Principal's Report
13.F. Business Manager's Report
13.F.1. Fiscal Year 2024
13.F.1.a. Business Manager's Report
13.F.1.b. Updated Summary of Finance Report
13.F.1.c. Year-to-Date FIN3050 Board Report
13.F.2. Fiscal Year 2025
13.F.2.a. Presentation of the 2024 Preliminary Values for Leakey Independent School District for Real Central Appraisal District and Uvalde Central Appraisal District.
13.F.2.b. Preliminary maximum compressed tax rate from TEA and resulting Net Taxable Valuation Calculation for fiscal year 2025.
13.F.2.c. Review and Discuss the preliminary fiscal year 2025 requested budget report.
13.G. Superintendent's Report
13.G.1. Hires
13.G.2. Resignation
13.G.3. Divide ISD
14. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: May 20, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order/ Establish a Quorum is Present
2. May 2024 School Board Trustee Election Results & Related Tasks
2.A. Canvass the Election: Present the Election Reconciliation - Official Results Report.
2.B. Issue Certificates of Election.
2.C. Swear-in new School Board Trustees
2.C.1. Oath of Office
2.C.2. Statement of Officer
3. Reorganization of the Board of Trustees of the Leakey Independent School District.
3.A. Make nominations for each officer position: President, Vice-President, and Secretary. Hold discussion on the nominations before proceeding to vote. Conduct a vote and announce the results. 
4. Pledge of Allegiance 
5. Opening Prayer
6. Welcome Visitors/Public Comment
7. Recognitions
8. Information
8.A. Board training requirements for new members.
8.B. Schedule the June meeting to hold the required Public Hearing on Proposed Budget and to Adopt the Fiscal Year 2025 General, Cafe, and Debt Service Budgets. Proposed Date: Monday June 24, 2024. A public notice will be published as required for the agreed-upon date.
9. Consent Agenda
9.A. Consider and Approve Payment of the Bills and Invoices for the period April 22, 2024 through May 16, 2024.
9.B. Consider for Approval the Minutes of the April 22, 2024 Regular Board Meeting.
10. Discussion and Business Action Items
10.A. Consider and approve granting the superintendent final hiring authority through Oct 1, 2024. 
10.B. Consider and Approve the District's current Teacher Incentive Allotment Spending Plan as required. 
10.C. Consider and Approve renewal of all TASB insurance policies covering Leakey ISD. This includes property, liability, auto, professional/HR, privacy & security, violence, workers' comp, and unemployment. Both the District’s appraised property values have increased, and the District's loss rate assigned by TASB (from $.22/100 to $.29/100), resulting in an overall increase of aprox. 32% in premiums. TASB’s rates were released to the District on Monday, May 13th.  School districts, as well as businesses and property owners alike, are seeing similar increases in insurance costs. Some districts saw increases of as much as 40-60%. Due to the timing of the release of the premium notice and budget adoption timeline restraints, it is recommended that the District proceed with renewal of TASB for fiscal year 25; however, the district will release a Request for Proposal (RFP) document this year in order to solicit competitive bids in order to ensure the most suitable insurance coverage at the best value for the District.
10.D. Consider and Approve a Resolution to Update Signers on First State Bank of Uvalde bank accounts. 
10.E. Consider and Approve delegating final authority to the Superintendent to exercise the option to cancel/opt-out of the Texas Schools Health Benefit Program for the 2024-2025 plan year and/or to enroll the District in an alternative plan, as applicable. The deadline to non-renew with TSHBP is June 15, 2024; plan renewal options and pricing were just received on Wednesday May 15, 2024. An independent insurance broker will be meeting with administrators in the first week of June to provide additional insurance options to review. 
10.F. Consider and Approve a recommendation to renew catastrophic coverage only student insurance with The Brokerage Store. Claims history shows very little utilization of the comprehensive program. For individuals who are already carrying health insurance, this policy acts as a secondary policy with limited benefits. For those without traditional health insurance plans, many are covered by Medicaid. And for those not in either of the aforementioned categories, there is a voluntary option that is very affordable. See documents provided.
11. Closed Session
12. Open Session- Action Items from Closed Session
13. Campus and Department Reports
13.A. Maintenance Report
13.B. Transportation Report
13.C. Leakey ISD Police Department Report
13.D. Athletic Director Report
13.E. Principal's Report
13.F. Business Manager's Report
13.F.1. Fiscal Year 2024
13.F.1.a. Business Manager's Report
13.F.1.b. Updated Summary of Finance Report
13.F.1.c. Year-to-Date FIN3050 Board Report
13.F.2. Fiscal Year 2025
13.F.2.a. Presentation of the 2024 Preliminary Values for Leakey Independent School District for Real Central Appraisal District and Uvalde Central Appraisal District.
13.F.2.b. Preliminary maximum compressed tax rate from TEA and resulting Net Taxable Valuation Calculation for fiscal year 2025.
13.F.2.c. Review and Discuss the preliminary fiscal year 2025 requested budget report.
13.G. Superintendent's Report
13.G.1. Hires
13.G.2. Resignation
13.G.3. Divide ISD
14. Adjourn

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