Meeting Agenda
1. Recognition of South San Antonio ISD Retirees
2. Capturing Kids' Heart National Showcase School
3. Recognize Coca-Cola Valued Youth Tutors for Awards in the National Essay Contest
4. Recognition of the Carrillo ES Award: $20,000 Walmart Foundation Grant for Literacy
NOTICE: The Board of Trustees may elect to go into Closed Meeting any time during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Board of Trustees elects to go into Closed Meeting regarding an Agenda Item, the Board of Trustees will hold a Closed Meeting to discuss individual personnel matters including termination, litigation and other matters the Board deems necessary. Upon completion of Closed Meeting, the Board of Trustees may, in the open session, take such action as appropriate on items discussed in a Closed Meeting. If, during the course of the meeting, any discussion of any item listed on the agenda should be held in Closed Meeting, the Board will convene in such Closed Meeting in accordance with Texas Government Code Sections 551.001 - 551.088. The Board members may take action in the open portion of the meeting on items discussed in the Closed Meeting but no action will be taken in closed session. The Board will return to open session and take appropriate action, if any, on items discussed in closed session. No Action will be taken in closed session. Further, Board Members are reminded that all items discussed in closed session must remain confidential so as to avoid liability to the district. The Board will consider and discuss, the following items: Closed Meeting pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code §§ 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.076, 551.082, and 551.0821 |
1. Discussion concerning personnel matters pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074.
2. Discuss Superintendent's Evaluation Instrument
1. Report on the status of the school district's response to the TEA Annual Financial Report inquiry
2. An oral or written report by the Eleven Productions, Marketing Firm, regarding the reopening of Athens Elementary, Kazen Middle School, West Campus High School and the Olivares Complex.
3. An oral or written report/presentation regarding the preliminary STAAR results for various grade levels and subject areas scheduled for public release on June 11, 2019 and EOC and STAAR 5th Reading/Math & 8th Reading/Math Retest Results
4. Quarterly Investment Report
5. Quarterly Budget Update for the period ending May 31, 2019
6. Report on Goal Progress Measure 3.3: Percentage of K-2 Students Reading on Level
7. A brief oral report on the Early College High School program course requirements for the incoming Freshman Class, SY 2019-2020, including but not limited to, the number of current teachers that teach those courses; teacher certification requirements; potential dual field teaching capacity and campus location for Early College High School students.
Policy BE (Local) states that the consent agenda shall include items of a routine and/or recurring nature grouped together under one action item. All such items shall be acted upon by one vote without separate discussion, unless a Board Member requests that an item be withdrawn for individual consideration. The remaining items shall be adopted under a single motion and vote. |
1. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes, Time Management Log, and Board Tracker:
1.A. May 2, 2019 Special Called Meeting
1.B. May 15, 2019 Regular Called Meeting
2. Approval of Agreement for service with Garza/Gonzalez & Associates for the Annual Financial Audit for the 2018-2019 fiscal year
3. Approve the South San Antonio ISD Depository Contract Extension with Wells Fargo Bank
4. Approve Disposal Method of Out of Adoption Textbooks
5. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and South San Antonio Independent School District.
6. Approve as part of the mental health and wellness initiative the Service Delivery Agreement between CIS - Project Access and South San Antonio ISD
7. Approve the Service Delivery Agreement between CIS and South San Antonio ISD
8. Approve DNA (Local) Policy: Performance Appraisal Evaluation of Teachers
9. Approve the Lone Star Governance 3 year Monitoring Calendar to align with the new Student Outcome Goals, Superintendent Constraints, and Progress Measures.
10. Approve the renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding for the 2019-2020 school year with the Bexar County Juvenile Board
11. Approve the June Budget Amendment
12. Approve the necessary construction contracts for remodeling at Athens, Kazen, West Campus, and Olivares
13. Approval of Job Order Contract (JOC) as the procurement method for the repair and replacement of field and track surfaces at South San Stadium
14. Approval for District Administration to solicit request for proposal (RFP) for insurance coverage in the areas of Property, Casualty, Automobile, educator's Legal Liability, Crime and General Liability
15. Approval for District Administration to solicit request for proposal (RFP) for Excess Workers Compensation Insurance for the District's Self-Funded Workers' Compensation Program
16. Approval for District Administration to solicit request for proposal (RFP) for health insurance consultant
17. Approve the Carrillo ES Award: $20,000 Walmart Foundation Grant for Literacy
18. Approve Board Operating Procedures
1. Discussion and Possible Action to Adopt Superintendent's Evaluation Instrument
2. Discussion and possible action to receive a recommendation from the Superintendent on the Early College High School program for the Freshman Class of 2019-2020.
3. Discussion and possible action to receive a recommendation from the Superintendent regarding a request from the City of San Antonio to re-establish a safety crossing guard location at the intersection of New Laredo Hwy and W. Gerald Ave to accommodate the students attending Athens Elementary, SY 2019-2020.
4. Discussion and possible action to approve the contract for the repair and replacement of field and track surfaces at South San Stadium
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 19, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
1. Recognition of South San Antonio ISD Retirees
Subject: |
2. Capturing Kids' Heart National Showcase School
Subject: |
3. Recognize Coca-Cola Valued Youth Tutors for Awards in the National Essay Contest
Subject: |
4. Recognition of the Carrillo ES Award: $20,000 Walmart Foundation Grant for Literacy
Subject: |
NOTICE: The Board of Trustees may elect to go into Closed Meeting any time during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Board of Trustees elects to go into Closed Meeting regarding an Agenda Item, the Board of Trustees will hold a Closed Meeting to discuss individual personnel matters including termination, litigation and other matters the Board deems necessary. Upon completion of Closed Meeting, the Board of Trustees may, in the open session, take such action as appropriate on items discussed in a Closed Meeting. If, during the course of the meeting, any discussion of any item listed on the agenda should be held in Closed Meeting, the Board will convene in such Closed Meeting in accordance with Texas Government Code Sections 551.001 - 551.088. The Board members may take action in the open portion of the meeting on items discussed in the Closed Meeting but no action will be taken in closed session. The Board will return to open session and take appropriate action, if any, on items discussed in closed session. No Action will be taken in closed session. Further, Board Members are reminded that all items discussed in closed session must remain confidential so as to avoid liability to the district. The Board will consider and discuss, the following items: Closed Meeting pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code §§ 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.076, 551.082, and 551.0821 |
Subject: |
1. Discussion concerning personnel matters pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074.
Subject: |
2. Discuss Superintendent's Evaluation Instrument
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
1. Report on the status of the school district's response to the TEA Annual Financial Report inquiry
Subject: |
2. An oral or written report by the Eleven Productions, Marketing Firm, regarding the reopening of Athens Elementary, Kazen Middle School, West Campus High School and the Olivares Complex.
Subject: |
3. An oral or written report/presentation regarding the preliminary STAAR results for various grade levels and subject areas scheduled for public release on June 11, 2019 and EOC and STAAR 5th Reading/Math & 8th Reading/Math Retest Results
Subject: |
4. Quarterly Investment Report
Subject: |
5. Quarterly Budget Update for the period ending May 31, 2019
Subject: |
6. Report on Goal Progress Measure 3.3: Percentage of K-2 Students Reading on Level
Subject: |
7. A brief oral report on the Early College High School program course requirements for the incoming Freshman Class, SY 2019-2020, including but not limited to, the number of current teachers that teach those courses; teacher certification requirements; potential dual field teaching capacity and campus location for Early College High School students.
Subject: |
Subject: |
Policy BE (Local) states that the consent agenda shall include items of a routine and/or recurring nature grouped together under one action item. All such items shall be acted upon by one vote without separate discussion, unless a Board Member requests that an item be withdrawn for individual consideration. The remaining items shall be adopted under a single motion and vote. |
Subject: |
1. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes, Time Management Log, and Board Tracker:
Subject: |
1.A. May 2, 2019 Special Called Meeting
Subject: |
1.B. May 15, 2019 Regular Called Meeting
Subject: |
2. Approval of Agreement for service with Garza/Gonzalez & Associates for the Annual Financial Audit for the 2018-2019 fiscal year
Subject: |
3. Approve the South San Antonio ISD Depository Contract Extension with Wells Fargo Bank
Subject: |
4. Approve Disposal Method of Out of Adoption Textbooks
Subject: |
5. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and South San Antonio Independent School District.
Subject: |
6. Approve as part of the mental health and wellness initiative the Service Delivery Agreement between CIS - Project Access and South San Antonio ISD
Subject: |
7. Approve the Service Delivery Agreement between CIS and South San Antonio ISD
Subject: |
8. Approve DNA (Local) Policy: Performance Appraisal Evaluation of Teachers
Subject: |
9. Approve the Lone Star Governance 3 year Monitoring Calendar to align with the new Student Outcome Goals, Superintendent Constraints, and Progress Measures.
Subject: |
10. Approve the renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding for the 2019-2020 school year with the Bexar County Juvenile Board
Subject: |
11. Approve the June Budget Amendment
Subject: |
12. Approve the necessary construction contracts for remodeling at Athens, Kazen, West Campus, and Olivares
Subject: |
13. Approval of Job Order Contract (JOC) as the procurement method for the repair and replacement of field and track surfaces at South San Stadium
Subject: |
14. Approval for District Administration to solicit request for proposal (RFP) for insurance coverage in the areas of Property, Casualty, Automobile, educator's Legal Liability, Crime and General Liability
Subject: |
15. Approval for District Administration to solicit request for proposal (RFP) for Excess Workers Compensation Insurance for the District's Self-Funded Workers' Compensation Program
Subject: |
16. Approval for District Administration to solicit request for proposal (RFP) for health insurance consultant
Subject: |
17. Approve the Carrillo ES Award: $20,000 Walmart Foundation Grant for Literacy
Subject: |
18. Approve Board Operating Procedures
Subject: |
Subject: |
1. Discussion and Possible Action to Adopt Superintendent's Evaluation Instrument
Subject: |
2. Discussion and possible action to receive a recommendation from the Superintendent on the Early College High School program for the Freshman Class of 2019-2020.
Subject: |
3. Discussion and possible action to receive a recommendation from the Superintendent regarding a request from the City of San Antonio to re-establish a safety crossing guard location at the intersection of New Laredo Hwy and W. Gerald Ave to accommodate the students attending Athens Elementary, SY 2019-2020.
Subject: |
4. Discussion and possible action to approve the contract for the repair and replacement of field and track surfaces at South San Stadium
Subject: |