Meeting Agenda
I. Determination of Quorum and Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Reading of the Minutes
III.A. May 17, 2022 Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes
IV. Citizens' Comments (approved by board on 5-20-99)
V. Special Items
V.A. Approve the Board of Trustee Bylaws
V.B. Approve the expansion plan for the Richmond Campus, to include the construction of a new Academic Building and Center for Allied Health Studies (N/A)
V.C. Reports from Board Committees
VI. Presentations, Awards, and/or President's Report
VI.A. Retirement Resolution for Barbara Lynn
VI.B. Retirement Resolution for Deanna Feyen
VI.C. Retirement Resolution for Mike Feyen
VI.D. Overview of the Fitness Center
VI.E. Update on change from Blackboard to D2L - Leigh Ann Collins
VI.F. Report on College Events
VII. Student Success
VIII. Reports to the Board
VIII.A. Financial Reports
VIII.A.1. May 2022 Financials
VIII.B. Management Reports
VIII.B.1. Technology Report
VIII.B.2. Financial Aid Report
VIII.B.3. Testing Report
VIII.C. Reports from College Governance Councils
X. Matters Relating to General Administration
X.A. Consideration and approval of the addition, revision or deletion of (LOCAL) policies as recommended by TASB Community College Services and according to the instruction sheet for TASB localized policy manual update 43 for Wharton County Junior College ($1,606.20 total - 43 packet/service $1,567.00 plus printing/shipping 280 pages @ $0.14 each $39.20)
X.B. Approve (4) 12-month billboard advertising contract agreements with JGI Outdoor Advertising for billboards in El Campo, Rosenberg, Richmond, and Sugar Land ($75,000.00 - Plant Fund)
XI. Matters Relating to Academic Affairs
XI.A. Approve a new Level 1 Payroll Specialist Certificate, effective fall 2023 (no cost; current faculty, technology, and classroom space is sufficient)
XI.B. Approve funding for the NRG Skills Development Fund Grant (no cost; $575,941 grant revenue)
XII. Matters Relating to Administrative Services
XII.A. Recommend approval of the sixth amendment to lease agreement with the University of Houston System ($27,544.00 additional costs for FY23. This amount will be included in the FY23 budget)
XII.B. Approve the proposal submitted by Echo Healthcare to provide an interactive 3 wall projection system lab simulator with touch controls simulating actual scenes to help EMT students manage these environments ($118,490.00 - TRUE Grant Funds $72,335.00 and transfer from Plant Fund $46,155.00)
XII.C. Approve the proposal submitted by Echo Healthcare to provide 5 Lifecast simulator manikins ranging from full term baby to adult in order to simulate different clinical settings that EMT students will encounter in the field ($78,770.00 - TRUE Grant Funds)
XII.D. Approve the one year extension of the agreement with Ambassador Services to clean the Richmond and Bay City Campus locations ($120,553.53 - Current Unrestricted Operating Budget)
XII.E. Approval of the attached Interlocal Cooperation Agreement from the Fort Bend County Tax Assessor/Collector Carmen P. Turner (Approximately $5000.00 -2022-2023 unrestricted budget. The only cost associated with collection is $0.40 per parcel for approximately 12,304 parcels in Needville ISD)
XII.F. Approval of Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Adjustments for the 1st and 2nd quarter periods September 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 (N/A)
XIII. Matters Relating to Technology
XIV. Matters Relating to Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
XIV.A. Approve the amendment submitted by Columbia Advisory Group to provide an interim Chief Information Officer for the College through September 30, 2022 ($75,000 + travel using CRRSAA funds)
XV. Matters Relating to Personnel
XV.A. Board of Trustees
XV.B. Office of President
XV.C. Office of Academic Affairs
XV.C.1. Jazmin Cordova received a change in title/assignment from regular, full time Title V HSI academic advisor for financial literacy, A-05-3, to regular, full time academic advisor, A-05-5, effective May 23, 2022.
XV.C.2. Sandra Davis received a change in contract length from 9 month regular, full time instructor of associate degree nursing, FAC-1-32, to 12 month regular, full time program director/instructor of associate degree nursing program, FAC-1-32, effective August 22, 2022.
XV.C.3. Nathan King employed as regular, full time instructor of English, FAC-7-7, effective August 22, 2022.
XV.C.4. Sandra McCarstle employed as regular, full time instructor of education & early childhood, FAC-4A-1, effective August 22, 2022.
XV.C.5. Monica Oliver employed as temporary, full time Title V HSI experiential learning specialist, A-05-8, effective May 23, 2022.
XV.C.6. Andrea Shropshire received a change in contract length from 12 month regular, full time instructor of associate degree nursing program director, FAC-7-30, to 10 1/2 month regular, full time instructor of associate degree nursing program, FAC-7-30, effective August 22, 2022.
XV.C.7. Antoinette Smith employed as regular, full time academic advisor, A-05-10, effective June 6, 2022.
XV.C.8. Christian Spencer received a change in title/assignment from temporary, full time instructor of speech, FAC-1-10, to regular, full time instructor of speech, FAC-1-10, effective August 22, 2022.
XV.C.9. Shazia Usman received a change in contract length from 10 1/2 month regular, full time instructor of associate degree nursing, FAC-1-20, to 9 month regular, full time instructor of associate degree nursing, FAC-1-20, effective August 22, 2022.
XV.C.10. Emily Krause employed as regular, full time public service librarian, FAC-1-3, effective June 13, 2022.
XV.C.11. Anna Sawyer employed as regular, full time instructor of associate degree nursing, FAC-1-20, effective August 22, 2022.
XV.C.12. Wendy Tamayo received a temporary change in title/assignment from regular, full time continuing education specialist, P-15-3, to temporary, full time continuing education interim facilitator, A-10-9, effective June 6, 2022.
XV.C.13. Stephanie Kolacny employed as regular, full time academic advisor, A-05-10, effective June 27, 2022.
XV.C.14. 2022 May Mini Overloads
XV.C.15. 2022 Summer I Overloads
XV.D. Office of Administrative Services
XV.E. Office of Student Services
XV.F. Office of Technology
XV.G. Office of Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
XV.G.1. Amanda Allen received a change in title/assignment from regular, full time vice president of planning and institutional effectiveness, VP-13-64, to regular, full time vice president of strategy, enrollment management and technology, VP-13-64, effective May 1, 2022.
XV.G.2. Mariam Dadani employed as a regular, full time college recruiter, A-05-5, effective June 27, 2022.
XV.G.3. Leslie Hanneken employed as a regular, full time college recruiter, A-05-10, effective June 27, 2022.
XVII. Paid Professional Assignments
XVII.A. Information Item:
XVII.B. Paid Professional Assignment for Amy Pendergraft, Sim Lab, summer 2022 - $2,100.00
XVII.C. Paid Professional Assignment for Wendy Waters, Assistant Department Head - Human Anatomy & Physiology Coordinator, Summer 2022 - $1,000.00
XVII.D. Paid Professional Assignment for Jennifer Jeffery, Assistant Department Head - General Biology Coordinator, Summer 2022 - $1,000.00
XVIII. Executive Session: According to the Texas Government Code (Chapter 551, Open meetings), the Board may conduct a closed executive session for the following reasons: Consultation with attorney (551.071), deliberation regarding real property (551.072), deliberation regarding prospective gift (551.073), personnel matters (551.074), deliberation regarding security devices, or a security audit (661.076), deliberation regarding economic development negotiations (551.086).
XIX. Consideration and possible action on items discussed in closed session
XX. Discuss Matters Relating to Formal Policy
XXI. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 21, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Determination of Quorum and Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
III. Reading of the Minutes
Subject: |
III.A. May 17, 2022 Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
IV. Citizens' Comments (approved by board on 5-20-99)
This is an open forum for those persons who wish to make presentations to the board and who have signed up to do so under board policy. Presentations are limited to five minutes each with a total of twenty minutes for all presentations.
During the Citizens’ Comments section of the agenda, any citizen/taxpayer (that is, any member of the public, including college employees) may request to address the board in open meeting. If, however, the topic of the presentation to the board falls within one of the other policies of the college, such as the employee complaint or grievance policy or student complaint policy, the person must first go through the proper administrative channels. In such cases, the right to address the board is guaranteed after the administrative channels have been exhausted. If any speaker’s presentation contains complaints or concerns about an individual employee or officer of the district, that presentation will be conducted in executive session with the board members unless the employee or officer about whom the comments are made requests that the comments be made publicly. These presentations are made for information purposes only. The board is required to listen to the presentations but not to discuss or act on the items presented. If the board feels the matter warrants further attention, it can be placed on the agenda for a subsequent meeting. |
Subject: |
V. Special Items
Subject: |
V.A. Approve the Board of Trustee Bylaws
Subject: |
V.B. Approve the expansion plan for the Richmond Campus, to include the construction of a new Academic Building and Center for Allied Health Studies (N/A)
Subject: |
V.C. Reports from Board Committees
Subject: |
VI. Presentations, Awards, and/or President's Report
Subject: |
VI.A. Retirement Resolution for Barbara Lynn
Subject: |
VI.B. Retirement Resolution for Deanna Feyen
Subject: |
VI.C. Retirement Resolution for Mike Feyen
Subject: |
VI.D. Overview of the Fitness Center
Subject: |
VI.E. Update on change from Blackboard to D2L - Leigh Ann Collins
Subject: |
VI.F. Report on College Events
Subject: |
VII. Student Success
Subject: |
VIII. Reports to the Board
Subject: |
VIII.A. Financial Reports
Subject: |
VIII.A.1. May 2022 Financials
Subject: |
VIII.B. Management Reports
Subject: |
VIII.B.1. Technology Report
Subject: |
VIII.B.2. Financial Aid Report
Subject: |
VIII.B.3. Testing Report
Subject: |
VIII.C. Reports from College Governance Councils
Subject: |
By consent of the board of trustees, the following items may be acted on in a single motion "to approve the consent agenda as presented." If, however, any trustee wishes to discuss a particular item or for any reason wishes to act on any given item separately, he or she may simply notify the board chair to remove that item or items from the consent agenda, and that item will be removed and acted on separately. A trustee may remove an item from the consent agenda for any reason, and he or she is not required to justify the removal or explain the reason for the removal. |
Subject: |
X. Matters Relating to General Administration
Subject: |
X.A. Consideration and approval of the addition, revision or deletion of (LOCAL) policies as recommended by TASB Community College Services and according to the instruction sheet for TASB localized policy manual update 43 for Wharton County Junior College ($1,606.20 total - 43 packet/service $1,567.00 plus printing/shipping 280 pages @ $0.14 each $39.20)
Subject: |
X.B. Approve (4) 12-month billboard advertising contract agreements with JGI Outdoor Advertising for billboards in El Campo, Rosenberg, Richmond, and Sugar Land ($75,000.00 - Plant Fund)
Subject: |
XI. Matters Relating to Academic Affairs
Subject: |
XI.A. Approve a new Level 1 Payroll Specialist Certificate, effective fall 2023 (no cost; current faculty, technology, and classroom space is sufficient)
Subject: |
XI.B. Approve funding for the NRG Skills Development Fund Grant (no cost; $575,941 grant revenue)
Subject: |
XII. Matters Relating to Administrative Services
Subject: |
XII.A. Recommend approval of the sixth amendment to lease agreement with the University of Houston System ($27,544.00 additional costs for FY23. This amount will be included in the FY23 budget)
Subject: |
XII.B. Approve the proposal submitted by Echo Healthcare to provide an interactive 3 wall projection system lab simulator with touch controls simulating actual scenes to help EMT students manage these environments ($118,490.00 - TRUE Grant Funds $72,335.00 and transfer from Plant Fund $46,155.00)
Subject: |
XII.C. Approve the proposal submitted by Echo Healthcare to provide 5 Lifecast simulator manikins ranging from full term baby to adult in order to simulate different clinical settings that EMT students will encounter in the field ($78,770.00 - TRUE Grant Funds)
Subject: |
XII.D. Approve the one year extension of the agreement with Ambassador Services to clean the Richmond and Bay City Campus locations ($120,553.53 - Current Unrestricted Operating Budget)
Subject: |
XII.E. Approval of the attached Interlocal Cooperation Agreement from the Fort Bend County Tax Assessor/Collector Carmen P. Turner (Approximately $5000.00 -2022-2023 unrestricted budget. The only cost associated with collection is $0.40 per parcel for approximately 12,304 parcels in Needville ISD)
Subject: |
XII.F. Approval of Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Adjustments for the 1st and 2nd quarter periods September 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 (N/A)
Subject: |
XIII. Matters Relating to Technology
Subject: |
XIV. Matters Relating to Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
Subject: |
XIV.A. Approve the amendment submitted by Columbia Advisory Group to provide an interim Chief Information Officer for the College through September 30, 2022 ($75,000 + travel using CRRSAA funds)
Subject: |
XV. Matters Relating to Personnel
Subject: |
XV.A. Board of Trustees
Subject: |
XV.B. Office of President
Subject: |
XV.C. Office of Academic Affairs
Subject: |
XV.C.1. Jazmin Cordova received a change in title/assignment from regular, full time Title V HSI academic advisor for financial literacy, A-05-3, to regular, full time academic advisor, A-05-5, effective May 23, 2022.
Subject: |
XV.C.2. Sandra Davis received a change in contract length from 9 month regular, full time instructor of associate degree nursing, FAC-1-32, to 12 month regular, full time program director/instructor of associate degree nursing program, FAC-1-32, effective August 22, 2022.
Subject: |
XV.C.3. Nathan King employed as regular, full time instructor of English, FAC-7-7, effective August 22, 2022.
Subject: |
XV.C.4. Sandra McCarstle employed as regular, full time instructor of education & early childhood, FAC-4A-1, effective August 22, 2022.
Subject: |
XV.C.5. Monica Oliver employed as temporary, full time Title V HSI experiential learning specialist, A-05-8, effective May 23, 2022.
Subject: |
XV.C.6. Andrea Shropshire received a change in contract length from 12 month regular, full time instructor of associate degree nursing program director, FAC-7-30, to 10 1/2 month regular, full time instructor of associate degree nursing program, FAC-7-30, effective August 22, 2022.
Subject: |
XV.C.7. Antoinette Smith employed as regular, full time academic advisor, A-05-10, effective June 6, 2022.
Subject: |
XV.C.8. Christian Spencer received a change in title/assignment from temporary, full time instructor of speech, FAC-1-10, to regular, full time instructor of speech, FAC-1-10, effective August 22, 2022.
Subject: |
XV.C.9. Shazia Usman received a change in contract length from 10 1/2 month regular, full time instructor of associate degree nursing, FAC-1-20, to 9 month regular, full time instructor of associate degree nursing, FAC-1-20, effective August 22, 2022.
Subject: |
XV.C.10. Emily Krause employed as regular, full time public service librarian, FAC-1-3, effective June 13, 2022.
Subject: |
XV.C.11. Anna Sawyer employed as regular, full time instructor of associate degree nursing, FAC-1-20, effective August 22, 2022.
Subject: |
XV.C.12. Wendy Tamayo received a temporary change in title/assignment from regular, full time continuing education specialist, P-15-3, to temporary, full time continuing education interim facilitator, A-10-9, effective June 6, 2022.
Subject: |
XV.C.13. Stephanie Kolacny employed as regular, full time academic advisor, A-05-10, effective June 27, 2022.
Subject: |
XV.C.14. 2022 May Mini Overloads
Subject: |
XV.C.15. 2022 Summer I Overloads
Subject: |
XV.D. Office of Administrative Services
Subject: |
XV.E. Office of Student Services
Subject: |
XV.F. Office of Technology
Subject: |
XV.G. Office of Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
Subject: |
XV.G.1. Amanda Allen received a change in title/assignment from regular, full time vice president of planning and institutional effectiveness, VP-13-64, to regular, full time vice president of strategy, enrollment management and technology, VP-13-64, effective May 1, 2022.
Subject: |
XV.G.2. Mariam Dadani employed as a regular, full time college recruiter, A-05-5, effective June 27, 2022.
Subject: |
XV.G.3. Leslie Hanneken employed as a regular, full time college recruiter, A-05-10, effective June 27, 2022.
Subject: |
Subject: |
XVII. Paid Professional Assignments
Subject: |
XVII.A. Information Item:
Subject: |
XVII.B. Paid Professional Assignment for Amy Pendergraft, Sim Lab, summer 2022 - $2,100.00
Subject: |
XVII.C. Paid Professional Assignment for Wendy Waters, Assistant Department Head - Human Anatomy & Physiology Coordinator, Summer 2022 - $1,000.00
Subject: |
XVII.D. Paid Professional Assignment for Jennifer Jeffery, Assistant Department Head - General Biology Coordinator, Summer 2022 - $1,000.00
Subject: |
XVIII. Executive Session: According to the Texas Government Code (Chapter 551, Open meetings), the Board may conduct a closed executive session for the following reasons: Consultation with attorney (551.071), deliberation regarding real property (551.072), deliberation regarding prospective gift (551.073), personnel matters (551.074), deliberation regarding security devices, or a security audit (661.076), deliberation regarding economic development negotiations (551.086).
Subject: |
XIX. Consideration and possible action on items discussed in closed session
Subject: |
XX. Discuss Matters Relating to Formal Policy
Subject: |
XXI. Adjourn