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Meeting Agenda
I.1. Call to Order
I.2. Roll Call
I.3. Pledge of Allegiance
I.4. Moment of Silence
I.5. Adoption of Agenda
II. Student Recognition
Leo Varela - English
Lizzy Meek - Science
Mukye Fields - Mathematics
Javan Sutter - Social Studies
Ali Hernandez - Physical Education 
Arista Epperson - Foriegn Language
Fiona Gummo-Wanger - Performing & Visual Arts
Trenton Castro - Career & Technical Education
Julian Chavez Smart - AVID
Daizy Mejia- Senior Spotlight
Ricky Villalobos - Male Athlete of the Month
Savannah Tobias Cazarez - Female Athlete of the Month
Stone Durkalec - Pursuing Victory with Honor 
III. Employee Recognition
  • Megan Alexander Druen, English Teacher
  • Eunice Bailey, Bookstore Manager
  • Josh Stallworth, Band Teacher
  • Jim Erick, Lead Custodian
IV. Reports
The Superintendent and Board Member(s) reports will consist of brief summaries of current events.  These reports will be without any discussion or feedback. 
IV.1. Superintendent 's Report
IV.2. Board Member Report(s) 
  • Vice President Koepnick and Board Member Nevarez will report on the "Styles of Broadway" production.
  • Board Member Nevarez and Board Member Bell will report on the BOLTS Training.
V. Presentation and Information
V.1. Administration Information - Principal Beery will present school updates; Highlights from the tabletop exercise with Cottonwood Police Department, Dispatch and Cottonwood Fire Department.
V.2. Student Council Presentation - Student Council members will be presenting current Student Body events and future activities.  Items Include: Arizona Association of Student Councils (AASC) State Convention, Outstanding Council of Distinction Award, January Vitalant Blood Drive, School Counselor Appreciation
V.3. AVID Information - AVID students will present how the AVID program has affected them and their education.  They will also present content that they are currently learning in the AVID class.
V.4. Other Information for Reading
  • Feburary Newsletter
VI. Board Meeting Minutes Not Previously Approved
VI.1. Meetings
January 9, 2025 - Regular Meeting
January 23, 2025 - Work Session
February 5, 2025 - Work Session
VII. Public Comments 
At the conclusion of the call to the public, Board members may respond to any criticism made by an individual who addressed the Board.  Board members may also direct staff to review the concern or request the item be discussed at a future meeting.  Board members may not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during this open call to the public. If you have submitted a Request to Speak form, the Board President will call upon you and ask that you please identify yourself by clearly stating for the record your name and address. Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to three (3) minutes. Groups wishing to speak should select a spokesperson to represent the view of the group. (Board President may refrain from reciting this section if no RTS forms have been submitted).
VIII.1. Approval of Routine Vouchers
VIII.1.1. Expense
#1023 - $157,791.38
#1024 - $132,030.16
#1025 - $220,204.06
VIII.1.2. Payroll
#17 - $353,453.64
#18 - $    1,345.88
#19 - $416,802.38
#20 - $391,926.32
VIII.1.3. Bookstore Activity
VIII.2. Personnel - HR Report
  • Certified & Classified
  • Spring Sports Stipends
VIII.3. Donation
Hope Center December Report
Hope Center January Report
Cathy Ransom - Marching Band
Christine Ortiz McGee - Track
L.I.S.A. - Student Recognition
Cameron Trail - Auto
VIII.4. Personnel Handbook - Updates to the Personnel Handbook to reflect current board members and new hires.  (Superintendent Herne)
VIII.5. Policy Second Reading - ASBA Policy Advisory 808 (Superintendent Herne)
VIII.6. Intergovernmental Agreement with the Yavapai-Apache Nation - The renewal of the IGA between the Yavapai-Apache Nation and Mingus Union High School District #4 for counseling/tutoring/outreach services for the benefit of the Nation's students attending Mingus Union High School (Superintendent Herne)
VIII.7. Yavapai Conflict of Interest - Yavapai County Free Library District intends to undertake/continue to undertake the process of drafting, finalization, and circulation of the updated agreement for Library Support Services and Membership in the Yavapai Library Network.  In order to complete this project, and in order to accommodate the potential addition of other School Districts to the Yavapai Library Network in the future, an updated Waiver is needed from the parties to this project.
VIII.8. Sole Source - The Board will discuss and consider approval for Sole Source Vendors for Spring 2025. (Finance Director Lynn Leonard)
IX.1. Education Technology Consortium Cooperative Purchasing Agreement - The Board will discuss and possibly approve the Education Technology Consortium Cooperative Purchasing Agreement (Finance Director Lynn Leonard and IT Director Josh Fant)
IX.2. Course Catalog - The board will review and possibly approve the 2025-2026 Course Catalog. (Director Gretchen Wesbrock)
X.1. HVAC and Roof Project Update - Information given regarding HVAC and Roof Project Update (Finance Director Lynn Leonard)
X.2. Exceptional Student Services - The board will be updated on current Exceptional Student Services information.  (Director Chad Scott) 
X.3. WEirD Detention, LLC, the film - Discussion for the production team who would like to film on location on the Mingus campus in the Summer 2025 (Location:  Mingus High School Auditorium and a classroom)  (Principal Beery and Superintendent Herne)
X.4. CPR Certification -Board will discuss and possibly approve CPR certification for MUHS teaching staff. (Superintendent Herne and President Cox)
X.5. Finance - Finance Updates (Finance Director Lynn Leonard)
X.6. Weighted Grades - Further discussion on the implementation process of a new weighted grade procedure (Principal Beery and Director Gretchen Wesbrock)
X.7. Anatomage Presentation - Presentation from Sports Medicine regarding Anatomage table.  (Principal Beery and Mrs. Anguiano, Sports Medicine Teacher) 
X.8. Curriculum Director Job Description - The Board will discuss a job description for Curriculum Director.  (Superintendent Herne)
X.9. MUHS Professional Development - Information and updates on the current MUHS Professional Development focus/program. (Principal Beery)
X.10. Policy Update - Continued discussion and revision of Policy AD. (Superintendent Herne and Governing Board)
XI. Executive Session
Pursuant to A.R.S.§38-431.03 (A)(1) - Please remain seated until such time as the Board votes to convene for an executive session.  The Board will either move to a different location to hold the session or will ask those in attendance to leave the room and take with them all materials and belongings and ensure that no recording devices are left in the room.  No action will be taken in the Executive Session if convened.
XII. Superintendent Evaluation - Pursuant to A.R.S.§38-431.03 (A)(1) & A.R.S. §15-503 (C)(D) - Review of Goals (Superintendent Herne)
XIII. Requests for Future Agenda Items
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: February 13, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
I.1. Call to Order
I.2. Roll Call
I.3. Pledge of Allegiance
I.4. Moment of Silence
I.5. Adoption of Agenda
II. Student Recognition
Leo Varela - English
Lizzy Meek - Science
Mukye Fields - Mathematics
Javan Sutter - Social Studies
Ali Hernandez - Physical Education 
Arista Epperson - Foriegn Language
Fiona Gummo-Wanger - Performing & Visual Arts
Trenton Castro - Career & Technical Education
Julian Chavez Smart - AVID
Daizy Mejia- Senior Spotlight
Ricky Villalobos - Male Athlete of the Month
Savannah Tobias Cazarez - Female Athlete of the Month
Stone Durkalec - Pursuing Victory with Honor 
III. Employee Recognition
  • Megan Alexander Druen, English Teacher
  • Eunice Bailey, Bookstore Manager
  • Josh Stallworth, Band Teacher
  • Jim Erick, Lead Custodian
IV. Reports
The Superintendent and Board Member(s) reports will consist of brief summaries of current events.  These reports will be without any discussion or feedback. 
IV.1. Superintendent 's Report
IV.2. Board Member Report(s) 
  • Vice President Koepnick and Board Member Nevarez will report on the "Styles of Broadway" production.
  • Board Member Nevarez and Board Member Bell will report on the BOLTS Training.
V. Presentation and Information
V.1. Administration Information - Principal Beery will present school updates; Highlights from the tabletop exercise with Cottonwood Police Department, Dispatch and Cottonwood Fire Department.
V.2. Student Council Presentation - Student Council members will be presenting current Student Body events and future activities.  Items Include: Arizona Association of Student Councils (AASC) State Convention, Outstanding Council of Distinction Award, January Vitalant Blood Drive, School Counselor Appreciation
V.3. AVID Information - AVID students will present how the AVID program has affected them and their education.  They will also present content that they are currently learning in the AVID class.
V.4. Other Information for Reading
  • Feburary Newsletter
VI. Board Meeting Minutes Not Previously Approved
VI.1. Meetings
January 9, 2025 - Regular Meeting
January 23, 2025 - Work Session
February 5, 2025 - Work Session
VII. Public Comments 
At the conclusion of the call to the public, Board members may respond to any criticism made by an individual who addressed the Board.  Board members may also direct staff to review the concern or request the item be discussed at a future meeting.  Board members may not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during this open call to the public. If you have submitted a Request to Speak form, the Board President will call upon you and ask that you please identify yourself by clearly stating for the record your name and address. Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to three (3) minutes. Groups wishing to speak should select a spokesperson to represent the view of the group. (Board President may refrain from reciting this section if no RTS forms have been submitted).
VIII.1. Approval of Routine Vouchers
VIII.1.1. Expense
#1023 - $157,791.38
#1024 - $132,030.16
#1025 - $220,204.06
VIII.1.2. Payroll
#17 - $353,453.64
#18 - $    1,345.88
#19 - $416,802.38
#20 - $391,926.32
VIII.1.3. Bookstore Activity
Ratification of payments 
VIII.2. Personnel - HR Report
  • Certified & Classified
  • Spring Sports Stipends
VIII.3. Donation
Hope Center December Report
Hope Center January Report
Cathy Ransom - Marching Band
Christine Ortiz McGee - Track
L.I.S.A. - Student Recognition
Cameron Trail - Auto
VIII.4. Personnel Handbook - Updates to the Personnel Handbook to reflect current board members and new hires.  (Superintendent Herne)
VIII.5. Policy Second Reading - ASBA Policy Advisory 808 (Superintendent Herne)
VIII.6. Intergovernmental Agreement with the Yavapai-Apache Nation - The renewal of the IGA between the Yavapai-Apache Nation and Mingus Union High School District #4 for counseling/tutoring/outreach services for the benefit of the Nation's students attending Mingus Union High School (Superintendent Herne)
VIII.7. Yavapai Conflict of Interest - Yavapai County Free Library District intends to undertake/continue to undertake the process of drafting, finalization, and circulation of the updated agreement for Library Support Services and Membership in the Yavapai Library Network.  In order to complete this project, and in order to accommodate the potential addition of other School Districts to the Yavapai Library Network in the future, an updated Waiver is needed from the parties to this project.
VIII.8. Sole Source - The Board will discuss and consider approval for Sole Source Vendors for Spring 2025. (Finance Director Lynn Leonard)
IX.1. Education Technology Consortium Cooperative Purchasing Agreement - The Board will discuss and possibly approve the Education Technology Consortium Cooperative Purchasing Agreement (Finance Director Lynn Leonard and IT Director Josh Fant)
IX.2. Course Catalog - The board will review and possibly approve the 2025-2026 Course Catalog. (Director Gretchen Wesbrock)
X.1. HVAC and Roof Project Update - Information given regarding HVAC and Roof Project Update (Finance Director Lynn Leonard)
X.2. Exceptional Student Services - The board will be updated on current Exceptional Student Services information.  (Director Chad Scott) 
X.3. WEirD Detention, LLC, the film - Discussion for the production team who would like to film on location on the Mingus campus in the Summer 2025 (Location:  Mingus High School Auditorium and a classroom)  (Principal Beery and Superintendent Herne)
X.4. CPR Certification -Board will discuss and possibly approve CPR certification for MUHS teaching staff. (Superintendent Herne and President Cox)
X.5. Finance - Finance Updates (Finance Director Lynn Leonard)
X.6. Weighted Grades - Further discussion on the implementation process of a new weighted grade procedure (Principal Beery and Director Gretchen Wesbrock)
X.7. Anatomage Presentation - Presentation from Sports Medicine regarding Anatomage table.  (Principal Beery and Mrs. Anguiano, Sports Medicine Teacher) 
X.8. Curriculum Director Job Description - The Board will discuss a job description for Curriculum Director.  (Superintendent Herne)
X.9. MUHS Professional Development - Information and updates on the current MUHS Professional Development focus/program. (Principal Beery)
X.10. Policy Update - Continued discussion and revision of Policy AD. (Superintendent Herne and Governing Board)
XI. Executive Session
Pursuant to A.R.S.§38-431.03 (A)(1) - Please remain seated until such time as the Board votes to convene for an executive session.  The Board will either move to a different location to hold the session or will ask those in attendance to leave the room and take with them all materials and belongings and ensure that no recording devices are left in the room.  No action will be taken in the Executive Session if convened.
XII. Superintendent Evaluation - Pursuant to A.R.S.§38-431.03 (A)(1) & A.R.S. §15-503 (C)(D) - Review of Goals (Superintendent Herne)
XIII. Requests for Future Agenda Items

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