Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order at __:__ P.M.
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Roll Call (alphabetical order): Jodie Davy, Cari Dostal, Jamie Isane, Brent Olson, Carol Rhen and Jeramy Swenson
1.C. Administration: Kevin Ricke and Stacey Warne
2. Visitor Comments
2.A. Listening Session
Description: All speakers are asked to complete the listening session Sign-in Card including as much detail as possible and including a printed / written copy of your presentation if one is available. The Sign-in Cards are at the table by the entrance door, and anyone who has not called in or emailed the Superintendent, in advance, may complete them now. Please include all requested information on the Sign-in Card so administration can provide follow-up as needed. This is an opportunity for the Board to listen, the Board will not engage in dialogue. As a general rule, the Board will not comment on or respond to any comments made by speakers. Please do not include names of Badger Community School employees or representatives, their title, or location in your remarks for your own legal protection and the legal rights of staff. Each speaker will have five (5) minutes to speak; speakers may not roll their time to another speaker. Speakers will be timed and are asked to complete their comments in this time frame. Board members may ask questions if needed. Please begin your presentation by stating your name and topic only. In the spirit of fairness to all participants, we request that you respect the format above. Thank you for taking the time tonight to attend this meeting and share your concerns and suggestions. |
3. Recommendation to add and/or remove items to the agenda from Board Members or School Administrators |
4. Approval of Agenda
4.A. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the agenda for the Monday, July 11, 2022 Regular School Board Meeting as presented/amended. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
5. Minutes
5.A. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting held on Monday, June 13, 2022 as presented/amended. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Pay Bills: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the payment of bills check #62109 through check #62150 for a total of $38,753.29 as listed and approve Purchasing Card electronic payments dated July 4, 2022 and Electronic Fund Transfers as submitted. The motion seconded by ____________________
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote. |
7. Communications
7.A. Building and Grounds: Striker Hasson
7.B. Superintendent
7.B.1. Miscellaneous Items to Report by Superintendent |
7.C. Badger School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report. |
7.D. Dean of Students
8. Reports
8.A. School Board Elections - Notice of Filing for November 8, 2022 General Election
Voters may have one or more of these races on their ballot:
8.B. Accept Cash Report: A motion was made by _______________ to Accept Cash Report through June 30, 2022 subject to audit. The motion seconded by ________________
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote. |
8.C. No Donations received in June: |
8.D. Accept Fiscal Quarter 4 Report: A motion was made by ____________________ to accept the Badger School District FY 22 Fourth Quarter Budget Report subject to audit. The motion seconded by ____________________. |
8.E. Independent Auditor Team from Brady Martz & Associates, Thief River Fall, MN Office, is scheduled to be here on site August 22-26, 2022 |
8.F. Outsource accounting continues with School Management Services (SMS): The attached invoice will be for the first fiscal quarter (July1 – Sept. 30), which is $21,750. |
9. Proposed Resolutions
9.A. Advertise for |
9.B. Advertise for Snow Removal Contract Bids: A motion was made by ____________________ to authorize advertising for Snow Removal Contract Bids. |
9.C. LTFM Plan: A motion was made by ________________ to approve the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Application for Long-Term Facilities Maintenance Plan. The motion seconded by ________________ |
9.D. Accept Elementary Teacher Resignation: A motion was made by ____________________ to accept the resignation of Ms. Kelly Grahn, Grade 4 Elementary Teacher. The motion seconded by ____________________. |
9.E. Approve Advertising for Elementary Teacher: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve advertising for an Elementary Teacher for SY2022-2023. The motion seconded by ____________________ . |
9.F. Renew MSBA Membership: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve Badger School District membership renewal with the Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA) for 2022-2023. The motion seconded by ____________________
9.G. Foster Care Transportation Agreement: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the Purchase of Service Agreement For The Transportation of Children and Youth In Foster Care Placement with Roseau County. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
10. Adjourn: Recommended motion: ____________________ moved to adjourn at _________ PM. The motion seconded by ____________________.
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote. |
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | July 11, 2022 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order at __:__ P.M.
Subject: |
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
1.B. Roll Call (alphabetical order): Jodie Davy, Cari Dostal, Jamie Isane, Brent Olson, Carol Rhen and Jeramy Swenson
Subject: |
1.C. Administration: Kevin Ricke and Stacey Warne
Subject: |
2. Visitor Comments
Subject: |
2.A. Listening Session
Description: All speakers are asked to complete the listening session Sign-in Card including as much detail as possible and including a printed / written copy of your presentation if one is available. The Sign-in Cards are at the table by the entrance door, and anyone who has not called in or emailed the Superintendent, in advance, may complete them now. Please include all requested information on the Sign-in Card so administration can provide follow-up as needed. This is an opportunity for the Board to listen, the Board will not engage in dialogue. As a general rule, the Board will not comment on or respond to any comments made by speakers. Please do not include names of Badger Community School employees or representatives, their title, or location in your remarks for your own legal protection and the legal rights of staff. Each speaker will have five (5) minutes to speak; speakers may not roll their time to another speaker. Speakers will be timed and are asked to complete their comments in this time frame. Board members may ask questions if needed. Please begin your presentation by stating your name and topic only. In the spirit of fairness to all participants, we request that you respect the format above. Thank you for taking the time tonight to attend this meeting and share your concerns and suggestions. |
Subject: |
3. Recommendation to add and/or remove items to the agenda from Board Members or School Administrators |
Subject: |
4. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
4.A. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the agenda for the Monday, July 11, 2022 Regular School Board Meeting as presented/amended. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
Subject: |
5. Minutes
Subject: |
5.A. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting held on Monday, June 13, 2022 as presented/amended. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
Subject: |
6. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
6.A. Pay Bills: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the payment of bills check #62109 through check #62150 for a total of $38,753.29 as listed and approve Purchasing Card electronic payments dated July 4, 2022 and Electronic Fund Transfers as submitted. The motion seconded by ____________________
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote. |
Subject: |
7. Communications
Subject: |
7.A. Building and Grounds: Striker Hasson
Subject: |
7.B. Superintendent
Subject: |
7.B.1. Miscellaneous Items to Report by Superintendent |
Subject: |
7.C. Badger School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report. |
Subject: |
7.D. Dean of Students
Subject: |
8. Reports
Subject: |
8.A. School Board Elections - Notice of Filing for November 8, 2022 General Election
Voters may have one or more of these races on their ballot:
Subject: |
8.B. Accept Cash Report: A motion was made by _______________ to Accept Cash Report through June 30, 2022 subject to audit. The motion seconded by ________________
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote. |
Subject: |
8.C. No Donations received in June: |
Subject: |
8.D. Accept Fiscal Quarter 4 Report: A motion was made by ____________________ to accept the Badger School District FY 22 Fourth Quarter Budget Report subject to audit. The motion seconded by ____________________. |
Subject: |
8.E. Independent Auditor Team from Brady Martz & Associates, Thief River Fall, MN Office, is scheduled to be here on site August 22-26, 2022 |
Subject: |
8.F. Outsource accounting continues with School Management Services (SMS): The attached invoice will be for the first fiscal quarter (July1 – Sept. 30), which is $21,750. |
Subject: |
9. Proposed Resolutions
Subject: |
9.A. Advertise for |
Subject: |
9.B. Advertise for Snow Removal Contract Bids: A motion was made by ____________________ to authorize advertising for Snow Removal Contract Bids. |
Subject: |
9.C. LTFM Plan: A motion was made by ________________ to approve the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Application for Long-Term Facilities Maintenance Plan. The motion seconded by ________________ |
Subject: |
9.D. Accept Elementary Teacher Resignation: A motion was made by ____________________ to accept the resignation of Ms. Kelly Grahn, Grade 4 Elementary Teacher. The motion seconded by ____________________. |
Subject: |
9.E. Approve Advertising for Elementary Teacher: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve advertising for an Elementary Teacher for SY2022-2023. The motion seconded by ____________________ . |
Subject: |
9.F. Renew MSBA Membership: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve Badger School District membership renewal with the Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA) for 2022-2023. The motion seconded by ____________________
Subject: |
9.G. Foster Care Transportation Agreement: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the Purchase of Service Agreement For The Transportation of Children and Youth In Foster Care Placement with Roseau County. The motion seconded by ____________________ |
Subject: |
10. Adjourn: Recommended motion: ____________________ moved to adjourn at _________ PM. The motion seconded by ____________________.
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote. |