Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Public Comment
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Approval of Minutes
VI.B. Recommended Employment/Resignations/Contract Adjustments
VI.C. Treasurer's Report - General/Other Fund Bills
VI.D. Balance Sheet
VI.E. Budget Transfers
VI.F. Budget Revisions - None this month.
VI.G. Grant Application(s)/Budget(s) Approval
VI.G.1. Aspirus Health Grant
VI.G.2. Getsch Charitable Trust for Senior High Food Bank
VI.G.3. Logitech Crayons
VI.H. Fundraising Requests
VI.I. Gift/Bequests
VI.I.1. James D. Greenheck Foundation Donation
VI.J. Bus Accident Report
VI.K. Second Reading of Policies
VI.K.1. po0164 Meetings
VI.K.2. po0168.1 Meeting Minutes
VI.K.3. po2340 District-Sponsored Trips
VI.K.4. po3120.08 Employment of Personnel for Co-Curricular/Extra-Curricular Activities
VI.K.5. po5430 Class Rank
VI.K.6. po5460 Graduation Rquirements
VI.K.7. po5771 Search and Seizure
VI.K.8. po8500 School Nutrition
VI.K.9. po8600 Transportation
VI.K.10. po8640 Transportation for Field and Other District-Sponsored Trips
VI.K.11. po8680 Transportation Services Contracts
VII. Reports/Considerations
VII.A. WASB Legislative Network Member
VII.B. CESA #9 Representative
VII.C. Student Representative
VII.D. Superintendent
VII.D.1. District Update
VII.D.2. Staff Feedback
VII.D.3. Act 10
VII.D.4. Budget Calendar
VII.D.5. 2024-2025 Calendar Committee
VIII. Unfinished Business
VIII.A. Mission Moment: Paths to Connect and Engage: Two Student Stories
VIII.B. First Reading of po8660 Transportation by Private Vehicle
IX. New Business
IX.A. Great Place to Learn Update - District Report Card (Report cards may be found at:
IX.B. Approval of New Courses for 2025-2026
IX.C. Approval of Job Description for Director of Teaching and Learning
IX.D. Library Plan for Approval
IX.E. Approval for Idea School Trip to Washington, D.C.
IX.F. Approval to Proceed with Junior High Pipe Project
IX.G. Approve the 2025-2026 Budget Calendar
IX.H. First Reading of Policies
IX.H.1. Approval on First Reading of po5113 by Resolution per po5113
IX.H.2. po6110 Federal Funds
IX.H.3. po6111 Internal Controls
IX.H.4. po6112 Cash Management of Grants
IX.H.5. po6114 Cost Principles - Spending Federal Funds
IX.H.6. po6325 Procurement - Federal Grants/Funds
IX.H.7. po7310 Disposition of Personal Property
IX.H.8. po7450 Property Inventory
IX.I. Ballot drawing will be January 8 at 1:00. Information Only
X. Petitions and Communications
X.A. Thank You for Memorial Tribute from A. Ziegler
X.B. Thank You for the Memorial Tribute from the Family of W. Mead
XI. Future Meeting Dates
XI.A. Regular School Board Meeting
January 15, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. D.C. Everest Administration Building 6100 Alderson Street Weston, WI 54476 Regular School Board Meeting February 19, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. D.C. Everest Administration Building 6100 Alderson Street Weston, WI 54476 |
XII. The Board will consider adjournment to Closed Session pursuant to W.S.S. 19.85(1)(c) for considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. (Superintent's Yearly Review) The Board will adjourn directly from Closed Session.
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | December 18, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Roll Call
Subject: |
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
IV. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
V. Public Comment
Subject: |
VI. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
VI.A. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
VI.B. Recommended Employment/Resignations/Contract Adjustments
Subject: |
VI.C. Treasurer's Report - General/Other Fund Bills
Subject: |
VI.D. Balance Sheet
Subject: |
VI.E. Budget Transfers
Subject: |
VI.F. Budget Revisions - None this month.
Subject: |
VI.G. Grant Application(s)/Budget(s) Approval
Subject: |
VI.G.1. Aspirus Health Grant
Subject: |
VI.G.2. Getsch Charitable Trust for Senior High Food Bank
Subject: |
VI.G.3. Logitech Crayons
Subject: |
VI.H. Fundraising Requests
Subject: |
VI.I. Gift/Bequests
Subject: |
VI.I.1. James D. Greenheck Foundation Donation
Subject: |
VI.J. Bus Accident Report
Subject: |
VI.K. Second Reading of Policies
Subject: |
VI.K.1. po0164 Meetings
Subject: |
VI.K.2. po0168.1 Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
VI.K.3. po2340 District-Sponsored Trips
Subject: |
VI.K.4. po3120.08 Employment of Personnel for Co-Curricular/Extra-Curricular Activities
Subject: |
VI.K.5. po5430 Class Rank
Subject: |
VI.K.6. po5460 Graduation Rquirements
Subject: |
VI.K.7. po5771 Search and Seizure
Subject: |
VI.K.8. po8500 School Nutrition
Subject: |
VI.K.9. po8600 Transportation
Subject: |
VI.K.10. po8640 Transportation for Field and Other District-Sponsored Trips
Subject: |
VI.K.11. po8680 Transportation Services Contracts
Subject: |
VII. Reports/Considerations
Subject: |
VII.A. WASB Legislative Network Member
Presenter: |
Shannon Grabko
Subject: |
VII.B. CESA #9 Representative
Presenter: |
Larry Schaefer
Subject: |
VII.C. Student Representative
Presenter: |
Brooklyn Costa
Subject: |
VII.D. Superintendent
Presenter: |
Dr. Casey Nye
Subject: |
VII.D.1. District Update
Subject: |
VII.D.2. Staff Feedback
Subject: |
VII.D.3. Act 10
Subject: |
VII.D.4. Budget Calendar
Subject: |
VII.D.5. 2024-2025 Calendar Committee
Subject: |
VIII. Unfinished Business
Subject: |
VIII.A. Mission Moment: Paths to Connect and Engage: Two Student Stories
Subject: |
VIII.B. First Reading of po8660 Transportation by Private Vehicle
Presenter: |
Dr. Strike
Subject: |
IX. New Business
Subject: |
IX.A. Great Place to Learn Update - District Report Card (Report cards may be found at:
Subject: |
IX.B. Approval of New Courses for 2025-2026
Subject: |
IX.C. Approval of Job Description for Director of Teaching and Learning
Subject: |
IX.D. Library Plan for Approval
Subject: |
IX.E. Approval for Idea School Trip to Washington, D.C.
Subject: |
IX.F. Approval to Proceed with Junior High Pipe Project
Subject: |
IX.G. Approve the 2025-2026 Budget Calendar
Subject: |
IX.H. First Reading of Policies
Subject: |
IX.H.1. Approval on First Reading of po5113 by Resolution per po5113
Subject: |
IX.H.2. po6110 Federal Funds
Subject: |
IX.H.3. po6111 Internal Controls
Subject: |
IX.H.4. po6112 Cash Management of Grants
Subject: |
IX.H.5. po6114 Cost Principles - Spending Federal Funds
Subject: |
IX.H.6. po6325 Procurement - Federal Grants/Funds
Subject: |
IX.H.7. po7310 Disposition of Personal Property
Subject: |
IX.H.8. po7450 Property Inventory
Subject: |
IX.I. Ballot drawing will be January 8 at 1:00. Information Only
Subject: |
X. Petitions and Communications
Subject: |
X.A. Thank You for Memorial Tribute from A. Ziegler
Subject: |
X.B. Thank You for the Memorial Tribute from the Family of W. Mead
Subject: |
XI. Future Meeting Dates
Subject: |
XI.A. Regular School Board Meeting
January 15, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. D.C. Everest Administration Building 6100 Alderson Street Weston, WI 54476 Regular School Board Meeting February 19, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. D.C. Everest Administration Building 6100 Alderson Street Weston, WI 54476 |
Subject: |
XII. The Board will consider adjournment to Closed Session pursuant to W.S.S. 19.85(1)(c) for considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. (Superintent's Yearly Review) The Board will adjourn directly from Closed Session.
D.C. Everest, in partnership with the community, is committed to being an innovative educational leader in developing knowledgeable, productive, caring, creative, responsible individuals prepared to meet the challenges of an ever-changing global society. D.C. Everest Area School District, 6100 Alderson Street, Weston, WI 54465, (715) 359-4221. |