Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order and Roll Call - 5:00 PM
II. Closed Session
III. Call to Order and Roll Call - Regular Meeting - 7:00 PM
III.A. Pledge of Allegiance
III.B. Welcome Visitors
IV. Public Comment on Any Agenda Item
V. Consent Agenda
V.A. Minutes of December 17, 2024 Regular Board Meeting
V.B. Payroll, Organizations & Activity, and Cafeteria Report - Policy 4:60
V.C. Freedom of Information Request(s) - Policy 2:250
V.D. Check Register - Policy 4:60
VI. Recognition and Awards
VI.A. Central Campus - No Recognition This Month
VI.B. West Campus - No Recognition This Month
VII. Superintendent Reports
VII.A. Correspondence
VII.B. Legislative Report
VII.C. Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee Presentation - Mr. Brett Marcum, Assistant Principal Joliet West and Mr. Steve Locke, Assistant Principal Joliet Central
VII.D. JTHS Student Attendance Update Action Plan 3.2 - Mrs. Tecara Parker, Principal Joliet West and Mr. Shad Hallihan, Prinicpal Joliet Central
VII.E. Educational Services Update - Mrs. Dianne McDonald, Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services, Dr. Jeff Riley, Assistant Principal Joliet Central, and Dr. Sean Hackney, Assistant Principal Joliet West
VII.F. Winter Credit Recovery Report
VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. A Resolution Supporting Illinois Vision 2030
VIII.B. Revised 2025-2026 School Calendar
VIII.C. Asbestos Abatement for Joliet Central and Joliet West Renovation Projects
VIII.D. Joliet Central and Joliet West Construction Projects
VIII.E. Request of Disposal
VIII.F. Approval of Donation(s)
VIII.G. Position Elimination Recommendation
VIII.H. 2025-2026 Staffing Requests for ELL/Bilingual Program
VIII.I. Personnel Reports - Policy 5:30; 5:180; 5:185; 5:210
VIII.I.1. Professional Resignation Request(s)
VIII.I.2. Professional Leave of Absence Request(s)
VIII.I.3. Professional Staff Overloads Recommendation(s)
VIII.I.4. Professional Extra Pay Recommendation(s)
VIII.I.5. Professional Salary Advancement Request(s)
VIII.I.6. Professional Additional Assignment Request(s)
VIII.I.7. Classified Retirement Request(s)
VIII.I.8. Classified Resignation Request(s)
VIII.I.9. Classified Leave of Absence Request(s)
VIII.I.10. Classified Employment Recommendation(s)
VIII.I.11. Classified Change of Status Recommendation(s)
VIII.I.12. Classified Termination Request(s)
VIII.J. Student Discipline Recommendation(s) - Policy 7:190
IX. Unfinished Business
X. New Business
X.A. First Reading Recommendation
X.A.1. 7:190e Student Behavior
X.B. JTHS Attorney Costs
XI. Board Reports
XII. Announcements/Public Comment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 21, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order and Roll Call - 5:00 PM
Subject: |
II. Closed Session
Closed Session is to discuss and consider items such as student discipline, collective negotiating matters, acquisition of land, pending legal matters, and/or personnel for the appointment, employment, pay, discipline, performance, or dismissal as designated by school board policy 2:200.
Subject: |
III. Call to Order and Roll Call - Regular Meeting - 7:00 PM
Subject: |
III.A. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
III.B. Welcome Visitors
Subject: |
IV. Public Comment on Any Agenda Item
Members of the public may make comments to the Board of Education on any item listed on the agenda. The time allotted to comment is limited to three minutes, unless the Board President decides to shorten public comment to conserve time and give the maximum number of individuals opportunity to speak as designated by school board policy 2:230.
Subject: |
V. Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda is used for those items that usually do not require discussion or explanation before Board of Education action. It may also include items for which the law requires board action but which the board rightfully delegates to the staff.
Subject: |
V.A. Minutes of December 17, 2024 Regular Board Meeting
Subject: |
V.B. Payroll, Organizations & Activity, and Cafeteria Report - Policy 4:60
Subject: |
V.C. Freedom of Information Request(s) - Policy 2:250
Subject: |
V.D. Check Register - Policy 4:60
Subject: |
VI. Recognition and Awards
Subject: |
VI.A. Central Campus - No Recognition This Month
Subject: |
VI.B. West Campus - No Recognition This Month
Subject: |
VII. Superintendent Reports
Subject: |
VII.A. Correspondence
Subject: |
VII.B. Legislative Report
Subject: |
VII.C. Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee Presentation - Mr. Brett Marcum, Assistant Principal Joliet West and Mr. Steve Locke, Assistant Principal Joliet Central
Subject: |
VII.D. JTHS Student Attendance Update Action Plan 3.2 - Mrs. Tecara Parker, Principal Joliet West and Mr. Shad Hallihan, Prinicpal Joliet Central
Subject: |
VII.E. Educational Services Update - Mrs. Dianne McDonald, Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services, Dr. Jeff Riley, Assistant Principal Joliet Central, and Dr. Sean Hackney, Assistant Principal Joliet West
Subject: |
VII.F. Winter Credit Recovery Report
Subject: |
VIII. Action Items
Subject: |
VIII.A. A Resolution Supporting Illinois Vision 2030
Subject: |
VIII.B. Revised 2025-2026 School Calendar
Subject: |
VIII.C. Asbestos Abatement for Joliet Central and Joliet West Renovation Projects
Subject: |
VIII.D. Joliet Central and Joliet West Construction Projects
Subject: |
VIII.E. Request of Disposal
Subject: |
VIII.F. Approval of Donation(s)
Subject: |
VIII.G. Position Elimination Recommendation
Subject: |
VIII.H. 2025-2026 Staffing Requests for ELL/Bilingual Program
Subject: |
VIII.I. Personnel Reports - Policy 5:30; 5:180; 5:185; 5:210
Subject: |
VIII.I.1. Professional Resignation Request(s)
Subject: |
VIII.I.2. Professional Leave of Absence Request(s)
Subject: |
VIII.I.3. Professional Staff Overloads Recommendation(s)
Subject: |
VIII.I.4. Professional Extra Pay Recommendation(s)
Subject: |
VIII.I.5. Professional Salary Advancement Request(s)
Subject: |
VIII.I.6. Professional Additional Assignment Request(s)
Subject: |
VIII.I.7. Classified Retirement Request(s)
Subject: |
VIII.I.8. Classified Resignation Request(s)
Subject: |
VIII.I.9. Classified Leave of Absence Request(s)
Subject: |
VIII.I.10. Classified Employment Recommendation(s)
Subject: |
VIII.I.11. Classified Change of Status Recommendation(s)
Subject: |
VIII.I.12. Classified Termination Request(s)
Subject: |
VIII.J. Student Discipline Recommendation(s) - Policy 7:190
Subject: |
IX. Unfinished Business
Subject: |
X. New Business
Subject: |
X.A. First Reading Recommendation
Subject: |
X.A.1. 7:190e Student Behavior
Subject: |
X.B. JTHS Attorney Costs
Subject: |
XI. Board Reports
Subject: |
XII. Announcements/Public Comment