May 18, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. File and Post - Official Notice of Meeting
2. Organization of Trustees
2.A. Oaths of Office of Newly Elected Trustees
2.B. Resolution for Outgoing Board Member - Mr. Ryan Anderson
2.C. Consideration of New Board Officers
2.D. Assignment of Board Committees
3. Delegations/Recognitions
3.A. Spotlight on Excellence - Andrew Hendley and Emily Fricke, Woodridge Elementary
3.B. Powering the Profile - Kim Stanage, Alamo Heights High School
3.C. National Merit Finalists, Alamo Heights High School
3.D. HEB Excellence in Education Awards, Lifetime Achievement - Lisa Barry, Woodridge Elementary
3.E. Texas Art Education Association Visual Arts Scholastic Event (VASE) - Alamo Heights High School
3.F. UIL Award of Distinguished Merit: Yearbook, Alamo Heights High School
3.G. UIL State Award: Hoof Print, Alamo Heights High School
3.H. UIL State Academic Journalism Qualifier - Headline Writing, Alamo Heights High School
3.I. UIL State Golf Qualifiers - Girls Teams, Alamo Heights High School
3.J. UIL State Track and Field Qualifiers, Alamo Heights High School
3.K. Texas Association of Basketball Coaches Assistant Coach of the Year - Herb More, Alamo Heights High School
3.L. Texas Association of Soccer Coaches (TASCO) 5A Boys Assistant Coach of the Year - Braydon Gold, Alamo Heights High School
3.M. Texas High School Coaches Association (THSCA) Assistant Football Coach of the Year - Jordan Ricker, Alamo Heights High School
3.N. State Science Olympiad Qualifying Teams, Alamo Heights High School and Alamo Heights Junior School
3.O. Texas Science and Engineering Fair State Qualifiers, Alamo Heights High School
3.P. U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad National Qualifier, Alamo Heights High School
3.Q. Spurs Dance Team, American Dance and Drill Nationals Competition, Alamo Heights High School
3.R. Band Qualifiers for UIL State Solo and Ensemble Contest, Alamo Heights High School
3.S. Orchestra Qualifiers for UIL State and Solo Ensemble Contest, Alamo Heights High School
3.T. Choir Qualifiers for UIL State and Solo Ensemble Contest
3.U. State Color Guard, Texas Educational Colorguard Association (TECA), Alamo Heights High School
3.V. Superintendent's Student Advisory Council
3.W. Senior Ambassadors, Alamo Heights High School
3.X. Alamo Heights High School Student Council - Dylan Corso, Co-President; Lillie Greehey, Co-President; Alex Bitter, Vice President; and Jordan James, Vice President
4. Citizens to be Heard
Citizens wishing to address the board will be heard at this time. For special meetings, this public comment is limited to items on the posted agenda. |
5. Items for Presentation or Possible Action
5.A. Pillar VI: Professional Learning and Quality Staff
5.A.1. Recognition and Presentation of Teacher Leadership Academy (Cohort 9) Update
Dr. Frank Alfaro
5.B. Pillar I: Student Learning and Progress
5.B.1. Consideration of Approval of the 2023 Senior Class Gift to the School
Mrs. Angela Lopez Garcia and Mrs. Rebeca Marshburn
5.B.2. Presentation of an Alamo Heights High School Student Trip - Aquatics - Dominican Republic, March 9, 2024 - March 16, 2024
Mr. Norm Collins
5.C. Pillar VII: Fiscal and Operational Systems
5.C.1. Consideration and Approval of a Resolution Relating to Establishing the Alamo Heights Independent School District's Intention to Reimburse Itself for the Prior Lawful Expenditure of Funds Relating to Constructing Various School District Improvements from the Proceeds of Obligations to be Issued by the District for Authorized Purposes; Authorizing Other Matters Incident and Related Thereto; and Providing an Effective Date
Mr. Mike Hagar
6. Consent Agenda - All items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of the items unless a Board member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as an item on the Regular Agenda.
6.A. Approval of Minutes of the Previous Meeting
6.A.1. Regular Meeting of April 20, 2023
6.A.2. Special Called Meeting of May 16, 2023
6.B. Consideration in Naming the English Classroom at Alamo Heights High School
6.C. Consideration of 2023-24 Staff Development Waiver
6.D. Consideration of Approval of the Allotment and TEKS Certification for 2023-2024 School Year
6.E. Consideration of Revision to FFH(LOCAL)
6.F. Payment of Bills
6.G. Amendments to the 2022-2023 Budget
6.H. Consideration of the following donations:
6.H.1. Donation of $54,828.17 from the Alamo Heights Mule Team for the 2023 Spring Allocations for the Athletic Department.
6.H.2. Donation of $23,109.80 from the Alamo Heights Junior School PTO for the 2022 Fall Semester Grants at Alamo Heights Junior School.
6.H.3. Donation of $18,764.54 from the Alamo Heights School Foundation for various allocations at Alamo Heights High School.
6.H.4. Donation of $1,300.00 from the Alamo Heights School Foundation for various allocations at Alamo Heights High School.
6.H.5. Donation of $1,000.00 from Friends of Special Friends to the Alamo Heights High School Special Education Department.
6.H.6. Donation of $525.00 from HDL Promos for the LOTE Program at Alamo Heights High School.
6.I. Board Members' Committee Reports
6.I.1. Assessment and Long Range Planning Committee
The Assessment and Long Range Planning Committee met on May 10, 2023.
6.I.2. Goals and Priorities
The Goals and Priorities Committee met on May 10, 2023.
7. Board Members' Committee Report
7.A. Alamo Heights School Foundation
The Alamo Heights School Foundation met on May 17, 2023.
7.B. Communications Committee
The Communications Committee met on May 10, 2023.
7.C. District Design Team
The District Design Team met on April 21, 2023.
8. Business Recommendations
9. Calendar Review
10. Superintendent's Communication
10.A. May Updates
11. Executive Session - Texas Government Code Section 551.001
If, during the course of the meeting covered by this Notice, the Board of Trustees should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Board of Trustees is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq., will be held by the School Board at the date, hour, and place given in this notice or as soon after the commencement of the meeting covered by this Notice as the School Board may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session concerning any and all purposes permitted by the ACT, including, but not limited to the following sections and purposes: 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Deliberation Regarding Real Property); 551.073 (Deliberation Regarding Prospective Gift); 551.074 (Personnel Matters); 551.075 (Conference Relating to Investments and Potential Investments Attended by Board of Trustees of Texas Growth Fund); 551.076 (Deliberation Regarding Security Devices or Security Audits); 551.082 (School Children; School District Employees; Disciplinary Matter or Complaint); 551.0821 (Deliberation Involving Personally Identifiable Information About Public School Student); 551.083 (Closed Meeting Regarding Consultation with Representative of Employee Group); 551.084 (Investigation; Exclusion of Witness from Hearing).
11.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.074, Employment contracts, resignations, leaves, terminations, proposal for non-renewal, notices of retirement.
12. Reconvene in Open Session
13. Action Items
13.A. Consideration of employment contracts, resignations, leaves, terminations, proposal for non-renewal, notices of retirement.
14. Adjourn