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Meeting Agenda
I. Roll Call, Establish Quorum, Call to Order
II. Announcement by the Board President calling this meeting of the United Independent School District to Order. Let the record show that a quorum of Board Members is present, that this meeting has been duly called, and that notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551
III. Pledge of Allegiance
III.A. Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.
IV. Public Comments:
Comments shall be limited to current Board agenda items, student recognitions, or charitable causes.  Comments are limited to three minutes per speaker, except that non-English speakers requiring a translator are limited to six minutes. The presiding Board officer may modify or waive these time limits as appropriate. Public comment shall not be used for personal attacks by the speaker against District employees or students. Speakers who engage in personal attacks or use insulting, profane, threatening or abusive language during any Board meeting shall be ruled out of order by the presiding Board officer and may be escorted from the Board meeting room by District peace officers or security staff. Any concerns or complaints regarding individual District employees, students, or parents must be resolved via the appropriate complaint process, as stated in Board Policy BED (Local). Pursuant to section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, no Board Member or Administrator may respond to a member of the public, unless such response is a recitation of District policy or a statement of specific factual information.
V. Recognitions
V.A. Roberto J. Santos Retirement
VI. Informational Items
VI.A. Finance Division Monthly Financial Report
VI.B. Budget 2022 Update
VI.C. Federal & State Programs Grant Update
VI.D. Notice of Upcoming Grant Applications to be Submitted
VI.E. Review of Legal Policies in TASB Update 117
VI.F. Resilient Schools Support Program - United ISD COVID Recovery and Acceleration Plan
VII. Items for Individual Consideration
VII.A. Approval of Monthly Disbursements
VII.B. Approval of Budget Amendments
VII.C. Consideration for Approval of an Order Authorizing the Issuance of United Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Taxable Series 2021A; Entering into an Escrow Agreement, A Bond Purchase Agreement, and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement; Delegating to certain District Administrative Staff and Officials the Authority to Approve all Final Terms of the Bonds; and Other Matters Related Thereto
VII.D. Approval of Awarding Bids, Proposals and Qualifications
VII.E. Approval of CSP (Competitive Sealed Proposals) as the Method of Procurement for the Demolition of the Natatorium Building located at 201 Lindenwood Drive, Relocation and Reconstruction of Existing Utilities, Infrastructure Improvements, and Related Facilities
VII.F. Approval of Disposition of Technology Equipment
VII.G. Approval of Donations
VII.H. Consideration for Approval of First Reading of Local Policies in TASB Update 117
VII.I. Approval of Missed School Day Waiver for May 18, 2021
VII.J. Approval of First and Final Reading of Board Policy CB (LOCAL) State and Federal Revenue Sources
VII.K. Approval of Interlocal Agreement Between Webb County and United Independent School District for Juvenile J.P. Court Coordinators
VII.L. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Between United ISD and Webb County Juvenile Department Allowing its Probation Officers Access to UISD Campuses
VII.M. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Between United ISD and Webb County Juvenile Department Providing Teachers to Youth Village Detention Center
VIII. Closed Session: Board will adjourn into closed session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act
VIII.A. TGC 551.071  Consultation with Board's Attorney; Closed Meeting
VIII.A.1. Superintendent's Duties and Responsibilities
VIII.A.2. Consultation with Legal Counsel in Regard to Enforcement of UISD's Deed Restriction Pertaining to the Usage of El Cenizo Library and Matters Related Thereto
VIII.A.3. Discussion, Including Consultation with Legal Counsel, Regarding UISD Board Policy BE (LOCAL) and Matters Incident Thereto
VIII.A.4. Discussion, Including Consultation with Legal Counsel, Regarding Legal Issues Pertaining to the Contract for Delinquent Tax Collection Services Between the District and Castillo, Reyes and Del Rio Law Group, LLC 
VIII.A.5. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Legal Issues Associated with the Failure of MP2 Energy, LLC to Incorporate the Utility Meter at Roberto J. Santos Elementary School to the UISD Utility Account and Matters Related Thereto
VIII.B. TGC 551.071 Consultation with Board's Attorney; Closed Meeting
TGC 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Property; Closed Meeting
VIII.B.1. Status of Acquisition of a Tract of Land for Relocation of District's Existing Food Production Center as a Result of the Expansion of Right of Way on State Highway Loop 20 (Bob Bullock Loop) by the Texas Department of Transportation and Matters Incident Thereto
VIII.C. TGC 551.071  Consultation with Board's Attorney; Closed Meeting
TGC 551.074  Personnel Matters; Closed Meeting
VIII.C.1. Consideration Regarding the Appointment of Associate Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
VIII.C.2. Consideration Regarding the Appointment of Director of Special Education
IX. Reconvened from Closed Session, the Board will take appropriate action on items, if necessary, as discussed in Closed Session
IX.A. Approval of First and Final Reading of UISD Board Policy BE (LOCAL)
IX.B. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration Regarding Contingency Fee Contract for Delinquent Tax Collection Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 2254.1036
IX.C. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Delinquent Tax Collection Contract Between the District and Castillo, Reyes and Del Rio Law Group, LLC
IX.D. Discussion and Possible Action on Resolution Adopting Findings of Fact Regarding Delinquent Tax Collection Contract Between the District and Castillo, Reyes, and Del Rio Law Group, LLC
IX.E. Possible Action Regarding Authorization to Legal Counsel and District Administration to Proceed as Legally Necessary to Address Failure of MP2 Energy, LLC to Incorporate Utility Meter at Roberto J. Santos Elementary and Matters Related Thereto
IX.F. Action Regarding Appointment of Associate Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
IX.G. Action Regarding Appointment of Director of Special Education
X. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: June 15, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
I. Roll Call, Establish Quorum, Call to Order
II. Announcement by the Board President calling this meeting of the United Independent School District to Order. Let the record show that a quorum of Board Members is present, that this meeting has been duly called, and that notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551
III. Pledge of Allegiance
III.A. Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.
IV. Public Comments:
Comments shall be limited to current Board agenda items, student recognitions, or charitable causes.  Comments are limited to three minutes per speaker, except that non-English speakers requiring a translator are limited to six minutes. The presiding Board officer may modify or waive these time limits as appropriate. Public comment shall not be used for personal attacks by the speaker against District employees or students. Speakers who engage in personal attacks or use insulting, profane, threatening or abusive language during any Board meeting shall be ruled out of order by the presiding Board officer and may be escorted from the Board meeting room by District peace officers or security staff. Any concerns or complaints regarding individual District employees, students, or parents must be resolved via the appropriate complaint process, as stated in Board Policy BED (Local). Pursuant to section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, no Board Member or Administrator may respond to a member of the public, unless such response is a recitation of District policy or a statement of specific factual information.
V. Recognitions
V.A. Roberto J. Santos Retirement
VI. Informational Items
VI.A. Finance Division Monthly Financial Report
VI.B. Budget 2022 Update
VI.C. Federal & State Programs Grant Update
VI.D. Notice of Upcoming Grant Applications to be Submitted
VI.E. Review of Legal Policies in TASB Update 117
VI.F. Resilient Schools Support Program - United ISD COVID Recovery and Acceleration Plan
VII. Items for Individual Consideration
VII.A. Approval of Monthly Disbursements
VII.B. Approval of Budget Amendments
VII.C. Consideration for Approval of an Order Authorizing the Issuance of United Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Taxable Series 2021A; Entering into an Escrow Agreement, A Bond Purchase Agreement, and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement; Delegating to certain District Administrative Staff and Officials the Authority to Approve all Final Terms of the Bonds; and Other Matters Related Thereto
VII.D. Approval of Awarding Bids, Proposals and Qualifications
VII.E. Approval of CSP (Competitive Sealed Proposals) as the Method of Procurement for the Demolition of the Natatorium Building located at 201 Lindenwood Drive, Relocation and Reconstruction of Existing Utilities, Infrastructure Improvements, and Related Facilities
VII.F. Approval of Disposition of Technology Equipment
VII.G. Approval of Donations
VII.H. Consideration for Approval of First Reading of Local Policies in TASB Update 117
VII.I. Approval of Missed School Day Waiver for May 18, 2021
VII.J. Approval of First and Final Reading of Board Policy CB (LOCAL) State and Federal Revenue Sources
VII.K. Approval of Interlocal Agreement Between Webb County and United Independent School District for Juvenile J.P. Court Coordinators
VII.L. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Between United ISD and Webb County Juvenile Department Allowing its Probation Officers Access to UISD Campuses
VII.M. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Between United ISD and Webb County Juvenile Department Providing Teachers to Youth Village Detention Center
VIII. Closed Session: Board will adjourn into closed session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act
VIII.A. TGC 551.071  Consultation with Board's Attorney; Closed Meeting
VIII.A.1. Superintendent's Duties and Responsibilities
VIII.A.2. Consultation with Legal Counsel in Regard to Enforcement of UISD's Deed Restriction Pertaining to the Usage of El Cenizo Library and Matters Related Thereto
VIII.A.3. Discussion, Including Consultation with Legal Counsel, Regarding UISD Board Policy BE (LOCAL) and Matters Incident Thereto
VIII.A.4. Discussion, Including Consultation with Legal Counsel, Regarding Legal Issues Pertaining to the Contract for Delinquent Tax Collection Services Between the District and Castillo, Reyes and Del Rio Law Group, LLC 
VIII.A.5. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Legal Issues Associated with the Failure of MP2 Energy, LLC to Incorporate the Utility Meter at Roberto J. Santos Elementary School to the UISD Utility Account and Matters Related Thereto
VIII.B. TGC 551.071 Consultation with Board's Attorney; Closed Meeting
TGC 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Property; Closed Meeting
VIII.B.1. Status of Acquisition of a Tract of Land for Relocation of District's Existing Food Production Center as a Result of the Expansion of Right of Way on State Highway Loop 20 (Bob Bullock Loop) by the Texas Department of Transportation and Matters Incident Thereto
VIII.C. TGC 551.071  Consultation with Board's Attorney; Closed Meeting
TGC 551.074  Personnel Matters; Closed Meeting
VIII.C.1. Consideration Regarding the Appointment of Associate Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
VIII.C.2. Consideration Regarding the Appointment of Director of Special Education
IX. Reconvened from Closed Session, the Board will take appropriate action on items, if necessary, as discussed in Closed Session
IX.A. Approval of First and Final Reading of UISD Board Policy BE (LOCAL)
IX.B. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration Regarding Contingency Fee Contract for Delinquent Tax Collection Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 2254.1036
IX.C. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Delinquent Tax Collection Contract Between the District and Castillo, Reyes and Del Rio Law Group, LLC
IX.D. Discussion and Possible Action on Resolution Adopting Findings of Fact Regarding Delinquent Tax Collection Contract Between the District and Castillo, Reyes, and Del Rio Law Group, LLC
IX.E. Possible Action Regarding Authorization to Legal Counsel and District Administration to Proceed as Legally Necessary to Address Failure of MP2 Energy, LLC to Incorporate Utility Meter at Roberto J. Santos Elementary and Matters Related Thereto
IX.F. Action Regarding Appointment of Associate Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
IX.G. Action Regarding Appointment of Director of Special Education
X. Adjournment

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