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Meeting Agenda
A. Call to Order
B. Roll Call
C. Student Led Pledge of Allegiance
D. Administer Statement of Officer to Elected Trustees
E. Oath of Office for Newly Elected or Re-Elected Board Members
F. Reorganization of the Board of Trustees
G. Board Recognitions
G.1. Character Education Speakers
G.2. Recognition of Student Achievements
G.3. Recognition of Outstanding Students for the Fourth Nine-Weeks
G.4. Tiger Award Recipient Recognition
H. Public Communications
I. Consent Agenda
I.1. Minutes
I.2. Financial Statements
I.3. Investment Report
I.4. State Aid Comparison - Budgeted vs. Earned
I.5. Earned vs. TEA Payments
I.6. Tax Collection Report
I.7. Re-designation of Fund Balance Funds
I.8. Budget Amendments
J. Information Items
J.1. Financial Report
J.2. Superintendent's Report
J.3. Graduation Ceremony Procedures
J.4. Tentative June Agenda Items
K. Closed Session
K.1. Consultation with District’s lawyer regarding Level III Parent Complaint
L. Action Items
M. Consideration and possible action regarding Level III parent complaint
N. Consider Action on High School Security Fence RFP
O. Consider Approval of 2023-2024 Salary Schedules
P.  Consider Approval of Interlocal Agreement with Central Texas Purchasing Alliance
Q. Approval of Expenditure in Excess of $50,000
R. Designate Investment Officers
S. Consider Approval to Amend Signatures on Bank Depository
T. Consider Appointment of Delegate to Represent Smithville ISD at the 2024 TASA/TASB Convention Delegate Assembly
U. Distribution of Board Self-Evaluation Materials
V. Personnel
V.1. Resignations of Certified Personnel
V.2. Employment of Certified Personnel
W. Closed Session Disclaimer - During the course of the meeting, the Board of Trustees may conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapter D and E.  Decisions may be made as a result of executive session.
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: May 20, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
A. Call to Order
The Board President or his/her designee will call the meeting to order.
B. Roll Call
The Board President or his/her designee will call the roll of members.
C. Student Led Pledge of Allegiance
These guys have earned the most Tiger Tokens for their grade level for the ENTIRE year and will be leading the group in the Pledge of Allegiance:

1st Grade: Nolen Ortiz, Clark Hawkins, Rebecca Huggins
2nd Grade:  Kaylee Munson, Julian Juarez, Jada Hall
3rd Grade:  Tyler Ibarra-Chavez, Nathaniel Garcia, Keatyn Becker
4th Grade:  Zoey Clanton, Mason Fowler, Anton Meuth
5th Grade:  Lilly Garza, Ella Doane, Jasmin Ketola
D. Administer Statement of Officer to Elected Trustees
Article XVI, section 1 of the Texas Constitution requires all elected or appointed state and local officers to take the official oath of office and to subscribe to the anti-bribery statement (Form 2201-Statement of Officer) before entering upon the duties of their office.  Local officers must retain the signed statement with the official records of the office.
E. Oath of Office for Newly Elected or Re-Elected Board Members
"Before entering upon the duties of the office of Board of Trustee, the Trustee shall take the oath or affirmation of office and shall file it with the President of the Board."  Education Code 11.061; Tex. Const. Art. XVI, Sec. 1

At the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees in January the Board called for its regular election to be held on May 4, 2024.  In accordance with the election code, the new Board members, Bryan Jones in Place 3, and Chelsa Vinklarek in Place 4, will be sworn in at the next regular meeting following the regular election date, which is May 20, 2024.
Denise Behrens, acting in her capacity as a public notary, will administer the oath of office for the newly elected School Board Trustees.
F. Reorganization of the Board of Trustees
Board policies BDAA [Legal] and BDAA [Local] specify that the Board will elect a president, vice-president, and secretary at the first meeting after each election and qualification of Trustees.

Board Operating Procedures adopted by the Board in June of 2023 specify the criteria for Board officers and the process for selecting Board officers.  Any member of the Board may nominate a trustee member for an officer position.  No Board member can hold an officer position without one-year minimum Board experience.  Board officers shall be elected by plurality vote of the members present and voting.  Board officers shall serve for a term of one year or until a successor is elected.  Officers may succeed themselves in office. However, an officer will be limited to two consecutive terms in any position.

For information purposes:

Chris Hinnant - elected as President in May 2023, has served one term.
Grant Gutierrez - elected as Vice-President in May 2023, has served one term.
Nancy Towry, elected as Secretary in May 2023, has served one term.
G. Board Recognitions
G.1. Character Education Speakers
Student guest speakers will be present at each board meeting to read a short essay on the Character Trait of the Month. 

The Board will hear from Avery Johnson, a second-grader in Ms. Hunsucker's class.  Avery was chosen in March, but not able to attend the  board meeting. She will read her essay on virtue.
G.2. Recognition of Student Achievements
Once again, our hats are off to the outstanding achievements of the students at Smithville I.S.D., as well as their instructors. 

We would like to recognize the following Smithville ISD State Level Competition Accomplishments:

Destination Imagination
Payton Schultz
Lucas Gibson
Emma Saunders

Smithville Junior High Future Problem Solvers
Gideon Blauer
Kenzie Jones
Lily Gardella
Penelope Gutierrez
Rori Meuth
Instructors are Ronnie McKeown and Trish Hawkins.

TIGER TRONS 5503 Robotics State Qualifying Team Members
Brittney Anderson
Antonio Blasco
Philip Chiappetta
Stephen Colosky
Matthew Ferrell
Bobby Galabeas
Tyler Goertz
Keori Grant
Anthony Hernandez
Robby McElroy
Julio Mar-Medina
Kayden Nail
Trace Namken
Samuel Praditbatuga
Jesse Sanders
Faith Silvey
Jimmie Starkey
Damien Sturgeon
Ayla Witt
Instructor is Mary Alice Castello

Band - UIL State Solo and Ensemble Qualifiers
Carina Berryann
Kendall Bezner
Kevin Bilbo
Antonio Blasco
Kylie Brown
Annabella Bryan
Emma Burch
Sylvio Campbell-Evans
Trinity Campion
Aundrez Cauich-Taylor
Lacy Copeland
Aidan Cox
Marlene Diaz-Perez
Adam Eastty
Shelton Espinoza
Devany Flores
Amy Frushay
Karah Goertz
Tyler Goertz
Adan Guerrero
Arabella Gutierrez
Grace Hamilton
Julieta Huerta
Brianna Johnson
Joshua McLauchin
Chidinma Meremikwu
George William Metcalf
Kayden Nail
Chassity Navarrete
Peyton Nuby
Nicole Olivas
Chris Pirano
Reagan Pruett
Jasper Regier
Elaynah Romero
Donley Romo-Pargas
Callie Ruyle
Leslie Saldana-Garcia
Lethe Sasko-Martinez
Mason Scaife
Faith Silvey
Julia Sloan
Wesley Summarell
Melany Villalobos
Lyla Vinklarek
Brylee White
Aubrie Winegarner
Kayden Zinsmeyer
Band directors are Wayne King, Cathy Sherrill and Dianna King

Callie Ruyle - Poetry
Arabella Gutierrez - CX Debate
Evyan Parnell - CX Debate
Amelia Blaeuer - CX Debate
Will Metcalf - CX Debate

Caden Stockdale - Powerlifting
Trezser Anderson-Lovings Powerlifting
Chris Borja - Powerlifting
Noah Baxter - Powerlifting

Academic All-State Honorable Mention
Achilles Brian - Football
Noah Baxter - Football 
Mitchell Holloway - Football
Caden Stockdale - Football
Sam Miner - Cross Country
Winter Mares - Cross Country
Raini Stanley - Softball
Claire Kennon - Softball
Noah Baxter - Track
Saylor Strain - Track

Academic All-State 2nd Team
Marisela Dominguez - Track
Dylan Hippler - Football
Joanna Ngim - Powerlifting

Wow!  Smithville ISD has very talented students and dedicated staff!!

We are proud of all of our students and the recognition they have earned for Smithville schools, and are pleased to take this opportunity to recognize them.
G.3. Recognition of Outstanding Students for the Fourth Nine-Weeks
Each nine-weeks the middle school and high school faculties select an outstanding student from their respective campus.  Students are rated on a scale of 1 to 10 on such criteria as grades, honesty, enthusiasm, cooperation with teachers and their peers, class participation and leadership.

Monica Walker, an eighth grader and Stone Kahanek, a sixth grader, have been selected as the outstanding students for the fourth nine-weeks from Smithville Junior High. Monica is the daughter of Bethany Cooper Collins and Clay Walker, and Stone is the son of Derek and Stacy Kahanek.  Two students have been selected as outstanding students from Smithville High School for the fourth nine-weeks.  They are Daucie Davis and Conor Burleson.  Daucie is a junior and the daughter of Michael Davis and Debra Hlavaty.  Conor is also a junior and the son of Walter and Della Burleson.
Our congratulations to all of these students!
G.4. Tiger Award Recipient Recognition
Tiger Award recipients are nominated by peers.  Each campus and department will nominate a representative.  Final nominations will be voted on by a select committee.  Each campus and department will have an award winner that will be recognized at the board meeting every 9-weeks. 

Tiger Award winners:
Brown Primary - Jessica Pack (Teacher)
Smithville Elementary - Ariel Kunz (Teacher)
Smithville Junior High - Dianna King (Teacher)
Smithville High School - Rosie Gutierrez (District Truant Officer)
Other Departments - Denise Behrens (Superintendent's Secretary)
H. Public Communications
Citizens wishing to address the Board of Trustees have so indicated by listing their name on the Communications from the Public sign-in sheet located on the table at the entrance to the boardroom if the meeting is done in person, or at the link provided on the published board agenda if conducted remotely. Those signing have given a brief indication of the topics to be addressed.
Comments to the Board of Trustees under this provision will be limited to three minutes.
The members of the Board of Trustees will listen to citizen presentations during this portion of a regularly scheduled meeting, but they will not comment or participate in a discussion of the topic. 
I. Consent Agenda
Board members routinely approve items on the consent agenda as a group.  These are routine agenda items.  Board members have the option to ask questions regarding any of the items listed under "consent agenda".
I.1. Minutes
State law requires that a record be kept in the form of official minutes on each meeting held by a governmental body and that these minutes be approved at the next regular meeting.

Included in the board packet are the minutes from the April 15, 2024 regular meeting and the May 14, 2024 special board meeting.
I.2. Financial Statements
Monthly reporting of financial position in relation to the budget.  The Board is provided monthly financial statements.
I.3. Investment Report
Meet legal reporting requirements for investments.
In order the meet legal reporting requirements for investments, the Board receives quarterly reports on District investments.
I.4. State Aid Comparison - Budgeted vs. Earned
The Board has requested a monthly status report of earned state aid in relation to the budget.
I.5. Earned vs. TEA Payments
The Board has requested a monthly status report of earned state aid in relation to the budget.
I.6. Tax Collection Report
Attached is the Tax Assessor-Collector's Report.
I.7. Re-designation of Fund Balance Funds
The strategic object, goal or need addressed by this agenda item is to continue to practice designating 85% of the surplus (unassigned) fund balance to future Smithville ISD Capital Projects.

Per our approved Fund Balance Policy, Smithville ISD has a 3-month Optimal Fund Balance goal of $5,302,149.  Our current projected fund balance is $9,302,463, which is 4,000,314 in excess of our optimal fund balance goal.  We currently have $2,620,243 (66%) of our excess designated to Capital Projects and $440,000 (11%) of our excess designated to Capital Projects - Tiger Stadium Maintenance.
I.8. Budget Amendments
J. Information Items
J.1. Financial Report
The Chief Financial Officer, Jean Ann McCarthy, will review the financial disbursements for the previous month with the Board of Trustees.  No action is required.
J.2. Superintendent's Report
The Superintendent will update the Board on important issues pertaining to the District.
J.3. Graduation Ceremony Procedures
High School Graduation will be held on Friday, May 24, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. at Tiger Stadium in Smithville, Texas.  The Board is invited as a group to participate in the ceremony.  Mr. Tucker Copeland, high school principal, will be present at the board meeting to go over the events of graduation night.

J.4. Tentative June Agenda Items
Tentative items to be included on the June regular agenda:
a.  Financial Report

b.  Superintendent’s Report
c.  First Draft of the 2024-2025 District Budget
d.  Technology Report
e.  Safety and Security Report
f.  Schedule Board Meeting Dates for 2024-2025
g. Consider Approval of Student Dress Code

h.   Consider Approval of 2024-2025 Salary Schedules
i.  Board Self Evaluation
j   Personnel
K. Closed Session
K.1. Consultation with District’s lawyer regarding Level III Parent Complaint
L. Action Items
M. Consideration and possible action regarding Level III parent complaint
N. Consider Action on High School Security Fence RFP
This Request for Proposals (RFP) will be used by the District as a tool in the decision making process in the best interest of the District. This RFP is issued for the purpose of negotiating a contract for a High School Security Fence to improve the safety for our students and staff. The expenditure will be purchased through the School Safety Standard Grant and SAFE Grant 1.
O. Consider Approval of 2023-2024 Salary Schedules
Smithville ISD will be utilizing the balance of our ESSER funds to pay a retention stipend to our employees for completing their 23-24 job assignment.  The stipend has been on a "to be determined"status due to monitoring the balance of the ESSER funds.  Mrs. McCarthy will present options at the Board Meeting for the board to approve.

There is an additional change included in the salary schedules for Summer Special Education clinicians.  Mrs. Burns will be able to provide more information on the change.
P.  Consider Approval of Interlocal Agreement with Central Texas Purchasing Alliance
Central Texas Purchasing Alliance is an organization of over 40 school districts in Central Texas and throughout the state, representing 1 million students!  CTPA's purpose is to support and provide information and services to the purchasing departments within these districts.  By entering into the interlocal agreement with the Central Texas Purchasing Alliance, Smithville ISD has the opportunity to work with vendors that can provide goods and services under this contract that will be based on better contract pricing and purchasing terms. 

The membership fee is $150/year.
Q. Approval of Expenditure in Excess of $50,000
The purpose of this agenda item is to authorize facility improvements of high school parking lot upgrades and high school gym HVAC replacement.  We will also need authorization to proceed with the purchase of a school van that was totaled earlier in the year. 
We have received multiple quotes for all projects.  Zach Harris will be available for questions in regards to these purchases.  

R. Designate Investment Officers
With the resignation of Jean Ann McCarthy (Chief Financial Officer), we would like to ensure that Smithville ISD meets Section 2256.005(f) of the Public Funds Investment Act (Texas Government Code Chapter 2256) in regard to designating investment officers for the district.  Historically, the Superintendent and Chief Financial Officer have been designated as the investment officers.  For the 2023-2024 school year, we are adding Sean Sanchez (Business Manager) as an additional investment officer to complete the year.
S. Consider Approval to Amend Signatures on Bank Depository
As a result of the reorganization of the Board of Trustees there will possibly be a change in officers.  The Board President and the Board Secretary must be authorized to sign on the District accounts at First National Bank, the District’s depository.

Also, with the resignation of Jean Ann McCarthy it is necessary to add Sean Sanchez as an authorized signer on the District accounts at First National Bank and to remove Jean Ann McCarthy.

T. Consider Appointment of Delegate to Represent Smithville ISD at the 2024 TASA/TASB Convention Delegate Assembly
The TASB Delegate Assembly is a crucial component of the Association’s governance structure.  Each active member (school board) of the Association is entitled to have a delegate and an alternate attend the Assembly and cast our district’s vote on action items coming before the Assembly.

The TASA/TASB Convention this year is September 27-29, 2024  and will be held at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas.  The 2024 Delegate Assembly will meet on Saturday, September 28th.
U. Distribution of Board Self-Evaluation Materials
The Board President will set a date for the completed Board Self-Assessment Instrument to be returned for tabulation. The instrument is included as an attachment in the packet for the Board’s convenience.  The Board will address its self-evaluation at the regular June meeting.
V. Personnel
V.1. Resignations of Certified Personnel
The Superintendent would like to inform the Board of the resignations of Pam Cowan, teacher at the elementary, William Nicks, Christopher Humphries and Yvonne Besetzny, teachers/coaches at the junior high, and Travis Kearns, and Amanda Lowden, teachers at the high school, and Arnoldo Cavazos as a teacher/coach at the high school.

No action is required.
V.2. Employment of Certified Personnel
According to Board Policy DC [Local], the Superintendent has the authority to make recommendations to the Board regarding the selection of all personnel.

The Superintendent recommends hiring the following individuals:

Caleb Murrile - Teacher/Coach
Degree - Bachelor of Science from Texas State University
Certification - Social Studies 7-12, PE EC-12
Years of Experience - 4 years
Campus - Brown Primary

Kristen Polich - Teacher
Degree - Bachelor of Arts from University of Houston
Certification - Core Subjects w/STR EC-6, ESL Supplemental EC-6
Years of Experience - 3 years
Campus - Smithville Elementary 

Trey Vondenstein - Teacher/Coach
Degree - Master of Science from McNeese State University
Certification - PE EC-12, Health EC-12
Years of Experience - 0 years
Campus - Smithville Junior High

Juan Rodriguez - Teacher/Coach
Degree - Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science from Texas State University
Certification - Health EC-12, PE EC-12, Special Education EC-12
Years of Experience - 18 years
Campus - Smithville Junior High

Keaton Upshaw - Teacher/Coach
Degree - Bachelor of Science from the University of Kentucky
Certification - Technology Applications pending
Years of Service - 0 years
Campus - Smithville Junior High 

Katarzyna Swank - Teacher
Degree - Bachelor of Science from Monclair State University, New Jersey
Certification - Out of State Mathematics (pending Texas certification)
Years of Experience - 10 years
Campus - Smithville High School

Eliseo Cano - Teacher/Coach
Degree - Master of Science from Stephen F. Austin
Certification - Health EC-12, PE PK-12, Special Education EC-12, Speech 7-12, Secondary Spanish 6-12
Years of Experience - 19 years
Campus - Smithville High School

Sydney Rodriguez Bray - Athletic Trainer
Degree - Master of Science in Kinesiology/Athletic Training pending May 2024
Years of Experience - 0 years
Campus - Smithville High School/Smithville Junior High

W. Closed Session Disclaimer - During the course of the meeting, the Board of Trustees may conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapter D and E.  Decisions may be made as a result of executive session.


During the course of the meeting, the Board of Trustees may conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapter D and E.  Decisions may be made as a result of executive session.

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