Meeting Agenda
1 9:30 a.m. Bonnie Friedrichs, County Clerk
1 1) Bills to pay
1 COMMITTEE ACTION ONLY: Motion to pay all bills as submitted.
2 9:35 a.m. Janelle Mott, Financial Officer 1) Child Care Fund's Monthly Report |
3 9:40 a.m. Ed Black, Prosecuting Attorney
1) Russ Rhynard, Prosecuting Attorney Contract |
3 ACTION ITEM #1: The Committee recommends to approve the contract with Russ Rhynard as Temporary Part-time Assistant Prosecuting Attorney as presented.
4 2) Phil Seguin Special Investigator contract
4 ACTION ITEM #2: The Committee recommends that we approve the contract with Phil Seguin as Special Investigator as presented.
5 3) Crime Victim Rights Advocate
6 ACTION ITEM #3: The Committee recommends we approve making the Crime Victim Rights full-time position, 101-370-701 a salaried position as permitted in accordance with the attorney opinion from John Gretzinger, contingent on the Crime Victim Right's grant being able to fully support the same at no cost to the County.
7 9:45 a.m. Commissioner Brad McRoberts
1) Jeanette Tolan, Contract Extension Recommendation |
7 ACTION ITEM #4: The Committee recommends to approve to extend Jeanette Tolan’s contract for 2 months (December 2019 and January 2020 and to readdress at the January 2020 IT Committee meeting as presented.
8 9:50 a.m. Sgt. Scott Gagnon, Jail Administrator
1) Bid Recommendation for Inmate Food Services (attachment) |
8 ACTION ITEM #5: The Committee recommends to approve the Sheriff’s Office bid recommendation to accept the Contract with Canteen Services for the inmate food service in the amount of $2.55 per inmate/sack meals, $6.50 per Kosher meals, and $1.25 per Medical Snack with monies coming out of line item #101-301-817 effective January 13, 2020 for five (5) years thereafter extending for additional one (1) year period on a year-to-year basis upon mutual agreement as presented. This has had attorney review.
9 9:55 a.m. Undersheriff Erik Smith, Sheriff's Office 1) Request to sell two diesel generators (attachment) |
9 ACTION ITEM #6: The Committee recommends authorizing the Sheriff's Office to sell two diesel generators as presented.
10 10:00 a.m. Wes Wilder, Maintenance Superintendent
1) Bid Recommendations for Purchase and Installation of Loose-Lay Vinyl Plank Flooring & Carpet Tile Flooring at County Annex Building (attachment) |
10 ACTION ITEM #7: The Committee recommends approving the Maintenance Superintendent's recommendation to accept the bid from Youngs Flooring in the amount of $17,785.93 as there were no other bids received on December 6, 2019 with monies coming out of line item #631-266-975.002 for Flooring Replacement in the County Annex Building (upper hallway, walk off entry, and lower hallway, walk of entry). Money was budgeted in 2019 and authorize the monies be available for 2020 and the Treasurer to make necessary budget adjustments in January 2020.
11 10:05 a.m. Steve Smigelski, Airport Manager 1) Spence Brothers Pay Application 13 for the new airport terminal (attachment). |
11 ACTION ITEM #8: The Committee recommends we approve the Pay Application 13 (airport new terminal) from Spence Brothers with the County's portion in the amount of $118,585.39 coming out of 481-595-975 as presented.
12 10:10 a.m. Mark Hall, Emergency Services Coordinator Guests: Brent Schnell, Motorola Solutions Jessica Spindler, Tele-rad Inc 1) 7500 Consoles and 800 MHz Integration (attachment) |
12 ACTION ITEM #9: The Committee recommends to approve the Emergency Services Coordinator's recommendation for 7500 Consoles and Fire Service 800 MHz integration project with an estimated cost of $594,398.00 with cost allocation backout as follows: 7500 consoles $473,503.00 Down payment from 211-000-390 fund balance $250,000.00 Balance to finance $223,503.00 Five yearly payment from 211-325-970 $49,781.49 Lease rate 3.59% 115 G4 Unication pagers $61,675.00 Down payment from 211-000-390 fund balance $6,167.50 Balance to finance $55,507.50 Five yearly payment from 211-325-970 $12,906.01 Lease rate 5.240% MPSCS Fee from 211-000-394 technology-r $19,750.00 Equature/Recorder interface from 211-000-394 technology-r $2,200.00 800 MHz Siren Solution from 211-000-394 technology-r $17,120.00 Fiber connections from 211-000-394 technology-r $350.00/$450.00 Mo In compliance with Alpena County bid policy the 7500 consoles through Motorola Solutions are the only approved MPSCS direct connect solution at this time, making this purchase fall under the single-source criteria policy. |
13 10:15 a.m. Finance Chair Bill Peterson
1) Granger Pay Application #10 (new jail) Pay Invoice for November 2019 (attachment) |
13 ACTION ITEM #10: The Committee recommends to approve the Granger Pay Application #10 Invoice for the new jail for November 2019 in the amount of $433,356.71 with monies coming out of line item #466- 301-975 (Jail Construction Costs) as presented.
14 10:20 a.m. Judy Greer, District Health Department #4 1) District Health Department #4 2020 Grant Application Renewal for Medical Marijuana Operation and Oversight. |
14 ACTION ITEM #11: The Committee recommends to allow District Health Department #4 to apply for the 2020 Medical Marihuana Operation and Oversight Grant Renewal on behalf of the County in the amount of $9,746.00 (with County Administrative Fees $250) for education and outreach as presented. This has been sent to the Grant Review Committee. |
15 10:30 a.m. Bid Opening for Ambulance and ATVs
16 10:35 a.m. Sgt. JP Ritter, Sheriff's Office 1) Request to sell vehicle assigned to the CRTC division. |
16 ACTION ITEM #12: The Committee recommends authorizing the Sheriff's Office to put out for bids to sell the vehicle that the Sheriff's Office had assigned to the CRTC division as presented.
16 2) Bid Recommendation to purchase two new ATVs to be funded by the Department of Natural
Resources ORV Grant. |
16 ACTION ITEM #13: The Committee recommends to approve the Sheriff's Office bid recommendation to purchase 2 new ATV's to be funded by the Department of Natural Resources ORV Grant as presented.
17 10:40 a.m. Tammy Sumerix-Bates 1) 2019 Youth and Rec contract amendment |
17 ACTION ITEM #14: The Committee recommends we modify the 2019 Youth and Recreation KAPUT agreement as presented with language change and no monetary change.
18 10:40 a.m. Kim Ludlow, County Treasurer 1) Monthly Reports (attachment) |
19 2) Adoption of the following action items for the 2020 budget:
19 ACTION ITEM #15: Recommendation to adopt the 2020 Budget Policy, regarding fiscal policies and that they be part of the 2020 budget. (attachment)
19 ACTION ITEM #16: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the Component Unit Proprietary Funds. (attachment)
19 ACTION ITEM #17: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the General Fund. (attachment)
19 ACTION ITEM #18: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the Special Revenue Funds. (attachment)
19 ACTION ITEM #19: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the Debt Service Funds. (attachment)
19 ACTION ITEM #20: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the Capital Project Funds. (attachment)
19 ACTION ITEM #21: Recommendation to approve the resolution for Enterprise Funds. (attachment)
19 ACTION ITEM #22: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the Fiduciary Funds. (attachment)
19 ACTION ITEM #23: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the Internal Service Funds. (attachment)
19 ACTION ITEM #24: Recommendation that the Treasurer be authorized to pay all remaining bills for 2019 and to make budget adjustments for 2019.
20 3) County Treasurer End of the Year Report (attachment)
20 ACTION ITEM #25: The Committee recommends to authorize the Treasurer to transfer $250,000 of the Projected UnRestricted General Fund Balance of $420,349.58 for December 2019 that is more than 30% of the 2020 General Fund Budget to the following funds:
$200,000.00 to 631 Building & Grounds Maintenance Fund and $50,000.00 to 402 Equipment & Replacement Fund = $250,000.00 as presented. |
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | December 11, 2019 at 9:30 AM - Finance Committee | |
Subject: |
1 9:30 a.m. Bonnie Friedrichs, County Clerk
Subject: |
1 1) Bills to pay
Subject: |
1 COMMITTEE ACTION ONLY: Motion to pay all bills as submitted.
Subject: |
2 9:35 a.m. Janelle Mott, Financial Officer 1) Child Care Fund's Monthly Report |
Subject: |
3 9:40 a.m. Ed Black, Prosecuting Attorney
1) Russ Rhynard, Prosecuting Attorney Contract |
Subject: |
3 ACTION ITEM #1: The Committee recommends to approve the contract with Russ Rhynard as Temporary Part-time Assistant Prosecuting Attorney as presented.
Subject: |
4 2) Phil Seguin Special Investigator contract
Subject: |
4 ACTION ITEM #2: The Committee recommends that we approve the contract with Phil Seguin as Special Investigator as presented.
Subject: |
5 3) Crime Victim Rights Advocate
Subject: |
6 ACTION ITEM #3: The Committee recommends we approve making the Crime Victim Rights full-time position, 101-370-701 a salaried position as permitted in accordance with the attorney opinion from John Gretzinger, contingent on the Crime Victim Right's grant being able to fully support the same at no cost to the County.
Subject: |
7 9:45 a.m. Commissioner Brad McRoberts
1) Jeanette Tolan, Contract Extension Recommendation |
Subject: |
7 ACTION ITEM #4: The Committee recommends to approve to extend Jeanette Tolan’s contract for 2 months (December 2019 and January 2020 and to readdress at the January 2020 IT Committee meeting as presented.
Subject: |
8 9:50 a.m. Sgt. Scott Gagnon, Jail Administrator
1) Bid Recommendation for Inmate Food Services (attachment) |
Subject: |
8 ACTION ITEM #5: The Committee recommends to approve the Sheriff’s Office bid recommendation to accept the Contract with Canteen Services for the inmate food service in the amount of $2.55 per inmate/sack meals, $6.50 per Kosher meals, and $1.25 per Medical Snack with monies coming out of line item #101-301-817 effective January 13, 2020 for five (5) years thereafter extending for additional one (1) year period on a year-to-year basis upon mutual agreement as presented. This has had attorney review.
Subject: |
9 9:55 a.m. Undersheriff Erik Smith, Sheriff's Office 1) Request to sell two diesel generators (attachment) |
Subject: |
9 ACTION ITEM #6: The Committee recommends authorizing the Sheriff's Office to sell two diesel generators as presented.
Subject: |
10 10:00 a.m. Wes Wilder, Maintenance Superintendent
1) Bid Recommendations for Purchase and Installation of Loose-Lay Vinyl Plank Flooring & Carpet Tile Flooring at County Annex Building (attachment) |
Subject: |
10 ACTION ITEM #7: The Committee recommends approving the Maintenance Superintendent's recommendation to accept the bid from Youngs Flooring in the amount of $17,785.93 as there were no other bids received on December 6, 2019 with monies coming out of line item #631-266-975.002 for Flooring Replacement in the County Annex Building (upper hallway, walk off entry, and lower hallway, walk of entry). Money was budgeted in 2019 and authorize the monies be available for 2020 and the Treasurer to make necessary budget adjustments in January 2020.
Subject: |
11 10:05 a.m. Steve Smigelski, Airport Manager 1) Spence Brothers Pay Application 13 for the new airport terminal (attachment). |
Subject: |
11 ACTION ITEM #8: The Committee recommends we approve the Pay Application 13 (airport new terminal) from Spence Brothers with the County's portion in the amount of $118,585.39 coming out of 481-595-975 as presented.
Subject: |
12 10:10 a.m. Mark Hall, Emergency Services Coordinator Guests: Brent Schnell, Motorola Solutions Jessica Spindler, Tele-rad Inc 1) 7500 Consoles and 800 MHz Integration (attachment) |
Subject: |
12 ACTION ITEM #9: The Committee recommends to approve the Emergency Services Coordinator's recommendation for 7500 Consoles and Fire Service 800 MHz integration project with an estimated cost of $594,398.00 with cost allocation backout as follows: 7500 consoles $473,503.00 Down payment from 211-000-390 fund balance $250,000.00 Balance to finance $223,503.00 Five yearly payment from 211-325-970 $49,781.49 Lease rate 3.59% 115 G4 Unication pagers $61,675.00 Down payment from 211-000-390 fund balance $6,167.50 Balance to finance $55,507.50 Five yearly payment from 211-325-970 $12,906.01 Lease rate 5.240% MPSCS Fee from 211-000-394 technology-r $19,750.00 Equature/Recorder interface from 211-000-394 technology-r $2,200.00 800 MHz Siren Solution from 211-000-394 technology-r $17,120.00 Fiber connections from 211-000-394 technology-r $350.00/$450.00 Mo In compliance with Alpena County bid policy the 7500 consoles through Motorola Solutions are the only approved MPSCS direct connect solution at this time, making this purchase fall under the single-source criteria policy. |
Subject: |
13 10:15 a.m. Finance Chair Bill Peterson
1) Granger Pay Application #10 (new jail) Pay Invoice for November 2019 (attachment) |
Subject: |
13 ACTION ITEM #10: The Committee recommends to approve the Granger Pay Application #10 Invoice for the new jail for November 2019 in the amount of $433,356.71 with monies coming out of line item #466- 301-975 (Jail Construction Costs) as presented.
Subject: |
14 10:20 a.m. Judy Greer, District Health Department #4 1) District Health Department #4 2020 Grant Application Renewal for Medical Marijuana Operation and Oversight. |
Subject: |
14 ACTION ITEM #11: The Committee recommends to allow District Health Department #4 to apply for the 2020 Medical Marihuana Operation and Oversight Grant Renewal on behalf of the County in the amount of $9,746.00 (with County Administrative Fees $250) for education and outreach as presented. This has been sent to the Grant Review Committee. |
Subject: |
15 10:30 a.m. Bid Opening for Ambulance and ATVs
Subject: |
16 10:35 a.m. Sgt. JP Ritter, Sheriff's Office 1) Request to sell vehicle assigned to the CRTC division. |
Subject: |
16 ACTION ITEM #12: The Committee recommends authorizing the Sheriff's Office to put out for bids to sell the vehicle that the Sheriff's Office had assigned to the CRTC division as presented.
Subject: |
16 2) Bid Recommendation to purchase two new ATVs to be funded by the Department of Natural
Resources ORV Grant. |
Subject: |
16 ACTION ITEM #13: The Committee recommends to approve the Sheriff's Office bid recommendation to purchase 2 new ATV's to be funded by the Department of Natural Resources ORV Grant as presented.
Subject: |
17 10:40 a.m. Tammy Sumerix-Bates 1) 2019 Youth and Rec contract amendment |
Subject: |
17 ACTION ITEM #14: The Committee recommends we modify the 2019 Youth and Recreation KAPUT agreement as presented with language change and no monetary change.
Subject: |
18 10:40 a.m. Kim Ludlow, County Treasurer 1) Monthly Reports (attachment) |
Subject: |
19 2) Adoption of the following action items for the 2020 budget:
Subject: |
19 ACTION ITEM #15: Recommendation to adopt the 2020 Budget Policy, regarding fiscal policies and that they be part of the 2020 budget. (attachment)
Subject: |
19 ACTION ITEM #16: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the Component Unit Proprietary Funds. (attachment)
Subject: |
19 ACTION ITEM #17: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the General Fund. (attachment)
Subject: |
19 ACTION ITEM #18: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the Special Revenue Funds. (attachment)
Subject: |
19 ACTION ITEM #19: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the Debt Service Funds. (attachment)
Subject: |
19 ACTION ITEM #20: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the Capital Project Funds. (attachment)
Subject: |
19 ACTION ITEM #21: Recommendation to approve the resolution for Enterprise Funds. (attachment)
Subject: |
19 ACTION ITEM #22: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the Fiduciary Funds. (attachment)
Subject: |
19 ACTION ITEM #23: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the Internal Service Funds. (attachment)
Subject: |
19 ACTION ITEM #24: Recommendation that the Treasurer be authorized to pay all remaining bills for 2019 and to make budget adjustments for 2019.
Subject: |
20 3) County Treasurer End of the Year Report (attachment)
Subject: |
20 ACTION ITEM #25: The Committee recommends to authorize the Treasurer to transfer $250,000 of the Projected UnRestricted General Fund Balance of $420,349.58 for December 2019 that is more than 30% of the 2020 General Fund Budget to the following funds:
$200,000.00 to 631 Building & Grounds Maintenance Fund and $50,000.00 to 402 Equipment & Replacement Fund = $250,000.00 as presented. |
Subject: |