Meeting Agenda
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Roll Call
III. Consent Agenda
III.A. Approval of Minutes
III.A.1. December 16, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes
III.A.2. December 16, 2024 Closed Session Minutes
III.B. Approval of Bills (F.D. 1/27/2025-1)
III.B.1. Bills Payable
III.B.2. Education Fund - $159,887.89
III.B.3. Operations and Maintenance Fund - $78,288.20
III.B.4. Debt Service - $0.00
III.B.5. Transportation Fund - $205,575.76
III.B.6. Capital Projects - $0.00
III.B.7. Tort Fund - $150.00
III.B.8. Payroll
III.C. Financial Reports (F.D. 1/27/2025-2)
III.D. G-17 Disclosure and Engagement Letter with Raymond James & Associates, Inc. (F.D. 1/27/2025-3)
III.E. Personnel - New Hires / Resignations / Leaves
IV. Superintendent's Report
IV.A. Superintendent Goals Midterm Report
IV.B. School Fees
IV.C. Summer Projects
IV.D. Student Enrollment Projections
V. Public Comment
VI. Board Reports and Requests
VI.A. B.I.G.
VI.B. Characters Counts! Coalition
VI.C. Education Foundation
VI.F. Bloomingdale Council of Teachers
VII. Freedom of Information Act Requests
VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. Closed Session Minutes Review and Digital Recording Erasure (F.D. 1/27/2025-4)
VIII.B. Approval of School Construction Manager (F.D. 1/27/2025-5)
VIII.C. Resolution for the Designation of Person to Prepare the Budget (F.D. 1/27/2025-6)
VIII.D. Adopt the Resolution to Dismiss Tenured Staff Member (F.D. 1/27/2025-7)
IX. Discussion Items
IX.A. Building Projects
IX.B. First Reading of Amendments to Board Policy
X. Topics for Future Agendas
XI. For Information
XI.A. Enrollment Report
XI.B. Second Quarter Budget Report
XII. Closed Session
XII.A. Employment/Evaluation/Compensation of Personnel
XII.B. Collective Bargaining
XIII. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 27, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
II. Roll Call
Subject: |
III. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
III.A. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
III.A.1. December 16, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
III.A.2. December 16, 2024 Closed Session Minutes
Subject: |
III.B. Approval of Bills (F.D. 1/27/2025-1)
Subject: |
III.B.1. Bills Payable
Subject: |
III.B.2. Education Fund - $159,887.89
Subject: |
III.B.3. Operations and Maintenance Fund - $78,288.20
Subject: |
III.B.4. Debt Service - $0.00
Subject: |
III.B.5. Transportation Fund - $205,575.76
Subject: |
III.B.6. Capital Projects - $0.00
Subject: |
III.B.7. Tort Fund - $150.00
Subject: |
III.B.8. Payroll
Subject: |
III.C. Financial Reports (F.D. 1/27/2025-2)
Subject: |
III.D. G-17 Disclosure and Engagement Letter with Raymond James & Associates, Inc. (F.D. 1/27/2025-3)
Subject: |
III.E. Personnel - New Hires / Resignations / Leaves
Subject: |
IV. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
IV.A. Superintendent Goals Midterm Report
Subject: |
IV.B. School Fees
Subject: |
IV.C. Summer Projects
Subject: |
IV.D. Student Enrollment Projections
Subject: |
V. Public Comment
During the Public Comment section of this meeting, the School Board welcomes your comments. Please state your name so we can record your name and question for the meeting minutes.
Identify oneself and be brief. Ordinarily, the time for any one person to address the Board during public participation shall be limited to five minutes. In unusual circumstances, and when an individual has made a request to speak for a longer period of time, the Board President may allow a person to speak for more than five minutes. If multiple individuals wish to address the Board on the same subject, the group is encouraged to appoint a spokesperson. (Policy 2:230) As part of a governing body that meets in public, we willingly take your comments and input as part of the public record of this meeting. Please note that, if questions are posed of the Board during your comments, your question may not receive a response this evening. Likewise, the invitation to comment does not ensure an opportunity for dialogue during the meeting with the Board itself. |
Subject: |
VI. Board Reports and Requests
Subject: |
VI.A. B.I.G.
Subject: |
VI.B. Characters Counts! Coalition
Subject: |
VI.C. Education Foundation
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
VI.F. Bloomingdale Council of Teachers
Subject: |
Subject: |
VII. Freedom of Information Act Requests
Subject: |
VIII. Action Items
Subject: |
VIII.A. Closed Session Minutes Review and Digital Recording Erasure (F.D. 1/27/2025-4)
Subject: |
VIII.B. Approval of School Construction Manager (F.D. 1/27/2025-5)
Subject: |
VIII.C. Resolution for the Designation of Person to Prepare the Budget (F.D. 1/27/2025-6)
Subject: |
VIII.D. Adopt the Resolution to Dismiss Tenured Staff Member (F.D. 1/27/2025-7)
Subject: |
IX. Discussion Items
Subject: |
IX.A. Building Projects
Subject: |
IX.B. First Reading of Amendments to Board Policy
Subject: |
X. Topics for Future Agendas
Subject: |
XI. For Information
Subject: |
XI.A. Enrollment Report
Subject: |
XI.B. Second Quarter Budget Report
Subject: |
XII. Closed Session
Subject: |
XII.A. Employment/Evaluation/Compensation of Personnel
Subject: |
XII.B. Collective Bargaining
Subject: |
XIII. Adjournment