Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Discussion Items
II.A. Discussion of FY2020 Audit
II.B. Suburban Schools Cooperative Insurance Pool Marketplace Update
II.C. FEMA Update
II.D. Discussion of Special Education Staffing Updates
II.E. Discussion of Capital Projects and Potential for Acceleration of Bond Issuance
II.F. Proposed Cost Increase and Amendment to Contract - Organic Life
II.G. Discussion of 2020 Tentative Levy and Supplemental Tax Levy for Debt Service
II.H. Financial Reporting to the Board
II.I. Property Tax Appeals Board (PTAB) Update
III. Old Business
III.A. Approval of Minutes - October 5, 2020 Finance Committee Meeting
IV. New Business
V. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 2, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Finance Committee Meeting | |
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I. Call to Order
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II. Discussion Items
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II.A. Discussion of FY2020 Audit
The Committee was provided with a preliminary draft version of the audit. Initially requested changes have been made. We will review the final audit and Annual Financial Report (AFR) with Jeff Rollefson from Evans Marshall Pease.
Mr. Rollefson shared an overview of the District Audit. Administration then left the meeting so that Board members could consult with him directly.
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II.B. Suburban Schools Cooperative Insurance Pool Marketplace Update
The insurance market continues to be extremely challenging for K-12 school districts. At this point, all markets are being told to anticipate double-digit increases.The SSCIP Board is working on our renewal. However due to a nation-wide trend of more severe and frequent catastrophic property and liability events, we may be looking at an increase between19-23%.
Reviewed predicted rates increase due to pandemic and increased liability events across the cooperative.
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II.C. FEMA Update
Amy McPartlin has been working with the Federal Emergency Management Authority (FEMA) since the beginning of the pandemic. A list of expenditures has been attached. She will provide an update on efforts being made in seeking reimbursements for costs due to the ongoing management of the pandemic.
Not anticipating reimbursements due to limitations in their coverage, but we have filed all required documentation.
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II.D. Discussion of Special Education Staffing Updates
A few budgetary adjustments have been made to cover staffing placements required to meet the needs of our Special Eduction students. In an effort to maintain transparency with the Committee, an update will be shared.
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II.E. Discussion of Capital Projects and Potential for Acceleration of Bond Issuance
A listing of current capital projects and a potential financial plan will be shared and discussed as Administration seeks the Committee's guidance on the next steps.
Finance Committee discussed administration's recommendation and are supportive of moving forward with Option 2.
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II.F. Proposed Cost Increase and Amendment to Contract - Organic Life
Organic Life is requesting an increase towards the current breakfast and lunch rates to help offset some of the additional PPE, sanitation, food and packaging costs associated with the modified pandemic meals service program. Will bring the amendment to the Full Board in November.
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II.G. Discussion of 2020 Tentative Levy and Supplemental Tax Levy for Debt Service
We will discuss the proposed 2020 preliminary tax levy to be presented for approval at the November 11, 2020 BOE meeting. We will also discuss the need for a Supplemental Tax Levy for Debt Services as requested by Raymond James. Both levies will be presented for approval at the December 9, 2020 BOE meeting.
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II.H. Financial Reporting to the Board
Monthly review of Year to Date Revenue and Expenditures
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II.I. Property Tax Appeals Board (PTAB) Update
An update on the District's current tax appeals will be provided to the Committee.
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III. Old Business
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III.A. Approval of Minutes - October 5, 2020 Finance Committee Meeting
The Finance Committee recommends approval of the minutes from the October 5, 2020 as written.
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IV. New Business
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V. Adjournment