Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Mission Moment
V. Public Forum
VI. Reports
VI.A. Bond Pre-Sale Report
VII. Item(s): General Information
VII.A. Enrollment Report
VIII. Item(s): For Discussion - No Action Required by the Board
VIII.A. Board Forum
VIII.A.1. School Board Committee Meeting Reports
VIII.A.2. School Board Work Session Report
VIII.A.3. Policy Revisions (First Reading)
VIII.B. Administrative Report
VIII.B.1. American Indian Education (Equity/High Quality Teaching & Learning)
IX. Consent Agenda: Board Action Requested
IX.A. Minutes from January 27, 2025
IX.B. Disbursement Report
IX.C. Personnel Report
X. Item(s): Board Action Requested
X.A. Policy Revisions (Second Reading/Consideration for Approval)
X.B. Achievement and Integration Plan (Equity)
X.C. Resolution to Make Recommendations for Reductions (High Quality Teaching & Learning)
X.D. 2026-2027 School Calendar (21st Century Learners)
X.E. Gifts to the District
XI. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Owatonna Public Schools | ||||||||||||||
Meeting: | February 24, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting | |||||||||||||
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
III. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
IV. Mission Moment
Inspiring Excellence. Every Learner, Every Day.
Subject: |
V. Public Forum
Subject: |
VI. Reports
Subject: |
VI.A. Bond Pre-Sale Report
Presenter: |
Ehlers Public Finance Advisors
Subject: |
VII. Item(s): General Information
Subject: |
VII.A. Enrollment Report
Subject: |
VIII. Item(s): For Discussion - No Action Required by the Board
Subject: |
VIII.A. Board Forum
Subject: |
VIII.A.1. School Board Committee Meeting Reports
Subject: |
VIII.A.2. School Board Work Session Report
Subject: |
VIII.A.3. Policy Revisions (First Reading)
The attached policies were reviewed by the policy committee and are being presented for a first reading. Also attached is the policy revisions summary.
Key: (1) |
Subject: |
VIII.B. Administrative Report
Subject: |
VIII.B.1. American Indian Education (Equity/High Quality Teaching & Learning)
Presenter: |
Julie Sullivan, Director of Teaching & Learning
Subject: |
IX. Consent Agenda: Board Action Requested
If desired, items may be removed from the consent agenda by request by an individual school board member for independent consideration. A request is timely if made prior to the vote on the consent agenda. The request does not require a second or a vote by the school board. An item removed from the consent agenda will then be discussed and acted on separately immediately following the consideration of the consent agenda.
Roll call vote is required as the consent agenda contains the personnel report. |
Subject: |
IX.A. Minutes from January 27, 2025
Subject: |
IX.B. Disbursement Report
Subject: |
IX.C. Personnel Report
Subject: |
X. Item(s): Board Action Requested
Subject: |
X.A. Policy Revisions (Second Reading/Consideration for Approval)
The attached policies were reviewed by the policy committee and presented for a first reading on January 27, 2025. They are being presented for a second reading and consideration for approval. Also attached is the policy revisions summary.
Policies 606, 619, and 707 contain non-substantive changes and have been added for consideration for approval. Key: (1) |
Subject: |
X.B. Achievement and Integration Plan (Equity)
Director of Teaching and Learning Julie Sullivan explained the Achievement and Integration grant during the February 10, 2025 school board work session.
The purpose of the Achievement and Integration (A&I) for Minnesota program is to pursue racial and economic integration, increase student achievement, create equitable educational opportunities, and reduce academic disparities based on students' diverse racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds in Minnesota public schools. There are four ways that a district can be eligible for the program:
The Owatonna Public School District was identified as a Racially Isolated District and is eligible to participate once again in the Achievement and Integration program. The school district has participated in this program since 2019.
Achievement and Integration's goals are aligned with Comprehensive Achievement and Civic Readiness and focus on racial and economic integration, increasing student achievement, creating equitable educational opportunities, and reducing academic disparities. Owatonna Public Schools goals:
Subject: |
X.C. Resolution to Make Recommendations for Reductions (High Quality Teaching & Learning)
Superintendent Elstad provided a financial update at the school board work session on February 10, 2025. A $1.8 million reduction in programs/staff is needed to better balance the budget for the 2025-2026 school year.
Attached is a resolution authorizing the superintendent and administration to make recommendations for reductions in programs and positions. |
Subject: |
X.D. 2026-2027 School Calendar (21st Century Learners)
The school calendar shall be adopted by the school board each year. It shall meet all provisions of Minnesota statutes pertaining to a minimum number of school days and other provisions of law. The school calendar shall establish student days, workshop days for staff, provide for emergency closings and other information related to students, staff, and parents. Each year, our annual calendar is put together by a committee of faculty and administrators. (Policy 602)
Attached is the 2026-2027 school year calendar the Board is being asked to consider for approval. |
Subject: |
X.E. Gifts to the District
Policy 706 establishes guidelines for the acceptance of gifts to the District. As specified by Minnesota Statute 465.03, the School Board may accept a gift, grant, or property only by the adoption of a resolution approved by two-thirds of its members. Any gifts accepted of more than nominal value (more than $5), shall become property of the District (Policy 421). The gifts are listed on the attached resolution. |
Subject: |
XI. Adjournment