January 6, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Organizational School Board Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. New Board Members
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Election of Officers
Nominations and appointments for the positions of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Clerk and Treasurer need to be made for the 2025 year. After three calls for nominations, the acting chair closes the nominations for the office. If only one person is nominated, the chair may declare that candidate elected. If more than one person is nominated, a vote is necessary.
V.A. Office of Chairperson
Mark Sebring currently holds the office of Chairperson. Nominations will be taken for this position and an appointment made.
After three calls for nominations, the acting chair closes the nominations for the office. If only one person is nominated, the chair may declare that candidate elected. If more than one person is nominated, a vote is necessary. |
V.B. Office of Vice-Chairperson
Lori Weisenburger held the office of Vice-Chairperson in 2024. Nominations will be taken for this position and an appointment made.
After three calls for nominations, the acting chair closes the nominations for the office. If only one person is nominated, the chair may declare that candidate elected. If more than one person is nominated, a vote is necessary. |
V.C. Office of Clerk
Eric Schuster held the office of Clerk in 2024. Nominations will be taken for this position and an appointment made.
After three calls for nominations, the acting chair closes the nominations for the office. If only one person is nominated, the chair may declare that candidate elected. If more than one person is nominated, a vote is necessary. |
V.D. Office of Treasurer
Jolayne Mohs held the office of Treasurer in 2024. Nominations will be taken for this position and an appointment made.
After three calls for nominations, the acting chair closes the nominations for the office. If only one person is nominated, the chair may declare that candidate elected. If more than one person is nominated, a vote is necessary. |
VI. Item(s): Board Action Requested - Organizational Items
VI.A. School Board Committees
The school board annually approves the school board committees at the organizational meeting. Attached is the draft list of the committee assignments. Questions about board member assignments can be directed to Mark Sebring.
VI.B. Representative for Title I Funding
The District is required each year to authorize a person to make application and be the contact person for funds provided under Title I, Public Law 103-382. The representative will ensure that the school district maintains compliance with the appropriate Federal Statutes, Regulations, and State procedures currently in effect. It is recommended that Julie Sullivan, Director of Teaching and Learning, serve in that capacity.
VI.C. Official Newspaper
The District is required to designate a newspaper as the official newspaper to provide meeting notices, School Board summaries, requests for bids, and other official business of the School Board.
The Owatonna People’s Press is the most frequently circulated newspaper in Owatonna and has been the official newspaper of the District for many years. |
VI.D. School Board Meeting Schedule
The District has historically held two (2) Board meetings per month. They have been starting at 5:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month. The first meeting of the month has been a school board work session, and the second meeting of the month a business meeting. Any variation in the dates and times of meetings requires proper notification to the public. Meetings are held in the Chambers of the Charles S Crandall Center, 540 West Hills Circle, Owatonna.
VI.E. Legal Counsel
The District has used a variety of firms to provide legal services. Each firm has been used by school administration for counsel on various matters. Dorsey & Whitney has been used on matters related to referendums; and Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney on matters related to personnel and special education. Counsel is used only by District level administration and only after receiving superintendent approval.
Receiving periodic legal counsel is a means of ensuring the District is doing everything within its power to handle difficult matters in a fair and lawful manner. |
VI.F. Designating Depositories for School District Revenue
The district is required to designate its depositories for school district revenues. It is good practice to periodically review the depository practices of the district to ensure the safekeeping of its assets and to maximize its investment. |
VI.G. Designating Financial Institutions for School District Investments
The District has historically used a variety of institutions to oversee the proper investment of its assets. It is good practice to periodically review the investment practices of the District to ensure the safekeeping of its assets while maximizing its investments.
Below are the financial institutions the District has used, and the Board is asked to authorize:
VI.H. Authorizing Persons to Make Transfers
The district is required to designate persons authorized to deposit and withdraw money on behalf of the district to the checking and investment accounts.
VI.I. Authorizing Cosigners of Checks and the Use of Check Signing Machine
The district is required to designate cosigners of checks and the use of their signatures on its check signing machine. The cosigners will be the newly elected chair, clerk and treasurer of the Board.
VI.J. Board Annual Allowance
For 2024, the Board established an annual allowance of $3,700 per board member. The Board added $600 to the annual allowance for the position of Chair. It is being recommended that the Board consider an allowance of $3,850 per board member with an additional $600 for the position of Chair for the year 2025. |
VI.K. Appointment of Deputy Treasurer
The District has historically appointed a Deputy Treasurer whose responsibility is to act in the stead of its elected treasurer. This position has been held by the superintendent of schools as a means of providing an ‘internal’ check on the district’s accounting system.
VII. Adjournment