February 6, 2024 at 5:00 PM - Regular Study & Voting Session (doors open at 4:30 pm)
Agenda |
2. CALL TO ORDER - Governing Board President, Stan Goligoski
3.A. Welcome - Governing Board President, Stan Goligoski
3.B. Pledge of Allegiance
4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA - Governing Board President, Stan Goligoski
4.A. Consider approving the agenda, as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Board Policy requires the approval of the agenda. |
5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Governing Board President, Stan Goligoski
5.A. Consider approving the minutes from the Regular Study and Voting Session meeting of January 16, 2024, as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Board policy requires the approval of minutes.
6.A. Galileo Data Presentation
Presenter: Rene Steingraber, PUSD Testing Coordinator |
6.B. Preview of February 16, 2024, Professional Development Day
Presenter: Kelsey Secor, Director of Instructional Support. |
7.A. Summary of Current Events
7.A.1. Superintendent
7.A.2. Governing Board Members
7.A.3. Governing Board Student Representatives
8.A. CONSENT AGENDA - All those items listed below may be enacted by one motion and approved as Consent Agenda items with or without discussion. However, any item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately if a Governing Board member so requests.
The resolutions included in the Consent Agenda have been posted in order to waive the reading of the body of the resolutions. Consider approving the Consent Agenda as presented. |
8.A.1. Consider approving the certified and classified personnel actions as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: A copy of the personnel report is attached for review. Presenter: Andy Binder, Assistant Superintendent/HR Director
8.A.2. Consider approving the donations as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Board policy requires acceptance by the Governing Board of all donations. Presenter: Brian Moore, Chief Financial Officer
8.A.3. Consider ratifying the vouchers as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Arizona Revised Statutes require approval/ratification of all vouchers. Presenter: Brian Moore, Chief Financial Officer
8.A.4. Consider approving the Student Activities Fund Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for FY23 End of Year and FY24, (January 2024), as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Please see the attached reports. Presenter: Brian Moore, Chief Financial Officer
8.A.5. Consider approving a Waiver of Conflict of Interest regarding agreements between the Yavapai County Free Library District and Prescott Unified School District No. 1, as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: The Yavapai County Attorney (YCAO) has been asked by Corey Christians, Director of the Yavapai County Free Library District (YCFLD), to provide legal services in connection with preparing agreements and templates for agreements, and to provide advice, review, and conduct communication between YCFLD and PUSD, No. 1, regarding Agreement for Transfer of Used Computer Equipment from the Yavapai County Free Library District to Prescott Unified School District No. 1. YCAO maintains an attorney-client relationship with the parties and may periodically provide legal advice to them. YCAO recognized that the School District may have independent legal counsel. Nonetheless, YCAO maintains an attorney-client relationship with the School District as YCAO may periodically provide legal advice to them pursuant to A.R.S. 11-532. A School District's "client" status does not change even if they use independent legal representation. It is also possible that Prescott Unified School District may eventually ask YCAO for legal services concerning these matters. Please see the Waiver of Conflict of Interest document attached. Presenter: Clark Tenney, Superintendent
8.B. STUDY AND VOTING SESSION - If a member of the public wishes to speak to one of the following voting items, please complete and return exhibit BEDH-E, Public Request to Speak (https://www.prescottschools.com/Page/558) to Sarah Torres, Administrative Assistant to the Governing Board prior to the study and voting session of the agenda.
For items with the potential to have many speakers, the overall speaking time may be adjusted by the Governing Board. Speakers will be called to speak in the order in which they signed up, first come, first served. Requests to speak that are emailed will also be first come, first served. Email requests can be sent to sarah.torres@prescottschools.com at any time prior to the study and voting session of the agenda.
8.B.1. Consider approving an out-of-state travel request from Mr. Barry Tolli, Head Baseball Coach at Prescott High School, for student-athletes and coaches to travel to Laughlin, Nevada, and participate in the Route 66 Baseball Classic Tournament, as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: 18-20 Prescott High School Baseball players will be invited to participate in the Route 66 Baseball Classic Tournament in Laughlin, Nevada on March 8 & 9, 2024, hosted by River Valley High School. The athletes' families are responsible for transportation to and from the tournament, and they are also responsible for reserving and paying for hotel accommodations of their choice. This is an Arizona Interscholastic Association (AIA) sanctioned event. Presenter: Barry Tolli, PHS Head Baseball Coach |
8.B.2. Consider approving the School Facilities Oversight Board's "Terms and Conditions for Acceptance of Monies from the Building Renewal Grant Fund", for PUSD school sites, as presented.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Governing Board approval is required for the school Facilities Oversight Board to distribute any monies for projects from the Building Renewal Grant fund and to comply with state law. BRG-005560 3-Ton HVAC Unit Replacement - Taylor Hicks Elementary - $26,439.00 Presenter: Brian Moore, Chief Financial Officer
8.C.1. Brian Moore, Chief Financial Officer, has prepared the School Board Summary Budget Report for your review.
8.C.2. Community Comments shared with the Governing Board (what comments/concerns do Board members hear from the public in general).
Presenter: Governing Board President, Stan Goligoski |
8.C.3. School District Governance Book Study Discussion
Presenter: Clark Tenney, Superintendent |
8.C.4. Meeting Dates:
Regular Study and Voting Session: March 5, 2024, at 5:00 pm in the PUSD District Office Boardroom. Other Dates: Friday, February 16, 2024 - Professional Development Day - No students Monday, February 19, 2024 - Presidents' Day - All PUSD Schools & Sites closed |