Meeting Agenda
I. Call To Order
II. Determine a Quorum
III. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags
IV. Moment of Silent Prayer or Reflection
V. Board Member Reports
V.A. President's Report
V.A.1. Board President Annual Announcement on Continuing Education of Board Members
V.B. Superintendent's Report
V.C. Strategic Partners - Aledo Education Foundation, Aledo ISD PTO, AdvoCats Report
V.D. Legislative Sub Committee Report
V.E. Bond Subcommittee Report
VI. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Item
VII. Public Comment on Agenda Item
VIII. Update on COVID-19 Impact on District Operations and Community Needs
VIII.A. Resolution Delegating Authority to the Superintendent to Act in Place of the Board of Trustees During an Emergency or Disaster Due to COVID-19
IX. Consent Agenda
IX.A. Consider Approval of Board Minutes
IX.B. Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Reports
IX.C. Consider Approval of the Instructional Materials TEKS Certification
X. Communication Items
X.A. District Instructional Focus
X.A.1. Featured Collaborative Team: Third Grade McCall- Liz Garcia, Michelle Johnson, Chelsea Cook, Lara Decker, Chelsea Blankenship, Amanda Coomer, Hannah Loftin; Teachers
X.B. 2019 Bond Update
X.C. TASB HR Services Pay Systems Review
X.D. Offsite Drainage Easement Between Aledo Independent School District and City of Aledo - Parks of Aledo, Bluffs
XI. Action Items
XI.A. Consider Approval of Purchase of Furniture for Aledo Middle School
XI.B. Consider Approval of Purchase of Library/Media Center Materials for Annetta Elementary School
XI.C. Consider Approval of Purchase of Fine Arts Equipment/Furniture for Aledo Middle School
XI.D. Consider Approval of Commissioning Agent for McAnally Middle School and Aledo Middle School Construction Projects
XI.E. Consider Approval of Test and Balance Contractor for McAnally Middle School and Aledo Middle School Construction Projects
XI.F. Consider Approval of 2021-2022 Staffing Adjustments
XII. Executive Session
XII.A. Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters- The Board will discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public employees or officials. (This may involve consultation with attorney as permitted under Section 551.071)
XII.A.1. Superintendent Performance Update
XII.A.2. Discussion Regarding Superintendent's Recommendation to Propose the Non-Renewal of the Term Contract of a Classroom Teacher
XII.B. Section 551.071 - Consultation with Attorney- The Board will discuss and receive legal advice from its attorney on matters which should be confidential under Texas Government Code Section 551.071
XII.C. Section 551.072 - Deliberation Regarding Real Property- The Board will discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (This may involve consultation with attorney as permitted under section 551.071)
XII.D. Section 551.0821 - School Board- The Board will discuss personally identifiable information about a public school student.
XIII. Action Item
XIII.A. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Superintendent's Recommendation to Propose the Non-Renewal of the Term Contract of a Classroom Teacher
XIV. Trustee Comments/Acknowledgments
XV. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 19, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call To Order
Presenter: |
Hoyt Harris, President
Subject: |
II. Determine a Quorum
Subject: |
III. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags
Subject: |
IV. Moment of Silent Prayer or Reflection
Presenter: |
Hoyt Harris, President
Subject: |
V. Board Member Reports
Subject: |
V.A. President's Report
Presenter: |
Hoyt Harris, President
Subject: |
V.A.1. Board President Annual Announcement on Continuing Education of Board Members
Subject: |
V.B. Superintendent's Report
Presenter: |
Susan K. Bohn, Superintendent
Subject: |
V.C. Strategic Partners - Aledo Education Foundation, Aledo ISD PTO, AdvoCats Report
Presenter: |
Julie Turner, Trustee
Subject: |
V.D. Legislative Sub Committee Report
Presenter: |
Forrest Collins, Secretary
Subject: |
V.E. Bond Subcommittee Report
Presenter: |
Jessica Brown, Trustee
Subject: |
VI. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Item
Presenter: |
Hoyt Harris, President
Subject: |
VII. Public Comment on Agenda Item
Presenter: |
Hoyt Harris, President
Subject: |
VIII. Update on COVID-19 Impact on District Operations and Community Needs
Presenter: |
Susan K Bohn, Superintendent
Subject: |
VIII.A. Resolution Delegating Authority to the Superintendent to Act in Place of the Board of Trustees During an Emergency or Disaster Due to COVID-19
Presenter: |
Susan K Bohn, Superintendent
Subject: |
IX. Consent Agenda
Presenter: |
Hoyt Harris, President
Subject: |
IX.A. Consider Approval of Board Minutes
Subject: |
IX.B. Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Reports
Subject: |
IX.C. Consider Approval of the Instructional Materials TEKS Certification
Subject: |
X. Communication Items
Subject: |
X.A. District Instructional Focus
Presenter: |
Amber Crissey, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction; April Riley, Katie Graves, Staci Hammer, Instructional Specialists
Subject: |
X.A.1. Featured Collaborative Team: Third Grade McCall- Liz Garcia, Michelle Johnson, Chelsea Cook, Lara Decker, Chelsea Blankenship, Amanda Coomer, Hannah Loftin; Teachers
Subject: |
X.B. 2019 Bond Update
Subject: |
X.C. TASB HR Services Pay Systems Review
Presenter: |
Earl Husfeld, Chief Financial Officer; Sherry Taylor, Executive Director of Human Resources
Subject: |
X.D. Offsite Drainage Easement Between Aledo Independent School District and City of Aledo - Parks of Aledo, Bluffs
Presenter: |
Earl Husfeld, Chief Financial Officer
Subject: |
XI. Action Items
Subject: |
XI.A. Consider Approval of Purchase of Furniture for Aledo Middle School
Presenter: |
Earl Husfeld, Chief Financial Officer; Tyler Boswell, Director of Construction and Facilities
Subject: |
XI.B. Consider Approval of Purchase of Library/Media Center Materials for Annetta Elementary School
Presenter: |
Earl Husfeld, Chief Financial Officer; Tyler Boswell, Director of Construction and Facilities
Subject: |
XI.C. Consider Approval of Purchase of Fine Arts Equipment/Furniture for Aledo Middle School
Presenter: |
Earl Husfeld, Chief Financial Officer; Tyler Boswell, Director of Construction and Facilities
Subject: |
XI.D. Consider Approval of Commissioning Agent for McAnally Middle School and Aledo Middle School Construction Projects
Presenter: |
Earl Husfeld, Chief Financial Officer; Tyler Boswell, Director of Construction and Facilities
Subject: |
XI.E. Consider Approval of Test and Balance Contractor for McAnally Middle School and Aledo Middle School Construction Projects
Presenter: |
Earl Husfeld, Chief Financial Officer; Tyler Boswell, Director of Construction and Facilities
Subject: |
XI.F. Consider Approval of 2021-2022 Staffing Adjustments
Presenter: |
Lynn McKinney, Deputy Superintendent
Subject: |
XII. Executive Session
Presenter: |
Hoyt Harris, President
Subject: |
XII.A. Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters- The Board will discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public employees or officials. (This may involve consultation with attorney as permitted under Section 551.071)
Subject: |
XII.A.1. Superintendent Performance Update
Subject: |
XII.A.2. Discussion Regarding Superintendent's Recommendation to Propose the Non-Renewal of the Term Contract of a Classroom Teacher
Subject: |
XII.B. Section 551.071 - Consultation with Attorney- The Board will discuss and receive legal advice from its attorney on matters which should be confidential under Texas Government Code Section 551.071
Subject: |
XII.C. Section 551.072 - Deliberation Regarding Real Property- The Board will discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (This may involve consultation with attorney as permitted under section 551.071)
Subject: |
XII.D. Section 551.0821 - School Board- The Board will discuss personally identifiable information about a public school student.
Subject: |
XIII. Action Item
Subject: |
XIII.A. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Superintendent's Recommendation to Propose the Non-Renewal of the Term Contract of a Classroom Teacher
Presenter: |
Lynn McKinney, Deputy Superintendent
Subject: |
XIV. Trustee Comments/Acknowledgments
Presenter: |
Hoyt Harris, President
Subject: |
XV. Adjourn
Presenter: |
Hoyt Harris, President