Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Recognize Guests or Committees Calling on the Board
III.A. Recognize Trustees in conjunction with School Board Appreciation Month
IV. Public Hearing
IV.A. Public Hearing to Solicit Partnerships for Full-Day Pre-Kindergarten
IV.B. Era ISD - Annual Academic Performance Report
V. Consent Agenda
V.A. Approve minutes of previous meetings
V.B. Director of Finance - Report
V.B.1. Check Register
V.B.2. Review financial statements
V.B.2.a. Cash Flow & Investment Reports
V.B.2.b. Fund financial statements
V.B.3. Consider acceptance of donations
VI. New Business
VI.A. Principal's Reports
VI.B. Athletic Director's Fall Report
VI.C. Consider approval of non-district employment for Superintendent
VI.D. Consider TASB Policy Update 114 affecting the following (LOCAL) Policies: (FIRST READING)
VI.D.1. BE(LOCAL): Board Meetings
VI.D.2. BED(LOCAL): Board Meetings - Public Participation
VI.D.3. CCGB(LOCAL): Ad Valorem Taxes - Economic Development
VI.D.4. CDA(LOCAL): Other Revenues - Investments
VI.D.5. CH(LOCAL): Purchasing and Acquisition
VI.D.6. CKC(LOCAL): Safety Program / Risk Management - Emergency Plans
VI.D.7. CQ(LOCAL): Technology Resources
VI.D.8. CQB(LOCAL): Technology Resources - Cybersecurity
VI.D.9. DFFA(LOCAL): Reduction in Force - Financial Exigency
VI.D.10. EHBB(LOCAL): Special Programs - Gifted and Talented Students
VI.D.11. FDE(LOCAL): Admissions - School Safety Transfers
VI.D.12. FFAA(LOCAL): Wellness and Health Services - Physical Examinations
VI.D.13. FFB(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Crisis Intervention
VI.D.14. FFBA(LOCAL): Crisis Intervention - Trauma-Informed Care
VI.D.15. FL(LOCAL): Student Records
VI.D.16. GBAA(LOCAL): Information Access - Requests for Information
VI.D.17. GKA(LOCAL): Community Relations - Conduct on School Premises
VI.E. Consider approval of deductible payment for replacement of district roofs
VI.F. Consider Budget Amendments
VI.G. Superintendent's Report
VI.G.1. District Construction/Maintenance Issues
VI.G.2. Report: District Utility Usage Summary
VI.G.3. Correspondence to Board
VI.G.4. Chapter 313 Issues
VI.G.5. Transition to BoardBook Premier
VI.G.6. Superintendent and Board Training
VI.H. Student Issues
VI.I. Personnel
VI.I.1. Consider Superintendent Formative Appraisal
VI.I.2. 2020-21 Staffing Patterns
VII. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 30, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Roll Call
Subject: |
III. Recognize Guests or Committees Calling on the Board
Subject: |
III.A. Recognize Trustees in conjunction with School Board Appreciation Month
Subject: |
IV. Public Hearing
Subject: |
IV.A. Public Hearing to Solicit Partnerships for Full-Day Pre-Kindergarten
Subject: |
IV.B. Era ISD - Annual Academic Performance Report
Subject: |
V. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
V.A. Approve minutes of previous meetings
Subject: |
V.B. Director of Finance - Report
Subject: |
V.B.1. Check Register
Subject: |
V.B.2. Review financial statements
Subject: |
V.B.2.a. Cash Flow & Investment Reports
Subject: |
V.B.2.b. Fund financial statements
Subject: |
V.B.3. Consider acceptance of donations
Subject: |
VI. New Business
Subject: |
VI.A. Principal's Reports
Subject: |
VI.B. Athletic Director's Fall Report
Subject: |
VI.C. Consider approval of non-district employment for Superintendent
Subject: |
VI.D. Consider TASB Policy Update 114 affecting the following (LOCAL) Policies: (FIRST READING)
Subject: |
VI.D.1. BE(LOCAL): Board Meetings
Subject: |
VI.D.2. BED(LOCAL): Board Meetings - Public Participation
Subject: |
VI.D.3. CCGB(LOCAL): Ad Valorem Taxes - Economic Development
Subject: |
VI.D.4. CDA(LOCAL): Other Revenues - Investments
Subject: |
VI.D.5. CH(LOCAL): Purchasing and Acquisition
Subject: |
VI.D.6. CKC(LOCAL): Safety Program / Risk Management - Emergency Plans
Subject: |
VI.D.7. CQ(LOCAL): Technology Resources
Subject: |
VI.D.8. CQB(LOCAL): Technology Resources - Cybersecurity
Subject: |
VI.D.9. DFFA(LOCAL): Reduction in Force - Financial Exigency
Subject: |
VI.D.10. EHBB(LOCAL): Special Programs - Gifted and Talented Students
Subject: |
VI.D.11. FDE(LOCAL): Admissions - School Safety Transfers
Subject: |
VI.D.12. FFAA(LOCAL): Wellness and Health Services - Physical Examinations
Subject: |
VI.D.13. FFB(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Crisis Intervention
Subject: |
VI.D.14. FFBA(LOCAL): Crisis Intervention - Trauma-Informed Care
Subject: |
VI.D.15. FL(LOCAL): Student Records
Subject: |
VI.D.16. GBAA(LOCAL): Information Access - Requests for Information
Subject: |
VI.D.17. GKA(LOCAL): Community Relations - Conduct on School Premises
Subject: |
VI.E. Consider approval of deductible payment for replacement of district roofs
Subject: |
VI.F. Consider Budget Amendments
Subject: |
VI.G. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
VI.G.1. District Construction/Maintenance Issues
Subject: |
VI.G.2. Report: District Utility Usage Summary
Subject: |
VI.G.3. Correspondence to Board
Subject: |
VI.G.4. Chapter 313 Issues
Subject: |
VI.G.5. Transition to BoardBook Premier
Subject: |
VI.G.6. Superintendent and Board Training
Subject: |
VI.H. Student Issues
Subject: |
VI.I. Personnel
Subject: |
VI.I.1. Consider Superintendent Formative Appraisal
Subject: |
VI.I.2. 2020-21 Staffing Patterns
Subject: |
VII. Adjourn