Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Receipt of Notices, Communications, Hearings and Petitions
4. Reports
4.1. Chair's Report
4.2. Student Trustee's Report
4.3. President's Report
4.3.1. Equity in Student Retention Strategy
4.3.2. New Leader Orientation
5. Consent Agenda (Action Items)
5.1. Approval of the Minutes
5.1.1. Regular Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2025
5.1.2. Closed Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2025
5.2. Financial
5.2.1. Approving Reimbursement of Business-Related Travel Expenses
5.2.2. Ratifying Bills, Authorizing Budget Transfers, and Accepting the Monthly Financial Report
5.3. Purchasing
5.3.1. Grayslake Campus Flooring Replacement
5.3.2. Grayslake Campus Outdoor Sports Complex Construction Mgr. Services
5.3.3. Grayslake Campus Roundabout Construction Manager Services
5.3.4. France and Italy Culinary Study Abroad Trip
5.4. Human Resources
5.4.1. New Hires
5.4.2. Probationary Period Completion
5.4.3. Promotions
5.4.4. Personnel and Position Changes
5.4.5. Resignation and Retirements
6. Presentment of Board Policies and Objectives (Information Items)
6.1. Policy 412 - Academic Standards - Revised - First Reading
7. New Business (Action Items)
7.1. Lakeshore Campus Urban Farm Center Precast Concrete Package
7.2. Lakeshore Campus Urban Farm Center Steel and Miscellaneous Metals
7.3. Fiscal Year 2026 Tuition and Comprehensive Fees
7.4. Academic Year 2025-2026 Credit Course Fees
7.5. Sabbatical Leaves of Absence
7.6. Tenure Employment Status of Faculty for 2025-2026
7.7. Resolution Authorizing Dismissal of Non-Tenured Faculty Member
7.8. Separation of Employment Specialist Personnel
7.9. Separation of Employment Specialist Personnel
8. Executive Session (Closed)
9. Other Matters for Information or Discussion
10. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
College of Lake County |
Meeting: | February 25, 2025 at 5:00 PM - Board of Trustees Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Subject: |
2. Approval of the Agenda
Subject: |
3. Receipt of Notices, Communications, Hearings and Petitions
Subject: |
4. Reports
Subject: |
4.1. Chair's Report
Subject: |
4.2. Student Trustee's Report
Subject: |
4.3. President's Report
Subject: |
4.3.1. Equity in Student Retention Strategy
Subject: |
4.3.2. New Leader Orientation
Subject: |
5. Consent Agenda (Action Items)
Subject: |
5.1. Approval of the Minutes
Subject: |
5.1.1. Regular Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2025
Subject: |
5.1.2. Closed Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2025
Subject: |
5.2. Financial
Subject: |
5.2.1. Approving Reimbursement of Business-Related Travel Expenses
Subject: |
5.2.2. Ratifying Bills, Authorizing Budget Transfers, and Accepting the Monthly Financial Report
Subject: |
5.3. Purchasing
Subject: |
5.3.1. Grayslake Campus Flooring Replacement
Subject: |
5.3.2. Grayslake Campus Outdoor Sports Complex Construction Mgr. Services
Subject: |
5.3.3. Grayslake Campus Roundabout Construction Manager Services
Subject: |
5.3.4. France and Italy Culinary Study Abroad Trip
Subject: |
5.4. Human Resources
Copies of all proposed employee contracts are available at
Subject: |
5.4.1. New Hires
Subject: |
5.4.2. Probationary Period Completion
Subject: |
5.4.3. Promotions
Subject: |
5.4.4. Personnel and Position Changes
Subject: |
5.4.5. Resignation and Retirements
Subject: |
6. Presentment of Board Policies and Objectives (Information Items)
Subject: |
6.1. Policy 412 - Academic Standards - Revised - First Reading
Subject: |
7. New Business (Action Items)
Subject: |
7.1. Lakeshore Campus Urban Farm Center Precast Concrete Package
Subject: |
7.2. Lakeshore Campus Urban Farm Center Steel and Miscellaneous Metals
Subject: |
7.3. Fiscal Year 2026 Tuition and Comprehensive Fees
Subject: |
7.4. Academic Year 2025-2026 Credit Course Fees
Subject: |
7.5. Sabbatical Leaves of Absence
Subject: |
7.6. Tenure Employment Status of Faculty for 2025-2026
Subject: |
7.7. Resolution Authorizing Dismissal of Non-Tenured Faculty Member
Subject: |
7.8. Separation of Employment Specialist Personnel
Subject: |
7.9. Separation of Employment Specialist Personnel
Subject: |
8. Executive Session (Closed)
Closed Session requested under 5 ILCS 120, Sections 2(c)(1), 2(c)(2), and 2(c)(11).
Subject: |
9. Other Matters for Information or Discussion
Subject: |
10. Adjournment