Meeting Agenda
1. Public Hearing to discuss the 2024-2025 Budget and Proposed Tax Rate
1. Assistance League of San Antonio Gives $13,000 Grant to Madla Elementary
2. SSAISD Celebrates Arts Integration at Armstrong Elementary and select teachers at all SSAISD Elementary Campuses
1. Annual Cooperative Management Fees 2024-2025
2. July 2024 Financials
Policy BE (Local) states that the consent agenda shall include items of a routine and/or recurring nature grouped together under one action item. All such items shall be acted upon by one vote without separate discussion, unless a Board Member requests that an item be withdrawn for individual consideration. The remaining items shall be adopted under a single motion and vote. |
1. Approve the Board Meeting Minutes
1.A. July 17, 2024 Regular Called
1.B. July 31, 2024 Workshop
2. Approval of Region 20 Commitments for SY 2024-2025
3. Budget Amendment
4. Approve Memorandum of Understanding Program Agreement Between South San Antonio ISD and SA Youth
5. Approve the initiation of agreement with San Antonio College Nursing
6. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between San Antonio Council on Alcohol & Drug Awareness and SSAISD.
7. 2024-2025 T-TESS Appraiser List
8. Board Resolution - Appoints the District’s Chief Financial Officer as the designated officer responsible for calculating and reporting the no-new-revenue tax rate and the voter-approval tax rate as determined by state law
9. Approve the 2024-2025 Collaboration Statement between the Boys Scouts of America, Alamo Area Council, Inc. and South San Antonio ISD
10. Interlocal Agreement with The University of Texas at Austin Institute for Public Schools Initiatives for GEAR UP Grant
1. Approval of Board Operating Procedures Amendment
2. Superintendent’s Constraints Progress Measure 2.1 - Safe Schools
3. Lone Star Governance Student Outcome Goal Report
4. Discussion and possible action to adopt an order, ordinance, or resolution adopting a tax rate for South San Antonio ISD for tax year 2025 that includes an additional $0.03 of Tier I tax effort as authorized by Texas Tax Code Section 26.042(e), otherwise known as a disaster pennies tax increase.
5. Discussion and possible action to accept the Certified Appraisal Roll for Tax Year 2024 for South San Antonio Independent School District.
6. Discussion and possible action to adopt the Annual Budget for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year
7. Order by the Board of Trustees of South San Antonio Independent School District authorizing the defeasance and redemption of certain outstanding bonds; approving and authorizing execution of an escrow agreement; authorizing the engagement of a verification agent; and containing other provisions relating thereto
8. Discussion and possible action to accept the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate and Voter-Approval Tax Rate for Year 2024 for South San Antonio ISD
9. Discussion and possible action to approve the Resolution Adopting the Tax Rate for the 2024-2025 School Year
10. Discussion and possible action to approve the proposal from Garza Bomberger and Associates to design and develop the construction documents for the exterior fence projects for South San Antonio ISD per RFQ#2023-17.
11. Discussion and possible action to approve the competitive sealed proposal construction method for the exterior fence installation district wide.
12. Discussion and possible action to accept Trustee Shirley Ibarra’s resignation from the position of Board Secretary
13. Discussion and possible action to elect Board Secretary.
14. Discussion and possible action to accept the resignation of Shirly Ibarra, Trustee District 4.
NOTICE: The Board of Trustees may elect to go into Closed Meeting any time during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Board of Trustees elects to go into Closed Meeting regarding an Agenda Item, the Board of Trustees will hold a Closed Meeting to discuss individual personnel matters including termination, litigation and other matters the Board deems necessary. Upon completion of Closed Meeting, the Board of Trustees may, in the open session, take such action as appropriate on items discussed in a Closed Meeting. If, during the course of the meeting, any discussion of any item listed on the agenda should be held in Closed Meeting, the Board will convene in such Closed Meeting in accordance with Texas Government Code Sections 551.001 - 551.088. The Board members may take action in the open portion of the meeting on items discussed in the Closed Meeting but no action will be taken in closed session. The Board will return to open session and take appropriate action, if any, on items discussed in closed session. No Action will be taken in closed session. Further, Board Members are reminded that all items discussed in closed session must remain confidential so as to avoid liability to the district. The Board will consider and discuss, the following items: Closed Meeting pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code §§ 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.076, 551.082, and 551.0821 |
1. Discussion concerning personnel matters pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074.
2. Consultation with attorney regarding Superintendent Evaluation Instrument and revision of Superintendent’s Contract
3. Personnel: deliberation of possible censure against Shirley Ibarra, Trustee District 4, for incompetency arising from gross carelessness, unfitness or inability to promptly and properly discharge official duties, official misconduct, neglect of duty, and dereliction of duty.
1. Discussion and possible action to censure Shirley Ibarra, Trustee District 4, for incompetency arising from gross carelessness, unfitness or inability to promptly and properly discharge official duties, official misconduct, neglect of duty, and dereliction of duty.
2. Reconvene from Executive Session for action relative to items considered during Executive Session
NOTICE: The Board of Trustees may elect to go into Closed Meeting any time during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Board of Trustees elects to go into Closed Meeting regarding an Agenda Item, the Board of Trustees will hold a Closed Meeting to discuss individual personnel matters including termination, litigation and other matters the Board deems necessary. Upon completion of Closed Meeting, the Board of Trustees may, in the open session, take such action as appropriate on items discussed in a Closed Meeting. If, during the course of the meeting, any discussion of any item listed on the agenda should be held in Closed Meeting, the Board will convene in such Closed Meeting in accordance with Texas Government Code Sections 551.001 - 551.088. The Board members may take action in the open portion of the meeting on items discussed in the Closed Meeting but no action will be taken in closed session.
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Presenter: |
Trustee Arrellano
Subject: |
Presenter: |
Trustee Arrellano
Subject: |
Subject: |
1. Public Hearing to discuss the 2024-2025 Budget and Proposed Tax Rate
Presenter: |
Tony Kingman, Chief Financial Officer
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
1. Assistance League of San Antonio Gives $13,000 Grant to Madla Elementary
Presenter: |
Alexis LaFosse, Director of Communications and Marketing
Subject: |
2. SSAISD Celebrates Arts Integration at Armstrong Elementary and select teachers at all SSAISD Elementary Campuses
Presenter: |
Millicent Marcha, Chief Academic Officer
Subject: |
Subject: |
1. Annual Cooperative Management Fees 2024-2025
Presenter: |
Tony Kingman, Chief Financial Officer
Subject: |
2. July 2024 Financials
Presenter: |
Tony Kingman, Chief Financial Officer
Subject: |
Policy BE (Local) states that the consent agenda shall include items of a routine and/or recurring nature grouped together under one action item. All such items shall be acted upon by one vote without separate discussion, unless a Board Member requests that an item be withdrawn for individual consideration. The remaining items shall be adopted under a single motion and vote. |
Subject: |
1. Approve the Board Meeting Minutes
Presenter: |
Michelle Martinez, Senior Executive Assistant
Subject: |
1.A. July 17, 2024 Regular Called
Subject: |
1.B. July 31, 2024 Workshop
Subject: |
2. Approval of Region 20 Commitments for SY 2024-2025
Presenter: |
Tony Kingman, Chief Financial Officer
Subject: |
3. Budget Amendment
Presenter: |
Tony Kingman, Chief Financial Officer
Subject: |
4. Approve Memorandum of Understanding Program Agreement Between South San Antonio ISD and SA Youth
Presenter: |
Millicent Marcha, Chief Academic Officer
Subject: |
5. Approve the initiation of agreement with San Antonio College Nursing
Presenter: |
Millicent Marcha, Chief Academic Officer
Subject: |
6. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between San Antonio Council on Alcohol & Drug Awareness and SSAISD.
Presenter: |
Millicent Marcha, Chief Academic Officer
Subject: |
7. 2024-2025 T-TESS Appraiser List
Presenter: |
Millicent Marcha, Chief Academic Officer
Subject: |
8. Board Resolution - Appoints the District’s Chief Financial Officer as the designated officer responsible for calculating and reporting the no-new-revenue tax rate and the voter-approval tax rate as determined by state law
Presenter: |
Tony Kingman, Chief Financial Officer
Subject: |
9. Approve the 2024-2025 Collaboration Statement between the Boys Scouts of America, Alamo Area Council, Inc. and South San Antonio ISD
Presenter: |
Millicent Marcha, Chief Academic Officer
Subject: |
10. Interlocal Agreement with The University of Texas at Austin Institute for Public Schools Initiatives for GEAR UP Grant
Presenter: |
Tony Kingman, Chief Financial Officer
Subject: |
Subject: |
1. Approval of Board Operating Procedures Amendment
Presenter: |
Henry Yzaguirre, Superintendent
Subject: |
2. Superintendent’s Constraints Progress Measure 2.1 - Safe Schools
Presenter: |
Henry Yzaguirre, Superintendent
Subject: |
3. Lone Star Governance Student Outcome Goal Report
Presenter: |
Millicent Marcha, Chief Academic Officer
Subject: |
4. Discussion and possible action to adopt an order, ordinance, or resolution adopting a tax rate for South San Antonio ISD for tax year 2025 that includes an additional $0.03 of Tier I tax effort as authorized by Texas Tax Code Section 26.042(e), otherwise known as a disaster pennies tax increase.
Presenter: |
Tony Kingman, Chief Financial Officer
Subject: |
5. Discussion and possible action to accept the Certified Appraisal Roll for Tax Year 2024 for South San Antonio Independent School District.
Presenter: |
Tony Kingman, Chief Financial Officer
Subject: |
6. Discussion and possible action to adopt the Annual Budget for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year
Presenter: |
Tony Kingman, Chief Financial Officer
Subject: |
7. Order by the Board of Trustees of South San Antonio Independent School District authorizing the defeasance and redemption of certain outstanding bonds; approving and authorizing execution of an escrow agreement; authorizing the engagement of a verification agent; and containing other provisions relating thereto
Presenter: |
Tony Kingman, Chief Financial Officer
Subject: |
8. Discussion and possible action to accept the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate and Voter-Approval Tax Rate for Year 2024 for South San Antonio ISD
Presenter: |
Tony Kingman, Chief Financial Officer
Subject: |
9. Discussion and possible action to approve the Resolution Adopting the Tax Rate for the 2024-2025 School Year
Presenter: |
Tony Kingman, Chief Financial Officer
Subject: |
10. Discussion and possible action to approve the proposal from Garza Bomberger and Associates to design and develop the construction documents for the exterior fence projects for South San Antonio ISD per RFQ#2023-17.
Presenter: |
Andy A. Rocha - Executive Director of Operations
Subject: |
11. Discussion and possible action to approve the competitive sealed proposal construction method for the exterior fence installation district wide.
Presenter: |
Andy A. Rocha - Executive Director of Operations
Subject: |
12. Discussion and possible action to accept Trustee Shirley Ibarra’s resignation from the position of Board Secretary
Subject: |
13. Discussion and possible action to elect Board Secretary.
Subject: |
14. Discussion and possible action to accept the resignation of Shirly Ibarra, Trustee District 4.
Subject: |
NOTICE: The Board of Trustees may elect to go into Closed Meeting any time during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Board of Trustees elects to go into Closed Meeting regarding an Agenda Item, the Board of Trustees will hold a Closed Meeting to discuss individual personnel matters including termination, litigation and other matters the Board deems necessary. Upon completion of Closed Meeting, the Board of Trustees may, in the open session, take such action as appropriate on items discussed in a Closed Meeting. If, during the course of the meeting, any discussion of any item listed on the agenda should be held in Closed Meeting, the Board will convene in such Closed Meeting in accordance with Texas Government Code Sections 551.001 - 551.088. The Board members may take action in the open portion of the meeting on items discussed in the Closed Meeting but no action will be taken in closed session. The Board will return to open session and take appropriate action, if any, on items discussed in closed session. No Action will be taken in closed session. Further, Board Members are reminded that all items discussed in closed session must remain confidential so as to avoid liability to the district. The Board will consider and discuss, the following items: Closed Meeting pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code §§ 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.076, 551.082, and 551.0821 |
Subject: |
1. Discussion concerning personnel matters pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074.
Subject: |
2. Consultation with attorney regarding Superintendent Evaluation Instrument and revision of Superintendent’s Contract
Subject: |
3. Personnel: deliberation of possible censure against Shirley Ibarra, Trustee District 4, for incompetency arising from gross carelessness, unfitness or inability to promptly and properly discharge official duties, official misconduct, neglect of duty, and dereliction of duty.
Subject: |
Subject: |
1. Discussion and possible action to censure Shirley Ibarra, Trustee District 4, for incompetency arising from gross carelessness, unfitness or inability to promptly and properly discharge official duties, official misconduct, neglect of duty, and dereliction of duty.
Subject: |
2. Reconvene from Executive Session for action relative to items considered during Executive Session
Subject: |
Subject: |
NOTICE: The Board of Trustees may elect to go into Closed Meeting any time during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Board of Trustees elects to go into Closed Meeting regarding an Agenda Item, the Board of Trustees will hold a Closed Meeting to discuss individual personnel matters including termination, litigation and other matters the Board deems necessary. Upon completion of Closed Meeting, the Board of Trustees may, in the open session, take such action as appropriate on items discussed in a Closed Meeting. If, during the course of the meeting, any discussion of any item listed on the agenda should be held in Closed Meeting, the Board will convene in such Closed Meeting in accordance with Texas Government Code Sections 551.001 - 551.088. The Board members may take action in the open portion of the meeting on items discussed in the Closed Meeting but no action will be taken in closed session.