Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Declaration of a Quorum
V. Adoption of Agenda
VI. District Administrator Update
VII. Public Comment
VIII. Consent Agenda Items
VIII.A Approve the minutes from the State Education Convention Review on February 14, 2023.
VIII.B Approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting on February 14, 2023.
VIII.C Approve the minutes from the Closed Session of the Regular meeting on February 14, 2023.
VIII.D Approve the minutes from the Operations and Finance committee meeting on February 21, 2023.
VIII.E Approve the minutes from the Policy committee meeting on February 22, 2023.
VIII.F Approve the minutes from the Operations and Finance Committee meeting on March 7, 2023
VIII.G Approve the minutes from the Closed Session of the Operations and Finance Committee meeting on March 7, 2023
VIII.H Approve the Invoices from February 11 - March 17, 2023.
VIII.I Employment/Contract Adjustments
VIII.I1. Replacement Staff
VIII.I2. Resignations
VIII.I3. Retirements
VIII.I4. Above Pay
VIII.I5. Volunteers
VIII.I6. Additional Staff
VIII.J Donations
VIII.K Start College Now and Early College Credit
IX. Staff Reports
X. School Resource Officer Report, Brett Susa
XI. Approval of CESA 9 Services for 2023-2024 School Year
XII. Mid-year academic data review
XIII. Approve settlement from Juul class action lawsuit.
XIV. Approve the 1st reading of the following policies:
XIV.A Policy 5250 - Program or Curriculum Modifications (New)
XIV.B Policy 8802 - Patriotic Activities and Observances (New)
XV. Approve revisions to the following policies:
XV.A Policy 0100 - Definitions
XV.B Policy 0175 - Association Memberships
XV.C Policy 2210 - Curriculum Development
XV.D Policies 3215, 4215, 5512 and 7434 - Use of Tobacco and Nicotine...
XV.E Policy 4120 - Employment of Support Staff
XV.F Policy 5200 - Attendance
XV.G Policy 5330 - Administration of Medication/Emergency Care
XV.H Policy 5340 - Student Accidents/Illness/Concussion & Sudden Cardiac Arrest
XV.I Policy 5517 - Student Anti-Harassment
XV.J Policy 5771 - Search and Seizure
XV.K Policy 7440 - Facilities Security
XV.L Policy 7544 - Use of Social Media
XVI. Board Referrals
XVII. CLOSED SESSION pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85
(1)(c) "Considering employment, promotions, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility (f) Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons except where par. (b) applies which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories or data, or involved in such problems or investigations" and Section 120.13(1), Wisc. Stats. regarding student expulsions. |
XVII.A Pre-Expulsion Notifications
XVII.B Personnel
XVIII. Return to open session to vote on closed session items
XIX. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 21, 2023 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
III. Roll Call
Subject: |
IV. Declaration of a Quorum
Subject: |
V. Adoption of Agenda
Subject: |
VI. District Administrator Update
Subject: |
VII. Public Comment
Subject: |
VIII. Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
VIII.A Approve the minutes from the State Education Convention Review on February 14, 2023.
Subject: |
VIII.B Approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting on February 14, 2023.
Subject: |
VIII.C Approve the minutes from the Closed Session of the Regular meeting on February 14, 2023.
Subject: |
VIII.D Approve the minutes from the Operations and Finance committee meeting on February 21, 2023.
Subject: |
VIII.E Approve the minutes from the Policy committee meeting on February 22, 2023.
Subject: |
VIII.F Approve the minutes from the Operations and Finance Committee meeting on March 7, 2023
Subject: |
VIII.G Approve the minutes from the Closed Session of the Operations and Finance Committee meeting on March 7, 2023
Subject: |
VIII.H Approve the Invoices from February 11 - March 17, 2023.
Subject: |
VIII.I Employment/Contract Adjustments
Subject: |
VIII.I1. Replacement Staff
Subject: |
VIII.I2. Resignations
Subject: |
VIII.I3. Retirements
Subject: |
VIII.I4. Above Pay
Subject: |
VIII.I5. Volunteers
Subject: |
VIII.I6. Additional Staff
Subject: |
VIII.J Donations
Subject: |
VIII.K Start College Now and Early College Credit
Subject: |
IX. Staff Reports
Subject: |
X. School Resource Officer Report, Brett Susa
Subject: |
XI. Approval of CESA 9 Services for 2023-2024 School Year
Subject: |
XII. Mid-year academic data review
Subject: |
XIII. Approve settlement from Juul class action lawsuit.
Subject: |
XIV. Approve the 1st reading of the following policies:
Subject: |
XIV.A Policy 5250 - Program or Curriculum Modifications (New)
Subject: |
XIV.B Policy 8802 - Patriotic Activities and Observances (New)
Subject: |
XV. Approve revisions to the following policies:
Subject: |
XV.A Policy 0100 - Definitions
Subject: |
XV.B Policy 0175 - Association Memberships
Subject: |
XV.C Policy 2210 - Curriculum Development
Subject: |
XV.D Policies 3215, 4215, 5512 and 7434 - Use of Tobacco and Nicotine...
Subject: |
XV.E Policy 4120 - Employment of Support Staff
Subject: |
XV.F Policy 5200 - Attendance
Subject: |
XV.G Policy 5330 - Administration of Medication/Emergency Care
Subject: |
XV.H Policy 5340 - Student Accidents/Illness/Concussion & Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Subject: |
XV.I Policy 5517 - Student Anti-Harassment
Subject: |
XV.J Policy 5771 - Search and Seizure
Subject: |
XV.K Policy 7440 - Facilities Security
Subject: |
XV.L Policy 7544 - Use of Social Media
Subject: |
XVI. Board Referrals
Subject: |
XVII. CLOSED SESSION pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85
(1)(c) "Considering employment, promotions, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility (f) Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons except where par. (b) applies which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories or data, or involved in such problems or investigations" and Section 120.13(1), Wisc. Stats. regarding student expulsions. |
Subject: |
XVII.A Pre-Expulsion Notifications
Subject: |
XVII.B Personnel
Subject: |
XVIII. Return to open session to vote on closed session items
Subject: |
XIX. Adjourn