Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order at __:__ P.M.
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Roll Call (alphabetical order): Jodie Davy, Cari Dostal, Jamie Isane, Brent Olson, Carol Rhen and Jeramy Swenson
1.C. Administration & Department Heads: Kevin Ricke, Striker Hasson and Stacey Warne.
2. Visitor Comments
2.A. Truth in Taxation Public Hearing 7:00 PM |
2.B. Listening Session |
3. Recommendation to add and/or remove items to the agenda from Board Members or School Administrators
4. Approval of Agenda
4.A. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the agenda for the Regular School Board Meeting Monday, December 13, 2021, as presented/amended. Seconded by ____________________ .
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote. |
5. Minutes
5.A. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the minutes of the previous Regular School Board Meeting held on Monday, November 8, 2021 as presented/amended. Seconded by ____________________ .
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote. |
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Pay Bills: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the payment of bills check #61569 through check #61663 for a total of $102,244.26 as listed, voided check #61574 to FCCLA (National Headquarter's Office) in the amount of $214.00, and Purchasing Card electronic payments dated December 3, 2021 and Electronic Fund Transfers as submitted. Seconded by ____________________ .
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote. |
7. Communications
7.A. Buildings and Grounds
7.B. Safety Committee Meeting held 6:00pm today December 13, 2021. Today's agenda and the minutes from previous October 11, 2021 meeting are attached. Next Safety Committee meeting is scheduled for February 14, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Either Stacey Warne and/or Brent Olson will re-cap or comment as necessary. |
7.C. Minnesota School Boards Association Certificates of Training honoring Brent Olson and Jodie Davy for completing the MSBA Leadership Workshop Series - Phase I, II, III and IV.
Description: Treasurer Carol Rhen completed the four phases of the MSBA Leadership Workshop Series in 2016 and Clerk Cari Dostal completed the series in 2010. |
7.D. Region 1 Joint Powers Board ballot to vote for three vacances.
7.E. School Board Organizational Meeting scheduled for January 10, 2022 |
7.F. Schedule a Meet & Confer date/time with Badger Education Association of Teachers |
7.G. Schedule a Board Work Session to do a facilities walk-through and follow up listening session for short-term and long-term facilities needs.
Description: Explore 6-8:30 PM Thursday, January 6, 2022 ? |
7.H. Superintendent
7.H.1. Personnel Vacancies: |
7.H.2. Miscellaneous Items to be reported by Superintendent - attached
7.H.3. Badger School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report
As requested by Board in previous fiscal years; this document will be provided on a monthly basis. Description: Budget consists of 4 fund balances: 01 General Fund 02 Food Service 04 Community Services 08 Scholarships * see attached |
7.I. Dean of Students
7.I.1. Enrollment as of Friday, December 10, 2021
7.I.2. Juniors Keyasha Housker and Brogan Beito are nominated for ExCEL Award (Excellence in Community, Education and Leadership)
7.I.3. Senior Greta Lee is Badger High School's AAA Award Winner (Academics, Arts and Athletics)
7.I.4. Dates of Interest - attached
8. Reports
8.A. Accept Cash Report: A motion was made by ____________________ to accept the cash report through November 30, 2021 subject to audit. Seconded by ____________________.
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote. |
8.B. Accept November Donations: A motion was made by ____________________ to accept the following cash donations as listed in the description below. Seconded by __________________, |
9. Proposed Resolutions
9.A. Approve Resolution to Designate Polling Place if any school election(s) necessary in 2022: A motion was made by ____________________ , seconded by ____________________ to approve the: |
9.B. WBWF: A motion was made by ____________________ to adopt the 2020-2021 World's Best Workforce Report for submission to MDE. Seconded by ____________________ .
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote. Description: If unable to report a result because of disruptions due to COVID-19, please respond, "Unable to report." |
9.C. 2021 Payable 2022 School Tax Levy: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the certification of the final amount to be levied in 2021 to be collected in 2022 is set at $368,444.98 which is the maximum levy limitation amount. Seconded by ____________________ . |
9.D. Jr. High Knowledge Bowl: A motion was made by ____________________ , to approve the hiring Shannon Dostal as Jr. High Knowledge Bowl Advisor. Seconded by ____________________ |
9.E. Accept Resignation: A motion was made by ____________________ to accept resignation from Aris Rice-Gross, Special Education Paraprofessional, with last day employment being Friday, December 17, 2021. Seconded by ____________________.
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.
9.F. Advertising for a Paraprofessional: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve advertising for a regular part-time 7.25 paid hours per school day Jr. High/Sr. High Special Education Paraprofessional for the remainder of SY2021-2022. Seconded by ____________________ . |
9.G. Begin Advertising for Sp Ed Teachers for next year: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve advertising for Special Education Teachers for SY2022-2023. Seconded by ____________________ . |
10. Adjourn: Recommended motion: ____________________ moved to adjourn at _________ PM. Seconded by ____________________.
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote. |
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | December 13, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order at __:__ P.M.
Subject: |
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
1.B. Roll Call (alphabetical order): Jodie Davy, Cari Dostal, Jamie Isane, Brent Olson, Carol Rhen and Jeramy Swenson
Subject: |
1.C. Administration & Department Heads: Kevin Ricke, Striker Hasson and Stacey Warne.
Subject: |
2. Visitor Comments
Subject: |
2.A. Truth in Taxation Public Hearing 7:00 PM |
Subject: |
2.B. Listening Session |
Subject: |
3. Recommendation to add and/or remove items to the agenda from Board Members or School Administrators
Subject: |
4. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
4.A. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the agenda for the Regular School Board Meeting Monday, December 13, 2021, as presented/amended. Seconded by ____________________ .
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote. |
Subject: |
5. Minutes
Subject: |
5.A. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the minutes of the previous Regular School Board Meeting held on Monday, November 8, 2021 as presented/amended. Seconded by ____________________ .
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote. |
Subject: |
6. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
6.A. Pay Bills: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the payment of bills check #61569 through check #61663 for a total of $102,244.26 as listed, voided check #61574 to FCCLA (National Headquarter's Office) in the amount of $214.00, and Purchasing Card electronic payments dated December 3, 2021 and Electronic Fund Transfers as submitted. Seconded by ____________________ .
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote. |
Subject: |
7. Communications
Subject: |
7.A. Buildings and Grounds
Subject: |
7.B. Safety Committee Meeting held 6:00pm today December 13, 2021. Today's agenda and the minutes from previous October 11, 2021 meeting are attached. Next Safety Committee meeting is scheduled for February 14, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Either Stacey Warne and/or Brent Olson will re-cap or comment as necessary. |
Subject: |
7.C. Minnesota School Boards Association Certificates of Training honoring Brent Olson and Jodie Davy for completing the MSBA Leadership Workshop Series - Phase I, II, III and IV.
Description: Treasurer Carol Rhen completed the four phases of the MSBA Leadership Workshop Series in 2016 and Clerk Cari Dostal completed the series in 2010. |
Subject: |
7.D. Region 1 Joint Powers Board ballot to vote for three vacances.
Subject: |
7.E. School Board Organizational Meeting scheduled for January 10, 2022 |
Subject: |
7.F. Schedule a Meet & Confer date/time with Badger Education Association of Teachers |
Subject: |
7.G. Schedule a Board Work Session to do a facilities walk-through and follow up listening session for short-term and long-term facilities needs.
Description: Explore 6-8:30 PM Thursday, January 6, 2022 ? |
Subject: |
7.H. Superintendent
Subject: |
7.H.1. Personnel Vacancies: |
Subject: |
7.H.2. Miscellaneous Items to be reported by Superintendent - attached
Subject: |
7.H.3. Badger School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report
As requested by Board in previous fiscal years; this document will be provided on a monthly basis. Description: Budget consists of 4 fund balances: 01 General Fund 02 Food Service 04 Community Services 08 Scholarships * see attached |
Subject: |
7.I. Dean of Students
Subject: |
7.I.1. Enrollment as of Friday, December 10, 2021
Subject: |
7.I.2. Juniors Keyasha Housker and Brogan Beito are nominated for ExCEL Award (Excellence in Community, Education and Leadership)
Subject: |
7.I.3. Senior Greta Lee is Badger High School's AAA Award Winner (Academics, Arts and Athletics)
Subject: |
7.I.4. Dates of Interest - attached
Subject: |
Subject: |
8. Reports
Subject: |
8.A. Accept Cash Report: A motion was made by ____________________ to accept the cash report through November 30, 2021 subject to audit. Seconded by ____________________.
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote. |
Subject: |
8.B. Accept November Donations: A motion was made by ____________________ to accept the following cash donations as listed in the description below. Seconded by __________________, |
Subject: |
9. Proposed Resolutions
Subject: |
9.A. Approve Resolution to Designate Polling Place if any school election(s) necessary in 2022: A motion was made by ____________________ , seconded by ____________________ to approve the: |
Subject: |
9.B. WBWF: A motion was made by ____________________ to adopt the 2020-2021 World's Best Workforce Report for submission to MDE. Seconded by ____________________ .
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote. Description: If unable to report a result because of disruptions due to COVID-19, please respond, "Unable to report." |
Subject: |
9.C. 2021 Payable 2022 School Tax Levy: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the certification of the final amount to be levied in 2021 to be collected in 2022 is set at $368,444.98 which is the maximum levy limitation amount. Seconded by ____________________ . |
Subject: |
9.D. Jr. High Knowledge Bowl: A motion was made by ____________________ , to approve the hiring Shannon Dostal as Jr. High Knowledge Bowl Advisor. Seconded by ____________________ |
Subject: |
9.E. Accept Resignation: A motion was made by ____________________ to accept resignation from Aris Rice-Gross, Special Education Paraprofessional, with last day employment being Friday, December 17, 2021. Seconded by ____________________.
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.
Subject: |
9.F. Advertising for a Paraprofessional: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve advertising for a regular part-time 7.25 paid hours per school day Jr. High/Sr. High Special Education Paraprofessional for the remainder of SY2021-2022. Seconded by ____________________ . |
Subject: |
9.G. Begin Advertising for Sp Ed Teachers for next year: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve advertising for Special Education Teachers for SY2022-2023. Seconded by ____________________ . |
Subject: |
10. Adjourn: Recommended motion: ____________________ moved to adjourn at _________ PM. Seconded by ____________________.
Vote: BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote. |