Meeting Agenda
I. Call Meeting to Order/Roll Call
II. Recognize Visitors and Invite Comments from the Public (1)
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Communications
V. Freedom of Information Act Request
VI. Student Presenters
VI.A. Daaniyah, 7th Grade, Roosevelt Middle School
VII. Consent Agenda
VIII. Board Committees
IX. District Calendar Review
X. Outside Meetings
XI. District Meeting Agendas
XI.A. Superintendent's Leadership Council
XI.B. Universal Design for Learning
XI.C. PTO Council
XII. Superintendent's Report
XII.A. Action Items:
XII.A.1. Policy, Second Reading
XII.B. Informational Items:
XII.B.1. Long Range Facilities Plan
XII.B.2. Overview - Crossing Guards in River Forest
XII.B.3. Summer School 2018
XII.B.4. Board Discussion - Legislative Advocacy: School Violence
XII.B.5. School Board Meeting Calendar, 2018-19 - DRAFT
XII.B.6. Illinois Science Assessment Results 2016, 2017
XII.B.7. Township School Treasurer's Office New Software Implementation
XIII. Upcoming Meeting
XIII.A. Committee of the Whole
XIII.B. Business Meeting
XIV. Closed Session According
to 5ILCS120/2(c) for 1)
The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or
dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the
public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an
employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to
determine its validity.
XV. Personnel Report
XV.A. Approval, FMLA - Certified Personnel ~ K. Kanofsky
XV.B. Appointment, Administrative Personnel
XV.C. Retirement, Certified Personnel ~ M. Spanos, T. Calabrese-Paneque
XVI. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 19, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call Meeting to Order/Roll Call
Subject: |
II. Recognize Visitors and Invite Comments from the Public (1)
Subject: |
III. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
IV. Communications
Subject: |
V. Freedom of Information Act Request
Subject: |
VI. Student Presenters
Subject: |
VI.A. Daaniyah, 7th Grade, Roosevelt Middle School
Subject: |
VII. Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda includes Minutes (Board of Education Meeting, January 16, 2018, Special Board Meeting, January 30, 2018 and Committee of the Whole Meeting, January 31, 2018), Payrolls,
Orders Relating to Payrolls, Bills and Treasurer's Report.
Subject: |
VIII. Board Committees
A. Education - Nicole Thompson, Chair
B. Personnel - Rich Moore, Chair C. Policy - Stacey Williams, Chair D. Finance - Cal Davis, Chair E. Equity - Ralph Martire, Chair F. Facilities - Judy Deogracias, Chair G. Communications - Barb Hickey, Chair H. Gender Inclusion (Ad Hoc) - Barb Hickey, Rich Moore, Co-Chairs |
Subject: |
IX. District Calendar Review
Subject: |
X. Outside Meetings
A. Council of Governments - Ralph Martire 5-11-18 B. OPRFHS Citizens' Council - Rich Moore 3-8-18 C. Youth Network Council - Barb Hickey 3-8-18 D. Board Liaison District PTO Council - Barb Hickey 3-23-18 E. Inclusiveness Advisory Board - Stacey Williams 3-14-18 F. River Forest Service Club - Nicole Thompson 3-15-18 G. Citizen Corps Council - Judy Deogracias TBD H. West Cook Governing Board (IASB) - Ralph Martire 3-6-18 I. ED-RED (Finance Legislation) - Ralph Martire 3-2-18 J. River Forest Sub-Committee on Collaboration - Barb Hickey 2-21-18 |
Subject: |
XI. District Meeting Agendas
Subject: |
XI.A. Superintendent's Leadership Council
Subject: |
XI.B. Universal Design for Learning
Subject: |
XI.C. PTO Council
Subject: |
XII. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
XII.A. Action Items:
Subject: |
XII.A.1. Policy, Second Reading
Subject: |
XII.B. Informational Items:
Subject: |
XII.B.1. Long Range Facilities Plan
Subject: |
XII.B.2. Overview - Crossing Guards in River Forest
Subject: |
XII.B.3. Summer School 2018
Subject: |
XII.B.4. Board Discussion - Legislative Advocacy: School Violence
Subject: |
XII.B.5. School Board Meeting Calendar, 2018-19 - DRAFT
Subject: |
XII.B.6. Illinois Science Assessment Results 2016, 2017
Subject: |
XII.B.7. Township School Treasurer's Office New Software Implementation
Subject: |
XIII. Upcoming Meeting
Subject: |
XIII.A. Committee of the Whole
March 6, 2018
Roosevelt Middle School LLC 7:00 p.m. |
Subject: |
XIII.B. Business Meeting
March 19, 2018
Roosevelt Middle School LLC 7:00 p.m. |
Subject: |
XIV. Closed Session According
to 5ILCS120/2(c) for 1)
The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or
dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the
public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an
employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to
determine its validity.
Subject: |
XV. Personnel Report
Subject: |
XV.A. Approval, FMLA - Certified Personnel ~ K. Kanofsky
Subject: |
XV.B. Appointment, Administrative Personnel
Subject: |
XV.C. Retirement, Certified Personnel ~ M. Spanos, T. Calabrese-Paneque
Subject: |
XVI. Adjournment