Meeting Agenda
1. Convene: 6:00 PM (Roll Call)
2. Pledge of Allegiance: 6:02 PM
3. Agenda Review and Approval: 6:03 PM (Action)
4. Approval of Previous Minutes: 6:05 PM (Action)
5. Public Comment: 6:05 PM (Information)
6. Announcements: 6:10 PM (Information)
7. Spotlight on Success: 6:15 PM (Information)
8. Board Work: 6:25 PM (Action)
8.A. Decision Preparation
8.A.1) Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 School Board Work Plan (First Reading)
8.A.2) Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 School Board Budget (First Reading)
8.B. Required Board Action (Action)
8.B.1) Approval of FY 2021-22 Capital Budget
8.B.1)a. Capital Budget - Executive Summary
8.B.1)b. Capital Budget Outlay - Detail
8.B.2) Approval of FY 2021-22 School Board Meeting Calendar
8.B.3) School Board Workshop Summary Approval
8.C. Approval to Accept School Board Member's Resignation
8.D. Record of Board Self-Evaluation
8.D.1) 2019-20 Record of Board Policy Monitoring - Governance Policies (No Updates)
8.D.2) 2019-20 Record of Board Policy Monitoring - Ends & Executive Limitations (EL's) (No Updates)
8.D.3) 2020-21 Record of Board Policy Monitoring - Governance Policies
9. Superintendent Consent Agenda: 7:05 PM (Action)
9.A. Monthly Reports
9.A.1) Resolution of Acceptance of Donations
9.A.2) Human Resources Report
9.A.3) Business Services Reports
9.A.3)a. Board Business
9.A.3)b. Financial Report - Monthly Revenue/Expenditure Report
9.B. TASSEL Transition Program - Executive Summary
9.B.1) Program Lease Agreement
10. Superintendent's Incidental Information Report: 7:30 PM (Information)
10.A. EPS Program Partnerships
11. Board Action on Committee Reports & Minutes: 7:50 PM (Action)
11.A. Board Development Committee
11.A.1) BDC Minutes for April 14, 2021
11.B. Community Linkage Committee
11.B.1) CLC Minutes for March 29, 2021
11.B.2) Inspiring News School Board Column
11.C. Negotiations Committee
11.D. Policy Committee
12. Other Board Updates (AMSD, ECSU, ISD 287): 8:10 PM (Information)
13. Board Work Plan: 8:20 PM (Action)
13.A. Work Plan Changes Document (Action)
13.B. School Board Annual Work Plan FY 2020-21 (January - June 2021)
14. Closed Session: 8:30 PM (Action)
Negotiation Strategy - Pursuant to MN Statue 13D.03, Subd.1 - The governing body of a public employer may by a majority vote in a public meeting decide to hold a closed meeting to consider strategy for labor negotiations, including negotiation strategies or developments or discussion and review of labor negotiation proposals, conducted pursuant to sections 179A.01 to 179A.25. |
15. Adjournment: (Action)
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 26, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Convene: 6:00 PM (Roll Call)
Subject: |
2. Pledge of Allegiance: 6:02 PM
Subject: |
3. Agenda Review and Approval: 6:03 PM (Action)
Subject: |
4. Approval of Previous Minutes: 6:05 PM (Action)
Subject: |
5. Public Comment: 6:05 PM (Information)
Subject: |
6. Announcements: 6:10 PM (Information)
Subject: |
7. Spotlight on Success: 6:15 PM (Information)
Subject: |
8. Board Work: 6:25 PM (Action)
Subject: |
8.A. Decision Preparation
Subject: |
8.A.1) Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 School Board Work Plan (First Reading)
Subject: |
8.A.2) Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 School Board Budget (First Reading)
Subject: |
8.B. Required Board Action (Action)
Subject: |
8.B.1) Approval of FY 2021-22 Capital Budget
Subject: |
8.B.1)a. Capital Budget - Executive Summary
Subject: |
8.B.1)b. Capital Budget Outlay - Detail
Subject: |
8.B.2) Approval of FY 2021-22 School Board Meeting Calendar
Subject: |
8.B.3) School Board Workshop Summary Approval
Subject: |
8.C. Approval to Accept School Board Member's Resignation
Subject: |
8.D. Record of Board Self-Evaluation
Subject: |
8.D.1) 2019-20 Record of Board Policy Monitoring - Governance Policies (No Updates)
Subject: |
8.D.2) 2019-20 Record of Board Policy Monitoring - Ends & Executive Limitations (EL's) (No Updates)
Subject: |
8.D.3) 2020-21 Record of Board Policy Monitoring - Governance Policies
Subject: |
9. Superintendent Consent Agenda: 7:05 PM (Action)
Subject: |
9.A. Monthly Reports
Subject: |
9.A.1) Resolution of Acceptance of Donations
Subject: |
9.A.2) Human Resources Report
Subject: |
9.A.3) Business Services Reports
Subject: |
9.A.3)a. Board Business
Subject: |
9.A.3)b. Financial Report - Monthly Revenue/Expenditure Report
Subject: |
9.B. TASSEL Transition Program - Executive Summary
Subject: |
9.B.1) Program Lease Agreement
Subject: |
10. Superintendent's Incidental Information Report: 7:30 PM (Information)
Subject: |
10.A. EPS Program Partnerships
Subject: |
11. Board Action on Committee Reports & Minutes: 7:50 PM (Action)
Subject: |
11.A. Board Development Committee
Subject: |
11.A.1) BDC Minutes for April 14, 2021
Subject: |
11.B. Community Linkage Committee
Subject: |
11.B.1) CLC Minutes for March 29, 2021
Subject: |
11.B.2) Inspiring News School Board Column
Subject: |
11.C. Negotiations Committee
Subject: |
11.D. Policy Committee
Subject: |
12. Other Board Updates (AMSD, ECSU, ISD 287): 8:10 PM (Information)
Subject: |
13. Board Work Plan: 8:20 PM (Action)
Subject: |
13.A. Work Plan Changes Document (Action)
Subject: |
13.B. School Board Annual Work Plan FY 2020-21 (January - June 2021)
Subject: |
14. Closed Session: 8:30 PM (Action)
Negotiation Strategy - Pursuant to MN Statue 13D.03, Subd.1 - The governing body of a public employer may by a majority vote in a public meeting decide to hold a closed meeting to consider strategy for labor negotiations, including negotiation strategies or developments or discussion and review of labor negotiation proposals, conducted pursuant to sections 179A.01 to 179A.25. |
Subject: |
15. Adjournment: (Action)