Meeting Agenda
1 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 867 1485 5108 Passcode: 261478 Dial (audio only) 1 929 205 6099 1 309 205 3325 1 312 626 6799 1 346 248 7799 |
2 CALL MEETING TO ORDER - Finance Chair Burt Francisco
6 COMMITTEE ACTION ONLY: Motion to recommend to pay all bills as submitted.
7 Chrissy Deleka, District Court Administrator
7 1) Approve FY2024 Michigan Drug Court Grant Programs Application (attached)
7 ACTION ITEM #2: The Committee recommends approval of the FY24 Michigan Drug Court Grant Program Application for 88th District Court Drug & Alcohol Treatment Court in the amount of $151,548.42 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board or County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
8 Sgt. JP Ritter, Sheriffs Office
8 1) Approve 2023/2024 ORV Enforcement Grant Renewal Application (attached)
8 ACTION ITEM #3: The Committee recommends approval of the State of Michigan DNR-ORV Law Enforcement Grant renewal application (10.01.23 to 09.30.24) for the Sheriff's Office in the amount of $24,836.50 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board or County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
8 2) Approve 2023/2024 Snowmobile Grant Renewal Application (attached)
8 ACTION ITEM #4: The Committee recommends approval of the State of Michigan Snowmobile Enforcement Grant renewal application (10.01.23 to 04.30.24) for the Sheriff's Office in the amount of $9,278.00 with an organizational match of $7,886.30 and a County match of $1,391.70 and authorize the Chairman of the Board or County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
8 3) Approve Purchase of new ORV Trailer for Sheriff's Office (attached)
The 2022/2023 ORV Equipment DNR Grant has $5,762.00 left over in the grant and the DNR was contacted and they offered to use these funds towards the purchase of a new ORV Trailer. Insurance claim on current ORV Trailer (total loss) estimated at $5,400 to put towards the purchase of a new ORV Trailer. New ORV Trailer to be lettered at $800 with total cost of new ORV Trailer at $9,900. |
8 ACTION ITEM #5: The Committee recommends approval to purchase a new ORV Trailer for the Sheriff's Office with two quotes obtained; recommendation to purchase from Alpena Trim in the amount of $9,100.00 and to create a line item set up under the ORV Equipment budget for the Sheriff's office for 2023. The previous trailer was 16 ft and were concerned about the length.
9 Sheriff Erik Smith
9 1) Michigan State Police - National Criminal History Improvement Program Grant Application (attached)
9 ACTION ITEM #6: The Committee recommends approval of the Michigan State Police National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) Grant application for the Sheriff's Office in the amount of $13,568.00 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board or County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This grant is to replace the current livescan fingerprint machine in the jail. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
10 Airport Manager Steve Smigelski
10 1) Approve PIE&G Charging Stations (attached)
10 ACTION ITEM #7: The Committee recommends approval to install 2 electric vehicle charging stations at the Alpena County Regional Airport by Presque Isle Electric & Gas at no cost to the County for the installation and maintenance of these charging stations. PIE&G will supply the electricity to the charging stations at no cost to the County and will have their own meters.
10 2) Invocation of Exclusive Rights (attached)
10 ACTION ITEM #8: The Committee recommends approval for the Airport Manager to begin the process with the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) of invocation of Exclusive Rights. No entity other than the County of Alpena will be permitted to sell aviation fuels or any other liquids or gases that may be approved by the FAA in the future, nor will any entity other than the County of Alpena provide electrical charging services for aircraft or any other vehicle. Oversight of fueling operation will be the Airport Manager and the Assistant Airport Manager of the Alpena County Regional Airport.
11 Julie Jackson, Crime Victim Rights Coordinator
11 1) Crime Victim Rights Navigator Pilot Program Grant Renewal Application 2024 (attached)
11 ACTION ITEM #9: The Committee recommends approval of the 2024 Crime Victim Rights Navigator Pilot Program Grant Renewal Application (10.01.23 to 09.30.24) from the Department of Health and Human Services in the amount of $60,000 with no County match and to authorize the Chairman of the Board or the County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
11 2) Crime Victim Rights Grant Renewal Application 2024 (attached)
11 ACTION ITEM #10: The Committee recommends approval of the 2024 Crime Victim Rights Grant Renewal Application (10.01.23 to 09.30.24) from the Department of Health and Human Services in the amount of $79,905.00 with no County match and to authorize the Chairman of the Board or the County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
12 Jessica Henry, NLA Office Manager
12 1) Approve MI Dept.of Labor & Economic Grant Application for NLA (attached)
12 ACTION ITEM #11: The Committee recommends approval of the Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Opportunity Grant Application for the Women's Locker Room Project at Northern Lights Arena in the amount of $300,000 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board or the County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents. This has been sent for Grant Review Committee approval.
13 Mike Mahler, Economic Development & Anne Gentry, DDA Director
13 DDA Service Agreement Discussion (attached)
14 County Treasurer Kim Ludlow
14 1) Monthly Reports (attached)
14 ACTION ITEM #12: The Committee recommends to receive and file the monthly Treasurer's Report for the month of July as presented.
15 County Administrator Mary Catherine Hannah
15 1) Approve Settlement of County Use Vehicle Claim
15 ACTION ITEM #13: The Committee recommends approval to accept the settlement checks in the total amount of $56,632.62 for the County Use Vehicle Claim from Sedgwick Claims Management Services and to pay Enterprise the balance on the vehicle loan in the amount of $41,673.77 so that Enterprise can release the title.
16 Marijuana Operation and Oversight Grants - Financial Status Report (attached)
18 ACTION ITEM #14: Motion to approve the Budget Adjustments as presented. Roll call vote is necessary with 5 ayes.
(closes committee meeting) |
20 Board Chairman Bill Peterson
20 1) Approve all Recommendations of Finance Ways & Means Committee
20 ACTION ITEM #15: Motion to Approve all Recommendations of Finance Ways & Means Committee as presented. |
20 2) Approve CONSENT CALENDAR (attached)
20 ACTION ITEM #16: Motion to approve the Consent Calendar which includes actions as listed above and filing of all reports. Roll call vote is necessary with 5 ayes. |
20 3) Approve Draft Resolution #23-15 Imposing a Recycling Surcharge (attached)
20 ACTION ITEM #17: Recommendation to approve and adopt Resolution #23-15 Imposing a Recycling Surcharge of up to $25 per year per household as presented.
20 4) Appointments to Land Bank Authority
1) Litigation Updates 2) Contract Negotiations |
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 8, 2023 at 9:30 AM - Finance Ways & Means Committee Meeting | |
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1 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 867 1485 5108 Passcode: 261478 Dial (audio only) 1 929 205 6099 1 309 205 3325 1 312 626 6799 1 346 248 7799 |
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2 CALL MEETING TO ORDER - Finance Chair Burt Francisco
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6 COMMITTEE ACTION ONLY: Motion to recommend to pay all bills as submitted.
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7 Chrissy Deleka, District Court Administrator
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7 1) Approve FY2024 Michigan Drug Court Grant Programs Application (attached)
Subject: |
7 ACTION ITEM #2: The Committee recommends approval of the FY24 Michigan Drug Court Grant Program Application for 88th District Court Drug & Alcohol Treatment Court in the amount of $151,548.42 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board or County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
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8 Sgt. JP Ritter, Sheriffs Office
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8 1) Approve 2023/2024 ORV Enforcement Grant Renewal Application (attached)
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8 ACTION ITEM #3: The Committee recommends approval of the State of Michigan DNR-ORV Law Enforcement Grant renewal application (10.01.23 to 09.30.24) for the Sheriff's Office in the amount of $24,836.50 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board or County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
Subject: |
8 2) Approve 2023/2024 Snowmobile Grant Renewal Application (attached)
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8 ACTION ITEM #4: The Committee recommends approval of the State of Michigan Snowmobile Enforcement Grant renewal application (10.01.23 to 04.30.24) for the Sheriff's Office in the amount of $9,278.00 with an organizational match of $7,886.30 and a County match of $1,391.70 and authorize the Chairman of the Board or County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
Subject: |
8 3) Approve Purchase of new ORV Trailer for Sheriff's Office (attached)
The 2022/2023 ORV Equipment DNR Grant has $5,762.00 left over in the grant and the DNR was contacted and they offered to use these funds towards the purchase of a new ORV Trailer. Insurance claim on current ORV Trailer (total loss) estimated at $5,400 to put towards the purchase of a new ORV Trailer. New ORV Trailer to be lettered at $800 with total cost of new ORV Trailer at $9,900. |
Subject: |
8 ACTION ITEM #5: The Committee recommends approval to purchase a new ORV Trailer for the Sheriff's Office with two quotes obtained; recommendation to purchase from Alpena Trim in the amount of $9,100.00 and to create a line item set up under the ORV Equipment budget for the Sheriff's office for 2023. The previous trailer was 16 ft and were concerned about the length.
Subject: |
9 Sheriff Erik Smith
Subject: |
9 1) Michigan State Police - National Criminal History Improvement Program Grant Application (attached)
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9 ACTION ITEM #6: The Committee recommends approval of the Michigan State Police National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) Grant application for the Sheriff's Office in the amount of $13,568.00 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board or County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This grant is to replace the current livescan fingerprint machine in the jail. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
Subject: |
10 Airport Manager Steve Smigelski
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10 1) Approve PIE&G Charging Stations (attached)
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10 ACTION ITEM #7: The Committee recommends approval to install 2 electric vehicle charging stations at the Alpena County Regional Airport by Presque Isle Electric & Gas at no cost to the County for the installation and maintenance of these charging stations. PIE&G will supply the electricity to the charging stations at no cost to the County and will have their own meters.
Subject: |
10 2) Invocation of Exclusive Rights (attached)
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10 ACTION ITEM #8: The Committee recommends approval for the Airport Manager to begin the process with the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) of invocation of Exclusive Rights. No entity other than the County of Alpena will be permitted to sell aviation fuels or any other liquids or gases that may be approved by the FAA in the future, nor will any entity other than the County of Alpena provide electrical charging services for aircraft or any other vehicle. Oversight of fueling operation will be the Airport Manager and the Assistant Airport Manager of the Alpena County Regional Airport.
Subject: |
11 Julie Jackson, Crime Victim Rights Coordinator
Subject: |
11 1) Crime Victim Rights Navigator Pilot Program Grant Renewal Application 2024 (attached)
Subject: |
11 ACTION ITEM #9: The Committee recommends approval of the 2024 Crime Victim Rights Navigator Pilot Program Grant Renewal Application (10.01.23 to 09.30.24) from the Department of Health and Human Services in the amount of $60,000 with no County match and to authorize the Chairman of the Board or the County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
Subject: |
11 2) Crime Victim Rights Grant Renewal Application 2024 (attached)
Subject: |
11 ACTION ITEM #10: The Committee recommends approval of the 2024 Crime Victim Rights Grant Renewal Application (10.01.23 to 09.30.24) from the Department of Health and Human Services in the amount of $79,905.00 with no County match and to authorize the Chairman of the Board or the County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
Subject: |
12 Jessica Henry, NLA Office Manager
Subject: |
12 1) Approve MI Dept.of Labor & Economic Grant Application for NLA (attached)
Subject: |
12 ACTION ITEM #11: The Committee recommends approval of the Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Opportunity Grant Application for the Women's Locker Room Project at Northern Lights Arena in the amount of $300,000 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board or the County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents. This has been sent for Grant Review Committee approval.
Subject: |
13 Mike Mahler, Economic Development & Anne Gentry, DDA Director
Subject: |
13 DDA Service Agreement Discussion (attached)
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14 County Treasurer Kim Ludlow
Subject: |
14 1) Monthly Reports (attached)
Subject: |
14 ACTION ITEM #12: The Committee recommends to receive and file the monthly Treasurer's Report for the month of July as presented.
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15 County Administrator Mary Catherine Hannah
Subject: |
15 1) Approve Settlement of County Use Vehicle Claim
Subject: |
15 ACTION ITEM #13: The Committee recommends approval to accept the settlement checks in the total amount of $56,632.62 for the County Use Vehicle Claim from Sedgwick Claims Management Services and to pay Enterprise the balance on the vehicle loan in the amount of $41,673.77 so that Enterprise can release the title.
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16 Marijuana Operation and Oversight Grants - Financial Status Report (attached)
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18 ACTION ITEM #14: Motion to approve the Budget Adjustments as presented. Roll call vote is necessary with 5 ayes.
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(closes committee meeting) |
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20 Board Chairman Bill Peterson
Subject: |
20 1) Approve all Recommendations of Finance Ways & Means Committee
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20 ACTION ITEM #15: Motion to Approve all Recommendations of Finance Ways & Means Committee as presented. |
Subject: |
20 2) Approve CONSENT CALENDAR (attached)
Subject: |
20 ACTION ITEM #16: Motion to approve the Consent Calendar which includes actions as listed above and filing of all reports. Roll call vote is necessary with 5 ayes. |
Subject: |
20 3) Approve Draft Resolution #23-15 Imposing a Recycling Surcharge (attached)
Subject: |
20 ACTION ITEM #17: Recommendation to approve and adopt Resolution #23-15 Imposing a Recycling Surcharge of up to $25 per year per household as presented.
Subject: |
20 4) Appointments to Land Bank Authority
Subject: |
1) Litigation Updates 2) Contract Negotiations |
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