Meeting Agenda
1 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 892 6517 3879 Passcode: 010647 Dial by your location (Audio Only) 1 312 626 6799 1 929 205 6099 1 301 715 8592 1 346 248 7799 |
2 Call Meeting to Order - Finance Chair Bill Peterson
5 9:35 a.m. Finance Chair Bill Peterson
5 1) Bills to pay (attached) |
5 COMMITTEE ACTION ONLY: Motion to recommend to pay all bills as submitted. |
6 2) Montmorency-Oscoda-Alpena Landfill Authority CFO Letter (attached)
6 ACTION ITEM #2: The Committee recommends approval of the Montmorency, Oscoda, Alpena Landfill Chief Financial Officer Letter and all pertaining documents and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining documents as presented.
7 Anne Gentry, Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Director
7 1) DDA Expansion Update
8 Janelle Mott, Juvenile Officer
8 1) Child Care Fund Monthly Report (attached)
9 Cynthia Muszynski, Prosecutor
9 1) CVR Advocate 2023 Grant Renewal Application (attached)
9 ACTION ITEM #3: The Committee recommends approval of the grant renewal application from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services in the amount of $78,105.00 for CVR Advocate Grant with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board or the County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
9 2) Crime Victim Rights Navigator Pilot Program - 2023 Grant Renewal Application (attached)
9 ACTION ITEM #4: The Committee recommends approval of the grant renewal application from the Department of Health and Human Services in the amount of $60,000.00 for Crime Victim Rights Navigator Pilot Progam-2023 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board or the County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
10 Sheriff Erik Smith
10 1) Over Budget Professional Services-Animal Control (attached)
10 ACTION ITEM #5: The Committee recommends approval to increase the Professional Services-Animal Control line item #101-430-801.001 by $2,000 to cover expenses throughout the remainder of the year as presented.
10 2) Purchase of In-Car Cameras and Body Cameras (attached)
11 ACTION ITEM #6: The Courts & Public Safety Committee recommends approval to purchase 6 in-car cameras and 20 body cameras for the Sheriff's Department at a cost of $20,218 per year on a 5-year contract subscription fee using ARPA monies for the first year then budgeting the year after as presented.
12 3) Outfit Sheriff Department Vehicles (attached)
13 ACTION ITEM #7: The Committee recommends approval of using a portion of ARPA funding (1/2 of $11,000 per vehicle) to purchase the new Sheriff's Department vehicles from Enterprise using 1/2 ARPA Funds ($38,086.16) and 1/2 General Fund ($38,086.16) as follows:
Cost to Outfit Ford Inceptor is $10,345.65 x 6 Vehicles = $62,073.90 Cost to Outfit Ford Expedtion is $7,049.21 x 2 Vehicles = $14,098.42 Total Purchase for 8 Vehicles for the Sheriffs Office for 2022 = $76,172.32 |
14 Sgt. JP Ritter, Sheriff's Office
14 1) Snowmobile Enforcement Grant Renewal Application (attached)
14 ACTION ITEM #8: The Committee recommends approval of the State of Michigan Snowmobile Enforcement Grant renewal application (10.01.22/04.30.23) for the Sheriff's Office in the amount of $8,678.00 with an organizational match of $7,376.30 and a County match of $1,301.70 and authorize the Chairman of the Board or County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
14 2) DNR - ORV Law Enforcement Grant Renewal Application (attached)
14 ACTION ITEM #9: The Committee recommends approval of the State of Michigan DNR-ORV Law Enforcement Grant renewal application (10.01.22/09.30.23) for the Sheriff's Office in the amount of $42,997.50 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board or County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
15 Nicki Janish, Home Improvement Director
15 1) MSHDA- MI HOPE Grant Application (attached)
15 ACTION ITEM #10: The Committee recommends approval of the MSHDA - Michigan's Housing Opportunities Promote Energy - Efficiency (MI-HOPE) Program Grant Application in the amount of $400,000 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board or the County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
16 Kim Ludlow, County Treasurer
16 1) Monthly Reports (attached) |
17 Mary Catherine Hannah, County Administrator
18 ACTION ITEM #11: Motion to approve the Budget Adjustments as presented. Roll call vote is necessary with 5 ayes.
(closes committee meeting) |
20 Chairman Adrian
21 ACTION ITEM #12: Motion to approve all recommendations of the Finance Ways & Means Committee as presented.
22 CONSENT CALENDAR (attached)
22 ACTION ITEM #13: Motion to approve the Consent Calendar which includes actions as listed above and filing of all reports. Roll call vote is necessary with 5 ayes.
1. Union Negotiations 2. Litigation Matters |
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 9, 2022 at 9:30 AM - Finance Ways & Means Committee Meeting | |
Subject: |
1 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 892 6517 3879 Passcode: 010647 Dial by your location (Audio Only) 1 312 626 6799 1 929 205 6099 1 301 715 8592 1 346 248 7799 |
Subject: |
2 Call Meeting to Order - Finance Chair Bill Peterson
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5 9:35 a.m. Finance Chair Bill Peterson
Subject: |
5 1) Bills to pay (attached) |
Subject: |
5 COMMITTEE ACTION ONLY: Motion to recommend to pay all bills as submitted. |
Subject: |
6 2) Montmorency-Oscoda-Alpena Landfill Authority CFO Letter (attached)
Subject: |
6 ACTION ITEM #2: The Committee recommends approval of the Montmorency, Oscoda, Alpena Landfill Chief Financial Officer Letter and all pertaining documents and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining documents as presented.
Subject: |
7 Anne Gentry, Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Director
Subject: |
7 1) DDA Expansion Update
Subject: |
8 Janelle Mott, Juvenile Officer
Subject: |
8 1) Child Care Fund Monthly Report (attached)
Subject: |
9 Cynthia Muszynski, Prosecutor
Subject: |
9 1) CVR Advocate 2023 Grant Renewal Application (attached)
Subject: |
9 ACTION ITEM #3: The Committee recommends approval of the grant renewal application from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services in the amount of $78,105.00 for CVR Advocate Grant with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board or the County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
Subject: |
9 2) Crime Victim Rights Navigator Pilot Program - 2023 Grant Renewal Application (attached)
Subject: |
9 ACTION ITEM #4: The Committee recommends approval of the grant renewal application from the Department of Health and Human Services in the amount of $60,000.00 for Crime Victim Rights Navigator Pilot Progam-2023 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board or the County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
Subject: |
10 Sheriff Erik Smith
Subject: |
10 1) Over Budget Professional Services-Animal Control (attached)
Subject: |
10 ACTION ITEM #5: The Committee recommends approval to increase the Professional Services-Animal Control line item #101-430-801.001 by $2,000 to cover expenses throughout the remainder of the year as presented.
Subject: |
10 2) Purchase of In-Car Cameras and Body Cameras (attached)
Subject: |
11 ACTION ITEM #6: The Courts & Public Safety Committee recommends approval to purchase 6 in-car cameras and 20 body cameras for the Sheriff's Department at a cost of $20,218 per year on a 5-year contract subscription fee using ARPA monies for the first year then budgeting the year after as presented.
Subject: |
12 3) Outfit Sheriff Department Vehicles (attached)
Subject: |
13 ACTION ITEM #7: The Committee recommends approval of using a portion of ARPA funding (1/2 of $11,000 per vehicle) to purchase the new Sheriff's Department vehicles from Enterprise using 1/2 ARPA Funds ($38,086.16) and 1/2 General Fund ($38,086.16) as follows:
Cost to Outfit Ford Inceptor is $10,345.65 x 6 Vehicles = $62,073.90 Cost to Outfit Ford Expedtion is $7,049.21 x 2 Vehicles = $14,098.42 Total Purchase for 8 Vehicles for the Sheriffs Office for 2022 = $76,172.32 |
Subject: |
14 Sgt. JP Ritter, Sheriff's Office
Subject: |
14 1) Snowmobile Enforcement Grant Renewal Application (attached)
Subject: |
14 ACTION ITEM #8: The Committee recommends approval of the State of Michigan Snowmobile Enforcement Grant renewal application (10.01.22/04.30.23) for the Sheriff's Office in the amount of $8,678.00 with an organizational match of $7,376.30 and a County match of $1,301.70 and authorize the Chairman of the Board or County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
Subject: |
14 2) DNR - ORV Law Enforcement Grant Renewal Application (attached)
Subject: |
14 ACTION ITEM #9: The Committee recommends approval of the State of Michigan DNR-ORV Law Enforcement Grant renewal application (10.01.22/09.30.23) for the Sheriff's Office in the amount of $42,997.50 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board or County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
Subject: |
15 Nicki Janish, Home Improvement Director
Subject: |
15 1) MSHDA- MI HOPE Grant Application (attached)
Subject: |
15 ACTION ITEM #10: The Committee recommends approval of the MSHDA - Michigan's Housing Opportunities Promote Energy - Efficiency (MI-HOPE) Program Grant Application in the amount of $400,000 with no County match and authorize the Chairman of the Board or the County Administrator to sign all pertaining documents as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
Subject: |
16 Kim Ludlow, County Treasurer
Subject: |
16 1) Monthly Reports (attached) |
Subject: |
17 Mary Catherine Hannah, County Administrator
Subject: |
Subject: |
18 ACTION ITEM #11: Motion to approve the Budget Adjustments as presented. Roll call vote is necessary with 5 ayes.
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(closes committee meeting) |
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20 Chairman Adrian
Subject: |
21 ACTION ITEM #12: Motion to approve all recommendations of the Finance Ways & Means Committee as presented.
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22 CONSENT CALENDAR (attached)
Subject: |
22 ACTION ITEM #13: Motion to approve the Consent Calendar which includes actions as listed above and filing of all reports. Roll call vote is necessary with 5 ayes.
Subject: |
1. Union Negotiations 2. Litigation Matters |
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