Meeting Agenda
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Roll Call
III. Recognition of Exemplars
IV. Consent Agenda
IV.A. Approval of Minutes
IV.A.1. Regular Board Meeting MInutes - June 25, 2018
IV.A.2. Closed Session Minutes - June 25, 2018
IV.B. Approval of Bills (F.D. 8/27/18-1)
IV.B.1. Bills Payable
IV.B.2. Annotations >$5,000
IV.B.3. Education Fund $ 80,946.95
IV.B.4. Operations and Maintenance Fund $ 250,235.41
IV.B.5. Debt Service $ 1,864.30
IV.B.6. Transportation Fund $ 2,562.75
IV.B.7. Capital Projects $ 0.00
IV.B.8. Tort Fund $ 0.00
IV.B.9. Payroll
IV.B.9.a. 7-10-18 $ 367,533.28
IV.B.9.b. 7-25-18 $ 368,261.46
IV.B.9.c. 8-10-18 $ 375,027.41
IV.B.9.d. 8-24-18 $ 397,861.13
IV.C. Financial Reports
IV.C.1. Fund Balance Report (F.D. 8/27/18-2)
IV.C.2. Balance Sheet (8/27/18-3)
IV.C.3. Revenue Report (F.D. 8/27/18-4)
IV.C.4. Expenditure Report (F.D. 8/27/18-5)
IV.C.5. Activity Report (F.D. 8/27/18-6)
IV.D. Personnel - Resignations / New Hires
V. Superintendent's Report
V.A. Cover Sheet
V.A.1. Forecast5 Analytics
V.A.2. Student Proficiency Results
V.A.3. Septemberfest
V.A.4. Summer Project Updates and Board Tour
VI. Public Comment
VII. Board Reports and Requests
VIII. Freedom of Information Act Request
IX. Action Items
IX.A. Second Reading of Amendments to Board Policies and Procedures (F.D. 8/27/18-7)
IX.A.1. Cover Sheet
IX.A.2. Administrative Procedure 4:80-AP1
IX.A.3. Administrative Procedure 4:80-AP2
IX.A.4. Policy 6:135
IX.A.5. Policy 6:240
IX.A.6. Administrative Procedure 6:240-AP
IX.A.7. Policy 6:250
IX.A.8. Policy 6:60
IX.A.9. Administrative Procedure 7:340-AP1
IX.B. Approval of Strategic Plan (F.D. 8/27/18-8)
IX.B.1. Cover Sheet
IX.B.2. Strategic Plan
IX.C. Intergovernmental Agreement with the Bloomingdale Park District (F.D. 8/27/18-9)
IX.C.1. Cover Sheet
IX.C.2. Intergovernmental Agreement with the Bloomingdale Park District
IX.D. Resolution to Regulate Expense Reimbursements (F.D. 8/27/18-10)
IX.D.1. Cover Sheet
IX.D.2. Resolution to Regulate Expense Reimbursements
X. Discussion Items
X.A. Board/Superintendent Expectations
X.A.1. Cover Sheet
X.A.2. Board/Superintendent Expectations
X.B. Finance Reports FY18
X.B.1. Cover Sheet
X.B.2. 4th Quarter FY18 Budget Performance
X.B.3. Funding the Westfield Renovation Project
X.B.4. 4th Quarter Investment Report
XI. Topics for Future Agendas
XII. For Information
XII.A. Enrollment Report
XII.B. NDSEC Profile
XIII. Closed Session
XIII.A. Employment/Evaluation of Personnel
XIII.B. Cover Sheet
XIV. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 27, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
II. Roll Call
Subject: |
III. Recognition of Exemplars
Subject: |
IV. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
IV.A. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
IV.A.1. Regular Board Meeting MInutes - June 25, 2018
Subject: |
IV.A.2. Closed Session Minutes - June 25, 2018
Subject: |
IV.B. Approval of Bills (F.D. 8/27/18-1)
Subject: |
IV.B.1. Bills Payable
Subject: |
IV.B.2. Annotations >$5,000
Subject: |
IV.B.3. Education Fund $ 80,946.95
Subject: |
IV.B.4. Operations and Maintenance Fund $ 250,235.41
Subject: |
IV.B.5. Debt Service $ 1,864.30
Subject: |
IV.B.6. Transportation Fund $ 2,562.75
Subject: |
IV.B.7. Capital Projects $ 0.00
Subject: |
IV.B.8. Tort Fund $ 0.00
Subject: |
IV.B.9. Payroll
Subject: |
IV.B.9.a. 7-10-18 $ 367,533.28
Subject: |
IV.B.9.b. 7-25-18 $ 368,261.46
Subject: |
IV.B.9.c. 8-10-18 $ 375,027.41
Subject: |
IV.B.9.d. 8-24-18 $ 397,861.13
Subject: |
IV.C. Financial Reports
Subject: |
IV.C.1. Fund Balance Report (F.D. 8/27/18-2)
Subject: |
IV.C.2. Balance Sheet (8/27/18-3)
Subject: |
IV.C.3. Revenue Report (F.D. 8/27/18-4)
Subject: |
IV.C.4. Expenditure Report (F.D. 8/27/18-5)
Subject: |
IV.C.5. Activity Report (F.D. 8/27/18-6)
Subject: |
IV.D. Personnel - Resignations / New Hires
Subject: |
V. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
V.A. Cover Sheet
Subject: |
V.A.1. Forecast5 Analytics
Subject: |
V.A.2. Student Proficiency Results
Subject: |
V.A.3. Septemberfest
Subject: |
V.A.4. Summer Project Updates and Board Tour
Subject: |
VI. Public Comment
Subject: |
VII. Board Reports and Requests
Subject: |
VIII. Freedom of Information Act Request
Subject: |
IX. Action Items
Subject: |
IX.A. Second Reading of Amendments to Board Policies and Procedures (F.D. 8/27/18-7)
Subject: |
IX.A.1. Cover Sheet
Subject: |
IX.A.2. Administrative Procedure 4:80-AP1
Subject: |
IX.A.3. Administrative Procedure 4:80-AP2
Subject: |
IX.A.4. Policy 6:135
Subject: |
IX.A.5. Policy 6:240
Subject: |
IX.A.6. Administrative Procedure 6:240-AP
Subject: |
IX.A.7. Policy 6:250
Subject: |
IX.A.8. Policy 6:60
Subject: |
IX.A.9. Administrative Procedure 7:340-AP1
Subject: |
IX.B. Approval of Strategic Plan (F.D. 8/27/18-8)
Subject: |
IX.B.1. Cover Sheet
Subject: |
IX.B.2. Strategic Plan
Subject: |
IX.C. Intergovernmental Agreement with the Bloomingdale Park District (F.D. 8/27/18-9)
Subject: |
IX.C.1. Cover Sheet
Subject: |
IX.C.2. Intergovernmental Agreement with the Bloomingdale Park District
Subject: |
IX.D. Resolution to Regulate Expense Reimbursements (F.D. 8/27/18-10)
Subject: |
IX.D.1. Cover Sheet
Subject: |
IX.D.2. Resolution to Regulate Expense Reimbursements
Subject: |
X. Discussion Items
Subject: |
X.A. Board/Superintendent Expectations
Subject: |
X.A.1. Cover Sheet
Subject: |
X.A.2. Board/Superintendent Expectations
Subject: |
X.B. Finance Reports FY18
Subject: |
X.B.1. Cover Sheet
Subject: |
X.B.2. 4th Quarter FY18 Budget Performance
Subject: |
X.B.3. Funding the Westfield Renovation Project
Subject: |
X.B.4. 4th Quarter Investment Report
Subject: |
XI. Topics for Future Agendas
Subject: |
XII. For Information
Subject: |
XII.A. Enrollment Report
Subject: |
XII.B. NDSEC Profile
Subject: |
XIII. Closed Session
Subject: |
XIII.A. Employment/Evaluation of Personnel
Subject: |
XIII.B. Cover Sheet
Subject: |
XIV. Adjournment