May 14, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the Governing Board
Agenda |
Members of the Board
Craig Stuart - President Debbie Shumway - Vice President Linda Yazzie Olivia Jaquez Claudia Jackson Administrators Robbie Koerperich, Superintendent Bernice Gover Anne Lang Lauren Maestas Clete Hargrave Kevin Fosburgh Andrea Tomlin Cheri Grau Ryan Fraley Shawn Tow Victor Padilla Jacob Baker Jesus Luna-Almendariz Ray McLaws |
Consider approval of the minutes as submitted
Approve the minutes of the April 9, 2024 regular Governing Board meeting and April 24, 2024 special Governing Board meeting as presented.
Recommendation: Approve the agenda for the May 14, 2024 Governing Board meeting as presented.
V.A. Pursuant to Federal Public Law 103-382, Title 8 (Impact Aid), and the District's Indian Education Policy (IGAK), this call is for any member of our district. The public is cautioned about making statements against employees of the District that may be considered slanderous. A further reminder, the minutes of this meeting are public record and may be used in other proceedings. This is the time that the public may speak to the Governing Board on any issue including agenda items. Action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter, or to reschedule the matter for further consideration and a decision at a later date if it is not already on the agenda. Comments under Call to Public will be limited to four minutes.
Those wishing to address the board are requested to submit their comments by one of the following methods by 10 am Tuesday May 14, 2024: email public comments to, fax to 928-524-3073 or mail by USPS to PO Box 640 Holbrook, AZ 86025. The public may request to speak via WebEx during the Call to the Public by submitting a request prior to the meeting or may complete a Call to the Public request form at the governing board meeting to speak in person. |
Holbrook Junior High School Student Council
Holbrook High School Student Council
AISES Regional Conference - Hunter Tallsalt Action Research Presentations
Motion to accept the Principals' Reports as presented.
IX.A. Holbrook School District Budget Final Revision- Mrs. Maestas
The Holbrook School District is requesting a budget revision to the Holbrook Unified School District FY 24 budget as presented. The budget revisions include revisions to the capital budget, general budget limit due to adjustments made to the actual Average Daily Membership counts & override budget capacity. The budget revisions are included in the back-up materials.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve the Holbrook School District budget final revision as presented. |
IX.B. FY 25 Classified Staff Salary Placement Schedule- Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook School District is requesting Governing Board approval of the FY 25 Classified Staff Salary Placement Schedule as presented.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve the FY 25 Classified Staff Salary Placement Schedule as presented. |
IX.C. FY 25 Notice of Appointments for Non-Exempt Support Staff & Three And A Half Percent Raise – Dr. Koerperich
The District’s administrative team is requesting Governing Board approval to issue FY 25 Notice of Appointments for non-exempt support staff for the 2024-2025 school year. Included in the back-up material is a list of support staff members the administrative team is recommending for rehire. We are recommending a 3.5% raise for all support staff hourly rates.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve the FY25 Notice of Appointments, as well as, a 3.5% raise for all support staff hourly rates as presented. |
IX.D. Northern Arizona Vocational Institute Of Technology (NAVIT) Intergovernmental Agreement - Dr. Koerperich
The Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between NAVIT and the Holbrook Unified School District requires annual approval by the Holbrook Governing Board. The IGA outlines HUSD #3's agreement with NAVIT in relationship to the programs and courses taught at Holbrook High School. The IGA has been reviewed by legal counsel.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve the 2024-2025 Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with NAVIT as presented. |
IX.E. Intergovernmental Agreement Between Holbrook USD #3 and Navajo County Sheriff's Office- Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook School District is requesting Governing Board approval of an intergovernmental agreement between the Holbrook School District and the Navajo County Sheriff's Office for school resource officer services through the Arizona School Safety Grant. The IGA is included in the back-up materials.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Holbrook School District and Navajo County Sheriff's Office as presented. |
IX.F. Federal Project Manager Intergovernmental Agreement- Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook School District is requesting Governing Board approval to continue an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the Joseph City School District to share a Federal Projects Manager position. The IGA outlines the shared responsibilities, as well as, the financial terms for each school district. The IGA is included in the back up materials.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve the Federal Project IGA with the Joseph City School District as outlined in the back up materials. |
IX.G. Navajo County Special Services Consortium Revision- Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook School District is requesting a revision to the Special Services Addendum to reduce Occupational Therapy Assistant service for SY 24-25. Occupational Therapy Assistant services will be provided by another provider for SY 24-25.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve the revised Special Services Consortium Agreement as presented. |
IX.H. 2024-2025 Inter-Agency Agreement To Provide Child Nutrition Programs- Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook School District is requesting Governing Board approval of an Inter-Agency Agreement To Provide Child Nutrition Programs with the Navajo County Instruction For Success School (NCIS). The Inter-Agency Agreement is included in the back-up materials.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve the 2024-2025 Inter-Agency Agreement to Provide Child Nutrition Programs between HUSD #3 and NCIS. |
IX.I. Adult Meal Price Increase for SY 24-25- Dr. Koerperich
Per Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) Instruction 782-5 REV.1, SFAs (School Food Authorities) paid meal prices must be above the cost of a free meal plus donated food from USDA. The adult meal price must cover cost of food, labor, supplies, and the value of donated food. We therefore request permission to increase the lunch meal price to 6.00 and breakfast increase to $3.25. The ala carte prices will continue to adjust with the cost of food prices.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve adult paid meal prices for HUSD #3 to be set at $6.00 for lunch and $3.25 for breakfast to align with Food and Nutrition Service guidelines for SY 24-25. |
IX.J. Contracted Auditing Services- Dr. Koerperich
As required by state and federal law, the Holbrook School District must contract with an outside audit firm to independently determine our District’s level of compliance with federal and state mandates. We are requesting to approve CWDL Certified Public Accountants, formerly Dobridge & Company, CPA, to perform the HUSD #3 annual audit.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve CWDL Certified Public Accountants to perform the annual audit for HUSD #3 for Fiscal Year 2025. |
IX.K. QuickBooks Online Payment Administrative Procedure- Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook School District is requesting Governing Board approval of an administrative procedure to administer online payment for daycare payment. The administrative procedure is included in the back-up materials.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve the QuickBooks Online Payments administrative procedure as presented. |
IX.L. Holbrook School District Insurance Open Enrollment Revisions For SY 24-25- Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook School District is requesting a revision to the SY 24-25 Insurance Open Enrollment plans. The changes relate to adding a higher deductible plan option and revising the flexible spending contribution rate due to federal requirements for employer matching guidelines. The Open Enrollment document is included in the back-up materials.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve the SY 24-25 Open Enrollment plans for next school year as presented. |
IX.M. Recruitment And Retention Administrative Procedure Update For SY 24-25- Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook School District is requesting a revision to the Recruitment and Retention Administrative Procedure as presented.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve the Recruitment and Retention Administrative Procedure as presented. |
IX.N. IT Systems/Software Change Administrative Procedure - Mrs. Maestas
The Holbrook School District is requesting Governing Board approval of an IT Systems/Software Change Administrative Procedure as presented. The administrative procedure outlines guidelines for technology compliance with the Uniform System of Financial Records (USFR) as outlined in the FY 23 audit.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve the IT Systems/Software Change administrative procedure as presented. |
IX.O. HUSD #3 Teacher of the Year Stipend- Dr. Koerperich
The Vince and Libby Budenholzer Family have generously donated $200 for each teacher recognized as Teacher of the Year at HUSD #3. The Holbrook School District is requesting Governing Board approval to allocate these funds through payroll with the Holbrook School District paying any benefits associated with the stipend.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve the Holbrook School District to pay any benefits associated with the Teacher of the Year stipends as presented. |
IX.P. HUSD #3 Summer Activity Approval- Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook School District is requesting Governing Board approval of summer activities as presented in the back-up materials. Summer activities will be grant funded or sponsored by clubs. District liability insurance will cover these events during the summer months.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve the HUSD #3 summer activity plan as presented. |
IX.Q. Summer Contracted Mileage- Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook School District is requesting Governing Board approval to extend the HUSD #3 contracted mileage program through the summer to provide opportunities for summer school students to attend summer school and other school related events without additional incurred transportation costs to attend school-related summer events. Funding for the extension of the program would be paid through district funds and will not be reimbursable through the state mileage program.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve the extension of the contracted mileage program for summer related school activities to ensure HUSD #3 students have access to summer education programs effective May 31, 2024. |
IX.R. Sports Medicine I Course And Curriculum Proposal- Mr. Hargrave
Holbrook High School is requesting the addition of a new career and technical education course, Sports Medicine I. The course proposal and curriculum proposal are included in the back-up materials. If approved, this course will be offered as a one-period dual enrollment course at Holbrook High School for SY 24-25 and all curriculum materials will align with Northland Pioneer College dual enrollment coursework. The course curriculum will be posted as a 60-day review. The proposal is included in the back-up materials.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve a Sports Medicine I course at Holbrook High School for dual enrollment for SY 24-25; as well as, the course curriculum aligned to the Sports Medicine I course as presented. |
IX.S. Stagecraft I Course Offering SY 24-25- Mr. Hargrave
Holbrook High School is requesting Governing Board approval to offer one period of Stagecraft I, a career and technical education course centered upon set design, lighting, costume design, theater acoustics, scene painting, property management and technical direction for production and computer applications, at HHS for the 24-25 school year. The course proposal is included in the back-up materials. HHS has most, if not all, required materials, so there will be minimal costs for the implementation of this course.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve Stagecraft I as a Holbrook High School course for 1 credit as a career and technical education course for school year 2024-2025. |
IX.T. Out Of State Travel Civics Matters to Washington, DC- Dr. Koerperich
Six Holbrook High School students have qualified for a four-day trip, June 11-14, 2024 to Washington, DC through the Civics Matters Essay Contest provided by the Governor's Office, the Arizona Cardinals and the Close Up organization. Kendrick Taylor, Mariah Ferniza, Margaret Meeks, Joelyn Kee, Robert Herndon and Bitahnii Nez have all qualified and been selected for the trip. All expenses will be paid by Close Up and the Arizona Cardinals. HUSD #3 is requesting approval for out-of state travel, as well as, a district vehicle and one-night lodging for students on Monday, June 10, 2024.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve out of state travel for students to attend the Close Up Washington DC trip sponsored by Governor Ducey and the Arizona Cardinals as presented. |
IX.U. Social Worker Job Description And Position Opening- Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook School District is requesting approval of a Social Worker job description and position opening as presented. The position will be a district-wide social worker to assist with student development. The position description is included in the back-up materials.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve a Social Worker job description and position opening as presented. |
IX.V. Holbrook High School Science Room Remodel Bid Approval- Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook School District is requesting Governing Board approval to award TSG Constructors, LLC bid for remodeling the Holbrook High School science lab as presented in the back-up materials. Funding for this project will be from ESSER III and impact aid funding.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve TSG Constructors, LLC bid for remodeling the Holbrook High School science lab as presented. |
IX.W. Policy GCBDA Housing For Professional Staff Members First Reading- Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook School District is requesting Governing Board approval of the first reading of Policy GCBDA Housing For Professional Staff Members as presented. The policy outlines housing options for professional staff members in hard-to-fill positions. The policy and exhibits are included in the back-up materials.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve Policy GCBDA Housing For Professional Staff Members for first reading as presented. |
X. Consent Agenda
X.A. Personnel
X.A.1. Support Staff Resignation/Retirement/Termination
Allison, Slade - Computer Services Student Worker Resignation
LeSueur, AnaPaula - Food Services Resignation Livingston, Rydan - Facility Services Student Worker Resignation Oso, Christine - Food Services Resignation Simpson, Ryan - HHS High Needs Para Resignation VanHemert, Theresa - Daycare Assistant Resignation Yazzie, Kathy - Transportation Bus Driver Resignation |
X.A.2. Support Staff Employment- Hiring
King, Courtney - Food Service Lead Worker
Mangum, Brenda - Increase hours to assist Human Resources until June 30, 2024 Nez, William - Food Services Student Worker Saiz, Maria - SPED Transfer from Park High Needs Para to HHS High Needs Para Reynolds, Lori - Return to Work ESI beginning July 1, 2024 Trijillo, Aiyana - Hulet/Daycare Assistant Caregiver |
X.A.3. Certified Resignation/Retirement/Termination
Francis, Anika - Contract Null and Void
Williams, Lori - IWES PE Teacher Resignation |
X.A.4. Certified Employment-Hiring
Barela, Dylan - Hulet 2024-2025 PE Teacher
Carbonneau, Meghan - HHS 2024-2025 Sports Medicine Teacher Charter, Dylan - Hulet 2024-2025 Fifth Grade Teacher Francis, Anika - IWES 2024-2025 Sixth Grade Teacher Hegi, Brittiny - Hulet 2024-2025 Fourth Grade Teacher Johnson, Noah - HJHS 2024-2025 Student Services Layden, Caleb - HHS 2024-2025 PE/Health Teacher McLaws, LouAnn - HJHS/SPED 2024-2025 SPED Teacher Return to Work Beginning July 29, 2024 Murphy, Tyler - Hulet 2024-2025 Fourth Grade Teacher Nells, Gabriel - IWES 2024-2025 PE Teacher Nells, Sophia - IWES 2024-2025 First Grade Teacher Nez, Shelly - Hulet 2024-2025 Counselor Nicholas, John - District ESI Substitute Teacher Nilsson, Amy - Hulet 2024-2025 Third Grade Teacher Novak, Josh - HJHS 2024-2025 Seventh Grade Social Studies Teacher Robinson, Jeffrey - HHS 2024-2025 English Teacher Salazar, Shundeen - IWES 2024-2025 Kindergarten Teacher Tow, Nichole - Hulet/Park Principal Willis, Katelyn - Park Teacher 2024-2025 School Year Karissa Paddock- IWES Preschool 2024-205 School Year |
X.A.5. Extra Duty
Attakai, Ashley - HJHS Summer School (Club)
Baldonado, Leslie - HHS Summer School (Club) Baloo, Elizabeth - Game Help Begay, Davina - IWES Soccer Official Bitsilly, Kaylene - Transportation Trainer Bridegam, Stephanie - IWES/SPED SPED Summer School Brosius, Stephanie - HHS Summer School Chavez, Estefana - HJHS Summer School DeHaan, Terri - IWES Summer School Demuth, Lelia - HHS Running Club Eddings, Tim - IWES Summer School Estridge, Karen - HJHS Summer School Fairbanks, Julia - Park/SPED Summer Child Find Gardner, Kyle - HHS Summer School (Club) Gover, Gypsi - IWES Summer School Hatch, Ramie - HHS Summer School Herndon, Tobias - HHS Summer School Jensen, Callie - HHS Summer School Jimenez, Alicia - HJHS Summer School Jones, Lori - Transportation Trainer Knight, Shannon - HHS Summer School Koerperich, Debbie - IWES Summer School LaRose, Aaren - HJHS Summer School Lewis, Athina - IWES Summer School Meeks, Sarah - HHS Summer School (Club) Nez, Jerald - HHS Summer School Orton, Dan - HJHS Summer School Palmer, Shalea - HHS Summer School Paschal, Adicia - HJHS Summer School Remos, Amanda - Park/SPED Summer Child Find Robertson, Melissa - Transportation Trainer Salley, Eric - HJHS Summer School Smith, Jennifer - IWES Summer School Taylor, Kris - IWES Summer School Tomlinson, Dawn - HHS Summer School Williams, Andrea - IWES Summer School Yazzie, Theresa - IWES Summer School |
X.A.6. Volunteers
Begay, Randall - HJHS/HHS 2024-2025 Football
X.B. Professional Leave
Robertson, Melissa - Leadership in Training - Train the Trainer, El Mirage, AZ. June 3-6, 2024. Cost to the District: $76.
Yazzie, Marc - Leadership Summit Arizona Cycling Association, Tempe, AZ. April 6, 2024. Cost to the District: $373.35. Haussman, Charles - NAVIT Directors Meeting, Taylor, AZ. April 15, 2024. Cost to the District: Use of a District Vehicle. Daniels, Joel - CTE / TSA Teacher Institutes TSA Meeting, Glendale, AZ. May 18, 2024. Cost to the District: Use of a District Vehicle. Fraley, Ryan / Saxton, Michaela - CI & IT Leadership Symposium, Phoenix, AZ. April 26, 2024. Cost to the District: $259 Carbonneau, Meghan - Dorrance Scholarship Interview, Phoenix, AZ. April 19, 2024. Cost to the District: Use of a District Vehicle. Williams, Lori - Athletic Director Meeting, Winslow, AZ. May 3, 2024. No Cost to the District. Jones, Laurie - Leadership in Training - Train the Trainer, El Mirage, AZ. June 3-6, 2024. Cost to the District: $825. |
X.C. Vouchers
X.C.1. Expense and Revolving Fund vouchers:
#2486 $128,627.40
#2487 266,163.08 #2488 47,956.62 #2489 15,137.87 #2490 7,867.89 #2491 128,211.11 Total 593,963.97 |
X.C.2. Payroll and Expense vouchers:
#29 $513,454.43
#30 544,252.07 Total $ 1,057,706.50 |
X.C.3. Personnel Pay
Baloo, Elizabeth - Year One Mentor $1,250
Benally, Saraphania - Year Two Mentor $1,500 Bitsoie, Dawna - Professional Development $500 Brown, Katy - Insurance Buy Out $1,500 Carlisle, Sandy - Year One Mentor $2,500 Clark, Patty - Professional Development $500 Estridge, Karen - Year One and Year Two Mentor $2,125 Fairbanks, Julia - Professional Development $500 Garner, Danelle - Year One Mentor $2,500 Hollins, Rasheed - Clas Size Stipend $375 Hollins, Rasheed - Year One and Year Two Mentor $4,000 Hubbard, Jessica - Year Two Mentor $1,500 Hunsaker, Heidi - Professional Development $500 James, Sharon - Insurance Buy Out $875 Jimenez, Alicia - Year Two Mentor $1,500 Koerperich, Deb - Year One and Year Two Mentor $4,000 Maestas, Lauren - AASBO Professional Development $500 Newton-Pender, Meagan - Year One Mentor $2,500 Paschal, Adicia - Year Two Mentor $1,500 Paz, Jessica - Class Size Stipend $1,125 Paz, Jessica - Year One Mentor $2,500 Reidhead, Karalyn - Professional Development $1,000 Remos, Amanda - Professional Development $500 Sample, Jonathan - Insurance Buy Out $1,500 Saxton, Michaela - Insurance Buy Out $750 Spencer, Henry - Insurance Buy Out $750 Bus Driver Attraction & Retention March 2024 $2,690 Park/Hulet Professional Development February 2024 $480 Park/Hulet Professional Development March 2024 $400 Fourth Quarter Class Size Stipend $6,348 Park/Hulet Professional Development April 2024 $400 April White Bus Drivers $40 Power of 5 Good Faith $46,500 |
X.D. Fundraisers
HHS AISES - Jerald Nez - Ice Cream Bar
May 21, 2024 (lunch time) - Estimated Earnings $160 HHS Cross Country - Jerald Nez - BSN Cross Country Gear Shop May 6, 2024 through June 13, 2024 - Estimated Earnings $1,000 HHS Cross Country - Jerald Nez - Youth Basketball Tournaments June 21 to June 23, 2024 and June 29 to July 2, 2024 Estimated Earnings $3,000 HHS Spirit Line - Kassy Grabowski - Car Washes June 1, 2024 / July 20, 2024 / August 11, 2024 Estimated Earnings: $1,200 HHS Spirit Line - Kassy Grabowski- Corn Hole Tournament July 27, 2024 Estimated Earnings: $450 Class of 2025 - Cheryl Carlson - Graduation Leis May 24, 2024 Estimated Earnings $1,000 - $1,500 |
X.E. Gifts and Donations
Holbrook School District is donating the following items to the City of Holbrook. Leg press Tag #23372, ISO Lat Row Tag # 23874, Push Press Tag # 50185, Incline Bench-no tag, Military Bench no tag.
The Lion's Club donated $200 to the Holbrook Junior High for two end of year beep beeper grand prizes. One boy and one girl. The Holbrook Roadrunners Booster Club donated $791.97 to the baseball team to purchase equipment. |
X.F. Policy Adoptions
ASBA Policy Updates - Final Adoption
EBAA Reporting of Hazards/Warning Systems EB-R Environmental and Safety Program BGE Policy Communication/Feedback JFABDA Admission of Students in Foster Care EBC Emergencies JHD Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance GDC Support Staff Leave and Absence ECB Building and Ground Maintenance JIH Student Interrogations, searches and arrests |
X.G. Superintendent Performance Pay- no action necessary
Recommendation: Approve consent agenda items and expense vouchers in items A, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, B, C, 1, 2, 3, D, E, F, and G as presented. Detailed information for all District expenditures may be obtained by contacting the School District business office located at 1000 North 8th Avenue, P.O. Box 640, Holbrook, AZ 86025. Phone 1-928-524-6144.
XI. Administrative/Board/Staff Report
XII. Executive Session
The Governing Board may enter into executive session pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03. The Governing Board may vote to enter into executive session on any item on this agenda for which an executive session is allowable.
XII.A. Superintendent Contract Extension- Dr. Koerperich
Superintendent Contract Extension.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve a contract extension for Dr. Koerperich as Holbrook Unified School District Superintendent through June 30, 2027 as presented. |