March 4, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the Governing Board
Agenda |
Members of the Board
Craig Stuart - President Linda Yazzie- Vice President Debbie Shumway Claudia Jackson Administrators Robbie Koerperich, Superintendent Bernice Gover Anne Lang Lauren Maestas Clete Hargrave Nichole Tow Andrea Tomlin Cheri Grau Ryan Fraley Shawn Tow Victor Padilla Jacob Baker Jesus Luna-Almendariz Ray McLaws |
Consider approval of the minutes as submitted.
Approve the minutes of the February 11, 2025 regular Governing Board meeting as presented.
Recommendation: Approve the agenda for the March 4, 2025 Governing Board meeting as presented.
V.A. Pursuant to Federal Public Law 103-382, Title 8 (Impact Aid), and the District's Indian Education Policy (IGAK), this call is for any member of our district. The public is cautioned about making statements against employees of the District that may be considered slanderous. A further reminder, the minutes of this meeting are public record and may be used in other proceedings. This is the time that the public may speak to the Governing Board on any issue including agenda items. Action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter, or to reschedule the matter for further consideration and a decision at a later date if it is not already on the agenda. Comments under Call to Public will be limited to four minutes.
Those wishing to address the board are requested to submit their comments by one of the following methods by 10 am Tuesday March 4, 2025: email public comments to, fax to 928-524-3073 or mail by USPS to PO Box 640 Holbrook, AZ 86025. The public may request to speak via WebEx during the Call to the Public by submitting a request prior to the meeting or may complete a Call to the Public request form at the governing board meeting to speak in person. |
HJHS Student Council
*Kindness Month *Class Games HHS Student Council *Mr. Roadrunner *Blood Drive FY 25 Audit Review- Mrs. Maestas
Motion to accept the Principals' Reports as presented.
IX.A. HUSD #3 Ward Redistricting Public Hearing- Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook School District is in the process of redistricting HUSD #3 Governing Board wards to align to the 2020 census data. The Governing Board will take public comments at this time.
There is a sign-up sheet at the public hearing for those who wish to provide public comment on the Ward Redistricting Plan. The Board President will recognize the members of the public in the order indicated on the sign-up sheet. In order to ensure enough time for all members of the public to provide public comment, individual public comment will be limited to five (5) minutes per person. Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve Dr. Koerperich to present on Governing Board ward redistricting followed by a public comment period. |
IX.B. Governing Board Ward Redistricting- Dr. Koerperich
Discussion and possible action to approve, effective immediately, redrawn single-member Governing Board ward boundaries based on 2020 Census. (*Possible executive session per A.R.S. 38-431.03(A)(3) (Advice from legal counsel).
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve the HUSD #3 Governing Board Wards as presented based on the 2020 Census. |
IX.C. Governing Board Authority To Call Special Elections- Dr. Koerperich
Discussion and possible action regarding Governing Board authority to call for a special election based on newly-approved ward boundaries. (*Possible executive session per A.R.S. 38-431.03(A)(3) (Advice from legal counsel).
Recommendation: Consideration to approve discussion pertaining to the call for a special election based on newly-approved ward boundaries. |
IX.D. Independent Auditor’s Report FY24 & Uniform System of Financial Records Compliance Questionnaire FY24- Dr. Koerperich
CWDL Accountants have prepared the Audited Financial Statement for FY24 for the Holbrook Unified School District. The audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the financial statement of activities and funds that collectively comprise the District’s basic financial operations. Areas of compliance range from budgeting to purchasing to governing board management. The list of non-compliant items was limited to nine items that are being addressed by our staff. The district is in the process of making the recommended changes to bring the district into full compliance.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to accept the Independent Auditor’s Report and the Uniform System of Financial Records Compliance Questionnaire findings for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024 as presented. |
IX.E. First Year Certified Salary Placement Schedule; First Year Certified Faculty Salary Placement Schedule Special Positions Schedule; First Year Administrator Salary Placement Schedule; Certified Staff Extra Duty Daily, Hourly, & Periodic Pay Stipends, Special Assignment Stipend Schedule; and Substitute Placement Schedule for FY 26- Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook administration is recommending approval of the FY26 salary placement schedules for the 2025-2026 school year. Salary placement schedules include a first-year certified faculty placement schedule; substitute placement schedule; special assignment positions salary schedule including math, science, special education and Indian Wells Elementary positions; administrator placement schedule; special assignment stipend schedule, certified staff extra duty daily, hourly and periodic pay stipends, and special hourly certified employee pay rates schedules. The salary schedules are included in the back-up materials.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve the FY26 salary placement schedules as presented. |
IX.F. SY 25-26 Certified Teacher, Administrator and Salaried Employee Raises- Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook administration is recommending a 2% increase to employees' current base salary for all certified teachers, administrators, and salaried employees; as well as, a $2,500 retention stipend for certified teachers, administrators and salaried employee staff from SY 24-25 that are on contract during for the 2025-2026 contract year.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration of a 2% increase to the base salary for all certified teachers, administrators and salaried employees for the 2025-2026 school year; as well as, a $2,500 retention stipend for certified teachers, administrators and salaried employee staff from SY 24-25 that are on contract during for the 2025-2026 contract year.
IX.G. Certified Administrator/Salaried Employee Contracts - Dr. Koerperich
The following certified administrators, support staff supervisors and salaried positions are being recommended for continuing contracts for the 25-26 school year: Dr. Jeff Meeks, Mrs. Nichole Tow, Dr. Andrea Tomlin, Dr. Charles Haussman, Mr. Clete Hargrave, Mr. Galen Knight, Mrs. Anne Lang, Mrs. Lauren Maestas, Ms. Bernice Gover, Mr. Jacob Baker, Mr. Jesus Luna-Almendariz, Mr. Shawn Tow, Mr. Victor Padilla, Mr. Ryan Fraley and Mr. Ray McLaws.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve the 2025-2026 administrator and salaried employee contracts as presented.
IX.H. Certified Faculty SY 25-26 Contracts - Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook School District Administration would like to recommend the Governing Board issue teacher contracts for the 2025-26 school year. All staff members recommended for contracts at this time are included in the back-up material.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve SY 25-26 contracts for returning certified staff members as listed in the back-up materials.
IX.I. Contracted Auditing Services- Dr. Koerperich
As required by state and federal law, the Holbrook School District must contract with an outside audit firm to independently determine our District’s level of compliance with federal and state mandates. We are requesting to approve CWDL Certified Public Accountants to perform the HUSD #3 annual audit. The district has solicited bids for auditing services and CWDL is the lowest responsive bidder.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve CWDL Certified Public Accountants to perform the annual audit for HUSD #3 for Fiscal Year 2025 through FY 2029 as presented. |
IX.J. E-Rate Services Internet Conduit/Internet Service Provider Services For Holbrook USD #3- Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook School District is requesting Governing Board approval of E-Rate services for internet conduit and internet service provider services for the Holbrook School District to Cable One/Sparklight. Internet services have been procured and the district is recommending to proceed with Cable One/Sparklight as the lowest responsive bidder.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve Cable One/Sparklight as the internet service provider through E-Rate as presented. |
IX.K. Building Renewal Grant Approval BRG-006994- Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook School District is requesting Governing Board approval of the School Facility Division terms and conditions for a building renewal grant for HVAC at Munoz Gym. The terms and conditions are included in the back-up materials.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve BRG-006994 Holbrook High School Gym HVAC Replacement terms and conditions as presented. |
IX.L. Reading Specialist Job Description- Dr. Koerperich
The Holbrook School District is requesting Governing Board approval of a current Reading Specialist job description as presented.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve the currrent Reading Specialist job description as presented. |
IX.M. Practicum Hours- Dr. Koerperich
Mr. Ray Patterson is requesting to conduct practicum hours in classrooms at Hulet and Park Elementary during the spring semester for coursework at Grand Canyon University. Mr. Patterson has fingerprint clearance and has met with Mrs. Tow.
Recommendation: Discussion and consideration to approve Mr. Ray Patterson to conduct practicum hours at Hulet and Park Elementary Schools this spring. |
X. Consent Agenda
X.A. Personnel
X.A.1. Support Staff Resignation/Retirement/Termination
Johnson, Danielle - Transportation Driver Resignation
Miller, Sonya - Park/SPED High Needs Para Resignation |
X.A.2. Support Staff Employment- Hiring
Bitahey, Fiaa - Food Service Student Worker
X.A.3. Certified Resignation/Retirement/Termination
Burks, Mike- Career and Technical Education CAD Teacher
Charter, Dylan - Hulet 5th Grade Teacher Resignation Thompson, Melicia - HHS Reading Specialist Retirement / Return to Work Thomlison, Dawn- Retire/Return to Work ESI |
X.A.4. Certified Employment-Hiring
X.A.5. Extra Duty
Agramont, Paul - HHS Assistant Track Coach
Baloo, Beth - HJHS Soccer Club Coach Begay, Davina - IWES Assistant Softball Coach Demuth, Lelia - HHS Assistant Track Coach Hatch, Ty - HHS Assistant Baseball Coach King, Courtney - IWES Softball Head Coach Madison, Jeremy - HHS Head Golf Coach Nells, Gabe - IWES Coaching/Head Soccer Coach Nells, Sophia - IWES Coaching/Assistant Soccer Coach Wallace, Benson - HHS After School Tutorial |
X.A.6. Volunteers
X.B. Professional Leave
Nilsson, Michael - CTE Advisory Board Training, Snowflake, AZ. April 1, 2025. Cost to the District: Substitute Teacher.
Gardner, Kyle - AI in Education: A Series for Arizona Educators, Phoenix, AZ. February 24, March 27, April 14, and April 28, 2025. Cost to the District: $425, Use of a district vehicle and Substitute Teacher. Palmer, Shalea - College Knowing & Going Spring Collaborative Event, Flagstaff, AZ. February 21, 2025. No cost to the district. Nells, Gabriel - Athletic Director's Meeting, Dilcon, AZ. February 21, 2025. No cost to the district. Cline, Cody - Best Locks Training, Flagstaff, AZ. April 12, 2025. Cost to the District: Use of district vehicle. Luna, Jesus - Best Locks Training, Flagstaff, AZ. April 12, 2025. Cost to the District: Use of district vehicle. Jackson, Sylvia - Native Education Summit, Indian Wells, AZ. February 28, 2025. Cost to the District: Use of district vehicle. Prestwich, Conner - NAVIT Advisory Meeting, Snowflake, AZ. March 17, 2025. Cost to the District: Substitute Teacher. Grau, Cheri - Native Education Summit, Indian Wells, AZ. February 28, 2025. Cost to the District: Use of district vehicle. Serna, Cayla - Link Crew Freshman Transition Program, Orange, CA. March 24-26, 2025. Cost to the District: Brewer, Desiree - Guiding Students Through Their Transition, Snowflake, AZ. April 25, 2025. Cost to the District: $125.00 Plus the Use of a District Vehicle. |
X.C. Vouchers
X.C.1. Expense and Revolving Fund vouchers:
#2556 $51,839.51
#2557 67,609.37 #2558 136,814.32 #2559 270,076.13 #2560 31,499.05 #2561 101,579.21 #2562 17,162.54 #2563 5,626.18 Total $682,206.31 |
X.C.2. Payroll and Expense vouchers:
#26 $759,601.44
#27 1,432.86 #28 785,816.09 Total $1,546,850.39 |
X.C.3. Personnel Pay
Self, Beth - Deseg Day Jan. 31, 2025
Park/Hulet TLAC PD - $442.80 Jan/Feb White Fleet Driver Stipend - $360 |
X.D. Fundraisers/Club Approvals
X.E. Gifts and Donations
Laundro Max, Owner - Matthew Price, donated $110 in Loyalty Cards to HUSD McKinney Vento
X.F. Policy Adoptions
Policy GCF Professional Staff Hiring Final Reading- Dr. Koerperich
X.G. Superintendent Performance Pay- no action necessary
Recommendation: Approve consent agenda items and expense vouchers in items A, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, B, C, 1, 2, 3, D, E, F, and G as presented. Detailed information for all District expenditures may be obtained by contacting the School District business office located at 1000 North 8th Avenue, P.O. Box 640, Holbrook, AZ 86025. Phone 1-928-524-6144.
XI. Administrative/Board/Staff Report
XII. Executive Session
The Governing Board may enter into executive session pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03. The Governing Board may vote to enter into executive session on any item on this agenda for which an executive session is allowable.