Meeting Agenda
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call and Establish a Quorum
4. Additional Items
5. Public Comment
6. Agenda
6.A. Consent Agenda
All items listed below are considered to be routine by the Crosslake Community Schools Board of Education and will be acted upon by one motion; however, any Board Director may request that items on the Consent Agenda be removed from it for independent consideration. Any items so identified will be moved to the Action Item portion of the Agenda. |
6.A.1. Board of Education Minutes - February 13, 2023
6.A.2. Finance Meeting Minutes - March 10, 2023
6.A.3. EE Seat-Based Committee Meeting Minutes - January 21, 2023
6.A.4. Academic Performance/Achievement and World's Best Workforce - February 23, 2023
6.A.5. Personnel Matters
6.A.6. Food Service Reports
6.A.7. Gifts and Donations
6.B. Academic, Environmental Education, and Performance Improvement Plan Updates
6.C. Action Items
6.C.1. Approve Policies
6.C.2. Bylaws
6.D. Review and Approve February 2023 Financial Informaton
6.E. Information/Discussion Items
6.E.1. Covid Update - Proactive vs Reactive
6.E.2. District Personnel
6.E.3. Policy Review
6.E.4. Professional Development - Board of Education Trainings
6.E.5. Strategic Planning
6.E.6. Surveys
6.E.7. Future Committees
6.E.8. Stipends
6.F. Reports
6.F.1. CCS' Directors
6.F.2. EE Seat-Based Committee
6.F.3. EE Online Committee
6.F.4. Finance Committee
6.F.5. Academic Performance/Achievement and World's Best Workforce
6.F.6. Directors' Evaluations
7. Authorizer Update
8. April 10, 2023 Meeting Preparation
8.A. Suggestion for Discussion Topics for Next Meeting
8.B. Policy Review
9. Board Meeting Evaluation
10. Adjourn the Regular Board of Education Meeting
Next regular Board of Education meeting: April 10, 2023 at 5 p.m. |
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 13, 2023 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call Meeting to Order
Subject: |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
3. Roll Call and Establish a Quorum
Subject: |
4. Additional Items
Subject: |
5. Public Comment
Subject: |
6. Agenda
Subject: |
6.A. Consent Agenda
All items listed below are considered to be routine by the Crosslake Community Schools Board of Education and will be acted upon by one motion; however, any Board Director may request that items on the Consent Agenda be removed from it for independent consideration. Any items so identified will be moved to the Action Item portion of the Agenda. |
Subject: |
6.A.1. Board of Education Minutes - February 13, 2023
Subject: |
6.A.2. Finance Meeting Minutes - March 10, 2023
Subject: |
6.A.3. EE Seat-Based Committee Meeting Minutes - January 21, 2023
Subject: |
6.A.4. Academic Performance/Achievement and World's Best Workforce - February 23, 2023
Subject: |
6.A.5. Personnel Matters
New Hires: Name: Calli Walker; Position: Online Educational Assistant; Agreement Days: Approximately 68 School Calendar Days, up to 10 hours/week; Step: 4; Wage: $15.92; Start Date: 2/14/2023 Departing Staff: Jake Moser - Seat Based Custodian/Maintenance, last day 5/26/23 Change in Contract: Coming upon one year, our present executive assistant, Cheryl Cole, would like to cut down on her work load, spend time with her family, travel, and yet assist in the high integrity of board matters and marketing the school. The current 1.0 FTE position is highly intense and Cheryl is asking to change her full time status to .3 FTE or up to 12 hours per week. If this position is approved, the job description entails board matters of policies, meetings and other secretarial duties as well as Facebook, marketing and website maintenance. If a .3 position is not available for approval, the current EA will resign/retire and all job descriptions will be re-written and needs for the office will be assessed. |
Subject: |
6.A.6. Food Service Reports
Subject: |
6.A.7. Gifts and Donations
Subject: |
6.B. Academic, Environmental Education, and Performance Improvement Plan Updates
Presenter: |
Holly Amaya
Academic Performance/Achievement and World's Best Workforce
Winter Star Testing Reports (note: Osprey Wilds' monthly Board of Education rotation of Exhibit S schedule is included each month for reference purposes only) |
Subject: |
6.C. Action Items
Subject: |
6.C.1. Approve Policies
Health Insurance Procurement
Subject: |
6.C.2. Bylaws
Per Osprey Wilds, our Bylaws do not capture the amendments required by MDE. CCS must revise the bylaws to address the following sections that do not align with statute:
Subject: |
6.D. Review and Approve February 2023 Financial Informaton
Subject: |
6.E. Information/Discussion Items
Subject: |
6.E.1. Covid Update - Proactive vs Reactive
Subject: |
6.E.2. District Personnel
Online Position - New Online Student & Family Engagement Coordinator job description Seat-Based Position - New Title 1 and STEAM or STEM Title 1/DAC/Curriculum Coordinator Teacher PK-8 Art Teacher Administrative Specialist Seat-Based Position - Revised Executive Assistant Adminstrative Assistant (note: Board of Education approved Hiring Procedure is included each month for reference purposes) |
Subject: |
6.E.3. Policy Review
701 Establishment and Adoption of School District Policy 701.1 Modification of School District Budget 702 Accounting 703 Annual Audit 705 Investments |
Subject: |
6.E.4. Professional Development - Board of Education Trainings
An opportunity from Osprey Wilds: As we pass the halfway point of the 2022-23 school year, it is time to begin the budgeting process for the 2023-24 year. This session will explore the role of the board of directors in developing and approving that budget with a focus on the school’s mission and great outcomes for students. Come prepared to share how your school approaches budgeting, what works well, and what needs improvement. Register online. |
Subject: |
6.E.5. Strategic Planning
Presenter: |
Holly Amaya
Update board on TeamWorks process and request for additional $9000 approval for staff stipends (20 staff for 30 hours at $15/hour, over the summer) |
Subject: |
6.E.6. Surveys
HRS Level 2 (staff only) survey is done, interpreting of data will take place on March 27. This will be an Information/Discussion item at the April Board of Education meeting.
Subject: |
6.E.7. Future Committees
Potential Committees to be Formed (Ad Hoc)
Strategic Planning Executive Director Discussion Facility Panning |
Subject: |
6.E.8. Stipends
Seat-based Teacher overload stipend - occurs when a Seat-based Teacher is teaching more student contact time than any other teachers, due to number of students, health education requirements, etc. Physical Education/Health Teacher overload stipend. The stipend for teaching overload of this type would be $2,213.92 per semester for the 2022-2023 school year. This would be reviewed annually. Music Teacher overload stipend. The stipend for teaching overload of this type would be $1,156.41 per semester for the 2022-2023 school year. This would be reviewed annually. |
Subject: |
6.F. Reports
(note: board appointed committees schedule is included for reference purposes only) |
Subject: |
6.F.1. CCS' Directors
Subject: |
6.F.2. EE Seat-Based Committee
Subject: |
6.F.3. EE Online Committee
Subject: |
6.F.4. Finance Committee
Subject: |
6.F.5. Academic Performance/Achievement and World's Best Workforce
Subject: |
6.F.6. Directors' Evaluations
Subject: |
7. Authorizer Update
Subject: |
8. April 10, 2023 Meeting Preparation
Subject: |
8.A. Suggestion for Discussion Topics for Next Meeting
Evaluate Need for a Lottery
The Lake Foundation |
Subject: |
8.B. Policy Review
Subject: |
9. Board Meeting Evaluation
Subject: |
10. Adjourn the Regular Board of Education Meeting
Next regular Board of Education meeting: April 10, 2023 at 5 p.m. |