Meeting Agenda
2. RECEPTION/OPEN HOUSE 4:00 P.M. Stewart Elementary Multi-Purpose Room
3. COMMUNITY DISCUSSION 4:30 P.M. Stewart Elementary Multi-Purpose Room
3.A. What do you want the Davis Board of Education to be aware of this year?
4. BOARD MEETING 5:30 P.M. Stewart Elementary Multi-Purpose Room
4.A.1. Welcome and Announcements
4.A.2. Reverence
4.A.3. Pledge of Allegiance
4.A.4. “Frozen” Performance by Stewart Elementary 6th Grade Chinese Immersion Students
4.A.5. Remarks
4.B.1. Samantha Vaca, 6th Grade Stewart Elementary Student (exhibit)
4.C.1. Board Minutes (exhibit)
4.C.2. Financial Report (exhibit)
4.C.3. Personnel Report (exhibit)
4.C.4. Board Calendar (exhibit)
4.C.5. Bountiful Jr. High proposed changes to 2015-16 School Improvement/LAND Trust Plan ( exhibit)
4.C.6. Washington Elementary proposed changes to 2015-16 School Improvement/LAND Trust Plan (exhibit)
4.C.7. Windridge Elementary proposed changes to 2015-16 School Improvement/LAND Trust Plan (exhibit)
4.E.1. Policy IB-030 School Board Meetings FINAL READING (exhibit)
4.E.2. Technology Services Building Roof Replacement (exhibit)
4.E.3. Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC) for High School #10 (exhibit)
4.E.4. Freeport Center Bldg. F2 Parking Lot Resurfacing (exhibit)
4.E.5. Antelope El. Property Purchase (exhibit)
4.E.6. Meadowbrook Elementary Carpet Replacement (exhibit)
4.E.7. Hill Field Elementary Carpet Replacement (exhibit)
4.G.1. Board and Superintendent Reports
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 6, 2015 at 5:30 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
2. RECEPTION/OPEN HOUSE 4:00 P.M. Stewart Elementary Multi-Purpose Room
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3. COMMUNITY DISCUSSION 4:30 P.M. Stewart Elementary Multi-Purpose Room
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3.A. What do you want the Davis Board of Education to be aware of this year?
Subject: |
4. BOARD MEETING 5:30 P.M. Stewart Elementary Multi-Purpose Room
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Subject: |
4.A.1. Welcome and Announcements
Presenter: |
Pres. Gordon Eckersley
Subject: |
4.A.2. Reverence
Presenter: |
Vice Pres. Mona Andrus
Subject: |
4.A.3. Pledge of Allegiance
Presenter: |
Student Bd. Member Juliane Berglund
Subject: |
4.A.4. “Frozen” Performance by Stewart Elementary 6th Grade Chinese Immersion Students
Subject: |
4.A.5. Remarks
Presenter: |
Principal Vonzaa Hewitt
Subject: |
Subject: |
4.B.1. Samantha Vaca, 6th Grade Stewart Elementary Student (exhibit)
Presenter: |
Ms. Gwen Hill
Subject: |
Subject: |
4.C.1. Board Minutes (exhibit)
Presenter: |
Mr. Craig Carter
Mr. Carter and his staff have prepared the Minutes from the September 1 and the September 15, 2015, Board meetings. Please review the Minutes prior to this meeting and if you have any questions regarding the Minutes, please contact Mr. Carter before the meeting.
Subject: |
4.C.2. Financial Report (exhibit)
Presenter: |
Mr. Craig Carter
Mr. Carter and the Accounting Department staff have prepared the financial report. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Mr. Carter prior to the Board meeting.
Subject: |
4.C.3. Personnel Report (exhibit)
Presenter: |
Mr. Craig Poll
Ms. Williams and the Human Resources Department staff have prepared the personnel report. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Mr. Poll prior to the meeting.
Subject: |
4.C.4. Board Calendar (exhibit)
Presenter: |
Pres. Gordon Eckersley
Attached is the Board calendar for October, November, and December.
Subject: |
4.C.5. Bountiful Jr. High proposed changes to 2015-16 School Improvement/LAND Trust Plan ( exhibit)
Presenter: |
Dr. Logan Toone
Dr. Toone has submitted for approval the changes to the 2015-16 School Improvement/LAND Trust Plan for Bountiful Jr. High.
Subject: |
4.C.6. Washington Elementary proposed changes to 2015-16 School Improvement/LAND Trust Plan (exhibit)
Presenter: |
Dr. Logan Toone
Dr. Toone has submitted for approval the changes to the 2015-16 School Improvement/LAND Trust Plan for Washington Elementary.
Subject: |
4.C.7. Windridge Elementary proposed changes to 2015-16 School Improvement/LAND Trust Plan (exhibit)
Presenter: |
Dr. Logan Toone
Dr. Toone has submitted for approval the changes to the 2015-16 School Improvement/LAND Trust Plan for Windridge Elementary.
Subject: |
Public comment will be accepted for a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes. Each speaker will be allowed a maximum of three (3) minutes.
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4.E.1. Policy IB-030 School Board Meetings FINAL READING (exhibit)
Presenter: |
Vice Pres. Mona Andrus and Ms. Michelle Beus
This policy was reviewed in a previous Board workshop meeting and approved on First Reading during the September 1, 2015, Board meeting. We now request approval on Final Reading.
Subject: |
4.E.2. Technology Services Building Roof Replacement (exhibit)
Presenter: |
Mr. Craig Carter
The existing metal roof of the Technology Services Building has developed many leaks over the years. The neoprene fasteners used to attach the roof have become brittle due to exposure to the sun. The roof also expands and contracts in response to temperature extremes. Due to the expensive nature of the computer equipment housed in this facility, it is imperative that the roof be weather tight. The existing roof will be covered with a new layer of insulation, rain gutters, and a single-ply roofing membrane. Work will begin immediately and is expected to be completed by the end of November. We request approval of the low bid submitted by Clark's Quality Roofing, Inc. for $133,975.
Subject: |
4.E.3. Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC) for High School #10 (exhibit)
Presenter: |
Mr. Craig Carter
Design work for the New High School #10 located on the corner of 650 West and Glover Lane in Farmington is progressing. Upon the successful voter approval of the District’s proposed bond election in November, the project will then be bid out and constructed.
The project delivery method to construct this new building will be Construction Manager/General Contractor (cm/gc) or Construction Manager at Risk. There are two parts to the cm/gc contract. The first is the Construction Management part where they become part of the design team to provide feedback on the design and constructability of the project. They also advise the design team with detailed cost estimates and on-going value engineering. Once the plans are complete, the construction manager then solicits competitive bids from sub-contractors. Once the bids are received, the construction manager then moves into the second part of their contract and then acts in the capacity of a general contractor by entering into contracts with the successful sub-contractors. They then construct the school. Three construction companies were evaluated by the Professional Services Selection Committee in a three-step selection process. The first step of the process was to evaluate and score each firm based on qualifications of the firm and individuals proposed to work on the project. The second step involved conducting interviews with each firm and a score was given by the Committee. In the interview each contractor elaborated on their Management Plan for constructing the high school. The third step was to evaluate and score each firm based on their cost proposal. The Committee evaluated the proposed pre-construction fee, construction management fee, monthly supervision cost, and bond cost. The highest scoring firm was then selected. Plans are anticipated to be completed in January 2016 and be bid to sub-contractors in February. Construction is expected to begin in March/April of 2016 with school completion in May/June 2018. The school will open in August of the 2018-19 school year. We recommend approval of the highest scoring contractor for New High School #10, Hogan & Associates Construction, as CM/GC. |
Subject: |
4.E.4. Freeport Center Bldg. F2 Parking Lot Resurfacing (exhibit)
Presenter: |
Mr. Craig Carter
Much of the asphalt in the Freeport Center, including the main roadway for the Transportation Facility which accommodates the majority of the bus fleet, was installed in the 1940's. Some additional paving sections were installed when Transportation originally occupied the building in 1981. In spite of on-going maintenance efforts, the asphalt has outlived it's useful life and is in need of reconstructive paving work. In addition, some asphalt expansion is desired to accommodate the transportation function. The scope, as identified on the attached diagram, includes milling/replacement of the main roadway (shown in blue), overlaying the 1981 vintage asphalt (shown in purple), new asphalt to accommodate automobile parking (shown in brown) and a small area to be repaired and patched (circled in red). The asphalt work will be scheduled around the Fall Recess break to take advantage of the reduced traffic. The Purchasing Department has awarded this work to Big Red Asphalt Maintenance, Inc., for $173,568 and we recommend your approval.
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4.E.5. Antelope El. Property Purchase (exhibit)
Presenter: |
Mr. Craig Carter
We request approval of the purchase of approximately .81 acres near Antelope Elementary. Our purpose in buying the land is to expand parent drop off and parking at Antelope Elementary. Our hope is to eliminate or reduce the number of parents dropping off across Main Street requiring students to cross the street to get to the school. Clearfield City has approved the zoning change after two City Council meetings and a public hearing. We will need to have our design plan approved by the Community Development Office prior to construction, however, we don’t anticipate a problem. This will be a significant safety enhancement to the school and provide more access for parents. The cost of the property is $230,000.
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4.E.6. Meadowbrook Elementary Carpet Replacement (exhibit)
Presenter: |
Mr. Craig Carter
In 2013, members of the District Facilities and Purchasing Departments conducted a thorough evaluation of carpet tile manufacturers with the intent to enter into a contract that would allow the purchase of carpet without going through a formal bid process for each project. Carpet manufacturers submitted various styles of carpet tiles, all in a similar price range, along with installation costs. Four different manufacturers were selected and are now under contract with the District. As carpet projects arise, they are assigned to one of the four firms on a rotating basis. Meadowbrook Elementary School classrooms have carpet that was installed in the 1970’s. This carpet is worn out and is in need of replacement. Carpet in the hallways was installed in the late 1990’s and is also worn out since hallways receive much more foot traffic. The administrative offices will also receive new carpet. Work of the replacement will be scheduled around breaks in the school’s calendar such as Fall Recess, Thanksgiving Recess, and Winter Recess. We recommend approval to award the carpet project at Meadowbrook Elementary to Tandus Flooring for $116,712.86.
Subject: |
4.E.7. Hill Field Elementary Carpet Replacement (exhibit)
Presenter: |
Mr. Craig Carter
As stated in the previous item, in 2013, members of the District Facilities and Purchasing Departments conducted a thorough evaluation of carpet tile manufacturers with the intent to enter into a contract that would allow the purchase of carpet without going through a formal bid process for each project. Carpet manufacturers submitted various styles of carpet tiles, all in a similar price range, along with installation costs. Four different manufacturers were selected and are now under contract with the District. As carpet projects arise, they are assigned to one of the four firms on a rotating basis. Hill Field Elementary School classrooms have carpet that was installed in the 1970’s. This carpet is worn out and is in need of replacement. Carpet in the hallways was installed in the late 1990’s and is also worn out since hallways receive much more foot traffic. Work of the replacement will be scheduled around breaks in the school’s calendar such as Fall Recess, Thanksgiving Recess, and Winter Recess. We recommend approval to award the carpet project at Meadowbrook Elementary to Lees/Mohawk Group through ACI Andigo Carpets, Inc. for $88,303.92.
Subject: |
Public comment will be accepted for a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes. Each speaker will be allowed a maximum of three (3) minutes.
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4.G.1. Board and Superintendent Reports
As usual, time has been set aside for Board and Superintendent reports. If you have attended a conference, meeting, or have had correspondence that warrants Board consideration, please feel free to bring these matters to this portion of the agenda.