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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Adjourn to Closed Session
2.A. For the purpose of considering matters for which closed sessions are authorized by Chapter 551.071-551.084, Texas Government Code, whereupon the Superintendent at the request of the Board President, will present for the Board's consideration or discussion the following matters:
2.A.1. Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
2.A.2. Employment of Personnel
2.A.3. Personnel
2.A.4. Consultation with District's Attorney Regarding Legal Issues Related to the Adoption of a Plan for Redistricting Trustee Multi-Member Election Districts After the 2010 Census
Consulta en sesión cerrada con el abogado del distrito respecto a los temas legales relacionados a la adopción de un plan para redelimitar los distritos electorales de miembros directivos múltiples después del Censo 2010.
3. Reconvene in Open Session
3.A. Consideration and Possible Approval of Items Discussed in Closed Session.
3.A.1. Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
3.A.2. Employment of Personnel
3.A.3. Personnel
3.A.4. Consultation with District's Attorney Regarding Legal Issues Related to the Adoption of a Plan for Redistricting Trustee Multi-Member Election Districts After the 2010 Census
Consulta en sesión cerrada con el abogado del distrito respecto a los temas legales relacionados a la adopción de un plan para redelimitar los distritos electorales de miembros directivos múltiples después del Censo 2010.
4. Presentation of Colors/Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer-Moreno Middle School Students
5. Welcome of Special Guests
6. Recognition of Students/Employees and/or Programs
7. Public Forum
8. Consideration and Possible Approval of Consent Items:
8.A. October 18 and November 7, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes
8.B. October Expenditures
9. Superintendent's Reports
9.A. STAAR Test Policy
9.B. SB100 Election Information Update
9.C. BISD History Short
10. Business Office Report
11. Consultation and  Action on Recommendation from the Redistricting Advisory Committee Regarding Changes to the Trustee Election System, Including Revision of Trustee Multi-Member Election District Boundaries
Consulta y toma de acción sobre la recomendación por parte del Comité Regidor Para la Redelimitación de Distritos respecto a los cambios al sistema de elección de miembros directivos, incluyendo la modificación de los límites distritales para la elección de miembros directivos múltiples.
12. Consideration and Possible Approval of 2010-2011 Audit Report
13. Consideration and Possible Approval of District Improvement Plan
14. Consideration and Possible Approval of Campus Improvement Plans
15. Consideration and Possible Approval of First Reading of Update 91 Affecting Policies:
15.A. CDA(LOCAL): Other Revenues - Investments
15.B. CLA(LOCAL): Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment Management - Security
15.C. CMD(LOCAL): Equipment and Supplies Management - Instructional Materials Care and Accounting
15.D. CV(LOCAL): Facilities Construction
15.E. DFBB(LOCAL): Term Contracts - Nonrenewal
15.F. EFAA(LOCAL): Instructional Materials - Selection and Adoption
15.G. FFH(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
15.H. FO(LOCAL): Student Discipline
16. Consideration and Possible Approval of Moreno Middle School Budget Amendment
17. Consideration and Possible Approval of Bee County 4-H Extracurricular Activity Eligibility Resolution
18. Consideration and Possible Approval of Bee County 4-H Extension Adjunct Faculty Appointment Agreement
19. Consideration and Possible Approval of Offer to Purchase Tax Sale Property
20. Consideration and Possible Approval of  Sale of Surplus Property During Online Auction
21. Consideration and Possible Approval to Rescind October 18 Vote on Proposed Adoption of Resolution and Ordinance Relating to Approval of Taxation of Goods-In-Transit That Are Otherwise Exempt From Taxation Under Section 11.253, Texas Tax Code
22. Proposed Adoption of Resolution and Ordinance Relating to Approval of Taxation of Goods-In-Transit That Are Otherwise Exempt From Taxation Under Section 11.253, Texas Tax Code
23. Discuss and Consider Approval to Elect a Candidate to Bee County Appraisal District Board of Directors
24. Consideration and Possible Action, Including Adoption of a Resolution Approving the: (1) Sale of Real Property (Surface Only), Together With Any and All Improvements on the Real Property, Described as Being All That Certain Tract of Land Containing 0.891 of an Acre, Track 105 of J. Hefferman Abstract #31, With an Address of 2400 N. St. Mary's, Beeville, Bee County, Texas 78102; or Alternatively, (2) Sale of the Improvements Located on the Property Only.  The Property is Commonly Known as the Former Beeville ISD Administrative Office
25. Considerationa and Possible Approval to Move December 20 Board Meeting to December 15th Due to Christmas Break
26. New Business
27. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: November 15, 2011 at 5:15 PM - Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Adjourn to Closed Session
2.A. For the purpose of considering matters for which closed sessions are authorized by Chapter 551.071-551.084, Texas Government Code, whereupon the Superintendent at the request of the Board President, will present for the Board's consideration or discussion the following matters:
2.A.1. Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
2.A.2. Employment of Personnel
2.A.3. Personnel
2.A.4. Consultation with District's Attorney Regarding Legal Issues Related to the Adoption of a Plan for Redistricting Trustee Multi-Member Election Districts After the 2010 Census
Consulta en sesión cerrada con el abogado del distrito respecto a los temas legales relacionados a la adopción de un plan para redelimitar los distritos electorales de miembros directivos múltiples después del Censo 2010.
3. Reconvene in Open Session
3.A. Consideration and Possible Approval of Items Discussed in Closed Session.
3.A.1. Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
3.A.2. Employment of Personnel
3.A.3. Personnel
3.A.4. Consultation with District's Attorney Regarding Legal Issues Related to the Adoption of a Plan for Redistricting Trustee Multi-Member Election Districts After the 2010 Census
Consulta en sesión cerrada con el abogado del distrito respecto a los temas legales relacionados a la adopción de un plan para redelimitar los distritos electorales de miembros directivos múltiples después del Censo 2010.
4. Presentation of Colors/Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer-Moreno Middle School Students
5. Welcome of Special Guests
6. Recognition of Students/Employees and/or Programs
7. Public Forum
8. Consideration and Possible Approval of Consent Items:
8.A. October 18 and November 7, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes
8.B. October Expenditures
9. Superintendent's Reports
9.A. STAAR Test Policy
9.B. SB100 Election Information Update
9.C. BISD History Short
10. Business Office Report
11. Consultation and  Action on Recommendation from the Redistricting Advisory Committee Regarding Changes to the Trustee Election System, Including Revision of Trustee Multi-Member Election District Boundaries
Consulta y toma de acción sobre la recomendación por parte del Comité Regidor Para la Redelimitación de Distritos respecto a los cambios al sistema de elección de miembros directivos, incluyendo la modificación de los límites distritales para la elección de miembros directivos múltiples.
12. Consideration and Possible Approval of 2010-2011 Audit Report
13. Consideration and Possible Approval of District Improvement Plan
14. Consideration and Possible Approval of Campus Improvement Plans
15. Consideration and Possible Approval of First Reading of Update 91 Affecting Policies:
15.A. CDA(LOCAL): Other Revenues - Investments
15.B. CLA(LOCAL): Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment Management - Security
15.C. CMD(LOCAL): Equipment and Supplies Management - Instructional Materials Care and Accounting
15.D. CV(LOCAL): Facilities Construction
15.E. DFBB(LOCAL): Term Contracts - Nonrenewal
15.F. EFAA(LOCAL): Instructional Materials - Selection and Adoption
15.G. FFH(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
15.H. FO(LOCAL): Student Discipline
16. Consideration and Possible Approval of Moreno Middle School Budget Amendment
17. Consideration and Possible Approval of Bee County 4-H Extracurricular Activity Eligibility Resolution
18. Consideration and Possible Approval of Bee County 4-H Extension Adjunct Faculty Appointment Agreement
19. Consideration and Possible Approval of Offer to Purchase Tax Sale Property
20. Consideration and Possible Approval of  Sale of Surplus Property During Online Auction
21. Consideration and Possible Approval to Rescind October 18 Vote on Proposed Adoption of Resolution and Ordinance Relating to Approval of Taxation of Goods-In-Transit That Are Otherwise Exempt From Taxation Under Section 11.253, Texas Tax Code
22. Proposed Adoption of Resolution and Ordinance Relating to Approval of Taxation of Goods-In-Transit That Are Otherwise Exempt From Taxation Under Section 11.253, Texas Tax Code
23. Discuss and Consider Approval to Elect a Candidate to Bee County Appraisal District Board of Directors
24. Consideration and Possible Action, Including Adoption of a Resolution Approving the: (1) Sale of Real Property (Surface Only), Together With Any and All Improvements on the Real Property, Described as Being All That Certain Tract of Land Containing 0.891 of an Acre, Track 105 of J. Hefferman Abstract #31, With an Address of 2400 N. St. Mary's, Beeville, Bee County, Texas 78102; or Alternatively, (2) Sale of the Improvements Located on the Property Only.  The Property is Commonly Known as the Former Beeville ISD Administrative Office
25. Considerationa and Possible Approval to Move December 20 Board Meeting to December 15th Due to Christmas Break
26. New Business
27. Adjournment

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