Meeting Agenda
IV.1) Recognition of Superintendent Gilberto Gonzalez for his 30 years of service and dedication to the Eagle Pass Independent School District.
V.1) Financial Report
V.2) Utility Report
V.3) Tax Collection Report
V.4) Review Investment Officer's Quarterly Report of Investment Transactions for all funds for the Quarter ended May 31, 2019.
V.5) Report on Management Fees for State Purchase Contracts, Interlocal Agreement and Purchasing Cooperatives.
VI.1) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to elect two (2) School Board Members, One Member as a Delegate to the Texas Association of School Boards, and the other Member as an Alternate.
VI.2) Consideration and approval of a plan of finance for energy conservation and facilities improvements and directing District Administration and Consultants to proceed with the issuance of Maintenance Tax Notes.
VII.1) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2019 (Regular), May 21, 2019 (Special), and June 11, 2019 (Regular) Board Meetings.
VII.2) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve Consultant Contracts for Staff Development for Administrators, Teachers, and Other Classified Staff for School Year 2019-2020.
VII.3) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to adopt Resolution 2019/2020-01 between Eagle Pass ISD and the City of Eagle Pass in support of the Safe Routes to School Application.
VII.4) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve an Agreement between the Eagle Pass ISD and the Maverick County Juvenile Probation Department.
VII.5) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to adopt Resolution 2019/2020-02 recognizing the Maverick County Texas 4-H Organization as Extracurricular Activity.
VII.6) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve Mr. Oscar Galindo and Ms. Monica Aguirre, Maverick County Extension Agents, as Adjunct Faculty Members.
VII.7) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the list of 2019-2020 Teachers Appraisers.
VII.8) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve a letter of agreement between the Eagle Pass Independent School District and Family Service Association.
VII.9) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the 2019-2020 Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) Appraisal Calendar.
VII.10) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the consultant contracts between Eagle Pass ISD and the City of Eagle Pass to provide the EPHS and CCWHS Health Science students the opportunity to obtain a Certification for Emergency Medical Technician.
VII.11) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the renewal of annual software support and maintenance agreements contracts.
VII.12) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to declare the attached list of items as surplus property and authorize its disposal.
VII.13) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the service agreements for ELAP Service, LLC and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
VII.14) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the Service Agreement for Paydhealth, LLC and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
VII.15) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the Education Service Center Region 20 Participation Commitments for the 2019-20 School Year and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
VII.16) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the Service Agreement for Fort Duncan Medical Center, LP and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
VII.17) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 200606 for Music Instruments and Supplies and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
VII.18) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 200106 for Janitorial Supplies and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
VII.19) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 200306 for Charter Bus Transportation Services and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
VII.20) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Proposal No. 201006 for Stop-Loss Reinsurance only for Health Benefit Program and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
VII.21) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 201106 for Technology Hardware Supplies and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
VII.22) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 201206 for tortillas and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
VII.23) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 201306 for Security Systems and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
VII.24) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 201407 for Speech and related services and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
VIII.1) The Board will discuss the request to hire personnel to fill vacancies pursuant to TGC 551.074.
VIII.2) The Board will discuss the request to hire a professional employee to serve as Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction subject to possible future reassignment by the Superintendent. TGC 551.074
VIII.3) The Board will discuss the request to hire a professional employee to serve as Counselor subject to possible future reassignment by the Superintendent. TGC 551.074
VIII.4) The Board will discuss the request to approve personnel contracts as presented. TGC 551.074
VIII.5) The Board will consult with its attorney regarding the request to authorize the Superintendent to execute a Performance Contracting Energy Conservation & Facilities Improvement contract with E3 Entegral Solutions, a partner of TASB, for the implementation of a District-wide Performance Contracting project subject to completion of the 3rd Party Engineering Review of the project savings as per Texas Education Code 44.901. TGC 551.074
VIII.6) The Board will discuss the request to appoint Mr. Samuel Mijares as acting Superintendent until his formal contract takes affect on September 1, 2019. TGC 551.074
IX.1) The Board will take action on the request to hire personnel to fill vacancies pursuant to TGC 551.074.
IX.2) The Board will take action on the request to hire a professional employee to serve as Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction subject to possible future reassignment by the Superintendent.
IX.3) The Board will take action on the request to hire a professional employee to serve as Counselor subject to possible future reassignment by the Superintendent.
IX.4) The Board will take action on the request to approve personnel contracts as presented.
IX.5) The Board will take possible action on the request to authorize the Superintendent to execute a Performance Contracting Energy Conservation & Facilities Improvement contract with E3 Entegral Solutions, a partner of TASB, for the implementation of a District-wide Performance Contracting project subject to completion of the 3rd Party Engineering Review of the project savings as per Texas Education Code 44.901.
IX.6) The Board will take action on the request to appoint Mr. Samuel Mijares as acting Superintendent until his formal contract takes affect on September 1, 2019.
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | July 30, 2019 at 4:00 PM - Regular | |
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Mr. Jorge Barrera, President / Mrs. Hilda P. Martinez, Vice-President / Dr. Hector Alvarez, Secretary / Ms. Glenna Purcell, Trustee / Ms. Lupita Fuentes, Trustee / Mr. Christopher Hiller, Trustee / Mr. Victor E. Perry, Trustee / Mr. Gilberto Gonzalez, Superintendent / Mr. Richard Strieber, Attorney
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According to EPISD Board Policy BED (Local) Board Meeting: Public Participation, only those persons (on the list) who request to speak shall be heard. The speaker shall limit remarks to three minutes, unless, this limit is waived by the board. The Board shall allot no more than 20 minutes for the Citizens’ Communication portion of the meeting. Complaints and concerns for which other resolution channels are provided shall be directed through those channels. These complaints include complaints on the following subjects: employee complaints, termination of employment, student complaints, removal to alternative education program, and expulsion. If the Board President determines that a person has not attempted to resolve a matter administratively, the person shall be directed to the appropriate policy for attempted resolution before bringing the matter to the Board. Complaints against specific employees or officers of EPISD shall be heard in Closed Meeting, as authorized by the Texas Government Code Title 5-Section: 551.074 (1) and (2). If your topic concerns complaints against specific employees or officers, please note this on the sign-up sheet. You must make your points on issues in a constructive and courteous fashion pursuant to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Subject: |
IV.1) Recognition of Superintendent Gilberto Gonzalez for his 30 years of service and dedication to the Eagle Pass Independent School District.
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V.1) Financial Report
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V.2) Utility Report
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V.3) Tax Collection Report
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V.4) Review Investment Officer's Quarterly Report of Investment Transactions for all funds for the Quarter ended May 31, 2019.
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V.5) Report on Management Fees for State Purchase Contracts, Interlocal Agreement and Purchasing Cooperatives.
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VI.1) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to elect two (2) School Board Members, One Member as a Delegate to the Texas Association of School Boards, and the other Member as an Alternate.
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VI.2) Consideration and approval of a plan of finance for energy conservation and facilities improvements and directing District Administration and Consultants to proceed with the issuance of Maintenance Tax Notes.
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VII.1) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2019 (Regular), May 21, 2019 (Special), and June 11, 2019 (Regular) Board Meetings.
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VII.2) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve Consultant Contracts for Staff Development for Administrators, Teachers, and Other Classified Staff for School Year 2019-2020.
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VII.3) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to adopt Resolution 2019/2020-01 between Eagle Pass ISD and the City of Eagle Pass in support of the Safe Routes to School Application.
Subject: |
VII.4) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve an Agreement between the Eagle Pass ISD and the Maverick County Juvenile Probation Department.
Subject: |
VII.5) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to adopt Resolution 2019/2020-02 recognizing the Maverick County Texas 4-H Organization as Extracurricular Activity.
Subject: |
VII.6) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve Mr. Oscar Galindo and Ms. Monica Aguirre, Maverick County Extension Agents, as Adjunct Faculty Members.
Subject: |
VII.7) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the list of 2019-2020 Teachers Appraisers.
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VII.8) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve a letter of agreement between the Eagle Pass Independent School District and Family Service Association.
Subject: |
VII.9) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the 2019-2020 Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) Appraisal Calendar.
Subject: |
VII.10) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the consultant contracts between Eagle Pass ISD and the City of Eagle Pass to provide the EPHS and CCWHS Health Science students the opportunity to obtain a Certification for Emergency Medical Technician.
Subject: |
VII.11) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the renewal of annual software support and maintenance agreements contracts.
Subject: |
VII.12) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to declare the attached list of items as surplus property and authorize its disposal.
Subject: |
VII.13) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the service agreements for ELAP Service, LLC and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
Subject: |
VII.14) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the Service Agreement for Paydhealth, LLC and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
Subject: |
VII.15) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the Education Service Center Region 20 Participation Commitments for the 2019-20 School Year and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
Subject: |
VII.16) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to approve the Service Agreement for Fort Duncan Medical Center, LP and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
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VII.17) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 200606 for Music Instruments and Supplies and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
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VII.18) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 200106 for Janitorial Supplies and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
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VII.19) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 200306 for Charter Bus Transportation Services and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
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VII.20) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Proposal No. 201006 for Stop-Loss Reinsurance only for Health Benefit Program and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
Subject: |
VII.21) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 201106 for Technology Hardware Supplies and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
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VII.22) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 201206 for tortillas and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
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VII.23) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 201306 for Security Systems and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
Subject: |
VII.24) Consider and take appropriate action on the request to award Sealed Proposal No. 201407 for Speech and related services and the Board delegates the Superintendent or Designee the authority to make related budgeted purchases of goods or services as per Board Policy CH.
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Pursuant to Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.082, 551.083, and 551.084 Texas Government Code: PERSONNEL MATTERS: Under Section 551.074 Texas Government Code, to deliberate the appointments, employment, evaluations, reassignments, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public officers or employee; or to hear complaints or charges against an officer or employee:
Subject: |
VIII.1) The Board will discuss the request to hire personnel to fill vacancies pursuant to TGC 551.074.
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VIII.2) The Board will discuss the request to hire a professional employee to serve as Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction subject to possible future reassignment by the Superintendent. TGC 551.074
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VIII.3) The Board will discuss the request to hire a professional employee to serve as Counselor subject to possible future reassignment by the Superintendent. TGC 551.074
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VIII.4) The Board will discuss the request to approve personnel contracts as presented. TGC 551.074
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VIII.5) The Board will consult with its attorney regarding the request to authorize the Superintendent to execute a Performance Contracting Energy Conservation & Facilities Improvement contract with E3 Entegral Solutions, a partner of TASB, for the implementation of a District-wide Performance Contracting project subject to completion of the 3rd Party Engineering Review of the project savings as per Texas Education Code 44.901. TGC 551.074
Subject: |
VIII.6) The Board will discuss the request to appoint Mr. Samuel Mijares as acting Superintendent until his formal contract takes affect on September 1, 2019. TGC 551.074
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To take final action, make decisions or vote on matters on which the Board consulted with its attorney or on matters deliberated or heard in closed session. In the event that the Board did not go into Closed Session on any or all items listed for Closed Session (above), those items shall automatically be included as Action Items under this section of the Agenda, should the Board choose to take action.
Subject: |
IX.1) The Board will take action on the request to hire personnel to fill vacancies pursuant to TGC 551.074.
Subject: |
IX.2) The Board will take action on the request to hire a professional employee to serve as Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction subject to possible future reassignment by the Superintendent.
Subject: |
IX.3) The Board will take action on the request to hire a professional employee to serve as Counselor subject to possible future reassignment by the Superintendent.
Subject: |
IX.4) The Board will take action on the request to approve personnel contracts as presented.
Subject: |
IX.5) The Board will take possible action on the request to authorize the Superintendent to execute a Performance Contracting Energy Conservation & Facilities Improvement contract with E3 Entegral Solutions, a partner of TASB, for the implementation of a District-wide Performance Contracting project subject to completion of the 3rd Party Engineering Review of the project savings as per Texas Education Code 44.901.
Subject: |
IX.6) The Board will take action on the request to appoint Mr. Samuel Mijares as acting Superintendent until his formal contract takes affect on September 1, 2019.
Subject: |
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