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Meeting Agenda
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Governing Board Comments**
III. OPENING (Continued)
III.A. Review, revision and ratification of Agenda
IV.A. Superintendent's Report

Administrator Evaluation
  • Adding more Dual Credit Courses for SCHS 2025-2026
  • Gila County Superintendent Meeting
  • National Indian Impacted Schools
  • National Association of Federally Impacted Schools Conference & Hill visit meetings
  • National Indian Education Association
IV.B. Assistant Superintendent of Academic Excellence Report
  • Crisis Training and Safety Protocols
  • Testing and Assessments Preparation
  • Spring Break and Preparation for Assessments
  • Federal and State Advocacy at the National Association of Federally Impacted Schools (NAFIS) Conference
  • Community Engagement: Strategic Planning and Feedback
  • Highlighting Student Achievement and Recognition
  • Science Fair Success
IV.C. Chief Financial Officer's Report
IV.C.1. Chief Financial Report for February 2025:
  • Business Office
  • Daily Expense Average
  • Facilities/Information Technology/Transportation/Warehouse/Food Service
V.A. * Personnel Items:  Discussion and possible approval on the following personnel Items:
V.A.1. Approval of the 10-month (Instructional Classified Staff) and 12-month (year-round classified staff) work calendar.
V.A.2. Approval of the Updated Administrative Salary Schedule.
  1. Freeze salary allocations due to unknown Federal Funds implications
  2. Remove CTE Coordinator/Dean of Students (High School)
  3. Revise Assistant Business Manager to Full-Time Employee
  4. Remove School Safety Coordinator
  5. Remove Director of Data, Assessment, and Special Projects
V.A.3. Approval of Certified Salary Schedule.
V.A.4. Approval of the Updated Classified Salary Schedule.
  1. Adjust to include increase in Arizona minimum wage
  2. Included role of Bus Aide to Range 1
  3. Included role of Cultural Success Coaches to Range 10
  4. Included role of Bus Driver Lead to Range 8
  5. Included role of Food Services to Range 4
  6. Removal of In-School Suspension from Range 5
  7. Removal of Certified Nurse Assistant from Range 5
  8. Removal of Parent Liaison from Range 5
  9. Removal of Transportation Coordinator from Range 11
  10. Removal of Credit Recovery Coordinator from Range 15
V.A.5. Approval of Updated SY2025-2026 Extra Pay Salary Schedule.
  1. Changed Middle School Club Sponsor to Middle School Class Sponsor
  2. Removed High School CTE Club of Pre-Health Professional Club Advisor
  3. Updated substitute teacher pay
  4. Updated athletic game workers - state minimum salary rate
  5. Increase CTE stipends from Category 2 to 3 (board approved increase at previous meeting)
  6. Addition of Future Business Leaders (FBLA) - CTE Sponsor Programs
  7. Addition of Middle School Yearbook Sponsor
V.A.6. Requesting approval to hire the following, based on recommendations received by San Carlos Unified School District's Human Resource:  Youvella, O., Russel, E., Martin, C., Patten, S, Romero, R., Dude, D., Logan, T., Pagula, J., * Starr, K.
* alternate
V.A.7. Requesting approval of staff resignation/retirement/termination notices (s) received by San Carlos Unified School District Human Resource:  Kenton, K. Jr., Dean, J.
V.A.8. Requesting approval of staff retirement notice received by San Carlos Unified School District Human Resource and requesting approval from the IT Supervisor to return to work under Educational Services Incorporation (ESI) as of April 1, 2025, and requesting approval for payout of his used vacation and sick leave hours: Jeltsch, G.
V.A.9. Approval of stipend for training for a new role: Bernabe, J.
V.A.10. Recommend renewing the contracts for the following certified personnel at Rice Primary School for the 2025-2026 school year: McIntosh, E., Link, R., Upshaw, E., Goode, V., Kenton, D., Lapiz, O., Billy, E., Goseyun, M., Kinney, B., Canete, J., Delarose, I., Walker, J., Mallari, A., Lajara, R., Shorten, J., German, E., Punzalan, L., Nickles, S., Sam, S., Walker, V., Dude, A., Perez, M., Tohtsoni, A.,
V.A.11. Recommendation to hire the following staff for San Carlos Middle School Assistant Boys Baseball Coach for Spring 2025:  Allen, J.
V.A.12. Requesting approval of the recommendations to receive a certified contract for the 2025-2026 SY at Rice Intermediate School: Tolimao, R., Victor, C., Kitcheyan, V., Banabana, M., Soguelon, R., Sukosky, I., Francis, N., Smitley, T., Loayon, M., Miles, S., Tower, D., McAdams, S., Pura, M. Matthews, T., Englis, T., Jackson, L., Veniales, R., Herbert, S., Monroid, C., Escalera, R., Nua, V., Magnaong, P., Wright, N., Nevares, C.*, Das, R., Asermely V.,
V.A.13. Recommendation to offer contracts for the hire of the following certified staff at San Carlos Middle School for 2025-2026 SY: Charpentier, E., Nob, K., Abcede, J., Espinoza, C., Galay, J., Talahytewa, L., Delacruz, S., Meade, D., Stevens, Q., Thompson, T., Macarambon, Z., Clark, M., Pilapil, W., Rivera, M., Domine, N., Amparo, E., Davis, A., Meade, L., May, I., Sanchez, G., Stevens, T.
V.A.14. Recommendation for contract renewal for San Carlos High School Teachers for 2025–2026 SY: Gatewood, A., Ferreira, N., Franco, N., Johnson, Jor., Ciar, G., Hubilla, Ne., Hubilla, No., Agus, Z., Padda, S., Ciar, A., Lanuzga, J., Johnson, Joy., Owen, R., Innokenty, L., Gibson, J., Leyva, A., Klindt, K., Roojam, G., Salagunting, M., Villaruel, S., Rajput, S., Vanta, A., Rundle, M., Villaruel, C., Elthie, R., Uppal, A., Parolini, J., Famador, K., Phillips, S.
V.A.15. Recommendation to hire the following staff for San Carlos Middle School Assistant Boys Baseball Coach for Spring 2025: Allen, J.
V.B. First Reading of the following Arizona School Board Association's Policies:
Volume 37, Number 1 – February 2025:
  • Policy Advisory No. 809 … Policy A - District Mission and Belief Statement
  • Policy Advisory No. 810 … Policy AA - School District Legal Status
  • DELETED-Exhibit AA-E - School District Legal Status
  • Policy Advisory No. 811… Policy ABA - Community Involvement in Education
  • Policy Advisory No. 812… Policy ABAA - Parental Involvement
  • Policy Advisory No. 813… Policy AC - Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity
  • Regulation AC-R - Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity
  • Exhibit AC-E - Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity
  • Policy Advisory No. 814… Policy ACA-Sexual Harassment
  • Regulation ACA-R -Sexual Harassment
  • Exhibit ACA-E - Sexual Harassment
  • Policy Advisory No. 815… Policy ACAA-Title IX Sex Discrimination
  • Regulation ACAA-R-Title IX Sex Discrimination
  • Policy Advisory No. 816 (DELETED)-Policy AD - Education Philosophy/School District Mission
  • Policy Advisory No. 817…(DELETED) – Policy GBK - Staff Grievances
  • Policy Advisory No. 818… Policy JII - Student Concerns, Complaints and Grievances
V.C. Requesting approval to approve the San Carlos Unified School District's Governing board meeting minutes:
  • February 10, 2025, Work Session
  • February 12, 2025, Board Meeting
V.D. Approval of Capstone donation to San Carlos High School in the amount of $24,721.00.
V.E. Requesting approval of the donation to Rice Intermediate School in the amount of $2,200.00 from the Native American Communities Grant (NACA) by Freeport-McMoran.
V.F. Requesting the acceptance of a $2,000.00 donation from the San Carlos Apache Tribe to the San Carlos High School Junior Class of 2025.
V.G. Requesting approval for disposal of the following items that are broken and no longer in use. (List of items is available upon request)
V.H. Ratification of the following payroll vouchers:  516 and 517
V.I. Ratification of the following Expense Vouchers:  2519 & 2520
V.J. Approval of FY25 Purchasing Cooperative membership renewal and anticipated vendor list:  
  1. Arizona State Procurement, Arizona Department of Education Contracts
  2. Greater Phoenix Purchasing Consortium of Schools
  3. Mohave Educational Services
  4. Sourcewell formal, National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) which TCPN is a part of
  5. Strategic Alliance of Volume Expenditures (SAVE)
  6. 1 Government Procurement Alliance (1GPA)
  7. General Service Administration (GSA)
  8. The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS)
  9. U.S. Communities
V.K. Approve the designation of Sole Source suppliers and approximate expenditures for the 2025-2026 fiscal year: 
  1. Edmentum, Inc. - Instructional Software
  2. Alliance, The - Workers Comp Insurance
  3. Solution Tree, Inc. - Curriculum
  4. UpSlope Solutions, LLC. - Human Resource Management
  5. AFLAC - Supplemental Insurance Services for Employees
  6. The Culture Piece, Inc. - Apache Cultural Service professional development
  7. Bank Card Center, Dr. Dennison - Credit Card
  8. Bank Card Center, J. Kinnard - Credit Card
  9. Timeclock Plus - Employee Time Management System
  10. Native American Fatherhood & Families Association - Cultural Services and Professional Development
  11. Chevron & Texaco Business - Fuel Cards
  12. Zonar Systems - Fleet Tracking System
  13. AVID Center - Curriculum
  14. Bank Card Center, S. Pietila - Credit Card
  15. Yellow Bird Productions - Apache Cultural Services Consulting
  16. Verizon Wireless - Cell Phone Service
  17. Amazon Capitol Services, Inc. - Credit Card  
Procurement Exempt due to their nature of service:
  1. San Carlos Irrigation Project - Utility
  2. San Carlos Apache Telecom - Utility
  3. Southwest Gas - Utility
  4. Arizona Department of Economic Security - Arizona State Entity
  5. Arizona School Board Association - Professional Membership
  6. San Carlos Utility Authority - Utility
  7. Pacific Life Insurance Company - Contract Item
  8. National Association of Federally Impacted Schools - Professional Membership
  9. Gila County ESA - County Government
  10. ASDB Statewide Accounting Ofc. - Arizona State Entity
  11. Gila County School Superintendent's Office - County Government
  12. Arizona Department of Education - Arizona State Entity
  13. Arizona Interscholastic Association, Inc. - Arizona Athletic Membership
V.L. Approval of the San Carlos Unified School District FY26 Request for Proposal renewals for:
  1. Play and Purpose - Special Education Speech Services
  2. MV Enterprises, Inc. - District Fuel
  3. Native Dynamics, LLC - Solid Waste Disposal
  4. Educational C contracting, LLC - Special Education Psychology Services
V.M. Request to approve San Carlos High School Senior Trip to Anaheim and Los Angeles, California from April 27, 2025, to May 2, 2025.
VI.A. Curriculum and Instruction - Action and or discussion as indicated.
VI.A.1. Requesting approval of the annual renewal of the Intergovernmental Agreement with Vail Unified School District to provide the Beyond Textbook program for the 2024-2025 school year.
VI.B. Business and Operations - Action:
VI.B.1. Approval to pay prior year invoice to San Carlos True Value Hardware.
VI.B.2. Approval FY25 February monthly budget reports for general ledger and student funds.
VII.A. Rice Primary School Board Report
VII.B. San Carlos Middle School Board Report
VII.C. San Carlos High School Board Report
VII.D. Human Resource / Federal Program Director's Board Report
VII.E. Rice Intermediate School  Board Report
VII.F. Exceptional Student Services Director's Board Report
VIII.A.  IX.A. Upcoming events:
  • March 17-21, 2025 San Carlos Unified School District's Spring Break
  • March 28, 2025, Arizona School Board Association (ASBA) Virtual Orientation for New School Board Members Part 2
  • April 4-6, 2025, National School Board Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA
  • April 8, 2025, San Carlos USD Governing Board Meeting
  • April 18, 2025, Good Friday - No School/Work
  • April 22, 2025, Shil-Gozhoo Walk @ 5:00 p.m. (sponsored by San Carlos Apache Health Care Diabetes Program)
  • April 23-24, 2025, San Carlos USD Shil-Gozhoo Conference, Rice Elementary School Gymnasium
  • May 13, 2025, San Carlos Unified School District Governing Board Meeting
  • May 21, 2025, San Carlos High School Graduation Ceremony
  • May 22, 2025 San Carlos Middle School 8th Grade Promotional 
  • May 26, 2025, Memorial Day Holiday
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: March 13, 2025 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Governing Board Comments**
III. OPENING (Continued)
III.A. Review, revision and ratification of Agenda
IV.A. Superintendent's Report

Administrator Evaluation
  • Adding more Dual Credit Courses for SCHS 2025-2026
  • Gila County Superintendent Meeting
  • National Indian Impacted Schools
  • National Association of Federally Impacted Schools Conference & Hill visit meetings
  • National Indian Education Association
IV.B. Assistant Superintendent of Academic Excellence Report
  • Crisis Training and Safety Protocols
  • Testing and Assessments Preparation
  • Spring Break and Preparation for Assessments
  • Federal and State Advocacy at the National Association of Federally Impacted Schools (NAFIS) Conference
  • Community Engagement: Strategic Planning and Feedback
  • Highlighting Student Achievement and Recognition
  • Science Fair Success
IV.C. Chief Financial Officer's Report
IV.C.1. Chief Financial Report for February 2025:
  • Business Office
  • Daily Expense Average
  • Facilities/Information Technology/Transportation/Warehouse/Food Service
V.A. * Personnel Items:  Discussion and possible approval on the following personnel Items:
V.A.1. Approval of the 10-month (Instructional Classified Staff) and 12-month (year-round classified staff) work calendar.
V.A.2. Approval of the Updated Administrative Salary Schedule.
  1. Freeze salary allocations due to unknown Federal Funds implications
  2. Remove CTE Coordinator/Dean of Students (High School)
  3. Revise Assistant Business Manager to Full-Time Employee
  4. Remove School Safety Coordinator
  5. Remove Director of Data, Assessment, and Special Projects
V.A.3. Approval of Certified Salary Schedule.
V.A.4. Approval of the Updated Classified Salary Schedule.
  1. Adjust to include increase in Arizona minimum wage
  2. Included role of Bus Aide to Range 1
  3. Included role of Cultural Success Coaches to Range 10
  4. Included role of Bus Driver Lead to Range 8
  5. Included role of Food Services to Range 4
  6. Removal of In-School Suspension from Range 5
  7. Removal of Certified Nurse Assistant from Range 5
  8. Removal of Parent Liaison from Range 5
  9. Removal of Transportation Coordinator from Range 11
  10. Removal of Credit Recovery Coordinator from Range 15
V.A.5. Approval of Updated SY2025-2026 Extra Pay Salary Schedule.
  1. Changed Middle School Club Sponsor to Middle School Class Sponsor
  2. Removed High School CTE Club of Pre-Health Professional Club Advisor
  3. Updated substitute teacher pay
  4. Updated athletic game workers - state minimum salary rate
  5. Increase CTE stipends from Category 2 to 3 (board approved increase at previous meeting)
  6. Addition of Future Business Leaders (FBLA) - CTE Sponsor Programs
  7. Addition of Middle School Yearbook Sponsor
V.A.6. Requesting approval to hire the following, based on recommendations received by San Carlos Unified School District's Human Resource:  Youvella, O., Russel, E., Martin, C., Patten, S, Romero, R., Dude, D., Logan, T., Pagula, J., * Starr, K.
* alternate
V.A.7. Requesting approval of staff resignation/retirement/termination notices (s) received by San Carlos Unified School District Human Resource:  Kenton, K. Jr., Dean, J.
V.A.8. Requesting approval of staff retirement notice received by San Carlos Unified School District Human Resource and requesting approval from the IT Supervisor to return to work under Educational Services Incorporation (ESI) as of April 1, 2025, and requesting approval for payout of his used vacation and sick leave hours: Jeltsch, G.
V.A.9. Approval of stipend for training for a new role: Bernabe, J.
V.A.10. Recommend renewing the contracts for the following certified personnel at Rice Primary School for the 2025-2026 school year: McIntosh, E., Link, R., Upshaw, E., Goode, V., Kenton, D., Lapiz, O., Billy, E., Goseyun, M., Kinney, B., Canete, J., Delarose, I., Walker, J., Mallari, A., Lajara, R., Shorten, J., German, E., Punzalan, L., Nickles, S., Sam, S., Walker, V., Dude, A., Perez, M., Tohtsoni, A.,
V.A.11. Recommendation to hire the following staff for San Carlos Middle School Assistant Boys Baseball Coach for Spring 2025:  Allen, J.
V.A.12. Requesting approval of the recommendations to receive a certified contract for the 2025-2026 SY at Rice Intermediate School: Tolimao, R., Victor, C., Kitcheyan, V., Banabana, M., Soguelon, R., Sukosky, I., Francis, N., Smitley, T., Loayon, M., Miles, S., Tower, D., McAdams, S., Pura, M. Matthews, T., Englis, T., Jackson, L., Veniales, R., Herbert, S., Monroid, C., Escalera, R., Nua, V., Magnaong, P., Wright, N., Nevares, C.*, Das, R., Asermely V.,
V.A.13. Recommendation to offer contracts for the hire of the following certified staff at San Carlos Middle School for 2025-2026 SY: Charpentier, E., Nob, K., Abcede, J., Espinoza, C., Galay, J., Talahytewa, L., Delacruz, S., Meade, D., Stevens, Q., Thompson, T., Macarambon, Z., Clark, M., Pilapil, W., Rivera, M., Domine, N., Amparo, E., Davis, A., Meade, L., May, I., Sanchez, G., Stevens, T.
V.A.14. Recommendation for contract renewal for San Carlos High School Teachers for 2025–2026 SY: Gatewood, A., Ferreira, N., Franco, N., Johnson, Jor., Ciar, G., Hubilla, Ne., Hubilla, No., Agus, Z., Padda, S., Ciar, A., Lanuzga, J., Johnson, Joy., Owen, R., Innokenty, L., Gibson, J., Leyva, A., Klindt, K., Roojam, G., Salagunting, M., Villaruel, S., Rajput, S., Vanta, A., Rundle, M., Villaruel, C., Elthie, R., Uppal, A., Parolini, J., Famador, K., Phillips, S.
V.A.15. Recommendation to hire the following staff for San Carlos Middle School Assistant Boys Baseball Coach for Spring 2025: Allen, J.
V.B. First Reading of the following Arizona School Board Association's Policies:
Volume 37, Number 1 – February 2025:
  • Policy Advisory No. 809 … Policy A - District Mission and Belief Statement
  • Policy Advisory No. 810 … Policy AA - School District Legal Status
  • DELETED-Exhibit AA-E - School District Legal Status
  • Policy Advisory No. 811… Policy ABA - Community Involvement in Education
  • Policy Advisory No. 812… Policy ABAA - Parental Involvement
  • Policy Advisory No. 813… Policy AC - Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity
  • Regulation AC-R - Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity
  • Exhibit AC-E - Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity
  • Policy Advisory No. 814… Policy ACA-Sexual Harassment
  • Regulation ACA-R -Sexual Harassment
  • Exhibit ACA-E - Sexual Harassment
  • Policy Advisory No. 815… Policy ACAA-Title IX Sex Discrimination
  • Regulation ACAA-R-Title IX Sex Discrimination
  • Policy Advisory No. 816 (DELETED)-Policy AD - Education Philosophy/School District Mission
  • Policy Advisory No. 817…(DELETED) – Policy GBK - Staff Grievances
  • Policy Advisory No. 818… Policy JII - Student Concerns, Complaints and Grievances
V.C. Requesting approval to approve the San Carlos Unified School District's Governing board meeting minutes:
  • February 10, 2025, Work Session
  • February 12, 2025, Board Meeting
V.D. Approval of Capstone donation to San Carlos High School in the amount of $24,721.00.
V.E. Requesting approval of the donation to Rice Intermediate School in the amount of $2,200.00 from the Native American Communities Grant (NACA) by Freeport-McMoran.
V.F. Requesting the acceptance of a $2,000.00 donation from the San Carlos Apache Tribe to the San Carlos High School Junior Class of 2025.
V.G. Requesting approval for disposal of the following items that are broken and no longer in use. (List of items is available upon request)
V.H. Ratification of the following payroll vouchers:  516 and 517
V.I. Ratification of the following Expense Vouchers:  2519 & 2520
V.J. Approval of FY25 Purchasing Cooperative membership renewal and anticipated vendor list:  
  1. Arizona State Procurement, Arizona Department of Education Contracts
  2. Greater Phoenix Purchasing Consortium of Schools
  3. Mohave Educational Services
  4. Sourcewell formal, National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) which TCPN is a part of
  5. Strategic Alliance of Volume Expenditures (SAVE)
  6. 1 Government Procurement Alliance (1GPA)
  7. General Service Administration (GSA)
  8. The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS)
  9. U.S. Communities
V.K. Approve the designation of Sole Source suppliers and approximate expenditures for the 2025-2026 fiscal year: 
  1. Edmentum, Inc. - Instructional Software
  2. Alliance, The - Workers Comp Insurance
  3. Solution Tree, Inc. - Curriculum
  4. UpSlope Solutions, LLC. - Human Resource Management
  5. AFLAC - Supplemental Insurance Services for Employees
  6. The Culture Piece, Inc. - Apache Cultural Service professional development
  7. Bank Card Center, Dr. Dennison - Credit Card
  8. Bank Card Center, J. Kinnard - Credit Card
  9. Timeclock Plus - Employee Time Management System
  10. Native American Fatherhood & Families Association - Cultural Services and Professional Development
  11. Chevron & Texaco Business - Fuel Cards
  12. Zonar Systems - Fleet Tracking System
  13. AVID Center - Curriculum
  14. Bank Card Center, S. Pietila - Credit Card
  15. Yellow Bird Productions - Apache Cultural Services Consulting
  16. Verizon Wireless - Cell Phone Service
  17. Amazon Capitol Services, Inc. - Credit Card  
Procurement Exempt due to their nature of service:
  1. San Carlos Irrigation Project - Utility
  2. San Carlos Apache Telecom - Utility
  3. Southwest Gas - Utility
  4. Arizona Department of Economic Security - Arizona State Entity
  5. Arizona School Board Association - Professional Membership
  6. San Carlos Utility Authority - Utility
  7. Pacific Life Insurance Company - Contract Item
  8. National Association of Federally Impacted Schools - Professional Membership
  9. Gila County ESA - County Government
  10. ASDB Statewide Accounting Ofc. - Arizona State Entity
  11. Gila County School Superintendent's Office - County Government
  12. Arizona Department of Education - Arizona State Entity
  13. Arizona Interscholastic Association, Inc. - Arizona Athletic Membership
V.L. Approval of the San Carlos Unified School District FY26 Request for Proposal renewals for:
  1. Play and Purpose - Special Education Speech Services
  2. MV Enterprises, Inc. - District Fuel
  3. Native Dynamics, LLC - Solid Waste Disposal
  4. Educational C contracting, LLC - Special Education Psychology Services
V.M. Request to approve San Carlos High School Senior Trip to Anaheim and Los Angeles, California from April 27, 2025, to May 2, 2025.
VI.A. Curriculum and Instruction - Action and or discussion as indicated.
VI.A.1. Requesting approval of the annual renewal of the Intergovernmental Agreement with Vail Unified School District to provide the Beyond Textbook program for the 2024-2025 school year.
VI.B. Business and Operations - Action:
VI.B.1. Approval to pay prior year invoice to San Carlos True Value Hardware.
VI.B.2. Approval FY25 February monthly budget reports for general ledger and student funds.
VII.A. Rice Primary School Board Report
VII.B. San Carlos Middle School Board Report
VII.C. San Carlos High School Board Report
VII.D. Human Resource / Federal Program Director's Board Report
VII.E. Rice Intermediate School  Board Report
VII.F. Exceptional Student Services Director's Board Report
VIII.A.  IX.A. Upcoming events:
  • March 17-21, 2025 San Carlos Unified School District's Spring Break
  • March 28, 2025, Arizona School Board Association (ASBA) Virtual Orientation for New School Board Members Part 2
  • April 4-6, 2025, National School Board Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA
  • April 8, 2025, San Carlos USD Governing Board Meeting
  • April 18, 2025, Good Friday - No School/Work
  • April 22, 2025, Shil-Gozhoo Walk @ 5:00 p.m. (sponsored by San Carlos Apache Health Care Diabetes Program)
  • April 23-24, 2025, San Carlos USD Shil-Gozhoo Conference, Rice Elementary School Gymnasium
  • May 13, 2025, San Carlos Unified School District Governing Board Meeting
  • May 21, 2025, San Carlos High School Graduation Ceremony
  • May 22, 2025 San Carlos Middle School 8th Grade Promotional 
  • May 26, 2025, Memorial Day Holiday

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