June 11, 2024 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Governing Board Comments**
III. OPENING (Continued)
III.A. Review, revision and ratification of Agenda
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
IV.A.1. Report on the 2024-2025 SY Instructional Manual
IV.A.2. 2024–2025 SY Goal on Staff Wellness.
IV.B. Chief Financial Officer's Report
IV.B.1. Report for May 2024:
V.A. * Personnel Items: Discussion and possible approval on the following personnel Items:
V.A.1. Requesting approval of the following staff resignation/retirement/termination notices received by the Human Resource Department: Macktima, L., Bendle, J., Cutter, K., Dosela, S., Siren, T., Cassadore, N., Baker, N.
V.A.2. Requesting approval of the following staff resignation notice received by the Human Resource Department; employee request to return to Educational Services, Inc. (ESI) for SY24-25, the employee is requesting sick and vacation leave to be paid out with his last pay: Dude, L.
V.A.3. Recommendation to accept retroactive to hire for Curriculum Week Training for the following teachers at the San Carlos High School: Klindt, K., Agus, Z., Levya, A., Johnson, J., Elthie, R., Salagunting, M., Ciar, A., Ciar, G., Famador, K., Villaruel, C., Lanuzga, J., Owen, R., Gibson, J., Hubilla, No., Hubilla, Ne., Gatewood, A., Padda, S., Roojam, G.
V.A.4. Requesting approval to hire a summer school teacher at San Carlos High School for the summer school 2024: Roojam, G.
V.A.5. Approval to accept the recommendation to hire the following coaches as listed as for the 2024-2025 SY: Stevens, Q., Sam, S., Logan, T., Stanley, T., Antonio, T., Haozous, H. Jr., Kitcheyan, M., Ferreira, A., Antonio, D., Swift, R., Little Finger, L., Bolman, D., Goode, D.,Antonio, A., Matthews, T., Pechuli, A. Jr., Steele, M., Jackson, K., Phillips, K., May, I., Villaruel, C., Talbot, T.
V.A.6. Requesting approval for the summer coaching stipends to be paid at the end of each June as follows:
V.A.7. Approval to hire a Special Education teacher for the end of the year (ESY) at the San Carlos High School: Stevens, Q.
V.A.8. Requesting approval to hire paraprofessional at Rice Primary for summer 2023-2024: Youvella, O.
V.A.9. Requesting approved for staff to work Curriculum Week for the dates of May 23, 28, 29 and 30; this falls outside the contract and will be paid $35.00 per hour for eight hours a day and total hours will be 32 hours: Victor, C.
V.A.10. Requesting approval on the recommendation to offer a contract for the 2024-2025 SY at the San Carlos Middle School to the following classified custodial staff: Cassadore, J.
V.A.11. Recommendation to open, advertise and hire a Career Exploration teacher to strengthen the development of the Braves Academy at San Carlos High School.
V.A.12. Recommending the following to be offered a position through Educational Services, Inc. (ESI) as a substitute teacher placement while completing his student teaching at San Carlos Middle School: Meade, L.
V.A.13. Recommending the following staff be provided additional compensation for Professional Learning with Chris Hagedorn completed on July 24–25, 2024: Abcede, J., Espinoza, C., Galay, J., Pilapil, W., Amparo, E., Charpentier, E., Macarmbon, Z., Nob, K., Rivera, M., Delacruz, S.
V.A.14. Recommendation to approve the following Food Service workers to work for the summer months of June and July 2024: Henry, E., Patterson, E.
V.A.15. Recommendation to hire the following Food Service Handler for SY24-25: Goff, N.
V.A.16. Recommendation to renew and offer a certified teacher contract for the following staff at the Rice Elementary School for SY24-25: Victor, C.
V.A.17. Recommendations for the following staff renewals for SY24-25: Burnette, L., Haozous, E.
V.A.18. Requesting approval to hire the following English 10 teacher for the SY 2024–2025: Ferreira, N.
V.A.19. Recommendation approval to pay a stipend for Security Supervisor for SY24-25 for the added responsibilities to their current position: Davidson, R.
V.A.20. Requesting approval to pay a stipend for the following staff for Federal Programs and Human Resource Director appointment for SY24-25: Carlson, C.
V.A.21. Recommendation for approval of certified staff graduate credit hours earned per salary schedule: Punzalan, M., Meade, D., Sam, S.
V.A.22. Request approval of 3% Superintendent Performance Pay in accordance with contract.
V.A.23. Approval of San Carlos High School Certified staff to hire for summer school in June 2024 to teach high school English: Johnson, J.
V.A.24. Requesting approval to hire a student scheduler at San Carlos High School for SY24-25 at the pay rate of $35.00 per hour for two hours per day: Gibson, J.
V.A.25. Requesting approval to hire the following Administrators for SY24-25: Bizardi, T., Albaugh, S.
V.A.26. Recommendation to offer a teaching contract for the San Carlos Middle School for SY24-25 to the following: McIntosh, E.
V.B. Request for approval for out of state travel:
V.B.1. Approval for the San Carlos Unified School District Johnson O'Malley committee members to attend the 2024 National Johnson O'Malley Association Conference on September 9 - 11, 2024 in Durant, Oklahoma for the following: Nosie, C., Nosie, L., Ashley, B., Talkalai, H., Allen, V.
V.B.2. Approval for the committee members and staff to attend the 2024 National Indian Education Convention and Tradeshow on October 8-13, 2024 in Palm Springs, California: Carlson, C., Native Language Teacher 1, Native Language Teacher 2.
V.B.3. Requesting approval for San Carlos Unified School District Governing Board Members and Administration to attend the National Association of Federally Impacted Schools (NAFIS) Fall Conference in Washington, D.C. on September 22-24, 2024.
V.C. First Reading of the Arizona School Boards Association Policy Services Advisory Volume 36, Number 2:
V.D. Requesting approval for disposal of numerous broken items as follows:
V.E. Requesting to auction off the True Double Door Refrigerator, if this item does not sell, then it will be disposed of.
V.F. Requesting approval to ratify the following Expense Vouchers: 2426, 2427
V.G. Ratification of the following payroll vouchers: 422, 423, 441
V.H. Recommendation of approval for the May 14, 2024, San Carlos Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Minutes and the Public Hearing Minutes.
VI.A. Curriculum and Instruction - Action and or discussion as indicated.
VI.A.1. Requesting approval to have the covid vaccine requirement for athletic participation removed from the requirements for participation for the 2024–2025 SY for both San Carlos High School and San Carlos Middle School athletics.
VI.A.2. Recommendation to approve the revised Athletic Handbook for San Carlos Unified School District Governing Board approval for the 2024-2025 SY.
VI.A.3. Recommending approval of the San Carlos Middle School's Student Handbook for 2024-2025 SY.
VI.B. Business and Operations - Action:
VI.B.1. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with San Carlos Apache Healthcare Corporation to provide dental healthcare services, optometry services, medical services, school nurse services and rehabilitation services for the 2024 - 2025 School Year.
VI.B.2. Approval to pay out of fiscal year invoices from Teaching Strategies in the amount of $1,805.76.
VI.B.3. Adoption of Proposed FY25 Expenditure Budget.
VI.B.4. FY25 Expenditure Budget Hearing Notification.
VI.B.5. First Reading of Policy DICAA Fund Balance Reporting as established by the Arizona Auditor General.
VI.B.6. Approval of determination that the San Carlos Unified School District Security Department must wear an approved uniform and receive an annual clothing allowance to purchase the required uniform of $600.00 per school year.
VI.B.7. Approval to award FY24 Request for Proposal 25-02-WASTE30 for solid waste collection and disposal services to Native Dynamic, LLC
VI.B.8. Approval FY24 May monthly budget reports for general ledger and student funds.
VI.C. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Possible Executive Session per A.R.S. 38-431.03 (A)(1) Personnel and (A)(3) Advise from Legal Counsel. Any Executive Session discussion will not be open to the public. However, all Board decisions will be made in open public meeting and may include teleconference.
VI.C.1. Governing Board and Superintendent Expectations for FY24-25
VI.C.2. Update on Legal Matters
VII.A. Exceptional Student Services Board Report
VII.B. Rice Primary / Intermediate Board Reports
VII.C. San Carlos Middle School Board Report
VII.D. Federal Program Director's Board Report
VII.E. San Carlos High School Board Report
VIII.A. Future events: