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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order at __:__ P.M.
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance

1.B. Roll Call (alphabetical order): Jodie Davy, Cari Dostal, Jamie Isane, Brent Olson, Carol Rhen and Jeramy Swenson
1.C. Administration and Department Heads: Kevin Ricke, Stacey Warne and Leah Hasson
2. Visitor Comments
2.A. Listening Session


All speakers are asked to complete the listening session Sign-in Card including as much detail as possible and including a printed / written copy of your presentation if one is available. The Sign-in Cards are at the table by the entrance door, and anyone who has not called in or emailed the Superintendent, in advance, may complete them now. Please include all requested information on the Sign-in Card so administration can provide follow-up as needed.    

This is an opportunity for the Board to listen, the Board will not engage in dialogue. As a general rule, the Board will not comment on or respond to any comments made by speakers. Please do not include names of Badger Community School employees or representatives, their title, or location in your remarks for your own legal protection and the legal rights of staff.

Each speaker will have five (5) minutes to speak; speakers may not roll their time to another speaker. Speakers will be timed and are asked to complete their comments in this time frame. Board members may ask questions if needed.  Please begin your presentation by stating your name and topic only.

In the spirit of fairness to all participants, we request that you respect the format above. Thank you for taking the time tonight to attend this meeting and share your concerns and suggestions.


3. Recommendation to add and/or remove items to the agenda from Board Members or School Administrators

4. Approval of Agenda

4.A. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the agenda for the Monday, October 10, 2022 Regular School Board Meeting as presented/amended. The motion seconded by ____________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.


5. Minutes
5.A. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting held on Monday, September 12, 2022 as presented/amended. The motion seconded by ____________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.

6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Pay Bills: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the payment of bills check #62292 through check #62362 for a total of $124,411.49 as listed and approve Purchasing Card electronic payments dated October 5, 2022 and Electronic Fund Transfers as submitted. The motion seconded by ____________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.

7. Communications

7.A. Financial Audit of Badger School District Fiscal Year 2022 (FY 22) prepared and presented by Brady Martz & Associates of Thief River Falls, MN.

Tracee Bruggeman, Certified Public Accountant with Brady Martz & Associates, P.C. located in Thief River Falls, MN

7.B. Building and Grounds: Striker Hasson

7.C. Superintendent

7.C.1. Miscellaneous Items to Report by Superintendent

7.D. Badger School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report.

Description:  As requested by the Board in previous fiscal years, this document will be provided on a monthly basis.

The budget consists of 4 fund balances:
01 General Fund
02 Food Service
04 Community Services
08 Scholarships

* see attached

7.E. Dean of Students
7.E.1. Student Enrollment as of October 7
7.E.2. Upcoming Events and Dates of Interest - please see attachment
8. Reports
8.A. Accept Cash Report: A motion was made by _______________ to Accept Cash Report through September 30, 2022 subject to audit. The motion seconded by ________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.


8.B. Accept September Donations: A motion was made by _______________ to accept the donations listed below. The motion seconded by ________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.


$442 Minnesota State High School League Foundation Grant A to Badger Student Assistant Fund

$15  Barbara Holm made a donation to the Library in Memory of Nolan Kjos

$100 Western Fraternal Life Association Lodge No 219 to the Badger School for School Supplies


8.C. Accept First Quarter Budget Report: A motion was made by ____________________ to accept First Quarter Budget Report subject to audit.  The motion seconded by ____________________. 


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.


8.D. Badger School Board Member Elections
The General Election is on November 8, 2022

Vote for Up to Three*

___ Jared VonEnde
___ Jeramy Swenson (Incumbent)
___ Dana Didrikson
___ Jamie Isane (Incumbent)
___  ____________________ write-in, if any
___  ____________________ write-in, if any
___  ____________________ write-in, if any

*If three members are up, there would be three lines for write-ins


9. Proposed Resolutions

9.A. AudIt: A motion was made by ____________________  to approve the Badger School District Fiscal Year 2022 Independent Financial Audit as prepared and presented by Brady Martz. The motion seconded by ____________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.

Tracee Bruggeman, Certified Public Accountant with Brady Martz & Associates, P.C. located in Thief River Falls, MN 

9.B. Calendar Correction: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the attached academic 2022-2023 school calendar as presented/amended. The motion seconded by ____________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.


Monday, January 2, 2023 is non-eligible for state/federal funding as a restricted day that does not generate revenue. Restricted means no school, no meetings; therefore, change Monday, January 2, 2023 to a 'School Closed' day.

With the support of the Badger Education Association of Teachers (BEA), administration recommends changing Friday, May 26, 2023 to a half student 'Early Out' day and half teacher 'In-Service' day. This day would look the same as Friday, January 20, 2023 which is the last day of the first semester.

Teachers would need to log/flex an additional 4 hours outside regular scheduled hours/days of service to comply with the required amount of time equivalent to 180 contract days.

With this recommendation, there is no loss of hours/wages for any other employees (i.e., Bus Drivers, Custodians, Food Service, Office, Paraprofessionals)


9.C. Long Term Substitute Teacher: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve advertising for a Long Term Substitute Teacher for Industrial Arts beginning as early as Friday, December 2, 2022 and teaching through Friday, January 20, 2023 for approximately 29 teacher contract days (subject to change). The motion seconded by ____________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.


9.D. Postpone Regular November School Board Meeting a Week Later: A motion was made by ____________________  to approve re-scheduling the Regular Badger School Meeting a week later to be held on Monday, November 21, 2022 at 7:30 PM in order to canvas election results. The motion seconded by ____________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.


County Election Officials anticipate not being able to process and release the Badger School Board 3-Seats Vote results to our school on or before Monday, November 14.


9.E. Adopt and approve MSHSL grant application to offset Student Activity Fees:

A motion was made by  ____________________ , to adopt a resolution by Governing Board of Independent School District No. 676 Badger, Minnesota supporting FORM A application to Minnesota State High School League Foundation. The motion seconded by  ____________________

WHEREAS, the Minnesota State High School League Foundation was formed to provide support for Minnesota’s high school youth to participate in athletics and fine arts; recognizes the value of student participation in extracurricular activities; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Board of Independent School District No. 676 Badger, Minnesota

WHEREAS, the MSHSL Foundation is offering grants and funding to assist schools in recognizing, promoting and funding extracurricular participation by high school students in athletic and fine arts programs supports the school’s application to the Minnesota State High School League Foundation for a FORM A grant to offset student activity fees.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Governing Board of Independent School District No. 676 Badger, Minnesota

Adopted this ________ day of _______________, 2022.

Yes-No Roll Call Vote: Jodie Davy, Cari Dostal, Jamie Isane, Brent Olson, Carol Rhen and Jeramy Swenson.

BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.

School Board Chair
School Board Clerk

10. Adjourn: Recommended motion: ____________________ moved to adjourn at _________ PM. The motion seconded by ____________________.


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: October 10, 2022 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order at __:__ P.M.
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance

1.B. Roll Call (alphabetical order): Jodie Davy, Cari Dostal, Jamie Isane, Brent Olson, Carol Rhen and Jeramy Swenson
1.C. Administration and Department Heads: Kevin Ricke, Stacey Warne and Leah Hasson
2. Visitor Comments
2.A. Listening Session


All speakers are asked to complete the listening session Sign-in Card including as much detail as possible and including a printed / written copy of your presentation if one is available. The Sign-in Cards are at the table by the entrance door, and anyone who has not called in or emailed the Superintendent, in advance, may complete them now. Please include all requested information on the Sign-in Card so administration can provide follow-up as needed.    

This is an opportunity for the Board to listen, the Board will not engage in dialogue. As a general rule, the Board will not comment on or respond to any comments made by speakers. Please do not include names of Badger Community School employees or representatives, their title, or location in your remarks for your own legal protection and the legal rights of staff.

Each speaker will have five (5) minutes to speak; speakers may not roll their time to another speaker. Speakers will be timed and are asked to complete their comments in this time frame. Board members may ask questions if needed.  Please begin your presentation by stating your name and topic only.

In the spirit of fairness to all participants, we request that you respect the format above. Thank you for taking the time tonight to attend this meeting and share your concerns and suggestions.


3. Recommendation to add and/or remove items to the agenda from Board Members or School Administrators

4. Approval of Agenda

4.A. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the agenda for the Monday, October 10, 2022 Regular School Board Meeting as presented/amended. The motion seconded by ____________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.


5. Minutes
5.A. A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting held on Monday, September 12, 2022 as presented/amended. The motion seconded by ____________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.

6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Pay Bills: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the payment of bills check #62292 through check #62362 for a total of $124,411.49 as listed and approve Purchasing Card electronic payments dated October 5, 2022 and Electronic Fund Transfers as submitted. The motion seconded by ____________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.

7. Communications

7.A. Financial Audit of Badger School District Fiscal Year 2022 (FY 22) prepared and presented by Brady Martz & Associates of Thief River Falls, MN.

Tracee Bruggeman, Certified Public Accountant with Brady Martz & Associates, P.C. located in Thief River Falls, MN


7.B. Building and Grounds: Striker Hasson

7.C. Superintendent

7.C.1. Miscellaneous Items to Report by Superintendent


7.D. Badger School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report.

Description:  As requested by the Board in previous fiscal years, this document will be provided on a monthly basis.

The budget consists of 4 fund balances:
01 General Fund
02 Food Service
04 Community Services
08 Scholarships

* see attached

7.E. Dean of Students
7.E.1. Student Enrollment as of October 7
7.E.2. Upcoming Events and Dates of Interest - please see attachment
8. Reports
8.A. Accept Cash Report: A motion was made by _______________ to Accept Cash Report through September 30, 2022 subject to audit. The motion seconded by ________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.


8.B. Accept September Donations: A motion was made by _______________ to accept the donations listed below. The motion seconded by ________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.


$442 Minnesota State High School League Foundation Grant A to Badger Student Assistant Fund

$15  Barbara Holm made a donation to the Library in Memory of Nolan Kjos

$100 Western Fraternal Life Association Lodge No 219 to the Badger School for School Supplies



8.C. Accept First Quarter Budget Report: A motion was made by ____________________ to accept First Quarter Budget Report subject to audit.  The motion seconded by ____________________. 


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.



8.D. Badger School Board Member Elections
The General Election is on November 8, 2022

Vote for Up to Three*

___ Jared VonEnde
___ Jeramy Swenson (Incumbent)
___ Dana Didrikson
___ Jamie Isane (Incumbent)
___  ____________________ write-in, if any
___  ____________________ write-in, if any
___  ____________________ write-in, if any

*If three members are up, there would be three lines for write-ins


9. Proposed Resolutions

9.A. AudIt: A motion was made by ____________________  to approve the Badger School District Fiscal Year 2022 Independent Financial Audit as prepared and presented by Brady Martz. The motion seconded by ____________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.

Tracee Bruggeman, Certified Public Accountant with Brady Martz & Associates, P.C. located in Thief River Falls, MN 


9.B. Calendar Correction: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve the attached academic 2022-2023 school calendar as presented/amended. The motion seconded by ____________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.


Monday, January 2, 2023 is non-eligible for state/federal funding as a restricted day that does not generate revenue. Restricted means no school, no meetings; therefore, change Monday, January 2, 2023 to a 'School Closed' day.

With the support of the Badger Education Association of Teachers (BEA), administration recommends changing Friday, May 26, 2023 to a half student 'Early Out' day and half teacher 'In-Service' day. This day would look the same as Friday, January 20, 2023 which is the last day of the first semester.

Teachers would need to log/flex an additional 4 hours outside regular scheduled hours/days of service to comply with the required amount of time equivalent to 180 contract days.

With this recommendation, there is no loss of hours/wages for any other employees (i.e., Bus Drivers, Custodians, Food Service, Office, Paraprofessionals)



9.C. Long Term Substitute Teacher: A motion was made by ____________________ to approve advertising for a Long Term Substitute Teacher for Industrial Arts beginning as early as Friday, December 2, 2022 and teaching through Friday, January 20, 2023 for approximately 29 teacher contract days (subject to change). The motion seconded by ____________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.



9.D. Postpone Regular November School Board Meeting a Week Later: A motion was made by ____________________  to approve re-scheduling the Regular Badger School Meeting a week later to be held on Monday, November 21, 2022 at 7:30 PM in order to canvas election results. The motion seconded by ____________________


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.


County Election Officials anticipate not being able to process and release the Badger School Board 3-Seats Vote results to our school on or before Monday, November 14.



9.E. Adopt and approve MSHSL grant application to offset Student Activity Fees:

A motion was made by  ____________________ , to adopt a resolution by Governing Board of Independent School District No. 676 Badger, Minnesota supporting FORM A application to Minnesota State High School League Foundation. The motion seconded by  ____________________

WHEREAS, the Minnesota State High School League Foundation was formed to provide support for Minnesota’s high school youth to participate in athletics and fine arts; recognizes the value of student participation in extracurricular activities; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Board of Independent School District No. 676 Badger, Minnesota

WHEREAS, the MSHSL Foundation is offering grants and funding to assist schools in recognizing, promoting and funding extracurricular participation by high school students in athletic and fine arts programs supports the school’s application to the Minnesota State High School League Foundation for a FORM A grant to offset student activity fees.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Governing Board of Independent School District No. 676 Badger, Minnesota

Adopted this ________ day of _______________, 2022.

Yes-No Roll Call Vote: Jodie Davy, Cari Dostal, Jamie Isane, Brent Olson, Carol Rhen and Jeramy Swenson.

BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.

School Board Chair
School Board Clerk

10. Adjourn: Recommended motion: ____________________ moved to adjourn at _________ PM. The motion seconded by ____________________.


BE IT RESOLVED the motion carries or does not carry by a ____ Yes to ____ No vote.

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