Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty, and Justice for all." |
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Correspondence
V. Introductory Comments
VI. Special Presentation(s)
VII. Approval of Minutes
VII.A. Regular Meeting - May 18, 2015
VII.B. Executive Session - May 18, 2015
VIII. Business Operation Reports
VIII.A. Payment of Obligations
VIII.A.1. Imprest Report
VIII.A.2. Accounts Receivable
VIII.A.3. Accounts Payable
VIII.A.4. May Payrolls
VIII.B. Prevailing Wage Act
VIII.C. For Your Information
VIII.C.1. Summary - Treasurer's Report
VIII.C.2. School Activity Reports
VIII.C.3. Buildings and Grounds Update
VIII.C.4. FOIA Request & Response
IX. Report from Administration
IX.A. Personnel
IX.A.1. Retirement
IX.A.2. Leave
IX.A.3. Resignation
IX.A.4. Appointment(s)
IX.B. Conference Request(s)
IX.C. Resolution for PAP Consulting Services
X.A. Enrollment and Comparison
X.B. Out of School Suspensions
XI. Committee Reports
XI.A. Personnel
XI.B. Personnel/Finance Committee of the Whole
XI.C. Policy
XI.D. Community Education
XI.E. Parent Advisory Committee
XI.F. Foundation
XII. Audience Comments/Questions (Open)
(3 minutes per person) Please State Your Name and Address |
XIII. Closed Session
XIII.A. Pending, threatened or imminent litigation, collective negotiations and employment, performance, dismissal, compensation, or discipline of specific employee(s)
XIV. Possible Action on Administrator Stipend
XV. Next Board Meeting
XV.A. Monday, August 17, 2015 @ 6:00 P.M.
XVI. Announcements/Comments:
XVI.A. Summer School Enrichment
Session I - June 15th - July 2nd from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Session II - July 15th - August 7th from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m |
XVI.B. Friday, June 26th - Board of Education Retreat - 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
16001 Lincoln Avenue Harvey, IL 60426 |
XVI.C. Saturday, June 27th - Cancer Relay for Life, 3:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Thornton Township High School
XVI.D. Monday, June 29th - IASB South Cook Division Summer Governing Board Meeting
Bryant Elementary School 14730 S. Main St. Harvey, IL 60426 6:00 p.m. Registration/Light Dinner |
XVI.E. Monday, August 10th - 125th - Registration, 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p..m -Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School
XVI.F. Wednesday, August 125th - New Teacher Orientation, 8:15 a.m. - Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School
XVI.G. Thursday, August 13th - Institute Day - 8:15 a.m. -Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School
XVI.H. Friday, August 14th -Institute Day - Building Meetings
XVI.I. Monday, August 17th - Kdg. thru 8th Grade Students Full Attendance Day
XVII. Adjournment
XVIII. Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty, and Justice for all." |
XIX. Roll Call
XX. Approval of Agenda
XXI. Correspondence
XXII. Introductory Comments
XXIII. Report from Administration
XXIV. Audience Comments/Questions (Open)
(3 minutes per person) Please State Your Name and Address |
XXV. Announcements/Comments:
XXV.A. Summer School Enrichment
Session I - June 15th - July 2nd from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Session II - July 15th - August 7th from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m |
XXV.B. Monday, August 10th - 125th - Registration, 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p..m -Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School
XXV.C. Wednesday, August 125th - New Teacher Orientation, 8:15 a.m. - Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School
XXV.D. Thursday, August 13th - Institute Day - 8:15 a.m. -Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School
XXV.E. Friday, August 14th -Institute Day - Building Meetings
XXV.F. Monday, August 17th - Kdg. thru 8th Grade Students Full Attendance Day
XXVI. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 15, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty, and Justice for all." |
Subject: |
II. Roll Call
Subject: |
III. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
IV. Correspondence
Subject: |
V. Introductory Comments
Subject: |
VI. Special Presentation(s)
Subject: |
VII. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
VII.A. Regular Meeting - May 18, 2015
Subject: |
VII.B. Executive Session - May 18, 2015
Subject: |
VIII. Business Operation Reports
Subject: |
VIII.A. Payment of Obligations
Subject: |
VIII.A.1. Imprest Report
Subject: |
VIII.A.2. Accounts Receivable
Subject: |
VIII.A.3. Accounts Payable
Subject: |
VIII.A.4. May Payrolls
Subject: |
VIII.B. Prevailing Wage Act
Subject: |
VIII.C. For Your Information
Subject: |
VIII.C.1. Summary - Treasurer's Report
Subject: |
VIII.C.2. School Activity Reports
Subject: |
VIII.C.3. Buildings and Grounds Update
Subject: |
VIII.C.4. FOIA Request & Response
Subject: |
IX. Report from Administration
Subject: |
IX.A. Personnel
Subject: |
IX.A.1. Retirement
Subject: |
IX.A.2. Leave
Subject: |
IX.A.3. Resignation
Subject: |
IX.A.4. Appointment(s)
Subject: |
IX.B. Conference Request(s)
Subject: |
IX.C. Resolution for PAP Consulting Services
Subject: |
Subject: |
X.A. Enrollment and Comparison
Subject: |
X.B. Out of School Suspensions
Subject: |
XI. Committee Reports
Subject: |
XI.A. Personnel
Subject: |
XI.B. Personnel/Finance Committee of the Whole
Subject: |
XI.C. Policy
Subject: |
XI.D. Community Education
Subject: |
XI.E. Parent Advisory Committee
Subject: |
XI.F. Foundation
Subject: |
XII. Audience Comments/Questions (Open)
(3 minutes per person) Please State Your Name and Address |
Subject: |
XIII. Closed Session
Subject: |
XIII.A. Pending, threatened or imminent litigation, collective negotiations and employment, performance, dismissal, compensation, or discipline of specific employee(s)
Subject: |
XIV. Possible Action on Administrator Stipend
Subject: |
XV. Next Board Meeting
Subject: |
XV.A. Monday, August 17, 2015 @ 6:00 P.M.
Subject: |
XVI. Announcements/Comments:
Subject: |
XVI.A. Summer School Enrichment
Session I - June 15th - July 2nd from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Session II - July 15th - August 7th from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m |
Subject: |
XVI.B. Friday, June 26th - Board of Education Retreat - 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
16001 Lincoln Avenue Harvey, IL 60426 |
Subject: |
XVI.C. Saturday, June 27th - Cancer Relay for Life, 3:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Thornton Township High School
Subject: |
XVI.D. Monday, June 29th - IASB South Cook Division Summer Governing Board Meeting
Bryant Elementary School 14730 S. Main St. Harvey, IL 60426 6:00 p.m. Registration/Light Dinner |
Subject: |
XVI.E. Monday, August 10th - 125th - Registration, 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p..m -Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School
Subject: |
XVI.F. Wednesday, August 125th - New Teacher Orientation, 8:15 a.m. - Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School
Subject: |
XVI.G. Thursday, August 13th - Institute Day - 8:15 a.m. -Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School
Subject: |
XVI.H. Friday, August 14th -Institute Day - Building Meetings
Subject: |
XVI.I. Monday, August 17th - Kdg. thru 8th Grade Students Full Attendance Day
Subject: |
XVII. Adjournment
Subject: |
XVIII. Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty, and Justice for all." |
Subject: |
XIX. Roll Call
Subject: |
XX. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
XXI. Correspondence
Subject: |
XXII. Introductory Comments
Subject: |
XXIII. Report from Administration
Subject: |
XXIV. Audience Comments/Questions (Open)
(3 minutes per person) Please State Your Name and Address |
Subject: |
XXV. Announcements/Comments:
Subject: |
XXV.A. Summer School Enrichment
Session I - June 15th - July 2nd from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Session II - July 15th - August 7th from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m |
Subject: |
XXV.B. Monday, August 10th - 125th - Registration, 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p..m -Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School
Subject: |
XXV.C. Wednesday, August 125th - New Teacher Orientation, 8:15 a.m. - Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School
Subject: |
XXV.D. Thursday, August 13th - Institute Day - 8:15 a.m. -Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School
Subject: |
XXV.E. Friday, August 14th -Institute Day - Building Meetings
Subject: |
XXV.F. Monday, August 17th - Kdg. thru 8th Grade Students Full Attendance Day
Subject: |
XXVI. Adjournment