Meeting Agenda
1. Convene: 6:00 PM (Roll Call)
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Agenda Review and Approval (Action)
4. Resolution - Interim Director Appointment (Action)
5. Oath of Office
6. Approval of Previous Minutes (Action)
6.A. December 9 2024, UNOFFICIAL Minutes of the Regular Business Meeting
6.B. January 6, 2025, UNOFFICIAL Minutes of the Annual Organizational Meeting
6.C. January 6, 2025, Board Workshop Notes
7. Spotlight on Success: 6:05 PM (Information)
7.A. Central Middle School: "Eighth Graders Inspiring Little Eagles: Reading for a Brighter Future"
8. Public Comment: 6:20 PM (Information)
9. Announcements: 6:30 PM (Information)
10. Board Work: 6:35 PM (Action)
10.A. Required Board Action (Action)
10.A.1) Resolution: 2025A Long Term Facilities Maintenance (LTFM) Bonds Issuance - Intent to Issue (Action)
10.A.1)a. Executive Summary
10.A.1)b. Presale Report
10.A.1)c. Resolution
10.B. Decision Preparation
10.B.1) FY 2025-26 School District Calendar - Presentation Uploaded
10.B.2) FY 2026-27 Preliminary School Calendar - (DRAFT)
10.B.3) FY 2025-26 Budget Timelines
10.B.4) FY 2024-25 Budget Assumptions - First Reading
10.C. Required Board Action (Action)
10.C.1) FY 2024-25 Mid-Year Budget Approval
10.C.1)a. Executive Summary
10.C.1)b. Mid-Year Budget Update Presentation
10.C.1)c. Fund Balance Summary
10.C.2) Record of Board Self-Evaluation (Action)
10.C.2)a. 2023-24 Record of Board Policy Monitoring - Executive Limitations (EL's) (Action)
11. Superintendent Consent Agenda: 7:35 PM (Action)
11.A. Monthly Reports
11.A.1) Resolution of Acceptance of Donations
11.A.2) Human Resources Report
11.A.3) Business Services Reports
11.A.3)a. Board Business
11.A.3)b. Financial Report - Monthly Revenue/Expenditure Report
11.B. FY 2025-26 Advance Capital Purchase
11.C. Pay Equity Reporting
11.D. MOU EPEA - E-Learning Days
11.E. MOU EPEA - Temp Staffing through Third Party Entities
12. Board Education & Required Reporting
13. Superintendent's Incidental Information Report: 7:40 PM (Information)
13.A. Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Presentation Uploaded
13.B. Flight Plan 2035 Update
14. Board Action on Committee Reports & Minutes: 8:00 PM (Information)
14.A. 2025 School Board Committees & Outside Organization Assignments
14.B. Board Development Committee
14.C. Community Linkage Committee
14.D. Negotiations Committee
14.E. Policy Committee
15. Other Board Updates (AMSD, BRIGHTWORKS, ISD 287, MSHSL): 8:20 PM (Information)
15.A. AMSD (Association of Metropolitan School) - Abby Libsack
15.C. ISD District 287 - Intermediate School District 287 - Kim Ross
15.D. MSHSL (Minnesota State High School League)
16. Board Work Plan: 8:30 PM (Action)
16.A. Work Plan Changes Document (Action)
16.B. School Board Annual Work Plan FY 2024-25 (Jan-Jun) (Information)
17. Adjournment at ____ PM (Action)
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 27, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Convene: 6:00 PM (Roll Call)
Subject: |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
3. Agenda Review and Approval (Action)
Subject: |
4. Resolution - Interim Director Appointment (Action)
Subject: |
5. Oath of Office
Subject: |
6. Approval of Previous Minutes (Action)
Subject: |
6.A. December 9 2024, UNOFFICIAL Minutes of the Regular Business Meeting
Subject: |
6.B. January 6, 2025, UNOFFICIAL Minutes of the Annual Organizational Meeting
Subject: |
6.C. January 6, 2025, Board Workshop Notes
Subject: |
7. Spotlight on Success: 6:05 PM (Information)
Subject: |
7.A. Central Middle School: "Eighth Graders Inspiring Little Eagles: Reading for a Brighter Future"
Subject: |
8. Public Comment: 6:20 PM (Information)
Subject: |
9. Announcements: 6:30 PM (Information)
Subject: |
10. Board Work: 6:35 PM (Action)
Subject: |
10.A. Required Board Action (Action)
Subject: |
10.A.1) Resolution: 2025A Long Term Facilities Maintenance (LTFM) Bonds Issuance - Intent to Issue (Action)
Subject: |
10.A.1)a. Executive Summary
Subject: |
10.A.1)b. Presale Report
Subject: |
10.A.1)c. Resolution
Subject: |
10.B. Decision Preparation
Subject: |
10.B.1) FY 2025-26 School District Calendar - Presentation Uploaded
Subject: |
10.B.2) FY 2026-27 Preliminary School Calendar - (DRAFT)
Subject: |
10.B.3) FY 2025-26 Budget Timelines
Subject: |
10.B.4) FY 2024-25 Budget Assumptions - First Reading
Subject: |
10.C. Required Board Action (Action)
Subject: |
10.C.1) FY 2024-25 Mid-Year Budget Approval
Subject: |
10.C.1)a. Executive Summary
Subject: |
10.C.1)b. Mid-Year Budget Update Presentation
Subject: |
10.C.1)c. Fund Balance Summary
Subject: |
10.C.2) Record of Board Self-Evaluation (Action)
Subject: |
10.C.2)a. 2023-24 Record of Board Policy Monitoring - Executive Limitations (EL's) (Action)
Subject: |
11. Superintendent Consent Agenda: 7:35 PM (Action)
Subject: |
11.A. Monthly Reports
Subject: |
11.A.1) Resolution of Acceptance of Donations
Subject: |
11.A.2) Human Resources Report
Subject: |
11.A.3) Business Services Reports
Subject: |
11.A.3)a. Board Business
Subject: |
11.A.3)b. Financial Report - Monthly Revenue/Expenditure Report
Subject: |
11.B. FY 2025-26 Advance Capital Purchase
Subject: |
11.C. Pay Equity Reporting
Subject: |
11.D. MOU EPEA - E-Learning Days
Subject: |
11.E. MOU EPEA - Temp Staffing through Third Party Entities
Subject: |
12. Board Education & Required Reporting
Subject: |
13. Superintendent's Incidental Information Report: 7:40 PM (Information)
Subject: |
13.A. Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Presentation Uploaded
Subject: |
13.B. Flight Plan 2035 Update
Subject: |
14. Board Action on Committee Reports & Minutes: 8:00 PM (Information)
Subject: |
14.A. 2025 School Board Committees & Outside Organization Assignments
Subject: |
14.B. Board Development Committee
Subject: |
14.C. Community Linkage Committee
Subject: |
14.D. Negotiations Committee
Subject: |
14.E. Policy Committee
Subject: |
15. Other Board Updates (AMSD, BRIGHTWORKS, ISD 287, MSHSL): 8:20 PM (Information)
Subject: |
15.A. AMSD (Association of Metropolitan School) - Abby Libsack
Subject: |
Subject: |
15.C. ISD District 287 - Intermediate School District 287 - Kim Ross
Subject: |
15.D. MSHSL (Minnesota State High School League)
Subject: |
16. Board Work Plan: 8:30 PM (Action)
Subject: |
16.A. Work Plan Changes Document (Action)
Subject: |
16.B. School Board Annual Work Plan FY 2024-25 (Jan-Jun) (Information)
Subject: |
17. Adjournment at ____ PM (Action)