Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order: Public - 6:30 pm
We have a shared vision in the Fern Ridge School District: Provide excellence for every student so that each will reach their greatest potential. Thank you to the members of the public who have joined us. As a reminder, School Board meetings and work sessions are meetings of the Board held in public, providing an opportunity to observe the Board's discussion and actions. In an effort to conduct official Board business, we ask that the audience be respectful and refrain from questions, comments, and unnecessary noise while the Board conducts the meeting. There is an opportunity for citizen comment tonight, and the Board looks forward to hearing from those who signed up. I will share some reminders when we get to that portion of the meeting. Also, please note that all Board meetings are live-streamed and posted on the School Board area of the website. |
2. Citizenship Award
3. Flag Salute led by Citizenship Award Winner
4. Public Comment:
4.A. None at this time.
5. Monthly Items:
5.A. Approval of Minutes - Board Action
6. Business Office
6.A. Enrollment Report
6.B. General Fund Revenue and Expenditure Report - Board Action
6.C. Fidelity Insurance Coverage
7. Reports:
7.A. West Lane Charter School Presentation
7.B. Fern Ridge Education Association
7.C. Student Representative(s) to the School Board Report
7.D. Director of K-12 Programs
7.E. Superintendent's Report
8. Discussion Items
8.A. First Reading of the Proposed 2025-2026 Calendar
8.B. First Reading of Proposed Policy Updates -GCBDA_GDBDA G1 updated, GCBDA_GDBDA R 1 D1- Delete, GCBDA_GDBDA R 1 G1-new, GCBDA_GDBDA R 2 D1-Delete, GCBDA_GDBDA R 3 A D1-Delete, GCBDA_GDBDA R 3 B D1-Delete, GCBDA_GDBDA R 3 C D1-Delete, GCBDA_GDBDA R 3 D D1-Delete, GCBDA_GDBDA R 4 D1-Delete, GCBDA_GDBDA R 5 D1-Delete, GCBDA_GDBDA R 6 D1-Delete, GCBDA_GDBDA R 7 D1-Delete, GCBDD_GDBDD G1 updated, and JECB R 3 G1(update).
8.C. Second Reading of Proposed Policy Updates -KLD D1-(delete), JHCD_JHCDA D1 (delete), JHCD_JHCDA R D1 (delete), JHCD R G1 (new)-required to be adopted by board, JHCD G1 (new). - BOARD ACTION
9. Personnel
9.A. Licensed Employees Resignations/New Hires/Transfers/Other-Board Action
9.A.1. None at this time
9.A.2. Resolution 24-25/04 - Teacher Contract Extension
9.A.3. Resolution 24-25/05 - Probationary Teacher Contract Renewal
9.A.4. Resolution 24-25/06 - Retired/Temporary Terminal Contract
9.A.5. Resolution 24-25/07 - Probationary Administrator's Contract Renewal
9.A.6. Resolution 24-25/08 - Administrator Contract Extension
9.A.7. Resolution 24-25/09 - Administrator Three-Year Contract Extension
9.B. Non-Licensed Personnel Report
10. Late Items/Closing Comments/Board Community Involvement
11. Upcoming Events
March 3-7: Classified Employee Appreciation Week! March 13: Heart of the Community at Veneta Elementary 6-7 pm March 21: NO School March 24-28 Spring Break Elmira Elementary March 5: Kindergarten Information Night March 6-14: Iditaread March 18: PTA at 6pm Veneta Elementary March 5: Kinder Information Night March 6: Title Math Night 5:30-7 March 7: Read Across America-PJ Day March 11: PALS Meeting 5:30 Fern Ridge Middle February 26: 4:30 7th Grade Boys Basketball-Home March 18: Emergency Preparedness Workshop for students Elmira High March 21: Elmira Track Relays |
12. Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2)(i): to review and evaluate the performance of the chief executive officer or any other public officer, employee or staff member, unless the person whose performance is being reviewed and evaluated requests an open hearing.
13. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
The School Board meeting will be a hybrid of in-person and virtual attendance. The doors will be open at 6:15 pm and we have capacity for 21 attendees/visitors. If you are scheduled to speak at the meeting and the room is at capacity, there will be a waiting area in the lobby and you'll be notified when it's your time to address the board.
Meeting: | Monday, February 24, 2025 The doors will open at 6:15pm - Fern Ridge School District Board of Directors | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order: Public - 6:30 pm
We have a shared vision in the Fern Ridge School District: Provide excellence for every student so that each will reach their greatest potential. Thank you to the members of the public who have joined us. As a reminder, School Board meetings and work sessions are meetings of the Board held in public, providing an opportunity to observe the Board's discussion and actions. In an effort to conduct official Board business, we ask that the audience be respectful and refrain from questions, comments, and unnecessary noise while the Board conducts the meeting. There is an opportunity for citizen comment tonight, and the Board looks forward to hearing from those who signed up. I will share some reminders when we get to that portion of the meeting. Also, please note that all Board meetings are live-streamed and posted on the School Board area of the website. |
Subject: |
2. Citizenship Award
Presenter: |
Dawn Dean
Subject: |
3. Flag Salute led by Citizenship Award Winner
Subject: |
4. Public Comment:
Subject: |
4.A. None at this time.
Subject: |
5. Monthly Items:
Subject: |
5.A. Approval of Minutes - Board Action
Subject: |
6. Business Office
Presenter: |
Business Manager, Quanah Bennett
Subject: |
6.A. Enrollment Report
Subject: |
6.B. General Fund Revenue and Expenditure Report - Board Action
Subject: |
6.C. Fidelity Insurance Coverage
Subject: |
7. Reports:
Subject: |
7.A. West Lane Charter School Presentation
Presenter: |
Darci Stuller
Subject: |
7.B. Fern Ridge Education Association
Presenter: |
Debra Lloyd and Forrest Cooper
Subject: |
7.C. Student Representative(s) to the School Board Report
Presenter: |
Fern Valle Arvizu and JT Myers
Subject: |
7.D. Director of K-12 Programs
Subject: |
7.E. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
8. Discussion Items
Subject: |
8.A. First Reading of the Proposed 2025-2026 Calendar
Subject: |
8.B. First Reading of Proposed Policy Updates -GCBDA_GDBDA G1 updated, GCBDA_GDBDA R 1 D1- Delete, GCBDA_GDBDA R 1 G1-new, GCBDA_GDBDA R 2 D1-Delete, GCBDA_GDBDA R 3 A D1-Delete, GCBDA_GDBDA R 3 B D1-Delete, GCBDA_GDBDA R 3 C D1-Delete, GCBDA_GDBDA R 3 D D1-Delete, GCBDA_GDBDA R 4 D1-Delete, GCBDA_GDBDA R 5 D1-Delete, GCBDA_GDBDA R 6 D1-Delete, GCBDA_GDBDA R 7 D1-Delete, GCBDD_GDBDD G1 updated, and JECB R 3 G1(update).
Subject: |
8.C. Second Reading of Proposed Policy Updates -KLD D1-(delete), JHCD_JHCDA D1 (delete), JHCD_JHCDA R D1 (delete), JHCD R G1 (new)-required to be adopted by board, JHCD G1 (new). - BOARD ACTION
Subject: |
9. Personnel
Subject: |
9.A. Licensed Employees Resignations/New Hires/Transfers/Other-Board Action
Subject: |
9.A.1. None at this time
Subject: |
9.A.2. Resolution 24-25/04 - Teacher Contract Extension
Subject: |
9.A.3. Resolution 24-25/05 - Probationary Teacher Contract Renewal
Subject: |
9.A.4. Resolution 24-25/06 - Retired/Temporary Terminal Contract
Subject: |
9.A.5. Resolution 24-25/07 - Probationary Administrator's Contract Renewal
Subject: |
9.A.6. Resolution 24-25/08 - Administrator Contract Extension
Subject: |
9.A.7. Resolution 24-25/09 - Administrator Three-Year Contract Extension
Subject: |
9.B. Non-Licensed Personnel Report
Subject: |
10. Late Items/Closing Comments/Board Community Involvement
Subject: |
11. Upcoming Events
March 3-7: Classified Employee Appreciation Week! March 13: Heart of the Community at Veneta Elementary 6-7 pm March 21: NO School March 24-28 Spring Break Elmira Elementary March 5: Kindergarten Information Night March 6-14: Iditaread March 18: PTA at 6pm Veneta Elementary March 5: Kinder Information Night March 6: Title Math Night 5:30-7 March 7: Read Across America-PJ Day March 11: PALS Meeting 5:30 Fern Ridge Middle February 26: 4:30 7th Grade Boys Basketball-Home March 18: Emergency Preparedness Workshop for students Elmira High March 21: Elmira Track Relays |
Subject: |
12. Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2)(i): to review and evaluate the performance of the chief executive officer or any other public officer, employee or staff member, unless the person whose performance is being reviewed and evaluated requests an open hearing.
Subject: |
13. Adjournment
Fern Ridge School District 28J is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender or sexual orientation in admission or access to the treatment of employment in its programs and activities as require by state and federal law. If you have any concerns or complaints, please contact Human Resources at 541-935-2253 Ext 1203.Please contact Amy Hand, 541-935-2253 ext.1205,, to assist with an interpreter or other communication aids. |