Meeting Agenda
A. Introduction of Meeting and Pledge of Allegiance
B. Public Hearing Over Texas Academic Performance Report
C. Public Comments
D. Closed Meeting (TX Govt Code 551.071/551.072/551.074/551.082)
D.1. Personnel Concerns
D.2. Discuss Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
D.3. Safety/Security
D.4. Consultation with Board Attorney
E. Reconvene for Open Meeting
F. Information Items
F.1. Superintendent's Report
F.1.a. Financial Update
F.1.a.1. Construction Update
F.1.b. Instructional Update
F.1.c. Policy Update 124
G. Consent Items (All items listed under this subheading will be adopted with one motion unless they are removed from the Consent Agenda by a Trustee or the Superintendent for discussion.)
G.1. Approve Minutes of January 21, 2025 Regular Meeting and January 27, 2025 Special Meeting
G.2. Consider Monthly Expenditures for January 2025
G.3. Consider Approval of Amended Budget
G.4. Consider Approval of Staff Development Waiver for 2024-2025 School Year
G.5. Consider Approval of Vendor to Replace the Flooring in the Brewer High School Band Hall
G.6. Consider Resolution to Extend the District’s Depository Contract
G.7. Consider Resolution for Bullet-Resistant Shield Grant Program
G.8. Consider Approval of Revised Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with ESC Region 11
G.9. Consider Approval of Vendor for Texas School Medicaid Consulting and Billing Services
G.10. Consider Approval of Vendor for the Purchase of Student Laptops
G.11. Consider Approval of Vendor for the Purchase of Smartboards for the New Fine Arts Academy
G.12. Consider Approval of Vendor for the Purchase and Installation of Access Control & Security Systems for Liberty Elementary
G.13. Consider Approval of Payment to Fort Worth ISD School for the Deaf
H. Separate Items
H.1. Consider 2025-2026 Academic Calendar
H.2. Consider Approval of Change Order for the Brewer Middle School Synthetic Turf Conversion
H.3. Consider Approval of Vendor for Track Resurfacing at Brewer High School
H.4. Consider Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with UNT Health Science Center for CTE Staff Training
H.5. Consider Approval of Vendor for the Purchase of Classroom Furniture for Brewer Middle School
I. Consider Items Discussed in Closed Meeting Including Personnel
J. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 24, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
A. Introduction of Meeting and Pledge of Allegiance
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B. Public Hearing Over Texas Academic Performance Report
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C. Public Comments
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D. Closed Meeting (TX Govt Code 551.071/551.072/551.074/551.082)
Subject: |
D.1. Personnel Concerns
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D.2. Discuss Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
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D.3. Safety/Security
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D.4. Consultation with Board Attorney
Subject: |
E. Reconvene for Open Meeting
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F. Information Items
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F.1. Superintendent's Report
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F.1.a. Financial Update
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F.1.a.1. Construction Update
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F.1.b. Instructional Update
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F.1.c. Policy Update 124
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G. Consent Items (All items listed under this subheading will be adopted with one motion unless they are removed from the Consent Agenda by a Trustee or the Superintendent for discussion.)
Subject: |
G.1. Approve Minutes of January 21, 2025 Regular Meeting and January 27, 2025 Special Meeting
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G.2. Consider Monthly Expenditures for January 2025
The monthly expenditures is presented for the Board of Trustee review in the Revenue and Expenditures Report and the Check Register in the Financial Update Section.
Subject: |
G.3. Consider Approval of Amended Budget
Administration requests approval of amended budgets:
General Fund Transfers between functions: North 11 & 23 Liberty 11, 12 & 23 CTE 11 & 21 Bilingual 11 & 21 Fine Arts Academy 11 & 23 Fine Arts Department 11 & 36 DAEP 23 & 11 Payroll 11, 23, 33 and 41 Brewer High School 23 & 36 Special Programs 11 & 21 Additional funds for Athletics for State Wresting & Regional Girls Basketball in function 36 for $9,536 This amendment increases the deficit budget by $9,536. Debt Service: This amendment increases state revenue due to prior year adjustments in the amount of $204,122. |
Subject: |
G.4. Consider Approval of Staff Development Waiver for 2024-2025 School Year
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G.5. Consider Approval of Vendor to Replace the Flooring in the Brewer High School Band Hall
To ensure long-term durability and maintain an optimal environment for students, the district solicited quotes for replacement of the flooring in the band hall at Brewer High School.
After evaluating proposals, Gomez Floor Covering, Inc. was identified as the vendor offering the best combination of quality, service, and cost-effectiveness for this project. The total cost will be $28,033 and will be funded through bond funds. |
Subject: |
G.6. Consider Resolution to Extend the District’s Depository Contract
The district’s current depository contract with Southside Bank is set to expire on June 30, 2025. Per state guidelines, a school district and its depository bank may extend a contract for up to three additional two-year terms. This resolution authorizes the first two-year extension, extending the contract through June 30, 2027.
Subject: |
G.7. Consider Resolution for Bullet-Resistant Shield Grant Program
At the November 18, 2024, Regular Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees approved the purchase of ballistic shields to enhance officer protection during emergencies. This purchase is funded through the Bullet-Resistant Shield Grant Program administered by the Office of the Governor.
As part of the grant requirements, the Board must approve a resolution designating an authorized official for the grant application process. |
Subject: |
G.8. Consider Approval of Revised Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with ESC Region 11
At the January 21, 2024, Regular Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees approved an MOU to allow the District to become a member of the ESC Region 11 Shared Services Agreement (SSA) for the Texas Education for Homeless Children and Youth (TEHCY) grant.
The term of the MOU was listed as September 20, 2024, through August 31, 2027, in error. The term of agreement is September 20, 2024, through August 31, 2026. We have received a corrected MOU for approval. |
Subject: |
G.9. Consider Approval of Vendor for Texas School Medicaid Consulting and Billing Services
The District participates in the Texas School Medicaid program and currently has an agreement with MSB School Services for consultation, reporting, and billing services. Due to changes that Texas Health and Human Services has made to school Medicaid claiming, MSB School Services has notified the district that they will not be able to honor our agreed upon rates. They will terminate our agreement effective March 10, 2025.
The District requested quotes from other companies, and we have reached an agreement with Houston ISD to provide Texas School Medicaid Consulting and Billing Services. The fee for their services is 6% of Medicaid billing and 2% of the annual SHARS Cost Report reimbursement received by the district. The cost for these services will be paid from SHARS funds. |
Subject: |
G.10. Consider Approval of Vendor for the Purchase of Student Laptops
The district solicited quotes for the purchase of 1,000 student laptops to support the new 6th Grade Center at Brewer Middle School and to replace aging devices for 7th and 8th-grade students. By purchasing directly from Dell through the DIR Cooperative, the district can secure cost savings.
The total purchase cost is $435,000, to be funded through bond proceeds. |
Subject: |
G.11. Consider Approval of Vendor for the Purchase of Smartboards for the New Fine Arts Academy
The district solicited quotes for the purchase of 25 SMART Boards to equip the new Fine Arts Academy. After reviewing available options, staff recommends selecting Piraino Consulting, a vendor participating in the DIR Cooperative, which allows the district to secure cost savings.
The total purchase cost is $104,201, to be funded through bond proceeds. |
Subject: |
G.12. Consider Approval of Vendor for the Purchase and Installation of Access Control & Security Systems for Liberty Elementary
As part of the district’s ongoing efforts to upgrade and standardize access control and security systems across all facilities, the new addition at Liberty Elementary will be equipped with the same system currently in place at other district locations.
Lynk Automation was previously awarded the contract for the districtwide security system upgrades and continues to offer the most competitive pricing and quality service. To maintain consistency and ensure seamless integration, staff recommends Lynk Automation for this project. The total cost will be $66,198 and will be paid from bond funds. |
Subject: |
G.13. Consider Approval of Payment to Fort Worth ISD School for the Deaf
The district has received an invoice to Fort Worth ISD for services provided to WSISD students under a Cooperative for their Regional Day School Program for the Deaf. FWISD currently provides services for WSISD students who require maximum support for their auditory disability.
The invoice for student services for the 2024-2025 school year is $36,000. This amount is included in the current budget and is paid from the Federal Special Education Grant - IDEA B. |
Subject: |
H. Separate Items
Subject: |
H.1. Consider 2025-2026 Academic Calendar
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H.2. Consider Approval of Change Order for the Brewer Middle School Synthetic Turf Conversion
The district previously approved the Synthetic Turf Conversion and Track Resurfacing project at Brewer Middle School, with Paragon Sports Constructors as the selected vendor. During the course of this project, it was discovered that the existing grading is inadequate to ensure proper drainage. To address this issue, a corrective grading plan has been proposed.
The proposed change order includes all necessary grading modifications to improve drainage at a cost of $67,600, which will be funded through construction fund balance. |
Subject: |
H.3. Consider Approval of Vendor for Track Resurfacing at Brewer High School
To ensure safety, durability, and improved performance for student-athletes, the district solicited quotes for the resurfacing of the track at Brewer High School. After evaluating proposals based on cost, materials, longevity, and vendor experience, Hellas Construction was identified as the best qualified vendor for this project.
The scope of work includes removing the existing surface, preparing the base as needed, and installing a new track surface that meets competitive and safety standards. The total project cost is $292,540, which will be funded through construction fund balance. |
Subject: |
H.4. Consider Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with UNT Health Science Center for CTE Staff Training
The district has received a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) from the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth (UNTHSC) to provide specialized training for designated Brewer High School staff. This collaboration is aimed at enhancing the district’s healthcare programs and addressing the increasing demand for professionals in health science, public health, research, and health care fields. The agreement will also support students in earning baccalaureate and graduate certificates and/or degrees in a more efficient manner compared to traditional pathways.
There is no cost to the district for this agreement, which is set to continue through January 31, 2030. |
Subject: |
H.5. Consider Approval of Vendor for the Purchase of Classroom Furniture for Brewer Middle School
The district closed RFP 2425-04 for the purchase of Classroom Furniture for Brewer Middle School on February 13, 2025. This purchase will furnish the classrooms in the new 6th Grade Center. A total of 7 responses were received and evaluated.
After review, Plano Office Supply has been selected as the vendor for this purchase. The total cost of $657,351 will be funded through bond funds. |
Subject: |
I. Consider Items Discussed in Closed Meeting Including Personnel
Subject: |
J. Adjourn