Meeting Agenda
1 9:30 a.m. Bonnie Friedrichs, County Clerk
1 1) Bills to pay
1 COMMITTEE ACTION ONLY: Motion to pay all bills as submitted.
9:35 a.m. Janelle Mott, Financial Officer 1) Child Care Fund's Monthly Report (attachment #1) |
3 9:40 a.m. Prosecutor Ed Black |
3 1) Grant Funding - Crime Victim Rights Advocate (attachment #2)
3 ACTION ITEM #1: The Committee recommends we authorize the Treasurer to transfer $2,000.00 from the Prosecutor's Office Overtime Line Item #101-229-706.000 to Line Item #101-309-702.000 to offset a shortage of funds from the Crime Victim Rights grant for 2020 to keep the part-time crime victim advocate at 20 hours per week as presented.
3 2) Crime Victim Rights Navigator Pilot Program Grant (attachment #3)
3 ACTION ITEM #2: The Committee recommends to approve the Crime Victim Rights Navigator Pilot Program Grant (10/01/19-09/30/20) in the total amount of $60,000 with no County match and to Poll the Full Board due to the Grant application deadline August 27, 2019, pending Grant Review Committee approval.
4 9:45 a.m. Steve Smigelski, Airport Manager
4 1) New Airport Terminal Insurance Bill (attachment #4).
4 ACTION ITEM #3: The Committee recommends to authorize the Treasurer to transfer the funds received from the land release sale of Airport Property to pay for the new terminal insurance in the amount of $5,464.00 with monies coming out of the airport liability insurance line item as presented.
4 2) Primary Airport Services Invoice #1102-13 (attachment #5).
4 ACTION ITEM #4: The Committee recommends to authorize the Treasurer to transfer $1,145.80 from Line Item #295-536-625 (PFC Equity Fund) to #295-536-805 (Consulting Services) to pay Primary Airport Services Invoice #1102-13 in the amount of $1,145.80 as presented.
4 3) RS&H Invoice #2100025001-1 (attachment #6).
4 ACTION ITEM #5: The Committee recommends to authorize the Treasurer to transfer $4,575.00 from Line Item #295-536-625 (PFC Equity Fund) to #295-536-805 (Consulting Services) to pay RS&H Invoice #2100025001-1 Professional Services, SRE Procurement in the amount of $4,575.00 as presented.
4 4) RS&H Invoice #2100025001-4 (attachment #7).
4 ACTION ITEM #6: The Committee recommends to authorize the Treasurer to transfer $2,745.00 from Line Item #295-536-625 (PFC Equity Fund) to #295-536-805 (Consulting Services) to pay RS&H Invoice 2100025001-4 Runway Sweeper Procurement in the amount of $2,745.00 as presented.
4 5) Spence Brothers Pay Application No. 9 Invoice (attachment #8).
4 ACTION ITEM #7: The Committee recommends we approve the Spence Brothers June Payment Application No. 9 Invoice for the new airport terminal project #18-180 in the amount of $268,213.09 (County’s portion) with monies coming from Line Item #481-595-975 as presented. |
4 6) FAA Grant Offer for Purchase of New Runway Sweeper (attachment #9)
4 ACTION ITEM #8: The Committee recommends to approve the FAA Grant Offer in the amount of $560,826.00 ($532,784.00 FAA and $14,021.00 MDOT) with a County Match of $14,021.00 and monies to come out of the PFC Fund line item #295-536-625 as presented pending Grant Review Committee approval.
5 9:55 a.m. Finance Chair Bill Peterson
5 Land Release Sale Transfer of Funds
5 ACTION ITEM #9: The Committee recommends to authorize the Treasurer to transfer $34,627.00 of the $38,500 into the proper line items in the Airport budget from the Land Release Sale to pay the remaining airport expenses and the remaining balance of the sale to be used to repay the County for previous indirect costs as presented.
5 2) Veterans Affairs Board Member Per Diem (attachment #10)
5 ACTION ITEM #10: The Committee recommends we approve an exception to the travel policy for over 30 days and authorize payment to Veterans Affairs Board Member, Rebecca Mott, Per Diem and Mileage Voucher as presented.
7 10:00 a.m. Wes Wilder, Maintenance Supervisor
7 1) Request Compressor Replacement at the Health Department (attachment #11).
7 ACTION ITEM #11: The Committee recommends we approve the proposal from Weinkauf Plumbing and Heating for air conditioner unit compressor replacement at the Health Department in the amount of $3,938.00 from line item #249-265-931 as presented. If the oil is found to be contaminated there will be an additional charge of $1,375.00.
7 2) Request Replacement of Thresholds for two Zamboni Gates (attachment #12).
7 ACTION ITEM #12: The Committee recommends we approve the Quote from Becker Arena Products to replace two Zamboni gate thresholds at Northern Lights Arena in the amount of $2,713.00 with monies coming from line item #580-900-975 as presented, with installation to be done by NLA staff. |
7 3) Request Building Automation Upgrade for NLA (attachment #13).
7 ACTION ITEM #13: The Committee recommends we approve the proposal from Control Solutions to upgrade the building automation system at Northern Lights Arena in the amount of $7,785.00 to make necessary changes at NLA to provide this upgrade with monies coming from line item 580-900-975.
8 10:05 a.m. Sheriff Steve Kieliszewski
8 1) Request for Proposal to Bid for Jail Food Service Contract (attachment #14).
8 ACTION ITEM #14: The Committee recommends approving the Sheriff’s Office request to publish Request for Proposal to Bid for Jail Food Service Contract for a term of five years with starting date on January 1, 2020 and to extend the contract without bid on a year-to-year basis for additional one year periods as presented pending attorney review.
8 2) Secondary Road Patrol 2020 Grant Renewal (attachment #15)
8 ACTION ITEM #15: The Committee recommends we approve the Fiscal Year 2020 (October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020) Secondary Road Patrol Grant Renewal as presented in the amount of $85,463.47 with the County match of $36,333.47 and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining paperwork as presented, pending Grant Review Committee Approval.
8 3) Inmate Debt Collection (attachment #16)
8 ACTION ITEM #16: The Committee recommends to authorize the Treasurer to add line item numbers 101-301-694.004 (Revenue – Debt Collection) and 101-301-801.001 (Expense – Debt Collection) to the Sheriff’s Office budget to capture revenues and expenses related to Inmate Debt Collection as presented.
9 10:15 a.m. Deputy Mike Lash - Sheriff's Office
9 1) Recommendation to select Bid from Patriot Drones (attachment #17)
9 ACTION ITEM #17: The Committee recommends to approve the Sheriff's Office request to accept Bid for the Unmanned Aircraft System Drone from Patriot Drones in the amount of $7,408.99 with monies coming out of Line Item #101-301-675.004 as presented.
10 10:20 a.m. Sgt. J.P. Ritter - Sheriff's Office |
10 1) Recommendation to select Bid from Cliff Anschuetz Chevrolet (attachment #18).
10 ACTION ITEM #18: The Committee recommends to approve the Sheriff's Office request to accept Bid for 2015 Chevy Tahoe from Cliff Anschuetz Chevrolet in the amount of $26,460.00. To accomplish this we recommend authorizing the Treasurer to transfer $7,445.62 from Insurance Recoveries Line Item #101-301-679.000 to CRTC Vehicle Purchase Line Item #205-302-977.002, as presented.
10 2) Request permission to seek bids to replace vehicle #41 (2012 Ford transport van) and decommission and list for sale vehicle #41 (attachment #19).
10 ACTION ITEM #19: The Committee recommends we authorize the Sheriff's Office to seek bids for the purchase of a newer transport van to replace vehicle #41 (2012 Ford transport van). The Committee also recommends the decommissioning of vehicle #41, placing it for sale on a website to Sheriff's Offices in the state of Michigan with the intent to sell it as is with a cage, lettered and lights, as presented.
11 10:25 a.m. Mark Hall, Emergency Services Coordinator |
11 1) Recommendation to select Bid from Grand Traverse Mobile Communications (attachment #20)
11 ACTION ITEM #20: The Committee recommends to approve the Emergency Services Coordinator's request to accept Bid for 800 MHz Radios in the amount of $54,369.00 from Grand Traverse Mobile Communications with monies coming from Line Item #211-325-970.000 as presented.
12 10:30 a.m. Kim Ludlow, County Treasurer |
12 1) Monthly Reports
12 2) District Health Building Fund (attachment #21).
12 ACTION ITEM #21: The Committee recommends we approve the Treasurer’s request to return the balance of the 2018 appropriation amount of $20,900.00 to the General Fund as presented. The General Fund appropriated $55,000.00 to the District Health Building Fund of which $34,100.00 was returned in 2018. The 2018 Audit has been completed and the District Health Building Fund ended 2018 with a Fund Balance of $42,915.15.
12 Munetrix 3-year Subscription Renewal (attachment #22).
12 ACTION ITEM #22: The Committee recommends an increase to line item 101-200-807 by $1,453.00 with reduction to the Contingency Line Item #101-941-998 by the same amount as presented.
12 Policy for Automated Clearing House (ACH) Arrangements and Electronic Transactions of Funds (attachment #23).
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 21, 2019 at 9:30 AM - Finance Committee | |
Subject: |
1 9:30 a.m. Bonnie Friedrichs, County Clerk
Subject: |
1 1) Bills to pay
Subject: |
1 COMMITTEE ACTION ONLY: Motion to pay all bills as submitted.
Subject: |
9:35 a.m. Janelle Mott, Financial Officer 1) Child Care Fund's Monthly Report (attachment #1) |
Subject: |
3 9:40 a.m. Prosecutor Ed Black |
Subject: |
3 1) Grant Funding - Crime Victim Rights Advocate (attachment #2)
Subject: |
3 ACTION ITEM #1: The Committee recommends we authorize the Treasurer to transfer $2,000.00 from the Prosecutor's Office Overtime Line Item #101-229-706.000 to Line Item #101-309-702.000 to offset a shortage of funds from the Crime Victim Rights grant for 2020 to keep the part-time crime victim advocate at 20 hours per week as presented.
Subject: |
3 2) Crime Victim Rights Navigator Pilot Program Grant (attachment #3)
Subject: |
3 ACTION ITEM #2: The Committee recommends to approve the Crime Victim Rights Navigator Pilot Program Grant (10/01/19-09/30/20) in the total amount of $60,000 with no County match and to Poll the Full Board due to the Grant application deadline August 27, 2019, pending Grant Review Committee approval.
Subject: |
4 9:45 a.m. Steve Smigelski, Airport Manager
Subject: |
4 1) New Airport Terminal Insurance Bill (attachment #4).
Subject: |
4 ACTION ITEM #3: The Committee recommends to authorize the Treasurer to transfer the funds received from the land release sale of Airport Property to pay for the new terminal insurance in the amount of $5,464.00 with monies coming out of the airport liability insurance line item as presented.
Subject: |
4 2) Primary Airport Services Invoice #1102-13 (attachment #5).
Subject: |
4 ACTION ITEM #4: The Committee recommends to authorize the Treasurer to transfer $1,145.80 from Line Item #295-536-625 (PFC Equity Fund) to #295-536-805 (Consulting Services) to pay Primary Airport Services Invoice #1102-13 in the amount of $1,145.80 as presented.
Subject: |
4 3) RS&H Invoice #2100025001-1 (attachment #6).
Subject: |
4 ACTION ITEM #5: The Committee recommends to authorize the Treasurer to transfer $4,575.00 from Line Item #295-536-625 (PFC Equity Fund) to #295-536-805 (Consulting Services) to pay RS&H Invoice #2100025001-1 Professional Services, SRE Procurement in the amount of $4,575.00 as presented.
Subject: |
4 4) RS&H Invoice #2100025001-4 (attachment #7).
Subject: |
4 ACTION ITEM #6: The Committee recommends to authorize the Treasurer to transfer $2,745.00 from Line Item #295-536-625 (PFC Equity Fund) to #295-536-805 (Consulting Services) to pay RS&H Invoice 2100025001-4 Runway Sweeper Procurement in the amount of $2,745.00 as presented.
Subject: |
4 5) Spence Brothers Pay Application No. 9 Invoice (attachment #8).
Subject: |
4 ACTION ITEM #7: The Committee recommends we approve the Spence Brothers June Payment Application No. 9 Invoice for the new airport terminal project #18-180 in the amount of $268,213.09 (County’s portion) with monies coming from Line Item #481-595-975 as presented. |
Subject: |
4 6) FAA Grant Offer for Purchase of New Runway Sweeper (attachment #9)
Subject: |
4 ACTION ITEM #8: The Committee recommends to approve the FAA Grant Offer in the amount of $560,826.00 ($532,784.00 FAA and $14,021.00 MDOT) with a County Match of $14,021.00 and monies to come out of the PFC Fund line item #295-536-625 as presented pending Grant Review Committee approval.
Subject: |
5 9:55 a.m. Finance Chair Bill Peterson
Subject: |
5 Land Release Sale Transfer of Funds
Subject: |
5 ACTION ITEM #9: The Committee recommends to authorize the Treasurer to transfer $34,627.00 of the $38,500 into the proper line items in the Airport budget from the Land Release Sale to pay the remaining airport expenses and the remaining balance of the sale to be used to repay the County for previous indirect costs as presented.
Subject: |
5 2) Veterans Affairs Board Member Per Diem (attachment #10)
Subject: |
5 ACTION ITEM #10: The Committee recommends we approve an exception to the travel policy for over 30 days and authorize payment to Veterans Affairs Board Member, Rebecca Mott, Per Diem and Mileage Voucher as presented.
Subject: |
Subject: |
7 10:00 a.m. Wes Wilder, Maintenance Supervisor
Subject: |
7 1) Request Compressor Replacement at the Health Department (attachment #11).
Subject: |
7 ACTION ITEM #11: The Committee recommends we approve the proposal from Weinkauf Plumbing and Heating for air conditioner unit compressor replacement at the Health Department in the amount of $3,938.00 from line item #249-265-931 as presented. If the oil is found to be contaminated there will be an additional charge of $1,375.00.
Subject: |
7 2) Request Replacement of Thresholds for two Zamboni Gates (attachment #12).
Subject: |
7 ACTION ITEM #12: The Committee recommends we approve the Quote from Becker Arena Products to replace two Zamboni gate thresholds at Northern Lights Arena in the amount of $2,713.00 with monies coming from line item #580-900-975 as presented, with installation to be done by NLA staff. |
Subject: |
7 3) Request Building Automation Upgrade for NLA (attachment #13).
Subject: |
7 ACTION ITEM #13: The Committee recommends we approve the proposal from Control Solutions to upgrade the building automation system at Northern Lights Arena in the amount of $7,785.00 to make necessary changes at NLA to provide this upgrade with monies coming from line item 580-900-975.
Subject: |
8 10:05 a.m. Sheriff Steve Kieliszewski
Subject: |
8 1) Request for Proposal to Bid for Jail Food Service Contract (attachment #14).
Subject: |
8 ACTION ITEM #14: The Committee recommends approving the Sheriff’s Office request to publish Request for Proposal to Bid for Jail Food Service Contract for a term of five years with starting date on January 1, 2020 and to extend the contract without bid on a year-to-year basis for additional one year periods as presented pending attorney review.
Subject: |
8 2) Secondary Road Patrol 2020 Grant Renewal (attachment #15)
Subject: |
8 ACTION ITEM #15: The Committee recommends we approve the Fiscal Year 2020 (October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020) Secondary Road Patrol Grant Renewal as presented in the amount of $85,463.47 with the County match of $36,333.47 and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining paperwork as presented, pending Grant Review Committee Approval.
Subject: |
8 3) Inmate Debt Collection (attachment #16)
Subject: |
8 ACTION ITEM #16: The Committee recommends to authorize the Treasurer to add line item numbers 101-301-694.004 (Revenue – Debt Collection) and 101-301-801.001 (Expense – Debt Collection) to the Sheriff’s Office budget to capture revenues and expenses related to Inmate Debt Collection as presented.
Subject: |
9 10:15 a.m. Deputy Mike Lash - Sheriff's Office
Subject: |
9 1) Recommendation to select Bid from Patriot Drones (attachment #17)
Subject: |
9 ACTION ITEM #17: The Committee recommends to approve the Sheriff's Office request to accept Bid for the Unmanned Aircraft System Drone from Patriot Drones in the amount of $7,408.99 with monies coming out of Line Item #101-301-675.004 as presented.
Subject: |
10 10:20 a.m. Sgt. J.P. Ritter - Sheriff's Office |
Subject: |
10 1) Recommendation to select Bid from Cliff Anschuetz Chevrolet (attachment #18).
Subject: |
10 ACTION ITEM #18: The Committee recommends to approve the Sheriff's Office request to accept Bid for 2015 Chevy Tahoe from Cliff Anschuetz Chevrolet in the amount of $26,460.00. To accomplish this we recommend authorizing the Treasurer to transfer $7,445.62 from Insurance Recoveries Line Item #101-301-679.000 to CRTC Vehicle Purchase Line Item #205-302-977.002, as presented.
Subject: |
10 2) Request permission to seek bids to replace vehicle #41 (2012 Ford transport van) and decommission and list for sale vehicle #41 (attachment #19).
Subject: |
10 ACTION ITEM #19: The Committee recommends we authorize the Sheriff's Office to seek bids for the purchase of a newer transport van to replace vehicle #41 (2012 Ford transport van). The Committee also recommends the decommissioning of vehicle #41, placing it for sale on a website to Sheriff's Offices in the state of Michigan with the intent to sell it as is with a cage, lettered and lights, as presented.
Subject: |
11 10:25 a.m. Mark Hall, Emergency Services Coordinator |
Subject: |
11 1) Recommendation to select Bid from Grand Traverse Mobile Communications (attachment #20)
Subject: |
11 ACTION ITEM #20: The Committee recommends to approve the Emergency Services Coordinator's request to accept Bid for 800 MHz Radios in the amount of $54,369.00 from Grand Traverse Mobile Communications with monies coming from Line Item #211-325-970.000 as presented.
Subject: |
12 10:30 a.m. Kim Ludlow, County Treasurer |
Subject: |
12 1) Monthly Reports
Subject: |
12 2) District Health Building Fund (attachment #21).
Subject: |
12 ACTION ITEM #21: The Committee recommends we approve the Treasurer’s request to return the balance of the 2018 appropriation amount of $20,900.00 to the General Fund as presented. The General Fund appropriated $55,000.00 to the District Health Building Fund of which $34,100.00 was returned in 2018. The 2018 Audit has been completed and the District Health Building Fund ended 2018 with a Fund Balance of $42,915.15.
Subject: |
12 Munetrix 3-year Subscription Renewal (attachment #22).
Subject: |
12 ACTION ITEM #22: The Committee recommends an increase to line item 101-200-807 by $1,453.00 with reduction to the Contingency Line Item #101-941-998 by the same amount as presented.
Subject: |
12 Policy for Automated Clearing House (ACH) Arrangements and Electronic Transactions of Funds (attachment #23).
Subject: |