Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order at 7:30 P.M. from the STEM CENTER in Greenbush
2. Roll Call
3. Listening Session
3.1. Presentation by First Robotics
4. Motion to go into Recess for the purpose of Board members conducting a "walking tour" of possible school facility improvements at the Bus Garage and School Campus per se.
5. School members resume meeting in the GMR School Library. Motion to end recess and meeting will come to order.
6. Recommendation to add items to the agenda from Board members or School Administrators
7. Approval of Agenda
7.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the agenda of the May 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting as presented/amended.
8. Minutes
8.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the minutes of the preceding regular meeting of April 18, 2022.
9. Business Services
9.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the payment of bills check #39241 through #39324 for a total of $150,968.22 and Purchasing Card electronic payments dated April 5, 2022 and Electronic Funds Transfers as submitted.
9.2. Treasurer's Report
10. Greenbush Middle River School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report (as previously requested by board member to provide on monthly basis).
11. Significant School Events and Communication:
11.1. First Robotics
11.2. MN High School League Arts Festival
11.3. Board acceptance of donations to the School
11.4. Elementary School Playground Storage Shed
11.5. Teacher Appreciation Week
11.6. Students assisting with sandbagging in the City of Middle River
12. Old Business
12.1. FCCLA Attending National Competition - Request for funding
12.2. Up-date on Round II and Round III ESSER Funding
12.2.a. Purchase of School Bus using Round III Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) [Federal COVID Relief funds]
12.2.b. Purchase replacement Classroom Technology using Round III Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) [Federal COVID Relief funds]
12.2.c. Purchase of a replacement enclosed travel trailer using Round II Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) [Federal COVID Relief funds]
12.3. Adoption of proposed changes to 2022-2023 Student Handbook
12.4. Renewal status of Group Health & Hospitalization Insurance for Eligible Employees
12.5. School Parking Lot Improvement Project
12.6. School Board Model Policy Up-dates
12.6.a. Post Issuance Abatement Bond Compliance Policy
12.7. Superintendent Contract
13. New Business:
13.1. Teacher Staffing in 2022-2023
13.2. Consideration of School Improvements Projects over the summer months
13.3. June Board Meeting Date
13.4. Renew Membership in MN State High School League
13.5. School Board Elections as a part of the November 8, 2022 General Election
14. Reports:
14.1. Superintendent
14.1.a. MN Legislature - up-date on legislative action
14.1.b. Front Line Pay as approved by the 2022 MN Legislature
14.1.c. Communication from Roseau County Assessor regarding property taxes
14.1.d. School Funding Implications from 2020 Federal Census
14.1.e. Vendor ( newly announced time limitation on remote meeting access
14.2. Principal
14.2.a. MCA Testing & MN Dept. of Ed. Monitoring Site Visit
14.2.b. Senior Class Trip
15. Adjournment
16. Communications
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | May 16, 2022 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order at 7:30 P.M. from the STEM CENTER in Greenbush
Meeting will start at the STEM Center in Greenbush
Subject: |
2. Roll Call
Subject: |
3. Listening Session
All speakers are asked to complete the Listening Session Sign-in Form including as much detail as possible and including a printed / written copy of your presentation if one is available. This is an opportunity for the Board to listen, the Board will not engage in dialogue. As a general rule, the Board will not comment on or respond to any comments made by speakers. Please do not include names of Greenbush Middle River employees or representatives, their title, or location in your remarks for your own legal protection and the legal rights of staff.
Each speaker will have five (5) minutes to speak: speakers may not roll their time to another speaker. Speakers will be timed and are asked to complete their comments in this time frame. Board members may ask questions if needed. Please begin your presentation by stating your name and topic only. In the spirit of fairness to all participants, we request that you respect the format above. Thank you for taking the time today to attend this meeting and share your concerns and suggestions. Members of the public may wish to email Board [listening session] communication(s) to <> |
Subject: |
3.1. Presentation by First Robotics
First Robotics had an outstanding 2021-2022 season:
First Robotics Advisor [Mary Anderson] along with two students will be on the morning Radio program (KQ 92) on Tuesday, May 17 @ ~8:30 a.m. |
Subject: |
4. Motion to go into Recess for the purpose of Board members conducting a "walking tour" of possible school facility improvements at the Bus Garage and School Campus per se.
Motion by Board Member ___________________ and seconded by _______________ to recess the meeting for the purpose of the Board and members of the public to participate in a "walking tour" of possible school facility improvements in the summer of 2022 at the Bus Garage and School Campus per se. |
Subject: |
5. School members resume meeting in the GMR School Library. Motion to end recess and meeting will come to order.
With the motion below, the school will activate its Zoom software to provide remote access to the Public meeting.
Motion by Board member ___________________ and seconded by _______________ to end meeting recess. |
Subject: |
6. Recommendation to add items to the agenda from Board members or School Administrators
Subject: |
7. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
7.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the agenda of the May 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting as presented/amended.
Subject: |
8. Minutes
Subject: |
8.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the minutes of the preceding regular meeting of April 18, 2022.
Subject: |
9. Business Services
Subject: |
9.1. A motion was made by ____________________, seconded by ____________________ to approve the payment of bills check #39241 through #39324 for a total of $150,968.22 and Purchasing Card electronic payments dated April 5, 2022 and Electronic Funds Transfers as submitted.
Subject: |
9.2. Treasurer's Report
![]() |
Subject: |
10. Greenbush Middle River School District Budget to Actual Expenditure Report (as previously requested by board member to provide on monthly basis).
Budget consists of 6 fund balances:
Subject: |
11. Significant School Events and Communication:
Subject: |
11.1. First Robotics
Congratulations to First Robotics students and mentors, they had an outstanding 2021-2022 season:
1st Place in the Northern Lights Regional Competition (Duluth) 1st Place in the Great Northern Competition (Grand Forks) 1st Place in State Competition ( University of MN - Mpls.) Participant in World Competition (Houston, TX) Mrs. Mary Anderson is the lead Advisor |
Subject: |
11.2. MN High School League Arts Festival
Congratulations to the following Arts Festival Award Winners at the MN High School League Arts Festival held in Warroad
Paris Sondreal Makenna Eeg Meagan Otto Jaden Solberg Sierra Westberg Berlyn Burkel Nicole Berard |
Subject: |
11.3. Board acceptance of donations to the School
Recognition of DK Farms:
Asbestos was removed from an aging and dilapidated storage shed by a licensed contractor. DK Farms did a tear-down and removal of the shed. ------------------------ Donation of $20 to First Robotics by Judy Pulzinski in memory of Jean Tureson Donation of $50 to the School Library by Carrie Jo Howard in memory of Jean Tureson Donation of $250 by the Roseau County Republican Association [complimentary donation for using the school for Senate District 1 Convention] to be applied towards signage (bus trailer or parking lot entrance) Donation of $5,000 from Allison and John Harder via Monsanto America's Farmers Grow Grant Application to Softball Field Restroom replacement project. Suggested Board Action: Motion by Board Member _______________ and seconded by ______________________ to accept the donations to the school from: Judy Pulzinski, Carrie Jo Howard, Roseau County Republican Association and Allison and John Harder via Monsanto America's Farmers Grow Grant. |
Subject: |
11.4. Elementary School Playground Storage Shed
Thank you Mary Kuznia and family for donating materials to the school for the High School Woods Class to construct a storage shed for playground equipment and games. This storage will eliminate taking items in and out of the school each day and "open up" storage inside the school. The storage shed will be placed adjacent to the Elementary School playground.
photo attached |
Subject: |
11.5. Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher Appreciation Week was May 2-6. A sheet cake was provided as a gesture of appreciation. Thank you for all you do.
Subject: |
11.6. Students assisting with sandbagging in the City of Middle River
Due to heavy rainfall over last few days the City of Middle River experienced high-water flooding. On May 13th, GMR students were bussed to Middle River to assist with sandbagging efforts.
All hands were on deck from a bus driver to Kitchen staff making meals to staff support and Principal to make this flood-fighting effort happen. |
Subject: |
12. Old Business
Subject: |
12.1. FCCLA Attending National Competition - Request for funding
Subject: |
12.2. Up-date on Round II and Round III ESSER Funding
See attached Federal Funding diagram as presented in the May 17, 2021 School Board meeting
Subject: |
12.2.a. Purchase of School Bus using Round III Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) [Federal COVID Relief funds]
Purchase of a school route bus is a part of updating an aging school bus fleet.
Suggested Board Action: Motion by Board member ____________________ and seconded by _________________ to approve the purchase of a School Bus for ~$90,000 with Round III Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) [Federal COVID Relief funds] contingent in MN Dept. of Education approval. |
Subject: |
12.2.b. Purchase replacement Classroom Technology using Round III Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) [Federal COVID Relief funds]
A teacher Tech Committee has been reviewing the need to replace classroom Interactive Flat Panels (Whiteboards) and the computers needed to operate the new panels.
Current classroom Interactive Flat Panels are approaching 20 years old and the current teacher computers used to run the classroom Interactive Flat Panels are nearly 5 years old. The Tech Committee and Administrative recommendation is to replace the aging classroom Interactive Flat Panels and teacher computers using Round III ESSER Funds. The purchase recommendation also includes computer cabling and carts for the classroom Interactive Flat Panels. Suggested Board Action: Motion by Board member ____________________ and seconded by _________________ to approve the purchase of classroom technology equipment for ~$121,000 using Round III Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) [Federal COVID Relief funds] contingent in MN Dept. of Education approval. |
Subject: |
12.2.c. Purchase of a replacement enclosed travel trailer using Round II Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) [Federal COVID Relief funds]
The current enclosed travel trailer is aging and becoming more difficult to get inspection approval by the Dept. of Transportation. Examples of trailer utilization include hauling athletic equipment, transporting musical instruments and Robotics. Use Round II of Federal Covid Relief Funds to replace the existing enclosed travel trailer.
Suggested Board Action: Motion by Board member ____________________ and seconded by _________________ to approve the purchase of an enclosed trailer for ~$8,000 with Round II Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) [Federal COVID Relief funds] contingent in MN Dept. of Education approval. |
Subject: |
12.3. Adoption of proposed changes to 2022-2023 Student Handbook
Proposed changes to the 2022-2023 student handbook were presented to the Board during the April regular Board meeting. The proposed changes include the Board's adoption of an e-Learning Plan for implementation effective with the 2022-2023 school year.
See attached Suggested Board Action: Motion by Board member _________________ to approve proposed changes to the 2022-2023 student handbook. |
Subject: |
12.4. Renewal status of Group Health & Hospitalization Insurance for Eligible Employees
The Agreement between the GMR School Board and GMR-Education Association [GMR-EA] includes a district financial contribution (benefit) to be applied towards paying the premium for a group health & hospitalization insurance program.
Effective July 1, 2014, GMR teachers voted to participate in the Public Employees Insurance Program (PEIP). Prior to this change, the teachers were in an insurance pool sponsored by the NW Service Cooperative. On April 4, 2022, PEIP sent the district renewal information which included a significant increase (~50%) in H & H insurance premiums. Fifteen (15) other schools in the State involved in the PEIP program also received a similar rate increase. In MN statute, an increase of this size permits schools to seek other H & H options without going through formal bid protocol. The District met with H & H Committee members formally and informally to address the issue and to seek bids from vendors with the assistance from a licensed insurance broker. After much effort, and with the assistance of the MN School Boards Association, the existing group H & H insurance carrier (Public Employee Insurance Program) [PEIP] for teachers has been offered to be renewed at a 13.8% increase over 2021-2022. GMR Teachers have accepted this rate increase offer. The existing small group H & H insurance carrier (NW Service Cooperative) will be renewed at approximate 4.0% increase over 2021-2022. Renewal efforts (documentation) will begin the week of May 16. Due to the lateness of H & H renewal, summer "payouts" will take place in June [rather than May]. |
Subject: |
12.5. School Parking Lot Improvement Project
Bids for paving the School Parking Lot were opened on April 28 at the Roseau County Highway Dept.
The over-all scope of the project includes: Paving from the north entrance to (and including) the elementary playground. Sidewalk and fence replacement by the elementary playground, over-head wires by softball field placed underground by Otter Tail Power, removal of Propane tank by softball field, LED lights installed on building for lighting up the parking lot, new signage (eg: Handicap Parking, No Parking, etc.), parking stall painting, replace green-treated wood siding on exterior of wrestling room. These improvement projects will be paid with funds from an Abatement Bond approved by the Brd. in their April Brd meeting. And a $150,000 donation from the American Endowment Foundation on behalf of the Dennis and Terri Brazier Charitable Fund. Any "leftover" funds will go towards a laundry list of other facility improvement requests. see attached Board discussion on options for Parking Lot Improvement Project. Suggested Board Action: Motion by Board member _______________ and seconded by to |
Subject: |
12.6. School Board Model Policy Up-dates
As presented during the April 18 regular school board meeting...
The GMR School District is a member of the MN School Boards Association [MSBA]. One of the services MSBA provides is policy development and review. MSBA has undertaken a deep review and revision of the model policies. Following policy updates released in late January 2022, in mid-April 2022 MSBA released revisions to each model policy Form. In terms of actual Policy up-dates, because the policy revisions: (1) reflect legal changes that the Minnesota legislature adopted; or (2) update references rather than substantive policy language, a school board may adopt the revisions in a single meeting pursuant to MSBA Model Policy 208: "If a policy is modified with minor changes that do not affect the substance of the policy or because of a legal change over which the school board has no control, the modified policy may be approved at one meeting [en mass] at the discretion of the school board." See attached MSBA Model Policy Technical Revisions: Series 100-600 ============================= A number of the policy Forms have been updated. These updates are not substantive and are not intended to revise the policies to which they are related. School districts may choose how they prefer to handle form updates. Administrators may opt to review the changes and report to the board on updates that the administration believe should be brought to the board’s attention. The board may choose to have a policy review committee review the updates. While the forms are not themselves policy, a school board may handle them pursuant to MSBA Model Policy 208 in terms of adoption (see above). MSBA recommends that school districts consider the following form updates: Model Model Policy Title Notes Policy # 404 Employment Background Checks - Aligns with updated state form 406 Public and Private Personnel Data - Aligns with updated state form 414 Mandated Reporting Child Neglect Updated MDE form 416 Drug and Alcohol Testing - Formatting Correction 614 School District Testing Plan - Deleted form 806 Crisis Management Plan Updated - URLs on pages 1 and 2 See attached: MSBA Model Policy Form Up-dates Suggest School Board Action: Motion by Board member __________ and seconded by ___________________ to approve en mass model school board policy and model policy forms as recommended by the MN School Boards Association. |
Subject: |
12.6.a. Post Issuance Abatement Bond Compliance Policy
Since December 2021, the school board has been given consideration towards issuing an Abatement Bond for the purpose of up-grading its school parking lot. The Board approved an Abatement Bond in its April regular meeting. The District's Financial Advisor and Legal Council recommend the Board approve a Post-Issuance Policy. The policy assures the District will spend the Bond proceeds on the intended (statutory) purpose - a parking lot improvement project.
Motion by Board member ___________________ and seconded by _____________ to approve Independent School District No. 2683 (Greenbush-Middle River), Minnesota Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Policy The School Board (the "Board") of Independent School District No. 2683 (Greenbush-Middle River), Minnesota (the "District") has chosen, by policy, to take steps to help ensure that all obligations will be in compliance with all applicable federal regulations. This policy may be amended, as necessary, in the future. IRS Background The Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") is responsible for enforcing compliance with the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code") and regulations promulgated thereunder ("Treasury Regulations") governing certain obligations (for example: tax-exempt obligations, Build America Bonds, Recovery Zone Development Bonds and various "Tax Credit" Bonds). The IRS encourages issuers and beneficiaries of such obligations to adopt and implement a post-issuance debt compliance policy and procedures to safeguard against post-issuance violations. SEC Background The Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") is responsible for enforcing compliance with its Rule 15c2-12 (the "Rule") of the securities act. Issuers and borrowers of municipal securities (referred to as "obligated persons") generally have a requirement to meet specific continuing disclosure standards set forth in continuing disclosure agreements ("CDA"). Unless the issuer, obligated person, or a specific obligation is exempt from compliance with CDAs, these agreements are entered into at the time of issuance to enable underwriter(s) to comply with the Rule. The Rule sets forth certain obligations of (i) underwriters to receive, review and disseminate official statements of most primary offerings of municipal securities, (ii) underwriters to obtain CDAs from issuers and other obligated persons to provide material event disclosures and annual financial information on a continuing basis, and (iii) broker-dealers to have access to such continuing disclosures in order to make recommendations of municipal securities transactions in the secondary market. The SEC encourages issuers and obligated persons adopt and implement a post-issuance debt compliance policy and procedures to safeguard against Rule violations. When obligations are issued, the CDA commits the issuer or obligated person to provide certain financial and statistical information and material event notices to the public. Issuers and other obligated persons may also choose to provide periodic, voluntary financial information and filings to investors in addition to fulfilling the specific responsibilities delineated in CDAs. It is important to note that issuers and other obligated persons should not give any one investor certain information that is not readily available to all market participants by disseminating information to the marketplace, at large. Issuers and other obligated persons should be aware that any disclosure activities determined to be "communicating to the market" can be subject to regulatory scrutiny. Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Policy Objective The District desires to monitor these obligations to ensure compliance with the IRS Code, Treasury Regulations and the SEC Rule. To help ensure compliance, the District has developed the following policy (the "Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Policy"). The Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Policy shall apply to all obligations, including bonds, notes, loans, lease purchase contracts, lines of credit, commercial paper or any other form of debt that is subject to compliance. Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Policy The Business Manager of the District is designated as the District’s agent who is responsible for post-issuance compliance obligations. The Business Manager shall assemble all relevant documentation, records and activities required to ensure post-issuance debt compliance as further detailed in corresponding procedures (the "Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Procedures"). At a minimum, the Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Procedures for each qualifying obligation will address the following:
The Business Manager shall apply the Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Procedures to each qualifying obligation and maintain a record of the results. Further, the Business Manager will ensure that the Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Policy and Procedures are updated on a regular and as needed basis. The Business Manager or any other individuals responsible for assisting the Business Manager in maintaining records needed to ensure post-issuance debt compliance, are authorized to expend funds as needed to attend training or secure use of other educational resources for ensuring compliance such as consulting, publications, and compliance assistance. Most of the provisions of this Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Policy are not applicable to taxable governmental obligations unless there is a reasonable possibility that the District may refund their taxable governmental obligation, in whole or in part, with the proceeds of a tax-exempt governmental obligation. If this refunding possibility exists, then the District shall treat the taxable governmental obligation as if such issue were an issue of tax-exempt governmental obligations and comply with the requirements of this Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Policy. Private Activity Bonds The District may issue tax-exempt obligations that are "private activity" bonds because either (1) the bonds finance a facility that is owned by the District but used by one or more qualified 501(c)(3) organizations, or (2) the bonds are so-called "conduit bonds", where the proceeds are loaned to a qualified 501(c)(3) organization or another private entity that finances activities eligible for tax-exempt financing under federal law (such as certain manufacturing projects and certain affordable housing projects). Prior to the issuance of either of these types of bonds, the Business Manager shall take steps necessary to ensure that such obligations will remain in compliance with the requirements of this Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Policy. In a case where compliance activities are reasonably within the control of a private party (i.e., a 501(c)(3) organization or conduit borrower), the Business Manager may determine that all or some portion of compliance responsibilities described in this Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Policy shall be assigned to the relevant party. In the case of conduit bonds, the conduit borrower will be assigned all compliance responsibilities other than those required to be undertaken by the District under federal law. In a case where the Business Manager is concerned about the compliance ability of a private party, the Business Manager may require that a trustee or other independent third party be retained to assist with record keeping for the obligation and/or that the trustee or such third party be responsible for all or some portion of the compliance responsibilities. The Business Manager is additionally authorized to seek the advice, as necessary, of bond counsel, disclosure counsel, and/or its financial advisor to ensure the District is in compliance with this Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Policy. Adopted this date May 16, 2022 by Independent School District No. 2683 (Greenbush-Middle River), Minnesota |
Subject: |
12.7. Superintendent Contract
MN Statute requires a School District to employee a licensed School Superintendent:
The current Superintendent of School was employed by the GMR School Board in late June 2019 for the 2019-2020 school year as a part-time interim Superintendent. With the on-set of COVID-19 in March 2020, a similar employment agreement was extended to the 2020-2021 school year as well as the 2021-2022 school year. A recruitment effort to replace the current Supt. was conducted by a Joint Powers Board (Greenbush Middle River and Tri-County School Districts) in March and April. The outcome of that effort was such that the Board recommends to extend a one-year Supt. contract to Dr. Larry Guggisberg. Motion by Board Member _____________ and seconded by _______________ to extend a Superintendent Contract for the 2022-2023 school year. |
Subject: |
13. New Business:
Subject: |
13.1. Teacher Staffing in 2022-2023
See attached Licensed Teacher Staffing options for the 2022-2023 school year.
Board discussion. Board Option to Consider: Motion by Board member ______________ to accept the resignation of ___________________ as 1.0 FTE Kindergarten teacher _______________ at the conclusion of the 2021-2022 school year. Consider: Motion by Board member ______________ to approve employment of _______________ as a licensed High School Science Teacher at .50 FTE effective with the 2022-2023 school year. |
Subject: |
13.2. Consideration of School Improvements Projects over the summer months
Gym Floor refinishing
Installation of Shot Clocks in Gym Scope of Parking Lot improvement Project - Long Term Facilities Maintenance Funds: Heat system up-grades Softball restrooms and storage see attached Board Discussion and consideration of options to utilize Long Term Facilities Maintenance Funds Motion by Board Member ____________________ and seconded by ______________ to |
Subject: |
13.3. June Board Meeting Date
Subject: |
13.4. Renew Membership in MN State High School League
Minnesota Statute requires individual school boards each year to
authorize membership in the MNSHSL. The Resolution for Membership affirms; (1) that the Board of Education for each school delegates the control, supervision and regulation of League-sponsored athletic and fine arts activities to the MNSHSL; (2) that the School Board adopts the Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations of the League; and, (3) that the administration for and activities are assigned to the official school representative. The resolution to renew membership includes a requirement for board members to view WHY WE PLAY, a video by the MN High School League. WHY WE PLAY training video defines the purpose of education-based athletic and activity programs and assists school communities in communicating a shared-common language. The video viewing requirement was in-place for renewal of MN Sate High School League membership became effective in 2017-2018 and continues for the 2022-2023 school year. The board action indicated below implies Board members will view the WHY WE PLAY training video at a convenient time for each Board Member. see attached MNSHSL document |
Subject: |
13.5. School Board Elections as a part of the November 8, 2022 General Election
Public Notice to file for a School Board seat must be made in July. Attached are the current School Board terms expiring December 31, 2022.
Subject: |
14. Reports:
Subject: |
14.1. Superintendent
Subject: |
14.1.a. MN Legislature - up-date on legislative action
The MN Legislature has an unprecedented budget surplus ($9.25 billion) available for spending. The MN Legislature is politically divided, meaning, the Senate has a Republican Party majority and the House of Representatives has a Democratic Party majority. The divided legislature has different perspectives and priorities on how to address the budget surplus.
The MN Legislature (by statute) must adjourn on Monday, May 23, 2022. Therefore, legislation must pass on or before Sunday, May 22nd. See attached information as of May 11, 2022 as provided by the MN Rural Education Association (MREA). The Legislature faces a May 23 deadline to finish their work or risk leaving the excess funding for the next Legislature to spend next year. Another possibility is the Governor calling a Special Session to extend the 2022 Legislative session. However, a media article on May 16, 2022 indicated the Governor and Legislature have come to an agreement for a "framework" budget deal. see attached |
Subject: |
14.1.b. Front Line Pay as approved by the 2022 MN Legislature
Gov. Tim Walz signed a bill passed by the Minnesota Legislature providing bonus pay for eligible COVID-19 frontline workers. Details of the program are still being finalized and will be posted on the State of MN website when they are available.
see attached communication |
Subject: |
14.1.c. Communication from Roseau County Assessor regarding property taxes
See attached communication sent to all Roseau County property owners regarding Factors Impacting Your Property Tax. The communication was sent by the Roseau County Assessor as an insert to a recent (and required) property valuation mailing.
Generally, as valuations increase, so do the taxes associated with each taxing entity (eg: School, City, County). A valuation increase plus a voter-approved operating referendum (~67% voter approval) in the Fall of 2021 plus an approved Abatement Bond will have an impact on school taxes payable in 2023. |
Subject: |
14.1.d. School Funding Implications from 2020 Federal Census
The U.S. Constitution requires that a census be taken every ten years. The MN Dept. of Education uses Federal Census data to fund certain programs such as Community Education. Com. Ed. funding is based on the population of a school district. MDE recently sent school districts 2020 census information. The population of the GMR School District declined over a 10 year period.
The 2010 census indicated the GMR School District population was 2,740 The 2020 census indicated the GMR School District population was 2,554 In rural MN, the 2020 census indicates a downward population trend compared to the 2010 census. |
Subject: |
14.1.e. Vendor ( newly announced time limitation on remote meeting access
Due to COVID-19 pandemic:
Excerpt of email to GMR School Supt. from ZOOM.COM "Our records indicate that you are using a free version of Zoom Meetings without the 40-minute time limit for Basic accounts. To address global efforts and in support of primary and secondary (K-12) education during the pandemic, Zoom temporarily lifted the 40-minute time limit. This program is now concluding on June 30, 2022, as most students have returned to in-person instruction. What does that mean for you? Starting on July 1, 2022, your Zoom Meeting account will automatically revert to the Zoom Meetings Basic plan. Meet as often as you would like for up to 40 minutes with no limit to the number of meetings you can host." Board input: Pay for Zoom subscription or remove remote access option for "attending" school board meetings. |
Subject: |
14.2. Principal
Subject: |
14.2.a. MCA Testing & MN Dept. of Ed. Monitoring Site Visit
See attached communication from the MDE regarding an unannounced site visit to the GMR School to review MCA Test Administration integrity.
Subject: |
14.2.b. Senior Class Trip
The Senior class will be taking a "day trip" to Grand Forks on Wednesday, May 18, 2022.
Subject: |
15. Adjournment
Motion by__________________ Second by ____________________ to ADJOURN |
Subject: |
16. Communications
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