January 5, 2023 at 5:00 PM - Special Board of Directors Meeting
Agenda |
I. Welcome and roll call (3 minutes)
II. Approve agenda (2 minutes) - ACTION
III. Association
III.A. Appointments
III.A.1. Board of Directors
III.A.1.a. Marion Region, Position 11 (one-year term ending Dec. 31, 2023) (5 minutes) - ACTION
III.A.1.a.i. Ashley Carson Cottingham, Salem-Keizer 24J
III.A.1.b. Yamhill/Polk Region, Position 13 (one-year term ending Dec. 31, 2023) (5 minutes) - ACTION
III.A.1.b.i. Kraig Albright, Dayton 8
III.A.2. Legislative Policy Committee
III.A.2.a. Yamhill/Polk Region, Position 13 (one-year term ending Dec. 31, 2023) (5 minutes) - ACTION
III.A.2.a.i. Susan Graham, Central 13J
IV. Meeting adjourns