January 30, 2016 at 8:00 AM - Board of Directors' Meeting (Day 2 of 2)
Agenda |
I. Association
I.A. Board Operating Agreement, Doug Nelson (8:00 a.m.) - DISCUSSION / ACTION
I.B. Changes to practices and procedures since January 2012, Betsy Miller-Jones (8:20 a.m.) - REPORT
I.C. OSBA IRS status update, Betsy Miller-Jones (8:40 a.m.) - REPORT
I.D. Roundtable department mid-year reports (9:00 a.m.) - INFORMATION
I.D.1. Litigation, Kate Wilkinson
I.D.2. PACE, Lisa Freiley, Geoff Sinclair, SDAO
I.D.3. Labor Services, Peggy Stock
I.D.4. Legislative Services, Jim Green
I.D.5. Policy Services, Peggy Holstedt
I.D.6. Board Development, Steve Kelley
I.D.7. Finance and Operations, Mike Robison
I.D.8. Communication Services, Tricia Yates
II. Meeting adjourns (12:00 p.m.)