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Meeting Agenda
1. Call Regular Meeting to Order
2. Observances
3. Public Comments/Communication from Citizens to Discuss Pending Agenda Before the Board
4. Executive Session
4.A. Adjournment to closed or executive session in the Winona High School Library pursuant to Texas Education Code 551.071, 551.074, 551.076, 551.082, the Open Meetings Act.  Should any action and final decision for final vote required in the opinion of the School Board with regard to any matter considered in such closed or executive meeting  or session, then the final action, the final decision, or final vote shall be either:  (a) in the meeting covered by the notice upon therefore, as the School Board shall determine purposes.
4.A.1. Discuss and Consider Personnel Hiring and Resignations
4.A.2. Discuss and Consider Superintendent Evaluation Instrument
5. Adjourn to Executive Session
6. Reconvene from Executive Session
7. Consider Action on Matters Discussed in Closed Session
7.A. Discuss, Consider and Take Actions on Personnel Hiring and Resignations
7.B. Discuss, Consider and Take Action on Approving the Superintendent Evaluation Instrument
8. Superintendent Update 
8.A. Student Total Enrollment: 1152
High School: 313
Middle School:  257
Elementary: 582
9. Special Recognition
9.A. Student of the Month:
Elementary:  Arghya Bagavath and Michael Esquell
Middle School:  Hunter DeLisle and Alexia Padron Garcia
High School:  McKinzy Bagwell and Juliette Romero
9.B. Teacher of the Month:  Michael Pehl
9.C. Support Staff of the Month:  Sheila Barrett
9.D. Audree Smith Performance at Carnegie Hall
10. Awarding the High School Diploma to Students Completing the Winona ISD's Academic Success Program
11. Discuss, Consider and Take Action to Approve the Interlocal Agreement Between Smith County and Winona ISD for Conducting Elections 
12. Discuss, Consider and Take Action to Select and Accept Bids for GMP 2 Track and Field Project
13. Consent Agenda
13.A. Minutes
13.B. Financial Reports
13.C. Budget Amendments
14. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: December 16, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Call Regular Meeting to Order
Public Comments/Communication from Citizens to Discuss Pending Agenda Before the Board
Executive Session
Adjournment to closed or executive session in the Winona High School Library pursuant to Texas Education Code 551.071, 551.074, 551.076, 551.082, the Open Meetings Act.  Should any action and final decision for final vote required in the opinion of the School Board with regard to any matter considered in such closed or executive meeting  or session, then the final action, the final decision, or final vote shall be either:  (a) in the meeting covered by the notice upon therefore, as the School Board shall determine purposes.
Discuss and Consider Personnel Hiring and Resignations
Discuss and Consider Superintendent Evaluation Instrument
Adjourn to Executive Session
Reconvene from Executive Session
Consider Action on Matters Discussed in Closed Session
Discuss, Consider and Take Actions on Personnel Hiring and Resignations
Discuss, Consider and Take Action on Approving the Superintendent Evaluation Instrument
Superintendent Update 
Student Total Enrollment: 1152
High School: 313
Middle School:  257
Elementary: 582
Special Recognition
Student of the Month:
Elementary:  Arghya Bagavath and Michael Esquell
Middle School:  Hunter DeLisle and Alexia Padron Garcia
High School:  McKinzy Bagwell and Juliette Romero
Teacher of the Month:  Michael Pehl
Support Staff of the Month:  Sheila Barrett
Audree Smith Performance at Carnegie Hall
Awarding the High School Diploma to Students Completing the Winona ISD's Academic Success Program
Discuss, Consider and Take Action to Approve the Interlocal Agreement Between Smith County and Winona ISD for Conducting Elections 
Discuss, Consider and Take Action to Select and Accept Bids for GMP 2 Track and Field Project
Consent Agenda
Financial Reports
Budget Amendments

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