January 20, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call Regular Meeting to Order
Invocation and Pledges
Adjourn to Executive Session
Adjournment to closed or executive session in the Winona High School Library pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.076, 551.082, the Open Meetings Act.
Should any final action, final decision for final vote be required in the opinion of the School Board with regard to any matter considered in such a closed or executive meeting or session, then the final action, final decision, or final vote shall be either: (a) in the meeting covered by the notice upon thereof; as the School Board shall determine purposes. |
Consider and Discuss Personnel (Hiring and Resignations)
Consider and Discuss Superintendent Evaluation
Consider and Discuss Superintendent Contract
Reconvene from Executive Session
Consider Action on Matters Discussed in Closed Session
Consider, Discuss and Take Action on Personnel Hiring and Resignations
Consider, Discuss and Take Action on Superintendent Evaluation
Consider, Discuss and Take Action on Superintendent Contract
Superintendent Update
Student Total Enrollment: 1081
High School: 301 Middle School: 227 Elementary: 553 |
Comments/Audience Participation/Open Forum
Communication From Citizens to Discuss Pending Agenda Item Before the Board
Special Recognition
Student of the Month:
Elementary: Raylee Wilson and Jeff Valdez Middle School: Caydence Beardsley-Schmeltz and Luke Hurlstone High School: Madalyn Romine and Adon Warren |
Teacher of the Month: Patricia Harrison
Consider, Discuss and Approve the 2020-2021 Annual District Audit Report
Consider, Discuss and Take Action on Items over $10,000
Consider, Discuss and Take Action on Removal of Asbestos on Middle School Campus
Discussion of House Bill 3906
Consider, Discuss and Take Action on Approving 300 Chromebooks Purchased Through Connectivity Grant
Consider, Discuss and Take Action on Additional Chromebooks, Carts, and Google Licenses Funded Through ESSER
Informational Items
Grants Awarded
TCLAS Decision 11
$721,250 (Personnel for high quality afterschool programs, technical assistance for afterschool design and implementation, high impact tutoring after school)
Department of Justice 2021 COPS Office School Violence Prevention Program
25% Matching Grant
Intent to Appy for a Grant
Strategic Compensation Grant
Need Letter of Support from Board of Trustees
Consider, Discuss and Take Action on Board Training Date
Consider, Discuss and Take Action on Adjusting Calendar to Identify Emergency Days
Consider, Discuss and Take Action on Resolution of the Regarding Wage Payments During Emergency School Closings
Consent Agenda
Financial Reports
Budget Amendments