Meeting Agenda
1. Call to order by the President
1.A. Member present/Members absent
1.B. Guests
2. Invocation
3. District Spotlight
4. Open Forum/Public Comments
5. Approval of Agenda for the April 27, 2011 Regular Meeting of the Board
6. Reports
6.A. Transportation/Maintenance
6.B. Principals
6.C. Athletic Director
6.D. Financial, Bills, & Board Report
6.E. Superintendent Report
6.E.1. Enrollment and Attendance
6.E.2. Legislative update
7. Consider Walker Consulting Quality Services - Food Service Proposal
8. Consent Agenda
8.A. Approve minutes from the Regular Meeting held on March 23, 2011 and the Special Meeting held on April 7, 2011.
8.B. Amendments to the 2010-2011 Official Budget
9. Executive/Closed Session - Texas Government Code Chapter 551
9.A. 551.074 Personnel Matters
9.A.1. Confirm contracts for 2011 - 2012
9.A.2. Consider professional resignations, including high school principal
9.A.3. Consider new employees, staffing and vacancies.
10. Action from Executive/Closed Session
11. Procedures for filling a vacancy created by a resigning Board Member
12. Consider Resolution authorizing Qualified School Construction Bond/Maintenance Note
13. Consider Board Policy EHBB (LOCAL)
14. Future Business
14.A. May 2011 Regular Board Meeting
14.B. Consider Goal Setting Retreat - June 2011
14.C. Consider Budget Calendar 2011-2012
14.D. Budget Workshop
15. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 27, 2011 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to order by the President
Subject: |
1.A. Member present/Members absent
Subject: |
1.B. Guests
Subject: |
2. Invocation
Subject: |
3. District Spotlight
Subject: |
4. Open Forum/Public Comments
Subject: |
5. Approval of Agenda for the April 27, 2011 Regular Meeting of the Board
Subject: |
6. Reports
Subject: |
6.A. Transportation/Maintenance
Subject: |
6.B. Principals
Subject: |
6.C. Athletic Director
Subject: |
6.D. Financial, Bills, & Board Report
Subject: |
6.E. Superintendent Report
Subject: |
6.E.1. Enrollment and Attendance
Subject: |
6.E.2. Legislative update
Subject: |
7. Consider Walker Consulting Quality Services - Food Service Proposal
Subject: |
8. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
8.A. Approve minutes from the Regular Meeting held on March 23, 2011 and the Special Meeting held on April 7, 2011.
Subject: |
8.B. Amendments to the 2010-2011 Official Budget
Subject: |
9. Executive/Closed Session - Texas Government Code Chapter 551
Subject: |
9.A. 551.074 Personnel Matters
Subject: |
9.A.1. Confirm contracts for 2011 - 2012
Subject: |
9.A.2. Consider professional resignations, including high school principal
Subject: |
9.A.3. Consider new employees, staffing and vacancies.
Subject: |
10. Action from Executive/Closed Session
Subject: |
11. Procedures for filling a vacancy created by a resigning Board Member
Subject: |
12. Consider Resolution authorizing Qualified School Construction Bond/Maintenance Note
Subject: |
13. Consider Board Policy EHBB (LOCAL)
Subject: |
14. Future Business
Subject: |
14.A. May 2011 Regular Board Meeting
Subject: |
14.B. Consider Goal Setting Retreat - June 2011
Subject: |
14.C. Consider Budget Calendar 2011-2012
Subject: |
14.D. Budget Workshop
Subject: |
15. Adjournment