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Meeting Agenda
I. Call Meeting to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance.

III. Quorum Call

David Baer
Sara Daley
Daniel Kreidermacher
Bree Maki
Luke Miller
Amber Pasche
Dave Pringle
IV. Approve the March 10, 2025 Meeting Agenda.

V. L-A High School Student Report

VI. Open Forum

Guideline: Three minutes per speaker; 15 minutes maximum.  Complaints about personnel or individuals are prohibited. No Board action is taken during the Open Forum. This is the only time during the Board meeting that audience participation is allowed unless scheduled prior. 

VII. Food Service Program Updates from Vickie Speltz, and approval to pursue a leadership position with the MN School Nutrition Association Board of Directors. 

VIII. Consent Agenda

A. Board Meeting Minutes: February 10. 2025

B. Financial Reports
a. Board Bills
b. Wire Payments
c. Multi Year Guideline by Object Code

Approve the hire of Mikayla Burt as a Junior High Softball Coach.

Approve the hire of Derek Birling as a Junior High Baseball Coach.

Thank you to the Cardinal Foundation, Matt and Barb Daley and Daley Farms for enabling the purchase of an Ag Mechanics Engine Training for $10,775.00.  Thank you to Mr. Stoppelmoor for pursuing this grant to support his curriculum and students. 

Accept donation of $25.00 from Cindy Rolfing in honor of Cornelia Kryzer.

Accept donation of $500.00 from Fastenal for Jr. Hoops and Jr. Wrestling.

Accept donation of $1,250.00 from American Legion Post #90 for the Trap Team. 

Accept donation of $720.00 from Mango's for the High School Student Council.

Approve the hire of Spring 2025 Coaches:

Head Coach: Matt Kingsbury (hired in Dec 2024)
Assistant Coaches: Sebastian Kingsbury, Patrick Oevering, Joel Ellinghuysen.
Paraprofessionals: Sam Barnes and Michael Heimmerman
Volunteer: Maddy Mundt, Callie Bortz

Head Coach: Bret Egland
Assistant: Amy Kelly
Paraprofessionals: Lacey Zietlow and Ryan Zietlow

Head Coach: Neil Schilling
Assistant Coach: Josh Randall
JH Coach: Mikayla Burt

Head Coach: Cory Schmitz
Assistant Coach: Brandon Mehling
JH Coach: Derik Berling
Volunteers: Sam Barnes and Dylan Weninger

Award bid for Trash and Recycling Pick Up to  LRS Recycles (bids due March 10th, 12:00pm).

IX. Policies and Forms on 1st Reading

998 Memorials for Deceased Students or Staff (New Policy)
X. Policies and Forms on 2nd Reading
  1. 506 Student Discipline and Complaint Procedure
  2. 513 Student Promotion, Retention and Program Design
  3. 597 Early Admission Policy
  4. 614 School District Testing Plan and Procedure
XI. Authorization to order a school bus and passenger van in FY25, and to plan in the budget for additional bus and van purchases in FY26. 
XII. 2025 -2028 Achievement and Integration Plan
XIII. Updated 5 Year Financial Projections

XIV. PK-5 Principal's Report

XV. L-A High School Principal's Report

XVI. Report from Dashir and Superintendent's Report

XVII. Board Committee Reports

XVIII. Motion to go into Closed Session for the purpose of discussing the possible sale of real estate property.

XIX. Reopen the Meeting to the public.

XX. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: March 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting of ISD 857
Call Meeting to Order

Pledge of Allegiance.

Quorum Call

David Baer
Sara Daley
Daniel Kreidermacher
Bree Maki
Luke Miller
Amber Pasche
Dave Pringle
Approve the March 10, 2025 Meeting Agenda.

L-A High School Student Report

Open Forum

Guideline: Three minutes per speaker; 15 minutes maximum.  Complaints about personnel or individuals are prohibited. No Board action is taken during the Open Forum. This is the only time during the Board meeting that audience participation is allowed unless scheduled prior. 

Food Service Program Updates from Vickie Speltz, and approval to pursue a leadership position with the MN School Nutrition Association Board of Directors. 

Consent Agenda

A. Board Meeting Minutes: February 10. 2025

B. Financial Reports
a. Board Bills
b. Wire Payments
c. Multi Year Guideline by Object Code

Approve the hire of Mikayla Burt as a Junior High Softball Coach.

Approve the hire of Derek Birling as a Junior High Baseball Coach.

Thank you to the Cardinal Foundation, Matt and Barb Daley and Daley Farms for enabling the purchase of an Ag Mechanics Engine Training for $10,775.00.  Thank you to Mr. Stoppelmoor for pursuing this grant to support his curriculum and students. 

Accept donation of $25.00 from Cindy Rolfing in honor of Cornelia Kryzer.

Accept donation of $500.00 from Fastenal for Jr. Hoops and Jr. Wrestling.

Accept donation of $1,250.00 from American Legion Post #90 for the Trap Team. 

Accept donation of $720.00 from Mango's for the High School Student Council.

Approve the hire of Spring 2025 Coaches:

Head Coach: Matt Kingsbury (hired in Dec 2024)
Assistant Coaches: Sebastian Kingsbury, Patrick Oevering, Joel Ellinghuysen.
Paraprofessionals: Sam Barnes and Michael Heimmerman
Volunteer: Maddy Mundt, Callie Bortz

Head Coach: Bret Egland
Assistant: Amy Kelly
Paraprofessionals: Lacey Zietlow and Ryan Zietlow

Head Coach: Neil Schilling
Assistant Coach: Josh Randall
JH Coach: Mikayla Burt

Head Coach: Cory Schmitz
Assistant Coach: Brandon Mehling
JH Coach: Derik Berling
Volunteers: Sam Barnes and Dylan Weninger

Award bid for Trash and Recycling Pick Up to  LRS Recycles (bids due March 10th, 12:00pm).

Policies and Forms on 1st Reading

998 Memorials for Deceased Students or Staff (New Policy)
Policies and Forms on 2nd Reading
  1. 506 Student Discipline and Complaint Procedure
  2. 513 Student Promotion, Retention and Program Design
  3. 597 Early Admission Policy
  4. 614 School District Testing Plan and Procedure
Authorization to order a school bus and passenger van in FY25, and to plan in the budget for additional bus and van purchases in FY26. 
2025 -2028 Achievement and Integration Plan
Updated 5 Year Financial Projections

PK-5 Principal's Report

L-A High School Principal's Report

Report from Dashir and Superintendent's Report

Board Committee Reports

Motion to go into Closed Session for the purpose of discussing the possible sale of real estate property.

Reopen the Meeting to the public.


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