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Meeting Agenda
I. Call Meeting to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance.

III. Quorum Call

David Baer
Sara Daley
Jenny Koverman
Daniel Kreidermacher
Bree Maki
Dave Pringle
Sarah Sommer

IV. Approve the July 8, 2024 Meeting Agenda

V. Open Forum

Guideline: Three minutes per speaker; 15 minutes maximum.  Complaints about personnel or individuals are prohibited. No Board action is taken during the Open Forum. This is the only time during the Board meeting that audience participation is allowed unless scheduled prior.

VI. Consent Agenda

Approval of Board Minutes: June 10, 2024

June 2024 Financial Reports: 
A. Board Bills
B. Year to Date Multi-Year Guideline
C. Wire Payments

Congratulations to the following teachers who have fulfilled the requirements of being awarded tenure for the Lewiston-Altura School District: Megan Caron, Courtney Fricke, Sheila McDermott,  Natalie Mehling, Randi Ruppert, Kayli Zezulka. 

Accept resignation of Joshua Randall as JH Softball coach.

Accept resignation of  Abby Randall as a softball coach. 

Accept resignation of Britney Sula effective for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Accept resignation of  Cole Mundt as a JH Boys Basketball coach.

VII. Consideration of the Resolution approving the purchase agreement that would authorize the District to sell real property to Thomas Mueller. 

VIII. Resolution Relating to Revoking the Existing Referendum Revenue Authorization  of the School District, Approving a New Authorization, Authorizing the Issuance of School Building Bonds and Calling an Election Thereon. 

IX. Discussion of Communications Plans to Engage with the Community and Inform about the Referendum, including upcoming Beverages with the Board at July/August Farmers' Markets

X. Resolution to approve the District's FY26 Long Term Facilities Maintenance Plan (LTFM) 10 Year Plan.

XI. Identify 2 or 3 Board Members to be on a District Finance Committee that will meet monthly or bi-monthly. 

XII. 2024-2025 Fees and Opportunity for Public Comment

XIII. Resolution Capping Enrollment of Nonresident Students- grades 4, 9, 10

XIV. Discussion Regarding Formation of a Lewiston - Altura Hall of Fame for Athletics

XV. Policies on a Second Reading

A. Policy 501 School Weapons Policy
B. Policy707 Transportation of Public School Students
C. Policy 707.1 Transportation Pick-Up Policy
D. Policy 710 Extra-Curricular Transportation 

XVI. Policies on a 1st and Final Reading to Align with Statute Changes

A, Policy 504  Student Dress and Appearance  
B. Policy 524 Internet, Technology and Cell Phone Acceptable Use and Safety Policy  


XVII. School Board Summary of Superintendent's Evaluation conducted on June 10, 2024 in Closed Session.  

XVIII. Review of the 2023-2025 Strategic Plan

XIX. Superintendent's Report & Report from Dashir

XX. Board Committee Reports

XXI. Upcoming Meeting Schedule

July 17, 31, August 14, 28 - Beverages with the Board at The Crossings Center by/in the Old School House
August 12th - Regular Board Meeting, 6:00pm in the HS Library
August 17th - All Area School Reunion at The Crossings Center
August 28th - Back to School Celebration at The Crossings Center
September 9th - Regular Board Meeting, 6:00pm in the HS Library

XXII. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: July 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting of ISD 857
Call Meeting to Order

Pledge of Allegiance.

Quorum Call

David Baer
Sara Daley
Jenny Koverman
Daniel Kreidermacher
Bree Maki
Dave Pringle
Sarah Sommer

Approve the July 8, 2024 Meeting Agenda

Open Forum

Guideline: Three minutes per speaker; 15 minutes maximum.  Complaints about personnel or individuals are prohibited. No Board action is taken during the Open Forum. This is the only time during the Board meeting that audience participation is allowed unless scheduled prior.

Consent Agenda

Approval of Board Minutes: June 10, 2024

June 2024 Financial Reports: 
A. Board Bills
B. Year to Date Multi-Year Guideline
C. Wire Payments

Congratulations to the following teachers who have fulfilled the requirements of being awarded tenure for the Lewiston-Altura School District: Megan Caron, Courtney Fricke, Sheila McDermott,  Natalie Mehling, Randi Ruppert, Kayli Zezulka. 

Accept resignation of Joshua Randall as JH Softball coach.

Accept resignation of  Abby Randall as a softball coach. 

Accept resignation of Britney Sula effective for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Accept resignation of  Cole Mundt as a JH Boys Basketball coach.

Consideration of the Resolution approving the purchase agreement that would authorize the District to sell real property to Thomas Mueller. 

Resolution Relating to Revoking the Existing Referendum Revenue Authorization  of the School District, Approving a New Authorization, Authorizing the Issuance of School Building Bonds and Calling an Election Thereon. 

Discussion of Communications Plans to Engage with the Community and Inform about the Referendum, including upcoming Beverages with the Board at July/August Farmers' Markets

Resolution to approve the District's FY26 Long Term Facilities Maintenance Plan (LTFM) 10 Year Plan.

Identify 2 or 3 Board Members to be on a District Finance Committee that will meet monthly or bi-monthly. 

2024-2025 Fees and Opportunity for Public Comment

Resolution Capping Enrollment of Nonresident Students- grades 4, 9, 10

Discussion Regarding Formation of a Lewiston - Altura Hall of Fame for Athletics

Policies on a Second Reading

A. Policy 501 School Weapons Policy
B. Policy707 Transportation of Public School Students
C. Policy 707.1 Transportation Pick-Up Policy
D. Policy 710 Extra-Curricular Transportation 

Policies on a 1st and Final Reading to Align with Statute Changes

A, Policy 504  Student Dress and Appearance  
B. Policy 524 Internet, Technology and Cell Phone Acceptable Use and Safety Policy  


School Board Summary of Superintendent's Evaluation conducted on June 10, 2024 in Closed Session.  

Review of the 2023-2025 Strategic Plan

Superintendent's Report & Report from Dashir

Board Committee Reports

Upcoming Meeting Schedule

July 17, 31, August 14, 28 - Beverages with the Board at The Crossings Center by/in the Old School House
August 12th - Regular Board Meeting, 6:00pm in the HS Library
August 17th - All Area School Reunion at The Crossings Center
August 28th - Back to School Celebration at The Crossings Center
September 9th - Regular Board Meeting, 6:00pm in the HS Library


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